Before Iran

 There used to be a multi-cultural tribe that existed close to Iran before the white people attacked. We didn't invade, enslave or conquer one another. We were made up of mixed babies that were all living together outside and we didn't know what the other kingdoms were like. When the white people attacked, all the kids ran away and the men stayed to fight to the death. We were all given instructions to run in different directions. The tans stayed closed to the same area. The blacks ran down into Africa. Both of them tried to stay close to where the war started and hold it down wherever they could. The whites went to the Europe. They tried to ask the military to stop but they were beat up and forced to fight in the military. The two lighter Asian guys went north and east. We went with them for part of the journey and then split up. We kept walking with an Indian guy south and east, but he stopped first and we had to go the rest of the way by ourselves. Our different parents stayed there to fight to the death because even though we were all different, they all loved that community and were willing to die for it. There was maybe 10 or 20 men and they took on the entire Colonial Army by themselves to the death. We never invaded, enslaved or conquered one another. We all speak face to face with respect and honesty. We all had to run away when the white people first attacked. Before the white race started attacking everybody and destroying everyone's history, this multi-racial community used to be close to where Iran is today. All the different races had their own kingdom and was separated. In-between, our tribe existed. Our different kingdoms didn't want a multi-cultural civilization because we were all really good at things and they thought we would end up taking over, so we didn't build anything and we all slept outside together. We grew up together and only heard stories of what the kingdoms outside were like. It was normal for us to all be different. Even though we didn't build anything and we all slept outside together, our community is still better than anything these white people have forced us to be part of, ever since. We all built pyramids together. The white people had destroyed our different kingdoms and tried to erase all of our histories when they attacked.

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