The Secret of Mexican Immigration

 Mexicans cannot actually sneak into this country. That's a white lie. They cannot make it passed the drones. The white people lie on television and say that they're sneaking in. 

In reality, the white people are letting these Mexicans in. These Mexicans kidnap girls from Mexico and they're allowed to live in this country because they sell those stolen girls to the white people here.

When they leave Mexico, the real Mexicans call them American behind their backs. They cover for the white people's lies. They're only Mexican to the white people. The real Mexicans call them Americans behind their back. They steal girls form Mexico and then sell those stolen girls to the white people in the United States.

They fake love and they say Brown Pride, but they have been kidnapping girls from Mexico and selling those kidnapped girls to the white people in the United States and Europe. That's the truth.

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