July 17 Update

They cancelled my social media accounts. They would repeatedly ban my accounts if I talked about Donald Trump, the KKK or the Nazi's. I'm still over here smoking weed and chilling.

Donald Trump either faked an assassination attempt for views and likes, or a guy with a bb gun shot him. The wound is so small, it look like a bb gun pellets hit his ear. The way he fell, he could have easily used a fake blood capsule on his face when he turned away from the cameras. Either way, it's all fake. Politics is a joke.

King Charles is dead. Same way they killed the real Eric Holder. They covered up his murder, replaced him with a body double, and nobody in his kingdom even noticed. He didn't even get a funeral. Cheap bastard. His body double is now enjoying all the riches of being a king. King Charles backstabbed Queen Elizabeth and Princess Diana just to be King, but when he got killed, no one even noticed. The cheeky bastard didnt even get a cheap funeral. Ha!

Live a lie, and you can die a lie. Nobody will even know you were killed. Nobody will miss you. Nobody ever really loved you. They only pretended to like you for your money and title.

Mark Cuban can get beaten up inside his own mansion too. He's a racist that hires Mexicans to rob and steal for him while he pretends to be nice. I'm not selling out my parents, I'm not selling out my children, and I'm not selling any land. I'm nobody's slave. Fck the KKK. 

I don't work for or have sex with any white people anymore. Bruce Lee got killed after having a baby with a white woman. I'm still in this white bubble but I'm not covering for their white lies, I'm not working for them, and I'm not letting them have my children. 

#Euthanasia #truth

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