The Secret of the White Noise

Back when NASA was first taking off, the scientists had a problem they were trying to solve. If the astronauts were inside the spaceship and one astronaut was trying to fix the outside of the spaceship, how can the ones on the inside communicate with the astronaut that's outside of the spaceship?

They came up with a competition or a scholarship tournament of some sort where they had a bunch of different scientists working on this problem. Later on, they all submitted their ideas to see which one was the winner. All of the technologies invented during this time are labeled as "White Noise" technologies.

The Nazi's and some of the greedy, white supremacists were also in this competition. They combined the research they did during the Nazi Holocaust with these new technologies that NASA was developing. This led to a new form of brainwashing. During the Nazi Holocaust, they called it the one-way mirror effect. This is where the Nazi scientists would be hiding behind a one-way mirror and the Jewish patient could hear the Nazi whispering, but would only see their own reflection in the mirror. The Nazi's combined their one-way mirror brainwashing tactic with NASA's white noise technology.

Now, it's 2024 and I am dealing with Donald Trump's brain-computer interface. Donald Trump's brain-computer interface comes with a radio implant, a shock-collar implant and a gps tracker. The radio implant comes from the NASA competition and is considered a form of white noise technology. Donald Trump is a spoiled, rich whiteboy that buys expensive technology. He is not smart enough to invent these technologies and often times, he's not even smart enough to figure out what some of these tools are supposed to be used for.

The black scientists working at NASA at that time were concerned with how this technology would be used in the future. They had just won a secret war with the Nazi's and had collected all the different white noise technologies that had been invented, but they didn't know what to do with it. They were worried that someone else would get their hands on it and try to use it for brainwashing again. They named it White Noise because if they were killed and these new technologies fell into the wrong hands, their children would still have a clue about what is going on and where it's coming from.

This is not the first time that the white people had killed all the parents and tried to be cool with the surviving children. All the scientists involved at that time were slowly picked off, one by one, afterwards and their kids had to grow up not knowing what really happened to their parents. This is why there are not that many black scientists working at NASA, anymore.

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