
The Secret of Mexican Immigration

 Mexicans cannot actually sneak into this country. That's a white lie. They cannot make it passed the drones. The white people lie on television and say that they're sneaking in.  In reality, the white people are letting these Mexicans in. These Mexicans kidnap girls from Mexico and they're allowed to live in this country because they sell those stolen girls to the white people here. When they leave Mexico, the real Mexicans call them American behind their backs. They cover for the white people's lies. They're only Mexican to the white people. The real Mexicans call them Americans behind their back. They steal girls form Mexico and then sell those stolen girls to the white people in the United States. They fake love and they say Brown Pride, but they have been kidnapping girls from Mexico and selling those kidnapped girls to the white people in the United States and Europe. That's the truth.

The Secret of the White Noise

Back when NASA was first taking off, the scientists had a problem they were trying to solve. If the astronauts were inside the spaceship and one astronaut was trying to fix the outside of the spaceship, how can the ones on the inside communicate with the astronaut that's outside of the spaceship? They came up with a competition or a scholarship tournament of some sort where they had a bunch of different scientists working on this problem. Later on, they all submitted their ideas to see which one was the winner. All of the technologies invented during this time are labeled as "White Noise" technologies. The Nazi's and some of the greedy, white supremacists were also in this competition. They combined the research they did during the Nazi Holocaust with these new technologies that NASA was developing. This led to a new form of brainwashing. During the Nazi Holocaust, they called it the one-way mirror effect. This is where the Nazi scientists would be hiding behind a one

The Secret of the Challenger Spacecraft

When the Challenger spacecraft exploded back in the 19902, it was because the scientists did not do their work and they did not double-check their work. The Lead Scientist had lied to get them the job because he grew up with them. Later on, they backstabbed him, got him fired, and they were promoted. Liars do not make good rocket scientists, no matter how much they lie. All they do is get their crew members hurt while they keep lying and making money. Later on, that same lead scientist had hired us to get his research back for him. He didn't want his research to be abused or turned into a weapon by the ones that had backstabbed him and got him fired.

Before Iran

 There used to be a multi-cultural tribe that existed close to Iran before the white people attacked. We didn't invade, enslave or conquer one another. We were made up of mixed babies that were all living together outside and we didn't know what the other kingdoms were like. When the white people attacked, all the kids ran away and the men stayed to fight to the death. We were all given instructions to run in different directions. The tans stayed closed to the same area. The blacks ran down into Africa. Both of them tried to stay close to where the war started and hold it down wherever they could. The whites went to the Europe. They tried to ask the military to stop but they were beat up and forced to fight in the military. The two lighter Asian guys went north and east. We went with them for part of the journey and then split up. We kept walking with an Indian guy south and east, but he stopped first and we had to go the rest of the way by ourselves. Our different parents stay

Manufactured Loyalty

The KKK or the white supremacists use psychological tricks in order to gain the loyalty of children from different races. This allows them to consolidate the genetics of the best tribes and families they can find.  One of their tricks is the abused dog method. They will send their slaves and their rats to harass you and they will manipulate your life from behind the scenes without showing themselves. They keep sending you enemies secretly until you are like an abused dog. Then they will appear and offer help. This is similar to what Mark Cuban did to Delonte West. Another one of their tricks is to arrest your parents and blackmail them or get rid of them. They try to come up with ways of turning you against your own family so that you go to them for help. They don't really care about you. They only want to use you, either for your genetics or as a way to infiltrate and extract resources from your land. This brainwashes their target into showing loyalty to them. They helped you with

The Secret of Colonialism

The 3 main colonizers were using herbs they would put in your tea as their secret weapon. They would fake love, invite you over and get you to drink their tea. The tea was laced with the same herbs they use to make some pharmaceutical drugs, today. The British used a drug that would make you friendlier, open up and say too much. The Romans had a drug that would make you aggressive and over-react to any little slight that was made against you. The Nazi's had one drug that would make you hallucinate and one drug that would make some men turn homosexual. These were the main secret weapons they would use to prepare for or to create an opening for an attack. They have been using drugs as weapons since colonialism first began.

Aurora Borealis Study Group

A long time ago, before the discovery of radio waves, we had an Indian and some Chinese studying the Aurora Borealis up in Europe. We also had this rock that would cause the lights to flicker when we took it out of our bag. We stayed with them for a month or so, gave them the rock and left. They must have been tortured or something because the Indian guy gave up a secret location that only he knew and the Chinese guys turned homosexual but they said nothing happened and nothings wrong. They wanted us to study with them. All the discoveries they made up there together are owed to our men too. We didn't have to lie, cheat or sell ourselves for this new technology. They wanted us to study up there with them because our men are smart and hard-working. They were lucky to even have us there with them. A lot of modern technology comes from the research and development that started out there. The Romans didn't even know the Aurora Borealis existed. Marcus Aurelius is the only Roman tha