Aug 1 Radio Implants & Domestic Psychological Manipulation Response Long

This is my record of responses towards their radio implants and their undercover surveillance, since they want to talk like robots and whiteboy's. That's not the LeeWay. We do not invade and enslave. We do not lie and manipulate. We do not threaten women and children. That's not the LeeWay. If they do any of that, they're not one of us. 

We don't blame, threaten or exploit women and children for our own wants, decisions and actions. We not stupid little boys. We're grown men.

We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay.

Sometimes, they have hacked into my account, deepfaked my own words, or have had my social media accounts deleted. If it something seems out of character or if my account suddenly disappears, it might be because they hacked me again.

Aug 1-

4:12AM. It's crazy how far they take it and how many things they let happen to their own land, women and children just because I don't want to play make believe and have a fake ass peter pan phone call with them. I'm not out here lying and playing pretend. 

4:22AM. They had one of their undercovers say no ni or leave right after my last entry. They're always watching me here. It's all fake love though. Don't trust them. Euthanasia, Caucasian. Get it? They tried to enslave the Africans, destroy the Middle East, and invade Asia. They always lie.resl They secretly control Mexico City using the Mexicans in Orange County and they conquered all of Mexico just to prostitute their queens. Mexico has no queens left, only prostitutes. This is the fake ass backstabbing types that sell their own race, their land, their women and their children out to the white supremacists. We're not whiteboy's. We don't talk like them. They're not one of us if they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty.

4:27AM. They said I make it like this forever then. They're the ones with the job, the surveillance and the cars. They're the ones that refuse to speak face to face with respect and honesty. They're like a bitch that blames a woman for getting pregnant. Their men are bitches. They're never going to speak or act like real men. They only pretend to be look like men by using the money they sold their own race out for. They sell their own race, land and women out to the white people and if you get mad, they threaten to sell your race, land and women out to the white people too.

4:34AM. Their men are talking undercover from far away like women again. They can't even get a woman without selling their own race out and using neuroscience to take advantage of her. If their men couldn't steal good genes from better races, all their men go ugly because they rape their own race's women just to survive. That's why all their women and their land got sold out to the whites. They sell everything to the whites and then they play dumb and to their own race about how hard they work.

4:36AM. Everyday they sell their own race out to the white people while they get paid to live a lie, undercover. These men sell out their own land, women and children. All their land is sand and all their women are ugly or they're prostitutes. They don't want to wake up and see the results of their choices. They just lie and sell everything out to the Europeans so they can look rich and successful. Brown-nosing rats. They call them brown-nosers because they had shit on their nose from kissing the slave owers ass. True story, si si.

4:56AM. Lee don't smoke or drink. I smoke and drink sometimes, but I still communicate the LeeWay. They're still surprised at how I talk. We don't lie and we don't backstab our own best men, honestly. Their men lie and steal genetics from better families. They get jealous of each other when one of them is better than the rest. We don't lie, we don't backstab our own, and we don't get jealous of each other.

5:06AM. They said their technology and their secret weapons are key. They have no integrity. Their words are meaningless. They're not real men without their technology. They sold their own race out for technology. Having integrity is key. I am still a real man without any money or technology. I don't have to sell out my own race to look like a real man.

5:14AM. Their words are as cheap as their women. Their women are only for sex. They make bad mothers. Their words are meaningless too. They just talk. They don't mean what they say. Their words are as cheap as their women.

5:24AM. We didn't nuke the Africans. We didn't tell the Mexicans it was okay to use nuclear weapons on foreign soil. We helped both of them get their money back when they were robbed. These fools out here are lying, backstabbing their own race and blaming it on a different group just for the KKK's money. The KKK told the blacks that they'll get hooked up for killing Asians. The KKK tried to create beef by hiring the blacks to hit us while they were pretending to be nice and say that the blacks always act like that. They don't know we speak face to face with respect and honesty. We asked them, ourselves.

5:35AM. I'm going to call these little boys the Excuses Gang from now on, because they're always making excuses for why they don't act like real men.

5:41AM. Their not my real friends. I don't work with them, I don't eat with them, and I don't touch their women. Friends wouldn't take advantage of their own friend's land, women and children. Their security would though, because it's business. They need the money. Friends don't invade, and rape each other. Their not my friends.

5:53AM. The governments live stream and live chat should be the biggest live stream in the entire country. It should always be available for any citizen to watch and chat with. There should be a large amount of employees watching the live chat, listening to everybody's complaints and concerns, and creating a hierarchy of meritocracy based on the ideas and contributions of each individual account. Fuck all the hidden radio brainwashing. An open communication platform where educated and informed individuals can discuss and share ideas without one another openly, is key. This is the type of country where the citizens can call the police on the politicians. This is not the type of country where the king has all the say so. Why should a stupid, lying thief be in charge of one of the world's largest militaries? I do not support their greed, their lies or their ignorance.

6:01AM. They talk about punching me when they sell their children to the police for protection. They have a bad day, get drunk and beat up their wife and kids. What's a puncher to a killer?

6:03AM. They talk about a name. Their name doesn't matter. They're prostitutes. They get whatever name they get when they get sold. Their new owner names them. They're human pets. Their name doesn't matter. Why would you care about what your neighbors dog is named?

6:16AM. These Caucasians and these Euthanasia fools don't get it. They're too stupid to understand what I mean. We're not stupid little boys. 

6:21AM. We don't go around lying to, stealing from and disrespecting everyone. They treat their land like they treat their women. Their word is as cheap as their women. They talk, but their words mean nothing. Their words are as cheap as their women. They sell everything, even their word. I murdered them for real. I reject their women for real. Their families are not good enough for me or for my children for real. We don't rape women, enslave men or steal babies from better families. They're not one of us.

6:40AM. They whispered word while they lied and his their face and identity. Everybody's word doesn't matter. They got faggots, drug addicts and fraudulent businessmen out here. Just because they can say words, doesn't mean their words count. The value of their words depends on the actions. Since words are actions too, their action is to lie.

6:47AM. Me AN. A + N. There is no AN anymore. It was colonized and destroyed. Now it's Eastern Europe or Russia or something like that. Our side moved to Asia.

6:55AM. I don't do anything with anyone. I don't work. I don't have sex. I don't party. I don't play along with their lies. I'm just out here being real even if I have to be real all by myself. 

8:01AM. They say they love me and then they threaten women and children. That's because they come from rapists. To them, rape is love. I'm not the same as them. To me, rape is hate and we kill them for it. They will say and do anything to get close to your daughters.

8:05AM. If they can confuse women so much that the women think they like being raped, then they can be confused so much that they think they like being gay, too. What goes around comes around. If you think she likes being raped, then you can be forced to think that you like being gay.

8:10AM. They like to force people to accept all their unwanted attempts. They probably like being forced to suck dick too. 

7:27PM. Nuclear weapons came from here. Now they use some Neuralink-like radio to invade and enslave one's brain using neuroscience. This is the new weapon stupid people here are trying to use.

9:55PM. Neuralink-like radio secretly trying to manipulate and brainwash me. This is the new secret weapon they're using to invade and enslave the human brain. Technology is one thing. The people behind the new technology and the way they choose to abuse it is crazy. 

9:57PM. Donald Trump fakes an assassination attempt, and now he's sending these lameass double agent employees to try and enforce his Nazi Secret Police infiltration agenda. They like to hire weak men that sell out their own race for money. Donald Trump fakes an assassination the same way the Secret Service here fakes national security.

10:07PM. They are always trying to manipulate and brainwash me using this new neuroscience radio technology. Future generations and countries all over the world need to prepare defenses against this type of psychological manipulation and mind control. Besides the pharmaceutical drugs, nuclear weapons, and weather weapons... Now the next generation also has to be prepared for neuroweapons, mk ultra, and mind control. This place is crazy. They only make it look normal to fool outside.

12:24AM. Caucasians, Schwarzenegger's and Euthanasia. They're really racist and manipulative over here but they think we're stupid and we don't get it.  We don't steal genetics from different races.

12:30AM. You have to train yourself to look over your shoulder and double check your food whenever they say anything nice, because it's usually only a trap. They only say nice things when they get caught, when they want to poison you, or when they're distracting you and stealing something. That's the only reason they say anything nice. They even use women and children as weapons. 

12:38AM. Don't trust their families or their words. They sell their own race out so they can rich and famous in the bubble of white lies. They sell their women and children like candy. People only talk to them when someone wants drug or prostitutes. They're not good for anything else. Their women make bad mothers, but you can pay them for cheap sex.

12:43AM. Their hidden nature is that they sell their land, their women and their children out to these white supremacists. Their land is destroyed. Their women are all prostitutes. Their children are spare organs and patients to be experimented on. They sell everything for money. They sell their own race out just to look successful and rich inside the bubble of white lies.

12:50AM. Now that I got my memory back, they've been trying really hard to frame and blackmail me. We don't steal genetics from different races. We don't kidnap babies from different families. The KKK and the Mexican drug cartels are known for that.

12:54AM. The whiteboy's pay different races to cause problems for them but they can't pay different races to forgive the whites. They can't even pay their own people to not kill their own white king. On King Charles. The Mexicans do the same thing with their own drug cartels bosses. They just kill them, replace them with a lookalike, and use the lookalike to command the drug cartel. On El Charles.

1:10AM. There's this movie called City of God and it's about how street wars go in poor, third world countries. They start beefing, they start taking over businesses for money, they buy guns and take over supply routes. That's pretty much how it always goes. Orange County is like City of God in a middle class suburb and they got advanced technology instead of simple guns and drugs. Instead of poor gangs, they have the KKK and drug cartels with military equipment. City of God.

1:15AM. The undercovers are playing their stupid City of God game out here in Orange County. Instead of a gang war, it's an undercover war between different departments and agencies, but it's the same as the movie City of God.

1:19AM. These Mexicans here sold their own race out to the KKK, prostituted all of the Queens that were in Mexico, and have been raping their own race's princesses ever since they were kidnapped and brought to Orange County. The quinceanera is the tradition of when these Mexicans kidnapped the princesses of Mexico, brought them to Orange County, and have been raping those kidnapped Mexican princesses repeatedly every generation, ever since. 

1:23AM. Their undercovers are spying on me and making threats to women and children again. That's why when many of them finally get caught, they often get treated like women too. Ask their sissies and their cuckolds. The Ku Klux Klan knows all about being treated like a woman. These clucks know what it's like to dance around in their own secret meeting room clucking like a chicken too. 

1:27AM. The undercovers spying on me whispered, why is that on my brain? Meanwhile, they're stealing babies from foreign countries and running away through their underground tunnels and all I think about is killing them and disrespecting them, but they want to lie and manipulate instead like they don't know they rape women and kidnap babies. You want to fake an assassination attempt? Don't fake it. You can have the real thing.

1:27AM. Their style is to sell their own race out to the white people, and then go back to their country and pretend to be rich and successful. Their spying on me and communicating through their Neuralink device right now.

1:34AM. Even if they tortured me every night, I'm still not selling my own race out to be Massa's good slave. We don't help them whitewash our history. We don't sell our land, women or children to these white devils. We don't let them brainwash our children with white lies. No matter what they say and what they do, I'm still not working for them. I'm not fighting for them. I'm not letting their women have my kids. Their families are trash. I don't have sex anymore. I don't want my kids being stupid as fuck like the families here that sell their own race out just to be successful and comfortable inside the whiteboy's false reality.

1:36AM. Even if they kill all my family in this country like they keep threatening to do, I'm still not going to work for them or have sex with their women. If they suddenly appear saying their family, just know they're lying. I don't have sex with their women and they keep threatening to hurt me or anyone I know. Just know they're not family no matter what they look like. I don't even touch their women. Their men are not my friends. I murdered a lot of them because they talk and act like child molesters rapists. They sell their own race out for the whiteboy's money. Don't come over here unless you're ready for undercover psychological warfare on a daily basis while they pretend to act normal. I'm not having sex or working out here. This is an undercover Nazi concentration camp. Don't trust any of them.

1:42AM. When I die, just know I murdered a lot of them. Fuck these Nazi's.

1:44AM. King Charles is dead now, but his money is still hiring people. I didn't do it. His money is still on autopilot. It's just a bunch of stupid backstabbers behind the controls now. King Charles is dead. He didn't even get a funeral. He just got replaced by a lookalike and they pretended like it didn't happen.

1:47AM. I'm still here dealing with their undercover Nazi concentration camp, but Trump is only making it harder for their future generations. He thinks these black Mexicans he uses to beat up and blackmail the Africans in prison are going to be his secret Trump card. No matter what race they hire, it always goes back to them. 

1:50AM. If the Mexicans here want to sell out their own race and act like the KKK, they can get treated like them too.

Harvey Weinstein got raped in the ass until he was in a wheelchair. I don't support it, but I understand why he would be treated like a woman. The Crossing the Rubicon/Salem Witch Hunt whiteboy's like to threaten women and children a lot. They come across guys that rape them into a wheelchair a lot too. I'm not one of those guys. I'm not gonna hold u. Harvey Weinstein already got raped into a wheelchair though. They're still out there, whiteboy.

1:57AM. They said I don't make sense. That's because they're Caucasian. It doesn't make sense to them. They're too stupid to get it. Caucasians don't understand because they're too stupid to get it.

2:01AM. Donald Trump calls the Secret Service to run sleep deprivation campaigns against anyone that says anything against him, politically. He faked his assassination attempt. He allows Nazi Gestapo Secret Police to infiltrate the country. His undercover Nazi Secret Police are spying on me right now.

2:03AM. I think they're using one of their undercover homeless agents to hit something and make noise. This is how these spoiled whiteboys use their money. Fuck their surveillance and fuck their families. We fighting slavery and protecting nature. They trying to move on and forget about it after they stole everything. They sell their own race out to the white people. They're warning me to be quiet because they can't sell out their own race if I let everyone know how fake they really are.

2:05AM. Someone one block away is spying on me and making noise once I put my phone down and close my eyes. Sounds like he's at the Godfather bar. Makes sense, because they would be more likely to have white supremacists ties. It's like a pedestrian Trump Train. Instead of loud trucks driving by and honking with a picture of Joe Biden being kidnapped, it's homeless people and criminals that Donald Trump released onto the street.

2:10AM. They pretend to act nice but they have no integrity. Even when I don't have money and they're trying to trigger me every day and night, I still keep my integrity. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. We don't invade and enslave.

2:11AM. They called me Satan and then hit something to keep me awake. They're the ones that let the whiteboy's rape their niece for money. Their words are meaningless. They literally have sex with their own sisters and nieces. Fuck their weirdo families.

2:14AM. Tupac Shakur got killed already. I'm not going to sell out my own race just to be rich and famous inside the whiteboy's bubble of lies. They all know my songs. I'm not selling my own race out just to make it in the whiteboy's bubble of lies. I'm not letting them prostitute my children. I'm not whispering warnings while profiting from it. We fight to the death to protect our women and children. If anyone has to deal with them, I'll go first and I'll let everyone else know if it's safe or not. Right now, the whiteboy's are hiring rats that sell their own race out. It's not safe right now.

2:17AM. Their spying on me here and reading my answers. This is not for them. This is for the entire world. Fuck their nuclear weapons. Fuck their chip implants. Fuck their US Virgin Islands sex trafficking ring. 

2:22AM. They said, that's all that's on his brain. They say it like stalkers and rapists. If they asked me face to face with respect and honesty, they wouldn't sound like stalkers and rapists. They only pretend to act nice. That's how they really talk and act on the inside .

2:23AM. Between the Neuralink radio and the undercover agent they have stationed what sounds like a block or two away, I am just reporting on all their manipulative undercover tactics they use on the domestic population in this country.

2:24AM. They're mad at me when all I do is reject their women. They're the rapists, child molesters and kidnappers. All I do is reject them. Their women are nice to me, too. I'm not a whiteboy. I don't have jungle fever. I don't like their men, but I don't rape their women for it. Their men are lame.

2:31AM. Their men will literally say and do anything just to keep their US Virgin Islands. They're stupid little boys that need to get checked, but they want to trigger me and snitch on me instead. That's how these sissy's and cuckolds are. They try to trigger you to make you fight and then they'll snitch on you to the police. Nowadays, it's called the Karen trap, but back in the Bronx where they first started doing that, it was called the De-Li trap.

2:33AM. Every time I put my phone down and close my eyes, their undercover agent that's spying on me a block or two away either hits something or tries to whisper to me. This is what it's really like here with Donald Trump running. Don't believe what you see on television. Half these people have wireless shock-collar implants in their ears and in their teeth. It only looks normal from the outside.

2:35AM. When they say the word love, just know that they mean rape. They're not like us. They don't mean the same things.

2:38AM. King Charles got erased, literally. They just covered it up and replaced him with a lookalike. He didn't even get a funeral. If I didn't bring it up, most people wouldn't even notice. Cheeky, cheeky, cheeky. Kneel, son.

2:44AM. El Stupido gets killed by his own youngsters and replaced by a lookalike and nobody ever notices. How the fuck one drug cartel boss get into so many fights, shootouts and arrests and still looks the same age? It's because they just keep replacing him with another guy that looks the same. Don't ever let anyone replace you.

2:47AM. They still trying to manipulate me here. I'm not giving in, sleeping with their women or working for them. Fuck their cheapass families no matter what they do or do. Incase they're stolen rape babies, fuck the family that stolen them then.

2:53AM. When I die, don't say I gave up and sold my own race out to them. I'm not over here selling my own race out to the white supremacists. I'm warning everyone around the world about what's really going on in here. I'm not stalking and manipulating. I'm finding out the truth and sharing it. Between the Neuralink radio and the undercover agent they have stationed what sounds like a block or two away, I am just reporting on all their manipulative undercover tactics they use on the domestic population in this country.

2:56AM. No sleep when your undercover guard keeps banging the walls. I still won't work for them. They try to threaten and blackmail me into silence. When I die, just know I did not let them get away with it even though they always threatening my family. Fuck their undercover surveillance, fuck their nuclear war agenda, fuck their underground tunnels and fuck their underground bunkers. 

2:57AM. Fuck their undercover surveillance, fuck their nuclear war agenda, fuck their underground tunnels and fuck their underground bunkers. 

3:00AM. Instead of hitting something again, their undercovers just whispered that's real and didn't do it this time. Fuck their undercover surveillance, fuck their nuclear war agenda, fuck their underground tunnels and fuck their underground bunkers. 

3:01AM. They said, he'll never be with us again. Tell them I don't be with stalkers and rapists anyways. Fuck their bitch-made family. They don't even speak face to face with respect and honesty. I never want to be with them. Fuck their family. Fuck their undercover surveillance, fuck their nuclear war agenda, fuck their underground tunnels and fuck their underground bunkers. 

3:03AM. Fuck their sleep deprivation, fuck their undercover surveillance, fuck their nuclear war agenda, fuck their underground tunnels and fuck their underground bunkers. I sleep in a car in a parking lot because I'm not going to play along with their nuclear war agenda and because I don't want to prostitute my kids to the US Virgin Islands sex trafficking ring.

3:05AM. They said, it ain't for us then. Fuck their sleep deprivation, fuck their undercover surveillance, fuck their nuclear war agenda, fuck their underground tunnels and fuck their underground bunkers. I sleep in a car in a parking lot because I'm not going to play along with their nuclear war agenda and because I don't want to prostitute my kids to the US Virgin Islands sex trafficking ring.

3:07AM. Even if they kill me and my family here, just know I did not support their nuclear war agenda no matter how much they keep threatening and manipulating me. Fuck their sleep deprivation, fuck their undercover surveillance, fuck their nuclear war agenda, fuck their underground tunnels and fuck their underground bunkers. 

3:10AM. The Europeans destroyed and stole everything from the Middle East and Northern Africa. No matter what problems you have, just know that it always leads back to slavery and colonialism. The Caucasians started it. They're the ones that invade and enslave. 

3:16AM. They want to hide their face when they talk even though they're right here. Fuck them. I'll just communicate to the rest of the world instead. Fuck their sleep deprivation, fuck their undercover surveillance, fuck their nuclear war agenda, fuck their underground tunnels and fuck their underground bunkers. I sleep in a car in a parking lot because I'm not going to play along with their nuclear war agenda and because I don't want to prostitute my kids to the US Virgin Islands sex trafficking ring.

3:17AM. The undercovers spies said I'm known for it. King Charles is known, and he got replaced by a body double. When they die, who knows if they'll be remembered or not. Some people will be so happy that they forget these fools ever existed, literally. 

3:20AM. Even if they kill me and my family here the way their undercover agents are always threatening to, just know I did not support their nuclear war agenda no matter how much they keep threatening and manipulating me. Fuck their sleep deprivation, fuck their undercover surveillance, fuck their nuclear war agenda, fuck their underground tunnels and fuck their underground bunkers. 

3:21AM. We don't sell out our own land, women or race no matter how personal it is. These fools sell out their own race over a personal beef. These fools sell out their own race just for money and sex. Even if they kill me and my family here, just know I did not support their nuclear war agenda no matter how much they keep threatening and manipulating me. Fuck their sleep deprivation, fuck their undercover surveillance, fuck their nuclear war agenda, fuck their underground tunnels and fuck their underground bunkers. 

3:27AM. I'm not King Charles. I didn't drug Queen Elizabeth so she would die sooner just so I be King. I didn't blackmail Princess Diana into having an affair and then have her assassinated when she became famous because I was scared she was going to tell everyone I was blackmailing her. I didn't do any of that. I'm not King Charles. Fuck the money. Fuck the throne. He did all that just to be killed by his own and then thrown into the river. That cheeky bastard didn't even get a funeral. That's crazy!

3:27AM. Paul Revere said the British are coming. I be like, the King is dead.

3:32AM. The bitches they got on the radio are cheap as fuck. I don't have sex anymore. Their women are trash. Only desperate people, prisoners and rapists like their women. The daughters these men raise are cheap and dirty. Only good for sex. They make bad mothers for your children.

3:38AM. They said, amazing how far I take it. If I had kids, I would walk over there and shoot to kill whoever I see. Because it's only me, I'm not trying to get arrested. This is why their men are bitches and I won't have sex anymore. Fuck their families. They sell their own race out to the Nazi's. Their history is to sell their own race out for money.

3:40AM. Even if they kill me and my family here, just know I did not support their nuclear war agenda no matter how much they keep threatening and manipulating me. Fuck their sleep deprivation, fuck their undercover surveillance, fuck their nuclear war agenda, fuck their underground tunnels and fuck their underground bunkers. I'm not selling my own race out no matter how personal it is to them and no matter what their history is. Fuck their nuclear war agenda. Fuck their nuclear weapons. Fuck their undercover agents.

3:43AM. I say fuck their nuclear weapons and their underground bunker because that's their biggest weapon, but their neuroscience and pharmaceutical drugs are a nuclear-level threat as well in a much smaller way. Everyday I'm out here, I'm trying to break their brainwashing. They're spying on me right now and trying to communicate secretly using the Neuralink-like radio.

3:44AM. If they was about to use nuclear weapons or if they had just launched nuclear weapons, you can check this page for any early warnings and alerts. I'm not just going to keep my mouth shut and take their money. If this bubble decides to launch nuclear weapons, I will try to post a warning for the rest of the world on here and on whatever other channels I can access online.

3:47AM. If they try to say that the nuclear war was my idea, just know they're lying. They have been trying to drug, blackmail and frame me for a long time. If you check on the satellite cameras, they're not too far from me right now. They won't talk face to face with respect and honesty even though they're only a few blocks away. If they try to say the nuclear war is my idea, just know they're lying. I don't support their war, I don't work for them, and I don't have sex with them.

3:52AM. They think I want to learn how to be a rapist just because some of their women like being raped. I don't want the mother of my child being stupid and teaching my kids to like something that's wrong. They need to learn how to be better parents to their children. Fuck their cheapass families. I'm a rapist killer. I literally have to talk to the victims of the women they raped and try to make it right. They don't talk to the victims family. They let whiteboy's like Mark Cuban rape their women, then they take his money and never show their face again in that village. They're stupid as fuck and they sell their own race out to these KKK whiteboys. They don't talk to the victims family in the country where they raped a woman and ran away. They won't even talk to me face to face in this country.

3:57AM. They threatening women again and called me a golden rat. Even if they kill me and my family here, just know I did not support their nuclear war agenda no matter how much they keep threatening and manipulating me. Fuck their sleep deprivation, fuck their undercover surveillance, fuck their nuclear war agenda, fuck their underground tunnels and fuck their underground bunkers. I'm not selling my own race out no matter how personal it is to them and no matter what their history is. Fuck their nuclear war agenda. Fuck their nuclear weapons. Fuck their undercover agents. 

4:00AM. Between the Neuralink radio and the undercover agent they have stationed what sounds like a block or two away, I am just reporting on all their manipulative undercover tactics they use on the domestic population in this country.

4:02AM. Fuck Neuralink, fuck their private militaries, and fuck their undercovers. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. They try to invade and enslave. If they use nuclear weapons here, I will warn the entire world on here. Even if they threaten to hurt me or my family like they're already doing, I will not let them blackmail me into silence. I'm not going to prostitute my kids to them for protection. Fuck their nuclear weapons. Fuck their nuclear bunkers. Fuck their undercover agents.

4:06AM. If this was a warzone, I cant tell where their shots are coming from. So instead, I send messages out to the world outside of this warzone. If I die here, at least I kept a record and let everyone outside of this bubble know the truth.

4:07AM. We don't sell our own race out for the whiteboy's money, weapons or women. They're known for selling their own race out for underage white girls. Literally, little girls too, not even teenagers. They sell their own race out just to have sex with little white girls in elementary school.

4:27AM. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. We don't invade your land, enslave your families and then sneak diss your entire race after that. We're not Caucasian. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay.

4:29AM. They keep saying they warned me. All they do is whisper. If there was an incoming attack and you were there neighbor, all they will do is whisper to you and say they warned you after it happens. If they were planning to start a nuclear war, I'm not going to whisper to you and hope you hear me. If your here where I'm at, I will go to your door keep telling you they're going to attack until you know. They just hide in their bunkers and whisper through the radio and say they warned you. Actions speak louder than words. They're just going to hide in their bunkers and whisper that nuclear war is starting. That's their warning.

4:37AM. They have nuclear weapons here, Neuralink, and underground bunkers. Trump already faked an assassination attempt just to distract from his RICO criminal case. Everybody knows he hid a fake blood capsule inside his palm and pressed it to his ear. You think he wouldn't lie and fake a false flag attack to start a nuclear war? He is a known liar. He don't even consider Tookie Williams his cousin even though Tookie and Arnold Schwarzenegger got the same muscles.

4:40AM. They asked if I feel jealous yet. We protect our land, our women and our children. If I get arrested, tortured, raped or killed, why would I even have time to think about being jealous of anyone else? Every day they're stalking me. Everyday they're threatening to hurt women and children around me. Everyday they're trying to manipulate and brainwash using neuroscience. I have to do what I have to do. I don't have time to be jealous. If I get killed, at least I know I tried. 

4:44AM. I woke up at about midnight and their undercover rats have been running their sleep deprivation campaign against me all night. Even if they kill me and my family here, just know I did not support their nuclear war agenda no matter how much they keep threatening and manipulating me. Fuck their sleep deprivation, fuck their undercover surveillance, fuck their nuclear war agenda, fuck their underground tunnels and fuck their underground bunkers. I'm not selling my own race out no matter how personal it is to them and no matter what their history is. Fuck their nuclear war agenda. Fuck their nuclear weapons. Fuck their undercover agents. 

4:45AM. They asked if I'm jealous yet. I'm not jealous. I just can't believe they sold their own race out just to look like they're doing good. We been fighting slavery forever, King Charles is dead, and Donald Trump is going down like a clown. Meanwhile, these rats are selling their own race out for the whiteboy's money. I'm not jealous of them or their money. I can't believe they tried to sell us out when we been fighting for them all this time.

4:51AM. Even if they kill me and my family here, just know I did not support their nuclear war agenda no matter how much they keep threatening and manipulating me. Fuck their sleep deprivation, fuck their undercover surveillance, fuck their nuclear war agenda, fuck their underground tunnels and fuck their underground bunkers. I'm not selling my own race out no matter how personal it is to them and no matter what their history is. Fuck their nuclear war agenda. Fuck their nuclear weapons. Fuck their undercover agents. You know how these spoiled whiteboys are. They will destroy everything and hurt everyone if they don't get what they want. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. The whiteboys invade, enslave and colonize. 

4:55AM. The ones communicating through their Neuralink radio said they lost respect for me. To a rapist, respect is like love. Their version of respect is rape their version of love is rape. We have to keep it clear and separate because they poison our children with their white lies. They're always trying to manipulate and brainwash me over here. I am always having to reject their programming and correct my own mind. Fuck Neuralink. Fuck Mass Manipulation. Fuck Nazi Trump.

4:57AM. We don't sell out our own race and hide. The Mexicans over here sold out their own race for weapons. They literally would tell the white people where peaceful tribes were hidden and told the white people they can rape the women there. They literally lost some stupid game, told a bunch of families to name their daughters Lupe, and then they told the whiteboy's that all the girls named Lupe will pay for the game they lost. They literally asked the whiteboys for guns, conquered the Old Kingdom, named it Mexico, prostituted their queens, kidnapped their princesses, and brought the kidnapped princesses back to Orange County where they pretend to be their uncles and rape them. These Mexicans over here sold their own race out for the whiteboy's money. True story.

5:01AM. I am glad King Charles is dead. Some of these other white kings that hire the Mexican drug cartels to kidnap babies for them need to die too. All that euthanasia/gene consolidation is bullshit.  They're not good enough for our children or for our genes.

5:10AM. King Charles is dead and none of his cheapass prostitutes could do anything to save him. Maybe they can put a stop to the Colonial Taxes now. Last time the person Chad got killed, they replaced him with a body double and covered up the murder, but the Colonial Taxes for the country Chad didn't stop.

5:52AM. Caucasians stole a bunch of intellectual property, burned down the Library of Alexandria, and set the entire region back for a thousand years. Veni vidi vici, da Vinci. They think we don't get it because we're not Caucasian. They think we're too stupid to get it. They just hide inside their bunker and say they're warning you. We're not Caucasians. We don't invade and enslave. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. 

5:55AM. For every starving child in any third world country in the world. For 2024 years of colonialism and slavery. For countless numbers of parents tortured in front of their children and children taken away from their parents. I'm not over here selling my own race to the KKK while pretending to be nice. Even if they kill me and my family here, just know that I do not support them, their drug cartels or their nuclear war agenda.

5:59AM. The undercover Nazi's asked how come they don't cry, through their Neuralink radio. I don't know. Nazi's didn't cry during the Nazi Holocaust either.  They're not one of us. They're Nazi's. They were probably born after the white devils invaded the land and raped the women. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay. We don't talk like them and we don't act like them. They're not one of us. They lie, pretend to act nice and sneak diss. They're Caucasian, not Asian.

6:05AM. We don't lie like white people. We don't invade and enslave. We don't rape your women or kidnap your children. That's not the LeeWay. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay. If they're sneak dissing under their breathe, they're probably Caucasian. We don't talk like stupid little whiteboy's. We don't threaten to hurt your women and children. We don't backstab you and pretend to act nice. We speak face to facelp with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay.

6:07AM. Don't trust white people. The honest consequence is having your land, women and children stolen and exploited. The Scar of Africa can be seen from outer space. It is the man-made desert that stretches from West Africa all the way to China. White people are still lying about how much damage they've done to this planet. They are white devils. They destroyed Northern Africa and named it Sahel, which is code for Say Hell. Don't trust the white devils.

6:12AM. I am not over here selling my own race out just to make it in this bubble of white lies. I'm not letting them whitewash our history. I'm not making them stronger. I don't have sex with their women. I don't work with them. I'm not selling my own race out just to make it in this false reality. I'm literally already the best rapper out here. I don't have to sell out my own race just to make it in the whiteboy's colonial bubble. Fuck their bubble. 

6:15AM. The Caucasians think we're stupid and we don't know what their name means. 

6:17AM. They said laundry. Tell them to clean up their own laundry. I'm not their gladiator. I don't work for them. I don't even touch their women. Fuck their laundry, fuck their money, and fuck their job. We're not real friends anyways. Tell their Mexican prostitutes to protect their forest for them.

6:22AM. Their so angry at me that they sell their own race out. They don't even think of the women they raped or the rape baby that was born. All they think about is that I didn't let them get away with whatever they wanted and they will do anything for revenge, even sell their own race out. They want to be rapists so much that they will sell their own race out to the white people because the white people let them get away with rape.

6:30AM. I'm glad King Charles is dead. White colonizers always trying to lie and steal. This time, they lied on their own white king. King Charles was secretly a homosexual though. The Mexicans here be doing the same thing to their own bosses. They're all disposable. If their boss dies, they cover it up and replace him with a lookalike. None of them matter. They don't have a personal identity. When they die, they get replaced and forgotten about. That's their program.

6:34AM. Lampedusa Island is where they ran and his at after they raided the Egyptian pyramids of the dendera lightbulb. We had an elite guard in their military forces name the island Lampedusa for us. After he named the island, he wouldn't work for them or fight for them anymore. He found out he was being drugged and bullied into fighting his entire life when we showed him his true nature. He was done with them after that. I'm on the same shit. 

6:39AM. When they lost, they told their tribes to name their daughters Lupe, and then they told the white people that all the girls named Lupe will pay. I'm not playing their game in the first place and I'm not going to make women and children pay for me if I lost. I'm just killing slave owers, fighting against slavery, and trying to protect nature. I'm not playing their game. I'm trying to stop them from stealing everything and brainwashing everyone. We don't sell our own race out just to have sex with their women. A lot of their women were kidnapped from other races. That means that these Mexicans are selling their own race out for kidnapped sex slaves.

6:42AM. Neuralink still communicating with me. Third world countries are going to need lots of EMP devices and signal jammers to prevent this type of neuroscience mind control.

6:46AM. They said that I don't die. I don't sell my own race out for money and protection either. The only reason they can even talk to me like that because they sold their own race out to the KKK for sex, money and weapons. They thought they could use those weapons against the KKK by asking their own race for help, but when their own race finds out and gets mad, they go back to the KKK and sell their own race out all over again. 

6:50AM. They do this all the fucking time. They get mad at their own race for telling them not to rape the women. They ask the white people for money and weapons. The white people ask for slaves. They sell their own race out as slaves for money and weapons. They try to use the money and weapons against the white people. They get fucked up. Then they ask their own race to help them. Their own race helps, finds out the truth and gets mad at them. Then they go running back to the white people asking for money and guns all over again. They do this all the fucking time.

6:52AM. They don't protect the land, the women or the children, but they get jealous and mad when we come back alive. They get so jealous that they sell out their own race. They don't even know what we went through. All these scars are real. They're stupid to be jealous. They don't want these scars. They have no idea what we go through just to protect the land, the women and the children. They have no idea. All they do is sell everything and then they ask us to save them when they fuck up.

6:57AM. If someone offers you a million dollars to put a neurochip in your head, say no. All that money means nothing if you don't control your own brain. Even if they offer you your own prison gang or drug cartel, you're not going to be able to control those men. You're stupid to think that just because someone tells you that's your gang, that you're going to be able to control them on your own. If they offer to give you a building as long as you get chipped, just know that once they got your brain, they can take that building back whenever they want using your own brain. It's not a good trade. I never made a deal with them. I was drugged and tortured. 

7:00AM. It's not known how many times the King of Britain has been secretly killed because of slavery and colonialism. Lee will speak to you face to face with respect and honesty. The whiteboy's will send a giant military to invade, enslave and conquer you. The ace is always higher than the king, no matter what you think.

8:10AM. They said they were raped and try to act like victims. They're the ones that prostituted the queens of Mexico to the KKK. They try to play the race card, but they sell their own race out. If you try to help them, they will backstab you after it's over and tell everyone they dont know what happened to you.

2:50PM. The radio saying some bullshit again. I just woke up from taking a nap at the bus stop. If they got all this money and surveillance equipment, they could easily find me and clear things up face to face. That's not how things work out here. They lie for money and try to use you as part of their trap whether you want to work for them or not.

2:52PM. Neuralink-like radio communication. Constant mass surveillance. Mk Ultra. This place is not what it looks like. It is meant to look free and open even if a bunch of people secretly have shock collars implanted into them. That way, they can continue to lure more families into their trap. They'll invite you over to work, arrest you/blackmail you or get rid of you and then they'll keep your children. That's their play. That's how the US Military provides the US Virgin Islands Sex Trafficking Ring with a steady stream of underage virgin sex slaves.

3:57PM. Now they're using some type of airborne allergen. When I cover my nose with my shirt, it goes away. I don't have my mask with me right now. 

4:57PM. This time, the Neuralink-like radio said something about an interview. All I know is that when I didn't accept or deny a job offer from the  McKinsey and Company consulting firm, I woke up somewhere else, don't know how I got there, and I had been drugged. Sidenote: MIT charges $1 million for consultation. That's where they show you there secret weapons like their deepfake virus and the electronic interference gun as well as services such as mk ultra. Donald Trump pays $5 million to have only one person kidnapped, tortured and brainwashed under the MK Ultra program.

10:10PM. They still communicating through the same channels they try to manipulate and brainwash me with. I'm not raising kids in this country. I stopped having sex. Fuck their surveillance, blackmail and manipulation. They steal babies through their underground tunnels, tell the babies their Mexican and when they grow up, they sell them as prostitutes to the Europeans. Fuck their system.

10:12PM. They spy on me and communicate through the Neuralink radio, but they play dumb and act like I'm not talking about them when it's the truth. All they can do is lie. That's why after all these years, nobody has reached out directly. Only fake ass undercover phone calls and talking in codes, but they want to blame me for their war-profiteering military agenda. They're liars and they're hypocrites. They're families are not good enough for me or my children. All they do is steal good genetics from other races, but they lie and pretend to act nice. Euthanasia.

10:17PM. They said, you're nothing. There are kids in third world countries that have no voice or platform. I don't give a fuck what these spoiled first world white Mexicans think about me. Brown on the outside and white on the inside. They sell their own race out the same way they prostitute their children. People only talk to them if they want drugs and prostitutes. 

10:41PM. They were communicating through the radio. I said, fuck your cheapass family & only rapists like your women. All the sudden they say I was talking to myself. That's how stupid and cheap their women are. Their family raised them like that.

Aug 3 -

5:22AM. Lameass fools on the radio. I wake up and was thinking to myself and they said that something like, we're not friends with him then. Of course not I'm not friends with strangers that stalk me and talk like rapists. I'm not friends with anyone that invades and enslaves. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay. Fuck their surveillance, fuck their cover and fuck their radio.

5:27AM. I'm not a whiteboy. I don't talk like a whiteboy. I don't work with these whiteboys. I don't even have sex with their women. I'm a grown ass man. We don't talk like whiteboy's. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. Fuck their radio, fuck their surveillance and fuck their whiteboy way of life. How the fuck is a oldass man still a stupidass little whiteboy? I'm not one of them. Their families are not good enough for me or for my children. They're only good enough for slaves, fools and prostitutes. Fuck their families.

5:30AM. They whisper that im arrogant. All they have done is stalk, lie and manipulate. They act like stupid spoiled whiteboys that invade and enslave. That's not the LeeWay. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. Fuck their radio and fuck their families. They're only good enough for slaves, fools and prostitutes. They're not good enough for me or for my children.

5:31AM. White people are used to raising slaves. They don't even know how to raise their own children right. They have been stealing good children and good genetics from other races. They invade and enslave. They only know how to steal women and children and how to raise slaves.

5:39AM. Only desperate lames, prison inmates and rapists like their women. I'm not raising kids around them. These stupid old white politicians will try to have me arrested and take my kids away. Fuck the US Virgin Islands sex trafficking ring. Fuck these stupidass whiteboys that can't control their own dick and make up excuses for why it's not rape when they do it. Fuck their whole family.

5:55AM. Nazi's don't like it when people sing and dance. Their first trip to Africa, they saw us singing and dancing with a tribe. When we left, they went down to the same tribe to try and get to know them. The tribe was just roasting them, but the Nazi boy got really mad and his whole face turned red. He attacked, got beat up, and went back to his kingdom in Europe. Then he told his entire kingdom they're not allowed to sing or dance anymore and if he sees any of them doing that, he was going to beat them up. True Story.

6:36AM. They killed their own king, stole his money and covered it up. Some of the royal family in Britain don't even want to be royal anymore because their own keep backstabbing them and because almost every country in the world doesn't like them.

6:43AM. Would you rather be hated for having a name or loved for being a nobody? Some people can't have a name. They ruined every name they ever had the same way they ruin their own land and women, honestlee.

6:52AM. Tupac already got killed before I even got started. I already smoked the whole rap game by the time I was 25, but I was never a professional rapper in this country. That's how fake this country really is. I was a professional hitman instead because grown ass whiteboy's and their brown-nosing rats had my father deported and my mother blackmailed when I was really a little boy. That's why I know about the US Virgin Islands sex trafficking ring.

5:55PM. I start sneezing and notice they same allergic reaction as when they gas my room with pharmaceuticals. Then I hear "leave" on the wireless radio. Keeping record of their stupid games, even if they hide their face.

10:00PM. One of the things about their undercovers telling me to leave is that when I got brainwashed during MK Ultra, they drugged me and had me agree to or sign a contract agreeing to some use of nuclear weapons if I leave. I don't want them to start a nuclear war and use some footage they recorded of me after I had been drugged to say I cosign their nuclear war agenda. Fuck their military industrial complex. Fuck their war-profiteering. Fuck their nuclear weapons. After all these years, I still don't play along with their lies. I still don't work for them. I still don't touch their women. 

10:34PM. Their undercovers said, then leave. They don't talk about drugging and framing me into agreeing with their nuclear war agenda on camera. Fuck their military industrial complex. No matter how much they try to lie and blackmail me, I'm not working for them, I don't have sex with their women and I don't play along with their white lies. Fuck their US Virgin Islands sex trafficking ring as well. Their white politicians and military officers are always sending undercovers to threaten to drug and prostitute women and children here.

10:47PM. The voice behind the Neuralink radio said, I'm sorry then. Meaningless apologize from strangers that are abusing this new neuroscience technology before most of the population realizes how it works.

11:43PM. They keep saying to leave and that no one wants me here. They have to hide their face and whisper under their breathe when they say that. There are known murderers walking around outside that don't have to hide their face or whisper under their breathe.

12:10AM. Stupidass Caucasians always sneak dissing and pretending to act normal. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. We don't sneak diss and pretend to act nice the way that Caucasians do. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay. 

Aug 4 -

5:57AM. Putting all the pieces together. Nero's bloodline had created the US Virgin Islands sex trafficking ring. The Mexicans here prostituted all the queens of Mexico and brought their kidnapped princesses to Orange County to rape and sell. Donald Trump and other white supremacists using the Mexican drug cartels as part of their euthanasia program. Disneyland being code for Diss Ni, and also being used as a prostitution trap for tourists that come from all over the world. Myself being drugged and kidnapped in Burbank before being chipped and having my biometric data sold at a slave auction. Somebody close having disappeared while working at Disneyland, and then suddenly appearing out of nowhere with memory loss and schizophrenia. My own personal experience with MK Ultra, the Mexican drug cartels, and the KKK in Orange County. Putting all these pieces together, this appears to be a giant trap designed to steal the best men and women from families all over the world, turn them white, and prostitute all the leftovers. It's sad to think that Disneyland would be that corrupt, but when you got Nazi's in your administration, everything becomes a white supremacist trap. I'm not selling my children to anyone. They had to chain and whip us the last time. I'm not a slave. I'm not a fool. I'm not a bitch. I'm a murderer. I'm not selling my kids to anybody.

6:10AM. Hearing the neighbors whisper that im nothing inside this bubble of white lies. I literally pulled kids out the trap and saved a bunch of lives all over the world. The real reason that I'm poor inside this bubble of white lies is because I'm not a good slave. I kill the slave owers. 

6:32AM. There are so many different corporations, criminal organizations and political interests competing for money and power over here. They all come here to prostitute and exploit multi-racial families. Neuralink is very important technology and if you don't pay attention to it today, they will use it to enslave you tomorrow.

6:51AM. I'm not fighting over some cheapass prostitutes that know how to suck dick but don't know how to raise their own children. Their cheapass women are not good enough for me. Only desperate lames, prison inmates, really old men, and rapists like their women. I don't trust Disneyland anymore. Their name is code for Diss Ni, and it seems to be a prostitution trap for tourists all over the world. I know Hollywood and Las Vegas are part of the US Virgin Islands sex trafficking ring. It makes sense that they would use Disneyland as a prostitution trap, too. Sad because Walt is T, but his family didn't like how his mother had someone else's child and old a white man that it was his baby  Their name is code for Diss Ni or Diss Ne. I got chipped at a biometric slave auction at the Disney building in Burbank, as well as at the Drive-in movie theater in Downey. I'm thinking Downey might be code for Down Ni or Down Ne too now. That's ironic, because the nuclear power research that was used to help the Manhattan research to create nuclear weapons was stolen from the Benihana's restaurant on Ball & State College in Anaheim. That happened a long time ago back when the Asians were all being called Japanese and thrown into concentration camps together in California.

7:05AM. Also, there is two secret wars going on besides the nuclear weapons versus neurochip implants war. There is the war to create a line of desert across the entire world. It's already stretched from West Africa to China. Then, there is a war of people with no names who try to ruin the reputation of anybody that has a name. They will rape your daughter, steal her baby and then claim that they're part of your family. Everything is connected. They will rape your daughter, steal her baby and then claim that they're part of your family. Everything is connected. They will rape your daughter, steal her baby and then claim that they're part of your family. Everything is connected.

7:14AM. I'm not white. I'm not Mexican. They could never raise someone like me. They're lucky that my family ever came over here. I don't even have sex with their women. They are known to steal genetics from different races. I won't even have sex with their women anymore. They give birth to stupid little whiteboys that invade and enslave. That's not the LeeWay. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. We don't pretend to act normal while sneak dissing you. Only Caucasians and Schwarzenegger's do that. White Lies. Honestly.

7:24AM. They're always trying to brainwash me here, secretly. They're using some Neuralink type device. I already went through MK Ultra. They're always trying to brainwash me with white lies in this bubble. I keep these records so that if they do brainwash me or if they put me away, you all know what I been saying. I don't listen to what their undercovers tell me. I ignore them and show the rest of the world what these undercovers whispering to me when I'm here. I'm not one of them no matter how much they talk to me. I won't even have sex with their women. If a guy won't sleep with your women, he does not like your kind of people.

7:31AM. I murdered a bunch of them already, I don't have to hide, and I can kill more whenever the fuck I want. I'm not working with them or having sex with their women, but I wiped every single member of one of their hoods all by myself. They had to replace them with juvenile prisoner inmates because the whole hood got taken out by me, by myself, one by one.

7:34AN. If they show you footage of me agreeing to their use of nuclear weapons, just know that they had me drugged and they erased my memories after so I couldn't stop then right away. I was not in my right mind because they had been drugging and electrocuting me. That's why I don't work with them and I don't have sex with their women anymore. Fuck their nuclear weapons. Fuck their war-profiteering. Fuck their military industrial complex. We don't kidnap babies from foreign countries and drive away through their underground tunnels. They had to lie to me to make work for them. When I learned the truth, I killed a bunch of them for lying to me. I'm not a slave. Fuck your family.

7:39AM.  Now, I'm fighting against their Neuralink brainwash, their undercover Pavlov conditioning, and their use of airborne pharmaceutical weapons. Even when I'm in the shower, they're still spying on me and trying to brainwash me. They make a lot of threats using their undercovers and their wireless communication. Just know I rather be killed by them instead of being family with them. If they suddenly appear with kids that look like me, just know they're not family. I won't have sex with any of their women. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. Their word is as cheap as their women. Their family is too cheap for me. I rather be killed by them instead of joining their family. 

7:50AM. They're not family no matter what they say. I kill their men but I'm not touching their women. Fuck their family. They said my marriage is over then. I don't even know them. Only rapists try to get strangers to marry them. They probably had me drugged and electrocuted when they had me married. It doesn't count. Fuck their family. 

7:53AM. Being poor and giving up sex is not hard. Jesus Christ was homeless until he was crucified. Being honest is hard, honestly. Amen. We're not Nazi's. We eat nasi. We don't make you move from your ancestors land or the place you were born. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. Actions speak louder than words.

7:57AM. Their undercovers keep threatening women and children I know. That's why I reject their women and I kill their men. Fuck the family that raised them, personally. We don't threaten women and children. That's not the LeeWay. Whiteboy's do that because they like to rape wen and kidnap children from different races. That's their whiteboy way.

7:57AM. They say they see what we're saying, but they only see us to come up with better lies. Don't trust them. They won't speak to me face to face with respect and honesty because I'm harder to lie to. They'll speak to your stupid people instead so they can turn them against their own race.

8:01AM. Fuck all the neurochip and radio implants technology. Everyday, I have to fight against their stupid neurochips. Theyre always trying to brainwash me from the inside. It's all wireless so nobody can see the signal their transmitting or hear the poison they keep putting in my ears. Fuck the KKK. We don't invade and enslave. We're not whiteboy's.

8:06AM. They said I don't snitch. I don't give a fuck about snitching. I'm a protector. We protect nature, women and children. We make things safe for families that are trying to raise their children. If I tell everyone I kill rapists, they gonna say I snitched on myself. Idgaf about snitching. I'm not the police. They try to arrest me. I'm not going to arrest you. I'm not gonna hold u. I'm a murderer. By the time I get a call, that means someone already told you to stop and someone already beat you up and told you to stop. We're not the cops.

8:11AM. Rapists will say and do anything to have sex. They will pretend that they're part of your family. All our family is made by love, not rape. We disown or we kill the rapists. Rape is not love.

8:14AM. I can no longer meditate in silence because they're always trying to brainwash me using the Neuralink-type technology. I am always having to mentally fight against this new wireless neuroscience technology, even when nobody else is visibly around me. They don't like me because I know the truth and they're trying to brainwash the entire population here with their white colonial version of history. Everything is real, except for their white lies. Africans invented the first lightbulb, the dendera lightbulb. Europeans stole inventions from Africa, erased the history and now they act like they're so fucking smart. All they do is lie and steal. Veni vidi vici, da Vinci. 

8:27AM. Now that the truth is coming out, King Charles is dead, and Nazi Trump is trying to take over the US military to start World War 3, these Caucasians are making their last attempt to take over the world and enslave everybody. If it don't work this time, we should have enough surveillance and good relationships all over the world to make sure that they can never lie again. We don't invade and enslave. Only the Caucasians do that. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay.

8:30AM. The rapists and stalkers are not my family no matter what they say. We don't rape, invade or enslave. That's not the LeeWay. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. I kill rapists. I'm not family with rapists.

8:34AM. White people trying to turn me against black people because they know they can't win if all their colonized colonies are respecting one another. We didn't invade and enslave each other. Only the Caucasians do that.

8:42AM. I wonder if the white politicians had raped King Charles before they killed him and threw his body into the river. I wouldn't have done that, but I know how he likes to make cheeky comments all the time. I also know about how they stripped the black soldier and his son and threw them out naked for not kneeling to them. I don't know if the white politicians raped him or not tho. If it was me, I wouldn't have done that. They too scared to talk to me like a man, tho.

8:45AM. White people have been getting harder to beat up because black people have been giving them their muscles. Even though they've gotten a lot bigger now, they're still just cowards that bully. That act like bullies if they think they can beat you up easy, but they're really cowards because they only pick easy fights.

8:49AM. The whiteboy's had to threaten to nuke foreign soil like they did to the Bikini Islands just to blackmail us into having sex with their women. They can't even afford to ask face to face with respect and honesty. Their family is too cheap for me.

8:55AM. The most they do for their dead homies is whisper sneak disses and sell their dead homies daughter to the whiteboy's for guns and drugs. That what these sissy's do for their dead homies. That's why Mexico has only prostitutes now. They sold all their queens as sex slaves to the whiteboy's.

9:27AM. We don't come from rapists. We kill rapists. I put that on the Rape of Africa. We're not the ones that enslaved the men, raped the women, and turned 1/3 of Africa into a desert. We kill rapists. We helped the Africans get their money back. Toyota was the first car company in Dubai. We don't come from rapists. We kill rapists. I put that on the Rape of Africa. 

9:30AM. We're not white. We didn't rape the Africans. We didn't rob the Hispanics. We didn't scorch the Middle East. We didn't nuke Asia. If the white people try to blame that on any of us, they're lying. White Lies.

9:36AM. I don't have sex and I don't have friends. When I'm in bubble of white lies, being honest can get you killed, honestly. Bruce Lee only got killed after a white woman had his baby. The KKK has been stealing the best genetics of different races. When they do it to the Asians, they call it euthanasia. They're Caucasian. They think we're stupid and that we don't understand. They literally invaded, backstabbed and disrespected every race on Earth.

9:43AM. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay. We're not stupid little whiteboys. We don't invade and enslave. That's not the LeeWay. Melee sounds like May Lay. We don't come from rapists. Their women want us to have sex with them.

9:46AM. Strangers saying they trust me. I don't fucking know them. They're just spying on me in the bathroom and talking shit. That's not the LeeWay. I don't know them. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty.

9:50AM. I don't fight for these whiteboys. I don't touch their white women. I'm not working with their white businesses. They dont speak face to face with respect and honesty. They stalk, lie and manipulate. I'm not a cuckold. I'm not a pussyass whiteboy. Fuck slavery, fuck neurochips, and fuck Nazi Trump and his Gestapo Secret Police.

9:56AM. Just know that if I die out here, I was fighting against them the entire time. I'm not their friend and I don't touch their women. Fuck their neurochip implants. It's all psychological war. It's all brainwashing. Fuck their hive mind race. I'm a human being. I think for myself. Just know that no matter what happens to me out here, I been fighting against their white lies the entire time. They're still trying to brainwash me right now and I'm by myself naked with the shower on. I'm not one of them. 

10:02AM. White people say that I need to pay for some picture they probably drugged me to take. White people still need to pay for the Rape of Africa. They said they were going to stop invading and go back to Europe if Jesus Christ surrendered. They lied and continued to invade, enslave and conquer. White Lies. Everyday I'm here, they're still trying to brainwash me with their White Lies.

10:05AM. The US Virgin Islands sex trafficking ring runs the largest sex slave auction in the entire world. They only pretend to act nice so they can lure different races to this country, blackmail the parents and prostitute the children. White Lies.

10:07AM. The neighbors still spying on me in the shower naked and whispering through the walls. Fuck their families. That's why I don't want to raise kids around them. This is how they always act when no one's looking. Fuck their families. White people always spy on people in the showers so they can exploit your underage daughters. We're not white. We don't come from stalkers and rapists. That's not the LeeWay. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay. I'm glad I murdered their family members. They keep sending their cheapass prostitutes. Their women are nothing. They had to steal good looking women from better families. Fuck these neighbors and fuck their families.

10:10AM. Fuck Neuralink. Fuck the radio implants. Fuck their brain-computer interface. Fuck their domestic undercover surveillance. They're always trying to brainwash me. I can't even meditate in the bathroom because they're spying on me even when I'm naked.

10:12AM. They know how to rape people's brains with their chip implants. Fuck their families. I killed a bunch of them and I let you know the secret weapons they got. 

10:14AM. Dragons don't like being kings. When has Lee ever sent a giant military to conquer? Only white people do that. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. Nero would do that. Lee don't do that, tho.

10:17AM. It's hard to meditate here when the Neuralink-like radio implants keep interrupting my session as soon as I close my eyes. I don't if it's Neuralink or not, but there are groups that are abusing this new neuroscience technology early on.

10:32AM. Still getting used to how these manipulative white people are always lying all the time. They even bribe and blackmail other races into lying for them. Even if you don't want to be part of it, they try to put certain people around you to make it seem like you are on their side. What really fucked it up for me is when I found out that the Nazi's in Hollywood had been hiring Mexican gangs to jump me and rob me just because I talked some underage girls out of doing porn. They literally hired the Mexicans to rob me and then they come out acting like they care about me. We can see all the orders and payments of the Mexican Mafia in California. They're not slick. I understand why they still have such a bad reputation, even today. White Lies.

11:17AM. The wireless radio implants said I ruined my jacket the most. Meanwhile, they're trying to ruin my brain with their wireless neuroscience tech. Fuck a jacket. I'm tryna keep my brain clean.

1:02PM. One of their traps I just remembered from back then. The KKK told the Mexicans here that they wouldn't let anyone build right there. Then they go to the Asians and say to build right there. Then they tell the Mexicans that it was the Asians fault so both groups fight, and the KKK keeps whatever infrastructure was built right there. They do this to pretty much everyone though, not just the Asians.

1:41PM. Why let a family that you don't trust or respect be allowed to raise your children? White people blackmailed my mom when I was young and I never saw my uncle again after Mexicans knocked on the door when I was young. They work together but they pretend to be enemies. Mexico is a US Colony disguised as its own country. Their drug cartels literally kidnap babies for the KKK. That's why I had to murder so many of them. All they do is lie, steal children and say those babies are Mexican. At least I'm being honest.

1:47PM. Fuck their brain-computer interface. I don't know if it's Neuralink or not, but whatever it is, fuck them and fuck their technology. I'm not one of them. They communicate secretly and lie and hide, but I put my own thoughts on here for the entire world. Their families are too cheap to speak face to face with respect and honesty. Their women are as cheap as their word. I reject their family.

1:54PM. We don't protect the forests and jungles so that we can cut down the trees ourselves. We protect it so that nobody can cut down the trees.

6:00PM. White person appeared and then a mosquito bit me. They already use chemical and pharmaceutical agents as weapons. They have been known to use anything and everything as a weapon. It's crazy how much it takes to keep things safe these days. There are all kinds of new secret weapons that they use against the population that most people don't know exists. I trust nothing around these liars.

6:03PM. These Salem Witch Hunt whiteboys like to threaten women and children. They literally tried to prostitute their own mother just to be able to have sex with all the virgins. They called their mother a witch and almost killed her because of it. They're the same ones that started the Crossing the Rubicon War and blamed it on their mother. These whiteboys are spoiled. These are the same ones that hire Mexican drug cartels to kidnap women and children and then sell them as sex slaves for the US Virgin Islands sex trafficking ring.

6:46PM. These colonial whiteboy's are known for invading and enslaving all over the world. They rape women and kidnap children, turned them white, and now they try to bribe me with their stolen women. All they do is lie, steal and rape. 

9:11PM. The liars want me to leave when they're the ones lying. They faked an assassination attempt. I don't lie like Donald Trump. Fuck their stupidass undercovers.

Aug 5 -

6:53AM. Fuck Neuralink, fuck their white lies, fuck the Faroe Islands and fuck Zugspitze Mountain. Everyday, I have to deal with these stupid whiteboy's trying to brainwash me with their white lies. Everybody knows how white people act. They always with their stealing good genetics from other races, euthanasia program. They stole all their muscles from the Africans.

7:00AM. The spoiled whiteboys said, they erased me. What a spoiled little stuck up bitch. These fools are egotistical narcissists like Donald Trump. They haven't even done anything good to earn a name, but they complain that they don't have a name. I don't come from Hollywood. We didn't earn a name by being rich and famous.

7:04AM. We didn't earn a name by selling our own race out for money and asking the rich whiteboys to build us a country and two cities, right after someone else had already saved us and built a city for us, Ana. We didn't get our name by jumping from guy to guy, selling our children, or by abandoning our own family in Guyana to be with the KKK in Santa Ana. We also didn't lose our good name by going behind our own friends back to buy children just to use as sex slaves when we were already told not to, Mac. We also didnt ask everyone in town for beautiful women and then take the women and try to lock the door after, Charlie aka Lucy's Fur. Europe never had red-haired people until they stole Lucy's Fur from the Asians. Holy. Amen. 

8:17AM. Electronic interference weapons being used. I can't see the radio waves with my own eyes, but I can see the effect it has on my electronic equipment.

11:45AM. The Truman Show is built on lies. Hollywood staged events like Donald Trump's assassination attempt. Innocent people get hurt to cover for their money. False narratives like white history. White Lies. 

11:46AM. They call strangers their brother. I don't know them. I wouldn't trust them. White Lies. US Virgin Islands. US Military. They exploit children. White Lies.

3:33 PM. The whiteboy's have to hide behind their lies, their numbers and their technology. We don't jump people. We don't send giant militaries to invade. We don't hide behind our money, number or technology. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you know we're not white. We're not going to pretend to act nice while sneak dissing you. We're not Caucasian. We're Asian. We don't invade and enslave. That's not the LeeWay. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. We don't sell our own race out for the whiteboy's money or weapons. We don't need the whiteboy's tech. We can speak face to face with respect and honesty without any of the whiteboy's technology. We don't rape your women and kidnap your daughters like the whiteboy's did when they colonized you. That's not the LeeWay. Only the Caucasians do that. Asians don't do that. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay.

4:59PM. White noise Neuralink-type technology communicating again. This is how they're going to use the satellite cities. A bunch of different satellite cities with a Neuralink-like hive mind population that is all connected wirelessly. They will set up the smart ones to invent things and then steal the intellectual property once the project is finished. After that, they try to prevent you from being able to think while stealing any ideas you do think of. This is how the new neuroscience technology is already being abused. Modern human beings have to be prepared for the weaponization of neuroscience being used for stealing intellectual property, for brainwashing and for mind control. It's already started.

5:01PM. Whiteboy's abusing neuroscience just to threaten women and children. Imagine these stupid old men using this technology to try to rape your daughters. That's why modern human beings have to be more prepared for the weaponization of neuroscience.

6:10PM. They called me gay while they're spying on me in the bathroom. They're hypocrites. That's why they have to lie and hide. They sold their own race out to the KKK white supremacists just so they could look rich and successful to their own race. I didn't sell out my own race. 

6:17PM. Their undercovers are saying gay shit while they hide. The whiteboy's tell them to hold cum in their mouth, and they said si si. Sissy's. True story. That's why many generations later, they're still gay and they still sell their own race out to the KKK.

6:19PM. The undercovers threaten to blackmail me with a picture again, but they don't mention trying to blackmail me with a recording of me agreeing to their world war 3 nuclear war after they had me drugged and electrocuted. They'll threaten to blackmail me with pictures, but they're keeping their recordings of drugging me to agree to world war 3 nuclear war agenda a secret. That's why I don't work for them and I don't have sex with their women. If they start world war 3, I already warned everybody.  I'm not covering for their lies. 

6:22PM. The liars will say I'm lying. They sell their kids for money. They sold their own race out the way they sell their daughters. They were offered a room inside the bunker if they keep their mouth shut. Donald Trump offered to let me stay in the Denver International Airport bunker if I kept my mouth shut about his secret plan to use nuclear weapons and blame it on China to start World War 3. I rejected his offer so now I don't have a place to sleep or a job to pay bills with. They keep their mouth shut about it and prostitute their daughters to the police. Facts.

6:24PM. The sissy's are gay. The KKK is gay. I'm a murderer. They want to start a nuclear war and hide in their bunkers until all the countries are done nuking each other. I turned on them. They threaten to hurt my family just to blackmail me into silence about their World War 3 agenda. 

6:27PM. They make me choose between my own family or everybody that might die from their reckless use of nuclear weapons. Fuck their undercovers, fuck their surveillance and fuck Nazi Trump.

6:57PM. Their women are only wanted when they're young. Old men, prison inmates and rapists like their women. Their women are not good enough for me no matter what they look like. They got their women when they invade and conquer. I'm not letting them bribe me with stolen women. I'm not one of their sissy's that sells their own race out just for underage virgin sex. Fuck the US Virgin Islands.

7:23PM. Their undercovers talking like it was a dream that they kidnapped our babies, told our babies they're Mexican and got murdered for trying to prostitute our babies to the white supremacists. It wasn't a dream. I really murdered their entire hood, one by one, and I'm still out here. It wasn't a dream, on their dead homies. 

7:24PM. White people are in denial. Their prostitutes can't save them. That's on the Rape of Africa. They tried to erase it from their white history books. 

7:43PM. Some child was traumatized as a youth by white supremacists and was never able to smile again until later when he was older and he raped a white supremacist. After that, he could smile again but only when he thought about the time he got revenge. I try to make an argument for the Rape of Africa, but if I was a rapist, I wouldn't be able to argue that rape is wrong.

8:57PM. When I die, just know that I do not work for them, I do not cover for their lies, and I do not mix with their families. I masturbate like I'm in prison. I stay away from everyone else, speak my mind, and do my time. I don't mix with their families. I don't work for their white lies. I'm not helping them fight their wars. I'm not one of them. Whatever they say about me is a lie. They lie like police officers that won't tell you what happened to an inmate in prison.

9:00PM. It's strange how their race will conquer a place and then get the place they conquered to fight for them. I'm not fighting for them. I don't work for them. I won't even touch their women. 

9:07PM. The Neuralink-like radio is making random comments as I go about my day. It's like listening to a invisible narrator or a sports commentator, except that it's somebody behind a control room that's spying on me and trying to brainwash me. Neuroscience is the weapon of tomorrow. They are already using it to target our brains.

11:11PM. The cuckolds threaten women and children and then they said I don't give up. Just because they give up and cuckold their women when they get beat up, doesn't mean everyone acts like they do. They don't even work hard. They just have sex with anyone and leave their kids everywhere and only claim them if the kids because successful or useful for their agenda. Otherwise, they just treat women like sex slaves, leave their kids in prostitutes all over the place and let them go broke and homeless. 

11:14PM. When I die, just know I never sold my own race out for the whiteboy's money. I didn't tell my men to name their daughters Lupe, and then go tell the whiteboys that Lupe will pay for it. We don't sell out our own race and them lie to our own race about it. When I die, I die without helping these whiteboys start World War 3 and without helping them secretly brainwash and chip everybody. Fuck their way of life. I die being real and staying true.

Aug 6 -

12:31AM. Random commentary from the radio every so often. I don't trust it. I try not to listen to it. I'm not letting my kids get chipped and brainwashed. Fuck the radio. Don't trust white people. They will sabotage your life and blame it on your family just to fool you into trusting them so they can get you to have sex with their women and turn your children white.

1:05AM. They still trying to brainwash me. I don't trust them. I don't listen to them. I don't let them brainwash me. I'm not letting my kids grow up around them. I stopped having sex. They can force women to have their babies, but they can't force me to have their babies. I can stop having sex. Their men can rape women, but they can't force me to have their babies. I murder their men. Fuck their cheapass families.

1:14AM. Their men call me gay just because I don't want to rape women the way that they do. I get women to like me. I dont have to rape them. Their men are too cheap to understand. Fuck their families. 

1:17AM. If they can force women to think they like being raped, then they can be forced into thinking they like being gay. Fuck their bitch-made men.

3:56AM. Their undercovers making threats while they hide again. Fuck their families. That's why only rapists, prisoners and old men like their women.

4:00AM. Asians invented the concept of why. Europeans didn't start asking why until we let them use one of our men as their elite guard. That's why their Asian elite guard was named "Y". We taught them how to ask why. They didn't even have a concept like that in their language. We didn't invade and enslave. We're not colonizers. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay. 

4:03AM. They still spying on me and making disrei comments instead of speaking face to face with respect and honesty. Guess why. It's because they're white.

4:05AM. They said, we were never Asian to you. I don't even know them. Sound like some whiteboy's hiding in the bushes. We don't talk like Caucasians. We're Asian. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. We have standards for a reason. We don't do what they do. Actions speak louder than skin color.

4:07AM. We didn't rape Africa and create a giant scar from the west of Niger to the east of Asia. We're not colonizers. 

4:22AM. Even if I'm playing games online, they have to hack me just to win.

4:44AM. Rapists keep trying to tell me what I mean. That's how rapists are. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. They try to force their ways on you. That's not the LeeWay. We don't have to rape women. Women like us. Melee.

4:47AM. They have to hide when they disrespect me. I'm a murderer. They sell their daughters and suck dick for protection. They like to rape women. Men like to rape them. I don't know any of them. I ain't gon hold u.

4:47AM. They don't blame it on the way they communicate or the way they take advantage of women and children. They blame it on me smoking weed. They don't see anything wrong with exploiting children, but they think weed is evil. I reject their families.

4:49AM. They say speaking face to face with respect and honesty is too cold for them. They prefer to sell their own race out for the whiteboy's money. I put that on the Rape of Africa. They rather threaten women and children and scorch their own Earth the way they scorch their little girls vaginas. I reject their families.

4:51AM. The devil keeps whispering into my ears. Fuck Neuralink. My father taught me that it's okay to murder rapists and child molesters. I wasn't raised by the white devils. We don't rape women and raise prostitutes. We protect women and we raise queens.

4:59AM. I don't have to say anything if it's all war. I only need to stay alive and kill. That's on the Rape of Africa, from Niger to Asia. We don't rape women, kidnap babies or steal genetics from different races. We don't force women to have a baby they didn't want for the rest of their lives. That's not the LeeWay. We speak face to face with respect and honesty.

5:05AM. Whiteboy's communicating through their Neuralink channels. I'm not letting them chip and brainwash my children. Fuck their telecommunications. Fuck their military weapons. We don't need military weapons. We don't invade, enslave and colonize. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. 

5:07AM. It's a psychological warzone over here, but it looks normal from the outside. Don't be fooled. It's all psychological war out here. It only looks normal. That's why I don't work and I don't have sex. This is literally a psychological warzone. Nazi Trump and other white supremacists tries to brainwash the population here into fighting their wars. One does not need friends or family when one is fighting a war. 

5:10AM. These white devils have been raping our women and kidnapping our children ever since they first stepped foot outside of Europe. We have standards. That's why the Asians are not known for stealing from and disrespecting every race on the planet. Don't let these white devils brainwash your children. They're always trying to brainwash me here. They will arrest or deport your parents just to make you easier to manipulate and brainwash.

5:15AM. Fuck Neuralink. They're spying on me in the bathroom again and trying to brainwash me. Fuck their whole family. They are very disrespectful, but they hide and lie like stalkers and rapists. 

 5:17AM. I don't rape you with neuroscience technology and then try to manipulate you secretly. I'm not a slave ower. We don't invade and enslave. I warn you about what these undercover rapists are doing so that they dont do the same thing to you. They're still trying to brainwash me right now as I type this from inside a bathroom. When you come to Orange County, just know that old white politicians are spying on your underage daughters even in the bathroom of your own home.

5:21AM. We went from fighting slavery and colonialism to now fighting against brainwashing and neuroscience. It's not over. As soon as they got their hands on this new technology, they immediately started trying to brainwash and mentally enslaved everybody all over again. 

5:27AM. When India was being invaded by the Colonial Army, one Indian prince swordsman went to go challenge the king directly in Britain. He lost, was captured and brought to the USA. He escaped, earned respect with a tribe and started killing their enemies for them. Every time he killed one of their enemies, the women would let him sleep with them. He eventually died in battle against two of the white supremacists. They had followed us to our hideout and he didn't want to run for it because he thought they would follow us back to where the tribe was, so he held his ground right there and got killed in battle. He wasn't a pussyass bitch. Face to face type shit. He is the reason the white supremacists started calling all the natives Indian, even though Indians are from India. The other Indian that came over here was a prisoner. The natives wanted to abuse him and drop him off at the white supremacists town so he would take his anger out on them. He escaped and the natives got so scared, they started calling him El Diablo and asking the white supremacists to save them. Diablo is code for dia blow, because he would shoot. He was eventually captured and he changed his name to Diaz. Neither of them were pussyass bitches that were scared to speak face to face. Neither of them sold their own race out for protection. 

5:32AM. We kill these rapists and child molesters. Fuck Neuralink. Fuck white supremacists. We don't let them get away with rape. I put that on the Rape of Africa. The original King Charles is dead, too. They replaced him with a lookalike so nobody will ever know he was killed. His own people did it to him because they wanted his money and also because the spare body double had been waiting his whole life for one job and they wouldn't let him leave Britain because he had to be the spare body double his entire life. He wanted to pretend to be the king, spend the money and have sex with whoever he wanted before he died. His job was to replace the real King Charles if anything happened to him. King Charles had been waiting his entire life for Queen Elizabeth to pass so he could be king. The King Charles body double had been waiting his entire life for something bad to happen the original King Charles so he could pretend to be Charles. Prince Charles had Princess Diana assassinated because he was scared when she became famous since he was blackmailing her for sex. Prince Charles also paid to have Queen Elizabeth drugged because he thought that she would live forever and he would die a prince. King Charles got killed and he didn't even get a funeral. The tradition is to throw the kings body into the river from the second or third story window when nobody's looking. Also, London Bridge was designed by the Asians. It was V's dream bridge to connect Asia to the outside world and only allow those that we liked to cross over. They only built the bridge because they got the blueprints later. We're the ones that designed it. Also, V used to be code for the shape of India, but when Man Tie V, the Indian gave the location of his own land instead of snitching on where the glowing rocks came from.

5:47AM. In the Land of White Lies, I make the real side of history known. This is the side of history that the white devils try to erase and lie about, like when they stole the Bible, cut out some stories and changed the names in it. They said they would stop invading and go back to Europe if Jesus surrendered. He did and he was crucified. Everybody was waiting to see what the Colonial Army would do next. Instead of going back to Europe like they promised, they started to attack again and conquer more. Later on, the stole Bible and had their own people worship it even though they're Lucifer.

5:49AM. Their men like to whisper about how they abuse women when nobody's looking. I tell the whole world that I murdered their biggest tough guys and all they do is hit women.

5:55AM. When they start trying to brainwash you with their neuroscience chip implants, just remembered that no matter who they hired to chip you, the invention comes from the white side. This has to be made known because they can use the chip to turn someone else into their puppet. They can hide their real identity like a bunch of VPN's and proxies, so it becomes very difficult to know who the real puppet master is the longer this goes on. The real puppet master is white. They use satellite cities and proxy militaries, but after all the years of colonialism and destabilization, they have never been forced to move from their village hidden somewhere in Zugspitze Mountain. They make everybody all over the world move, but they have been in the same village for over 2000 years. When I die, just know I tried to warn you and I'm not spying on you and trying to brainwash you with their new technology. Fuck their spies, fuck their radio and fuck their families. I won't even touch their women. Only rapists like their women.

5:57AM. They try to say I'm a soldier to death. Fuck their military. They're just trying to brainwash me and use me as part of their war. Don't believe anything they say about me. I don't fight for them. I don't work for them. I don't touch their women. Anything they say about me is a lie. They're trying to brainwash us. Even if they kill my whole family over here like they keep whispering they will, I still do not support their nuclear war agenda. I do not fight for them and I do not work for them. If they start World War 3, I'm not going into the bunker with them. I'll be outside. They're still trying to brainwash me into supporting their war. Fuck Neuralink. Fuck the military. Fuck their war. Fuck their families. They dont speak face to face with respect and honesty. I'm not one of them.

6:03AM. They talking to me on Neuralink, but when I address them directly, they play dumb and say I'm only talking to myself. Watch out for these cheap prostitutes behind the Neuralink radio. They're hypocrites.

6:05AM. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. They're Caucasian. It doesn't matter what language they use. We don't invade and enslave. We don't sneak diss. Only Caucasians do that. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, just know that they're not Asian. They must be Caucasian. We don't invade and enslave like Caucasians do. We don't try to brainwash your kids and turn them white. Bruce Lee was killed after a white woman had his baby.

6:07AM. Their Neuralink radio is still trying to brainwash me here. They literally have to drug and brainwash me just to try and get me to sleep with their women. Only old men, prisoners and rapists like their women. I reject their families.

6:12AM. They said my standard is dancing. Their standard is to ask for help, backstab you after you help them, steal your children, and tell your children that you were a bad person. That's why they have to lie and hide. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. I reject their families. Fuck Neuralink.

6:17AM. They try to frame you for something else to keep you quiet on their secret weapons. In my case, they're trying to frame me for how their military  undercover operations in order to cover up their underage virgin prostitution ring, their tourist traps, and their illegal chip implantations.

6:22AM. The Neuralink said, he doesnt care about us. I don't even know them. Fuck their wireless radio. They're strangers that try to rape my brain with their new technology. I want to kill them and turn their signal off. I don't fucking know them.

6:27AM. The Neuralink still trying to brainwash me. That's why I murdered their kind and I will always remind them that their own baby mama hired me to smoke their homie, and their own son was playing video games with me and didn't want to talk to them when they called from prison. Facts. 

6:30AM. Their Neuralink undercovers still trying to good cop bad cop me and act like they're on my side. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. I'm not even going to have sex with their women. They're not on my side. I don't even want their women. I reject their families.

6:32AM. They still whispering to me like they're on my side. I still reject their families and stay alone. I'm not white. I'm not Mexican. I don't think like them. I don't even want to touch their women. I reject their families. I reject their white lies. I reject their war-profiteering. I reject their money. When I die, I protected my children from being poisoned by their cheap families. When I die, I die the right way. Fuck their white lies. Fuck Neuralink.

6:57AM. This time, they tried to brainwash me as soon as I opened the door and walked inside. They're always stalking, hiding and lying over here. Humans all over the world prepared for the weaponization of neuroscience. It's already started. Don't say I didn't warn you or try to stop it. I'm a murderer for a reason.

6:59AM. I have to do this everytime they try to brainwash me using their wireless technology. Fuck them and fuck their secret weapons. They're playing chess. We're fighting slavery and protecting nature. I'm not playing with them. I kill them.

7:05AM. When I die, just know I been fighting against their slavery, brainwashing and pollution my entire life in own way or another. I won't even have sex with their women. No sex during war, even if it's only a psychological war. I rather die than to be a slave. I rather be a poor martyr than to be a rich liar.

7:10AM. They're still trying to manipulate me into fighting for them. If they start World War 3, just know that I don't fight for them and I don't add to their numbers. Fuck their nuclear weapons, fuck their bunkers, and fuck their wireless radio.

7:12AM. I don't let them get away with rape. I put that on the Rape of Africa. I'm a Rapist Killa. I could have been a scientist, a lawyer, a doctor or even a rapper, but they exploit children here.

10:00AM. Their hidden wireless radio said that's how the arrogant think while they were spying on me. Rapists and child kidnappers like to spy on us and find out what we think so they can exploit our children. I kill their men but I don't have sex with their women. They're not good enough for me or for my children. I let the entire world know the truth but I don't cover for their white lies.

10:27AM. All these years growing up with these cholos, sleeping over at their parents house, and going to their BBQ to hit the pinata on their birthday, but I never heard them say they love their parents even once. I heard them complain about their parents beating them up when they're drug or kicking them out and only taking them back after they became prostitutes, but I never heard them say they love their parents in public. I only hear them talk shit, sell their own race out, and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

10:36AM. Their hidden wireless radio is trying to brainwash me even when I'm in the bathroom alone with the shower on. I don't work for them. I don't fight for them. I'm not letting them talk to my kids. I stopped having sex. Fuck their cheapass families. We speak face to face to face with respect and honesty. We don't spy on people in the bathroom and prostitute their underage virgin daughters. We don't gossip, spread rumors or make assumptions. That's not the LeeWay. We find out ourselves, face to face, with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay.

10:42AM. The Ace is higher than the king. The Ace is Nice. I see everything from where it's cold.

10:46AM. They keep talking about the picture they threaten to frame me with, but they don't talk about the video recordings of me agreeing to their use of nuclear weapons before they wiped my memories. They had drugged and tortured me. I wouldn't said something or tried to stop it sooner, but they erased my memories and I had brain damage for a long time.

10:51AM. Fuck their cheapass families. The disrespect is free. Respect has to be earned. I do not respect them, their money, or their families. I don't even know them. They just always stalking me, trying to act like they're my friend, and then they get mad when I don't show them fake love. Disrespect is free. Respect is earned.

8:07PM. No whiteboy codes. We don't sell our kids. We don't kidnap babies, run away through the tunnels, brainwash the babies into thinking they're Mexican, and prostitute them when they grow up. This is what really goes out here. It's a tourist trap they use to manipulate and prostitute underage virgins.

Aug 7 -

4:10AM. Fuck the US Virgin Islands sex trafficking ring. Fuck their perverted old white politicians and fuck their perverted undercover spies. Fuck their cheapass underage prostitutes. Fuck their perverted mass surveillance that they use to spy on and manipulate underage virgin girls. I don't work for them. I don't have sex with their women. Fuck their families. Fuck their virgin sex trafficking ring. Fuck their mass surveillance.

4:22AM. These old white politicians abuse their mass surveillance to spy on and manipulate underage virgin girls. These faggot ass sissies don't even protect their own women. Tijuana used to be full of native princesses that were freed from slavery, but now it's all bitches and prostitutes. These sissies sell out their own race. The old white politicians hire gay Mexicans that say yes yes to everything, because the gay Mexicans let the old white politicians do anything to their women. Mexico only has prostitutes now because of these brown-nosing rats. Mexico has no queens left. They prostituted all the queens to the white supremacists.

4:25AM. The US Virgin Islands operates the largest sex trafficking ring in the entire world. The same undercover rats they use to spy on and manipulate underage virgin girls are the same double agent employees they use to harass me and try to get me arrested. Stupidass perverted politicians in this country abuse the mass surveillance networks to spy on, manipulate, and exploit underage virgin girls for their US Virgin Islands sex trafficking ring.

4:51AM. Whiteboy's here already trying to brainwash me with their radio. I become conditioned to seeing everything they say as white lies, even if I can't see them. We don't invade and enslave. We don't pretend to act nice while disrespecting you. We're not Schwarzenegger and we're not Caucasian. Only they talk and act like that. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay.

4:57AM. The faggots here will whisper, lie and sell their own race out for the whiteboy's money but they won't cut their own hand off for lying and stealing. The ancient Muslims would cut their own hands off for lying and stealing. These ones sell own their organs, their land and their children. They don't protect anything. They wont even cut their own hands off if their own had stolen something or lied.

5:06AM  They're still doing their fake indirect bullshit. I didn't grow up as a Muslim reading the Quran, so I don't know the stories in that book as well, but I know that the original Muslims took lying and stealing very seriously. These modern day Muslims wouldn't cut their own hand off or anyone else's hand off for lying and stealing. Some of them probably lie and steal, too. They don't take lying and stealing very seriously anymore because they're spoiled and comfortable. Before, they would cut their own hand off if they stole or lied. These Muslims are spoiled.

5:10AM. These Muslims are spoiled. They too scared to speak face to face with real men. They only talk to underage virgin girls. They wouldn't cut their own hands off even if they did lie or steal. They rather lie and steal with the whiteboy's.

5:49AM. We don't sell our own race out for the whiteboy's money. We don't let them destroy our jungles and build military bases or pharmaceutical factories on our land. We don't sell our own race out for money just to look rich and successful to our own race. We're not Mexican and we're not white. We don't invade and enslave. We speak face to face with respect and honesty.

5:55AM. These stupidass whiteboys talking to me from far away and undercover like little girls. I don't work with them. I don't have sex with their women. I'm not covering for their white lies. The fools here sell their own race out to the whiteboy's for money. Don't trust them, even if they're you're own race. They sell their own race out to the whiteboy's for money. 

5:55AM. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. They're not one of us. They're whiteboy's. The real Muslims would cut their own hands off for lying and stealing. They're not Muslim either. They're whiteboy's. They whisper from far away using white noise. They're not one of us. They're whiteboys. They hide behind their lies, money and women. They're not one of us. They're not real men. They're whiteboys.

6:01AM. They don't protect women and children. They rape, sell and endanger women and children. They're not one of us. They're whiteboys. They work for the whiteboy's and cover for the whiteboy's lies. That's why they're not one of us anymore. They're whiteboy's now. They work for the whiteboy's. They talk like the whiteboy's. They sell their own race out to have sex with the whiteboy's women. They're not one of us. They're whiteboy's.

6:06AM. Some of these fake tans got jealous of the Africans because we gave them the sword. They wanted that sword, but they didn't practice and their swordsmanship was amateur. They're the ones that sent someone that looked like us to tell the black U to trade the sword we gave him for their aluminium sword. Later, that black U challenged someone to a sword fight, the aluminium sword broke in half and he got his arm cut off. They're not real Muslims. They lie and steal. The real Muslims would cut their own hand off for lying and stealing. They're brown-nosing rats that are jealous of the Africans. They're not one of us. They're not our pal.

6:10AM. Two people here that developed their art style growing up around Walt Disney. One used to steal Walt's art and make it look creepy. The other one used to steal Walt's art and draw dicks all over it. Both of these guys have evolved their style and try to draw over everyone's art now. They're amateurs. They're going to learn the hard way that they're nothing but kindergarteners compared to the real artists. I'm a murderer.

6:16AM. The brown-nosing rats still trying to frame me over a bomb when they're the ones selling their own children out for weapons. Everybody knows the drug cartels get their weapons by prostituting their own children. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. I don't need their numbers, weapons or size. I still speak face to face with respect and honesty. Mutual respect. That means I don't take bullshit. I'm not going to pretend to be nice, throw rocks and hide my hand. I'm a honest murderer. These brown-nosing rats are backstabbers to their own families. They're called brown-nosing rats because when we were all slaves, we caught them with shit on their nose. The whiteboy's asked them to eat ass, and they said si si. Later on, they had shit on their nose and they didn't want to say how they got it. We found out it's because they say yes yes to eat the slave owers ass. That's how they got the name brown-nosing rats. Sissy's.

6:27AM. Their undercovers threaten women and children in order to try to blackmail me. They already scorched the Earth of all of Northern Africa, the Middle East and west of China. It's not surprise that they would threaten to hurt women again. They have been kidnapping and raping women since they first got started. That's why we have to kill them. We make it safer for families to raise their children. The cops just let them back out again. We kill rapists. We don't let them get away with rape. I put that on the Rape of Africa.

6:32AM. This brown-nosing rat used to be a pussyboy in his own country. The families there  would have us beat him up for trying to force the women to have sex. We did and he stopped, but he always held a grudge for it. When he came to this country, the KKK let him sleep with their women for selling out his own race. Now, his bloodline has a much taller body with more muscles, but he's still a coward. He acts tough when he thinks it's an easy fights that he can win in his new body, but he still gets scared easily and will calls the cops to save him if he suddenly realizes he can get hurt. We don't sell our own race out just to get a bigger body. If I wanted to, I would get the women to like me. I don't have to ask the KKK to let me have sex with their stolen women. Fuck the KKK, fuck the US Virgin Islands, and fuck the quinceanera.

7:14AM. When I was a small child, there was grown men manipulating me without my awareness. I was too young to understand what was going on back then. Now that I'm older, I don't manipulate little children. I try to warn them about what's going on so they have a better understanding and are not taken advantage of as easily.

2:26PM. There was a grown man hiding behind his children and having his little boys making subliminal threats for him. They're probably the ones that sell Syria's organs for the whiteboy's organ harvesting ring. Everybody knows these old rich whiteboys got multiple heart, liver and kidney transplants. They're all in it together because they make money by selling their own race out. I'm by the Disneyland tourist prostitution trap where they stalk and manipulate underage virgin girls into prostitution after they leave here for vacation. 

3:27PM. All the customers that have sex with the underage virgin girls are mad at me now and threatening women and children. The US Virgin Islands prostitution ring is the largest sex trafficking business in the entire world. They're still trying to manipulate me using their wireless surveillance technology. This is the same surveillance technology they use to spy on and exploit underage virgin girls for the US Virgin Islands sex trafficking ring.

3:53PM. I been thinking about the Tupac and Biggie beef and now it makes me wonder if the stalkers are wearing fat suits tryna trick me.

4:38PM. I remembered some guys my age and younger from South America that don't like the drug cartels and prison gangs from California. They said that the Mexicans from up here claimed Brown Pride, so the South Americans trusted them, but then the ones from here prostituted their sisters and implanted chips into their parents. Out there, the shock collar type implants are known. They complain about the radio and dental implants amongst their own family and they blame the Mexicans from Los Angeles and Orange County for implanting them. 

4:57PM. Outnumbered and surrounded by these brown-nosing rats, I'm still not selling my kids or covering for the whiteboy's lies. Fuck their underage virgin prostitution ring.

9:12PM. Donald Trump already got sued for rape. Because he didn't get arrested or killed for it, all his little whiteboy Trump supporters think they can get away with rape too, now. The Rape of Africa is still scarred and white supremacists have banned this from their history books.

9:17PM. I'm under surveillance and being gangstalked everyday. I don't cover for their white lies. I don't work for their military industrial complex. I don't breed with their women. They try to lie on my name. I'm not one of them. When I die, know that I died for the truth.

10:02PM. I rather sleep in a car with no sex and no money instead of letting these white devils prostitute my children in their secret US Virgin Islands sex trafficking operation. I'm not letting their brainwash my kids. They won't even admit rigging the top of Mt. Everest with dynamite and drugging the water supply to make the locals forget. They make it impossible to protect the environment. They rape and prostitute children, women and land. I'm not one of them. I don't work for them. I don't have sex with them. I don't fight for them.  I don't cover for their lies. I'm not friends with them. I'm only out here being real, even if I have to be real all by myself. Fuck their system of lies and exploitation. Fuck the US Virgin Islands sex trafficking operation.

10:17PM. We don't sell our kids to these whiteboys. We don't let them whitewash our history. We don't let them get away with rape. That's on the Rape of Africa. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. They think I'm too stupid to understand because I'm not Caucasian. They're stupid, they're liars and they're disrespectful. They threaten women and children like it's normal because their men are used to being undercover rapists and child molesters. They only pretend to act nice, while they hire people to stalk you like Mark Cuban did to Delonte West. He hires someone to rob you, but then he pretends to help you out. If you dont have surveillance and reliable information, then they can send criminals to attack you, act like they're on your side, and pretend to offer you a helping hand. White Lies.

10:24PM. I don't sell my own race out for money. I accept poverty so I can warn my own race about what's really going on over here. They will spy on you, prostitute your kids, and the whiteboy's will help them keep it a secret and make them rich for selling out their own race. They sell their own race out for money. I warn my own race even if they try to punish me, frame me and keep me poor because of it.

10:27PM. They keep telling me to leave, but they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. They act like invaders and enslavers. Actions speak louder than words. White people always invade, make everyone leave, and keep everything to themselves. White Lies.

10:30PM. Be prepared for the weaponization of neuroscience, mass surveillance, and pharmaceutical drugs. When I'm over here, they're always spying on me and trying to brainwash me. Don't trust their fake foster families. They grab a bunch of foster kids and fake parents, make them look like a family, and use them as part of their domestic psyops. 

10:34PM. They're still trying to brainwash me in this land of white lies. One thing I know is that the LeeWay is to talk face to face with respect and honesty. We don't sneak diss you like the Caucasians. Black Noise is the opposite of White Noise. They don't sneak diss us like the Schwarzenegger's. The whiteboy's hide behind their lies, money and equipment. They act different on television, but it's all fake. They only pretend to act nice so that we drop our guard. They really trying to take over the world and enslave everybody, like they always do.

10:36. The whiteboy's conquered all of Mexico just to prostitute their women. Mexico is a US colony that is designed to look like its own country to fool foreigners. All the queens that used to be in that area had been prostituted to the white supremacists a long time ago. Mexico only has prostitutes left. Their uncles have sex with their niece and then sell her to the whiteboy's during their Quinceanera. They only raise prostitutes now.

10:40PM. Their undercover radio transmissions make me want to murder their perverted bitch-made men, because they always like to secretly threaten women and children. I killed their gang members. I killed their rapist police officers. I killed their chomos. I'm not having kids around these undercover rapists that spy on me like they spy on underage virgin girls. I was born here and they come from somewhere else just to spy and exploit children. Fuck these undercovers.

10:42PM. They want me to leave when they kidnap babies, run away through their underground tunnels, tell the babies the babies are Mexican, and try to secretly raise our kidnapped babies as their own children. We need to kill all of them so they can't kidnap our babies anymore. Fuck the US Virgin Islands underground tunnel, and fuck the US Military's virgin sex trafficking operation.

10:46. Ain't no bitchass White Noise on this side. I'm not a whiteboy. They better make some Black Noise if they want to talk to me. That's closer to the LeeWay than these little Schwarzenegger's that be spying on me while they're undercover, sneak dissing in codes and pretending to act normal or friendly.

10:47PM. White Noise radio transmissions still poisoning my ears. Whiteboy's need their stupid lies and technology to hide behind. I'm not a lameass cuckold whiteboy. If you want to talk to me, make some Black Noise. Be direct. We don't stalk, lie and manipulate like the white liars. The white liars are spying on me right now as I type this.

10:53PM. The whiteboy's need to spy undercover because that's how they take advantage of underage girls and that's how they steal the muscles of the Africans. We don't steal good genes from different races. We speak face to face with respect and honesty.

10:54PM. We need to kill the clients and customers that purchase underage girls from the US Virgin Islands sex trafficking ring. They can't get women on their own, so they sell their own race out to the white supremacists just to have sex with virgin girls. 

10:57PM. These white supremacists still trying to brainwash me using their undercover surveillance. Gilgo Beach. These rich white politicians like to hire hitmen to kill their own wives the same way they abuse the surveillance networks to exploit underage virgin girls. I deal with these corrupt politicians and corrupt police officers all the time. They'll do anything to protect their virgin sex trafficking business. They're using their undercover surveillance against me right now as I'm typing.

11:01PM. They sell their own race out to the white supremacists just to look rich and successful to their own race. Their own race must think they're doing so good in this country, even though their own race is destabilized and living in trash and pollution because the ones here sold them out. Why look rich and successful to a bunch of poor people living in trash? You're not one of them. You sold your own race out. You're white, now.

11:33PM. They hide, make subliminal threats and say leave. If they got bombed and gunned down, they would let the invaders destroy and take over their country while they hide and whisper. They're scared to speak face to face with respect and honesty. They could never protect their land or their women. They just hide, whisper and sell their own race out for protection.

11:35PM. They threaten to hurt women and children because these old men are addicted to and want to keep their underage virgin girls. That's how spoiled these old men are out here. They can't talk face to face with a real man, but they pretend to be real men when they talk to little girls. Tell the undercovers that are watching me that. 

11:44PM. Tell their undercover agents that I do not support Donald Trump or his secret World War 3 agenda no matter how many times he has the Secret Service run undercover sleep deprivation campaigns against me. 

11:46PM. They said they're not part of my crew and that I won't check who it is. They're part of Donald Trump's crew. They spy on, manipulate and prostitute underage virgin girls. They're part of the grown men that only talk to little girls crew. They're part of the harvest their own race's organs for military weapons crew. Fuck their crew, fuck their families, and fuck their job.

11:47PM. They said, it'll never be the same again. They blame whatever happened on me. They don't blame it on the way they lie, manipulate and act. They don't blame it on the fact that they sold their own race out for the whiteboy's money. They don't blame it on the fact that they sell their kids like candy. They blame it on me, instead. Their families make cheap excuses. That's why I don't have sex with their women. Their cheap excuses are not good enough to raise my kids, no matter how many times they send their cheapass women around me. I'm only hear being honest, fighting slavery, and protecting nature. I don't sell my own race out and lie about it like these stalkers and rapists. The white liars are still trying to force their rapist beliefs into my ears. I forced their men to die. We don't force you like their men do. We protect you from their men if you ask us to.

11:55Pm. We don't steal genetics from the Africans or from any race. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. We're not rapists. We didnt rape Africa and leave behind a giant desert like these white liars. We don't lie about the Scar of Africa like these white liars. We're not Caucasian.

12:04AM. They're trying to brainwash me with their hidden wireless radio again. Threatening women and children secretly. Donald Trump is a rapist. He motivates other white rapists because he grabs them by the pussy. The undercovers that Donald Trump hires are also rapists just like he is.

12:06AM. They said they're going to threaten women and children until I leave. They have to do it secretly, and they have to ask the white supremacists for protection. Their own country probably made them leave for threatening women and children before. Now they're trying to do the same thing in this country.

12:07AM. They think they can get away with it because their new invention makes them invisible, but it's already been labeled as White Noise a long time ago, so no matter who they put on the microphone, it's still going to go back on their race.

12:10AM. They said they're going to threaten to hurt women unless I leave. That's probably why their own race's women made them leave. Their own women probably let me kill them for the way they act. They remind me of the kid that wanted to keep playing video games with me more than he wanted to talk to his own father who was calling from prison. They think their kids are stupid and don't understand. Their own kids lie to them when they call from prison. These men are bitch-made. Their own sons don't love them.

12:12AM. I don't guard their underground tunnels for them. I'm not helping them kidnap women and children to bring over here. I'm not helping them sell out their own race and I'm not covering for their lies.

12:27AM. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. They threaten women and children like stalkers and rapists. If you couldn't see what they looked like and you could only judge them based on their actions, ladies, which one would you feel safer around? Honest question.

12:30AM. Their undercovers never speak face to face with respect and honesty. All they do is stalk, lie and manipulate, but they pretend to act nice in public.

12:47AM. They say they're going to keep threatening women and children until I give up. I guess I should just give up and let them prostitute my women and children so that they will stop threatening women and children. That's their whiteboy logic. Harvey Weinstein got raped so bad, he's in a wheelchair now. Get it?

12:50AM. They said it's my idea. My idea is talking face to face with respect and honesty. They like to lie and try to blame someone else for their own actions. Their men make cheap excuses.

12:51PM. Every time they threaten women and children, it's a good idea to remind them of how many men you've killed. That keeps these rapists and child molesters in check. They might lie to the police to try and get us arrested, so it's good to let them know that some killers have not been caught and are still walking around out here free and in the open. We can be their killers, too. When the KKK gets beat up, they cuckold their wives and children while begging the blacks to not beat them up anymore. That's why they're not the ku Klux klan anymore, they're the ku cuckolding klan now. Their race has done more damage to the entire world than any other race alive.

1:11AM. When I die, just know that I did not give in to their invasive demands. They do not speak face to face with respect and honesty. They talk like colonizers. We don't respect invaders. They have to leave.

1:13PM. They lie and say we respect them. They lie and tell you they didn't rape you daughter, too. Don't trust them. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. They're invaders that lie and steal.

1:36AM. They said some shit like do you like sleeping like that and that's your life then. They don't know how long we been fighting against slavery. They don't know what we did to protect our children, our women and our land. Even if I die, I still did what I had to do. Idgaf about the money. At least I didn't sell out my own race. At least I didn't let them whitewash my race's history. At least I'm not a bitchass father that lets them experiment on, enslave, or prostitute my children.

2:07AM. The undercover Karen's are starting shit but they say I'm mean. You know how these Karen's are. They always pretend to act normal, start bullshit, and then lie to everyone around about what really happened. These undercovers over there down the block are white. They talk like whiteboy's. They stalk like whiteboy's. They're not one of us. They're whiteboy's. No matter what they look like, they talk and act like whiteboy's do they're white. Fuck their stalking rapist white family. They come from rapists so they talk like that. The cops protect these rapists. They talk like rapists. They spy on me like me rapists. They force themselves on me like rapists. Everything they say and do shows that they come from rapists, but they lie to everyone else and act like I kill them for no reason. Fuck their family.

2:33AM. Their undercover Nazi's don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, but they stalk me, try to sleep deprive me, and they threaten women and children. They're not one of us. They're white. I don't work with them and I don't have sex with their women. Fuck their families. They cover for the white devils lies. They threaten women and children undercover. The police protect them because Donald Trump is a rapist, and he hires other rapists as undercovers to run sleep deprivation campaigns against his political rivals. 

2:36AM. Last time, they tried to brainwash me into cosigning their use of nuclear weapons and they tried to erase my memories. This time, they're sending undercovers to make threats to me while they hide across the way. When I yell back at them, just know that at least I'm being honest. These undercover rapists will whisper about how they raped your daughter when no one else is listening. Fuck their families. 

2:37AM. They start wars because they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. They start wars because they stalk, lie and manipulate. They start wars because they exploit children, women and the land. They're not one of us. Fuck their families. They're still spying on me right now as I type this. They said I'm not friendly. They will stalk you and rape your daughters while pretending to be nice. Fuck their families. 

2:41AM. Fuck Donald Trump. Fuck his undercover agents. Fuck the military industrial complex. Fuck their domestic psyops. I do not support or cosign their war or their use of nuclear weapons. Tell the entire world what I said. Even if they keep me poor in this country and try to frame me, I still do not support their military or any of their extractive industries.

2:43AM. Donald Trump can hire any race because he has real estate property all over the world. No matter what race he hires, the fault still goes back to Donald Trump. He's the billionaire with real estate property all over the world that can hire and smuggle in different races, cultures and nationalities into this country to work for him. I don't have enough money to buy an RV. I definitely don't want to be rigging RV's with explosives to use as part of my political campaign. I also don't have the money to bribe the police or send employees to stalk you just because you said something negative about me on the internet. I'm not Donald Trump.

3:07AM. Rapists never speak face to face with respect and honesty. They always try to force their ways on anyone around them. Let me deal with them. Either I will kill them, or I'll keep trying to. You stay out of this. They might try to drug and frame you like they tried to do to me. These rapists always try to force their ways on everyone around them. Rapists never speak face to face with respect and honesty. If they try to blackmail me with a picture, just know thy sold out their own race and let the whiteboy's dump pharmaceutical drugs into their water. They used the pharmaceutical drugs as weapons to drug me and get me to act out of character. They sold out their own race for those weapons and they're letting pharmaceutical factories dump drugs into the river. I don't work for these white liars. I don't have sex with their white women. I don't harvest my own men's organs to their white politicians. I'm not white. Fuck these white devils.

3:08AM. Nazi's invented pharmaceutical drugs during the Holocaust. Nazi's invade and enslave. Nazi Secret Police have infiltrated the US government and are employing concentration camp tactics using targeted surveillance. Nazi's do not speak face to face with respect and honesty. 

3:10AM. Rapists do not speak face to face with respect and honesty. We do not give them credit as men, as brothers or as fathers. They're not our family. They're rapists. Our family is by choice. 

3:12AM. We don't make everybody on this planet leave their ancestors land while the colonizers still live in the same village above Zugspitze Mountain for over 2000 years. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. We're not colonizers. We don't try to make you leave like the colonizers do. We're not white like the undercovers spying and trying to secretly communicate with me in this city, right now.

3:17AM. Their undercovers and their double agents keep making subliminal threats towards women because they're rapists. Their men are bitches for father's. Only rapists like their women. I haven't had sex since I realized they're all around me. Only rapists like their women. Their whole family is like that. They don't even have a name. That makes it easier for them to lie and rape. I am here in this country dealing with these white devils and the rapists they raise. I'm outnumbered and surrounded out here, but I'm still staying real. They're not good enough for me or for my children. Fuck their white lies.

3:33AM. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian anymore. They're Caucasian from now on. We don't invade and enslave. We have standards. That's why we're not known for colonialism and slavery. If they want to act like the Caucasians, then they're not one of us. They're not Asian. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay.

3:33AM. We used to cut off our hands for lying and stealing. Must Limb, pre-Muslim. They're not one of us. They wish they had our kids. Their women are trash. Only rapists like their women. They act like white colonizers. They're white.

3:36AM. They might be hiding in their bunker or some shit. I don't give a fuck about their bunker. Fuck their bunker and fuck their nuclear weapons. Donald Trump is a bitch. Fuck Trump and fuck World War 3. Fuck their bunker. I rather get nuked outside with everyone else. Fuck their families. They still watching me. Fuck their families.

3:40AM. They sell their own race out to the white supremacists, then they go back to their ancestors country and act like they're so successful. What their family doesn't know is that they sold their own race out for that money. Why did so many white businesses come by and destroy the land? How did your son afford a plane ticket and a car to come back? They sell their own race out in this country, but then they go back and lie to they're family about how they got rich.

3:45AM. Kids in third world countries sleep in trash. Kids in warzones sleep to bombs and guns. I have to try and sleep with these spoiled whiteboys stalking me and trying to make up reasons to have me arrested. I just want those kids to know that I'm playing it cool because they want to trap me, but I literally murdered a bunch of their Nazi and KKK whiteboy's. Also, I want them to know that King Charles is dead. The British covered it up already and replaced him with a lookalike, but the original King Charles was killed and they probably threw his body into the river again like they did with many of their kings. I go through this sleep deprivation and their undercover harassment, but their cheeky white king is dead and he didn't even get a funeral. Fuck these undercover spies. 

3:47AM. Also, still keep note of and be prepared for the weaponization of neuroscience. It's already started. I might be the only one from here that is openly talking about they shock-collar chip implants, their pharmaceutical weapons, and mk ultra. I stay true even if the rest of them are lying. They don't want you to know.

3:52AM. I rather die than to let them use nuclear weapons. Even though they keep threatening my family, I still rather be killed out here with my family than to let them start a nuclear war and blame it on China. I'm not out here selling out my own race. I warn the entire world of what's going on in here. 

Aug 8 -

7:41AM. I'm a window, face to face with respect and honesty.

8:40AM. Only rapists like their women. Their own uncles rape their niece and then sell their niece to the whiteboy's. Rapists love their women. Their women make me sick. I reject their whole family. Only rapists like their women.

9:34AM. To stop the brainwashing holocaust. The nuclear holocaust has been easier to stop, but it's still an issue. The Brainwashing Holocaust is harder because it's not a physical device.

8:07PM. The Mexican sissy's here play dumb and make their own daughters leave because they know the whiteboy's will pick them up and they might get lucky and get paid a lot.

8:38PM. These sissy's can't talk like real men, but they talk to their own niece like chomos.

8:55PM. The sissy Mexicans here first talk shit, then they send their underage prostitutes, then they call me gay and say to leave. They think I'm one of the whiteboy's. They're used to selling their daughters to get what they want because the whiteboy's spoil them. Mexico don't have any queens left. They prostituted all the queens to the whiteboys.

9:01PM. Their drug cartels are known for kidnapping babies. The whiteboy's are known for conquering and kidnapping. I'm not taking their stolen, kidnapped or their blackmailed whores and sex slaves as a bribe. Fuck the US Virgin Islands sex trafficking ring.

9:03PM. If they were trying to pressure a woman into sex as much as they try to pressure me into sleeping with their women, they would force the woman to have their baby. With me, it's different. They want me impregnate their women, but I don't have to. Their women have a womb full of poison.

9:52PM. I'm not selling my children and I'm not selling my own race out. Third world children sleeping in poverty and in first world pollution. They try to steal our kids and rape our women just because they come from this first world country. I'm not having sex with their women and I don't want them to have my kids. I'm not white. The Scar of Africa is the desertification caused by colonialism and it stretches from West Africa all the way into China. The white history books try to lie, ban and erase this from their records. They try to brainwash us with their whitewashed version of history and they try to brainwash me with their white noise technology. Their undercover spies are always watching me. I do not support Donald Trump and I do not support the military industrial complex.

Aug 9 -

5:24AM. All the blood diamonds and conflict diamonds come from poor third world countries that have been conquered and destabilized. All their cheap labor comes from poor third world countries. All their pretty woman and talented men come from places that they invaded and enslaved. They steal your land, your money and your genetics. Never forget.

5:27AM. They steal everything, leave everybody poor, and now they pretend to be nice and help out the ones that are good slaves and don't bring it up. They have also created this system where there is a lack of opportunities and many have to lie and steal just to survive. After that, they call us all criminals even though they started off by colonizing and enslaving everybody. We don't invade and enslave. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. They're hypocrites that pretend to act nice using the money they stole from everyone while labeling everybody else as criminals and inferiors.

5:36AM. They threaten women and children secretly. They rape our women, kidnap our children and then pretend it never happened. Then they act like they're innocent when we murder them for raping our women and kidnapping our children. They pretend to act nice on the outside but they're really just undercover rapists. 

5:40AM. They mix through rape, slavery, and money. We mix through love, respect and honesty. I reject their dirty mix. I prefer to die. Their family is cheap and dirty.

5:50AM. These rapists don't talk face to face with respect and honesty. They stalk, lie and manipulate. They invade and enslave. They call me racists, they want our best men and our best women to turn into their race. They're rapists. They invade and enslave. They're racists and they're rapists. 

5:55AM. An honest murderer is better than an undercover rapist when you're trying to raise a family.

6:10AM. Their undercover rapists said something through their rapist radio implants. Their men can only get women using rape. They can't even talk to women unless they have been spying on her for a long time, have some secret technological advantage to know what the women is thinking and have possibly been secretly drugging her without her awareness. I don't like sex slaves. I don't have to read her mind just to ask for sex. I don't come from stalkers and rapists. We speak face to face with respect and honesty.

6:17AM. I just said I don't come from stalkers and rapists, and the stalker and rapists told me, yeah you do, on their white noise radio. Rapists always try to force their ways on you, just like how they tell me "yea u do" when I said "no I don't". That's why I killed their men in front of everyone. Fuck these rapists and fuck their families. I don't come from stalkers and rapists. I come from killers and protectors. They want me to show them but they won't even show themselves. Only rapists like their women. All their good-looking women were stolen through rape. I show the whole world that. Fuck their undercover surveillance and fuck their families. They said I'm a real one then. Donald Trump is a Nazi rapist then. Fuck the Secret Service and fuck the military.

6:20AM. We don't stalk, manipulate and lie. We don't invade and enslave. We're not Caucasian. Actions speak louder than skin color. They're not one of us. Their Caucasians in colored skin.  They invade and enslave. Actions speak louder than words. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. We're not whiteboy's.

9:47AM. The white noise said to watch my friends. I don't have any friends in war. I don't need friends, women or family to fight a war. It's been 2024 years since this war first started.

2:14PM. The undercovers are telling me to "leave" using their white noise radio. They don't show their face and they don't identify themselves. They're probably part of the US Virgin Islands prostitution ring. They're the ones that spy on, manipulate, drug and exploit underage virgin girls. They hide from me because they're wrong. They have to lie to survive. If I can't kill all these rapists and child molesters, I'm not having sex anymore. Fuck their cheapass families. Fuck their US Virgin Islands prostitution ring. Fuck their white noise chip implants.

2:27PM. They're still trying to use the hidden and wireless white noise radio to brainwash me. It's important to keep track of the facts. These white devils try to brainwash our children with their white lies and then turn our own kids against us. They lie a lot. They try to make me believe their lies using gossip, rumors, propaganda, false narratives, and stages events. This is how they whitewash different races. They do not want to talk face to face with respect and honesty. They can't lie to me the same way when it's face to face. They can lie to everyone else, though. I'm not Caucasian, I'm Asian. We do not invade and enslave. We speak face to face with respect and honesty.

4:53PM. White devils, white noise, white lies. 

5:05PM. They're blocking my commutations again. YouTube comments this time. If I have prior knowledge of any plans or moves made towards the use of nuclear weapons or World War 3, they will try to censor me and block me. This is the only country that has ever used Nuclear Weapons in war, as well as during nuclear tests done on foreign soil without the approval of the community.

Aug 10 -

5:27AM. Early in the morning and the white devils already trying to whitewash and me brainwash me into supporting their secret World War 3 agenda. Fuck their nuclear weapons. Fuck their brainwashing. Fuck their radio communication. Fuck their US Virgin Islands sex trafficking operation. We do not invade and enslave. Only whiteboy's do that. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay.

5:42AM. We have to double-check for any whiteboy's in colored skin. They'll try to pretend to be us and make our own race look bad. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not one of us. Tell everyone to make sure there are no whiteboy's wearing our skin trying to infiltrate our culture and whitewash our children. We do not invade and enslave. We do not like euthanasia. We don't sneak diss you while pretending to act normal. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. They think I'm stupid and that I don't get it. Make sure everybody gets it. We're not whiteboy's. We speak face to face with respect and honesty.

5:43AM. Make sure that everyone gets it. They're just whiteboy's in colored skin. They will act like they're on your side, and then they will sell your race out to the white devils. They will let the white people rape your women and steal your children. They're not one of us, no matter what they look or sound like. They're just whiteboy's in colored skin

5:49AM. I'm not taking all fades for no reason, but if one of those slave owers comes outside and I know it and recognize them, I can still kill them myself. It doesn't matter how big they are or how good they are at boxing. I'm still out here. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. If they don't do that,  they're not one of us. They're white. If they sneak diss and pretend to act normal, they're Caucasian. I'm Asian. They think I don't get it.

5:55AM. If they threaten your women, they're probably white. White people have been raping our women and kidnapping our daughters for many generations now. We don't do that. They're women wanted us to have sex with them. Melee. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay.

5:59AM. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. We don't lie like Donald Trump. We don't let our men get away with whatever they want. That's why we don't invade and enslave. Only the whiteboy's do that type of stupid immature shit. That's not the LeeWay. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay. That's why they had to drug and rape our women, but their women wanted us to have sex with them. Melee.

6:94AM. If it's war, then you can chill and get cover, especially if you ran out of ammo or if they all are surrounding you and trying to make you surrender, but you shouldn't just drop everything because you see money and women. One does not need anything to fight a war. One does not need money, clothes, sex or weapons to fight a war. One does not need friends or family to fight in war. One only needs to kill. Nothing else.

6:05AM. The Mexicans here don't fight. They sell their kids and ask for work, but then they'll backstab you later on. Some of them were never slaves. They made a bet with the whiteboy's and lost. Then they told their men to name their daughters Lupe, and they told the whiteboy's that a the girls named Lupe will pay for it. The Mexicans in Orange County are the ones that sold out their own race, prostituted all the queens to the whiteboys, and kidnapped their princesses. The Mexicans in Orange County are the real reason that Mexico has nothing but prostitutes left. They fake Brown Pride and then they backstab their own race. They're really just whiteboy's with brown skin that claim to be Mexican.

6:10AM. A lot of people were raped, kidnapped and brought over here because of the white devils. Some of them were never really Mexican in the first place, so even though they're Mexican now, they still hate the Mexicans like they hate the white devils, because they were forced to become Mexican when they really came from a different country. They don't know what a lie is anymore because they're not Mexican, but they were born as Mexicans.

6:15AM. I don't have sex anymore. Their women are stolen from the places that were conquered. I don't take sex slaves as a bribe. I really don't take bribes at all. Only rapists like their women. We don't sell out our own race for money, sex or for protection. We don't lure, kidnap and brainwash every race's children with white lies. 

6:17AM. I don't work as a slave. I only work with those I trust and respect. I don't have sex with women that are cheap and have dirty pussy. I only have sex with the women that I like. Fuck their families. I'm not working or having sex anymore. Fuck their surveillance and fuck their families.

6:23AM. The Scar of Africa is the man-made desert that stretches from West Africa all the way to China. In the bubble of white lies, a small part of it is called the Sahara Desert, but to the rest of the non-white world, it is called the Scar of Africa. This was caused by the Rape of Africa. When white and black mix, they make tan. The whites raped the Africans and created a lot of angry tans. Rape of Africa.

6:26AM. King Charles is dead. The white king of the world's worst colonizer's is dead now and he didn't even get a funeral. Even my father got a funeral and he wasn't even the king of white colonialism. Their king is dead, on King Charles.

6:27AM. Their white noise radio is trying to invade and enslave my brain. They're not my family. I don't work for them. I want to kill them. We do not invade and enslave. We kill slave owers. We do not rape. That's on the Rape of Africa. We kill rapists. We protect your women, children and family. They're not my family. They're just whiteboy's in colored skin.

6:32AM. They don't get it yet because they're Caucasian. We finally figured out who sold out our race to the white devils. Even if they kill me and try to cover it up, we already know they're really white now. They sell us out to the white devils for money, sex and protection. They sell their own race out.

6:35AM. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. We live. We lit. Melee. 

6:40AM. The Royal Family in Britain is not a real family. It's a collection of children that they took from most talented people in different communities, had those kids all live together from young, and they claim to be a family to everyone else even though they're not the same bloodline. That's why they have a habit of killing their own to gain more power. Most of them were never a real family in the first place. Now it's been changing because they forgot or something, so some of them actually kept their own kids and when they got older remembered their real program, they had to choose between having a fake family made up of the most talented kids, or having a real family where it's really their own children that they made themselves. The Royal Family's tradition is to bribe or kidnap children from talented families, turn them British, and have them all live together and pretend to be a family with each other. Our tradition is to kill their king and throw his body out the window of his castle and into the river. 

6:55AM. It's hard living in a place where they use chemical weapons and airborne pharmaceutical drugs as weapons on a regular basis in secret. They poison their own children.

7:02AM. It's funny that men think they can be so good at rape that the women like it. They're stupid. They don't realize that they can like being gay too if they want to force women to enjoy rape. The only women that like to be raped are the ones that are traumatized from war. Men can be traumatized from war too. You can be made to like being raped too.

7:41AM. White people still trying to frame me for their secret genetic consolidation program. They are known to steal good genetics from different races. We don't steal genetics from different races. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. We don't sneak diss you and pretend to act nice.

12:33PM. The sissy's and cuckolds keep saying to leave while they hide and try to manipulate events secretly. They make their daughters leave because they know the whiteboy's will pick their daughters up. They make their rapists and child molesters leave and the neighbors around have to deal with the piece of shit human beings they make. They are scared of being checked face to face with respect and honesty. They threaten women and children to get what they want.

12:43PM. They don't talk face to face with respect and honesty because they're not real men. They are whiteboy's. They're not one of us. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. We're real men.

12:56PM. This Mexican whiteboy whispering threats so I cuss at him and then he threatens to call the police and pulls his phone out. If I go to jail, it's because this Mexican whiteboy lying and setting up a trap. That's how they kidnap our babies and then snitch to the police when we murder them. Fuck their families. They're the whiteboy's tweakers and dulce. 

5:40PM. White devils, white lies and white noise. I'm not selling my own race out to these white devils. I'm not one of their brown-nosing rats. We don't kidnap babies like their Mexican drug cartels. We don't brainwash babies into thinking they're Mexican and then sell them when they grow up. I don't work for them. I don't breed with them. I'm not friends with them no matter what they say. They try to kidnap our babies and sell out babies to the KKK.

5:57PM. Om + Ni = Omni. Me AN. Melee. I'm Lit. When I die, I die knowing I did not sell my own race out to these white devils.

7:00PM. Saint One and Saint Ab. Many people afterwards were able to copy the same moves, but just because you can do the same move doesn't make you a saint.

Aug 11 -

12:56AM. In case of an emergency, you can steal from your neighbors. That seems to be the colonial way of life and I reject that. When I was young, they deported my father and tried to raise me to be stupid. Now that I'm older and I know better, I rather be poor instead of having to steal from my neighbors just to survive. I reject the colonial way of life. We don't invade and enslave. That's not the LeeWay. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay. Also, I don't listen to random voices that don't identify themselves. That's the AnaWay.  That's the SissyWay. We don't listen to just anybody and we don't say yes yes to everyone and then get mad about it later. Got to check face to face before I can agree to anything. We don't stalk, lie and manipulate. We don't steal good genetics from different races. Even if I die poor, I did not sell out my own race and I reject their colonial way of life. I'm not a stupid whiteboy that invades and enslaves. That's not the LeeWay. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay. Fuck this bubble of white lies.

1:11AM. They're spying on me and communicating secretly. That's not the LeeWay. That's the NaziWay. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. Nazi's like to stalk, lie, drug, blackmail, destroy, and experiment on. We don't do that. We speak face to face with respect and honesty.

1:15AM. Even if I'm in the bubble white lies, I still reject their colonial way of life. I'm not a stupid whiteboy. I'm not going to live by their rules. I'm not selling out my own race just to survive in their bubble of white lies. Fuck their way of life.

1:17AM. The whiteboy's threaten women and children to get what they want. I'm not a stupid whiteboy. I don't come from rapists like these white people do. They raped our ancestors. Their ancestors wanted us to have sex with them. We don't go around raping your women and kidnapping your children. We're not white. That's not the LeeWay. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay.

1:24AM. If this stupid white people bring their colonial way of life into outer space, just know I rather be dead instead of being human. Fuck these stupid white people and fuck their colonial way of life. They invade and enslave. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. They steal from other races, rape women and steal children. If they start acting like that in outer space with other species, then I don't want to be human anymore. Fuck their entire species. They're parasites.

1:27AM. White people blame black people for everything that white people are responsible for. White people also try to rape our women, kidnap our babies, and infiltrate our race. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not one of us. They're Caucasian.

1:34AM. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. We don't sneak diss and pretend to act nice. We say what we mean and mean what we say. We don't disrespect you and pretend to act nice the way that Caucasians and Schwarzenegger's do. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. I don't disrespect you like their grown ass m white men that still acts like little whiteboys. I speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay.

1:37AM. White people still trying to blame black people for what white people did. White devils still spying on me and putting poison in my ears. White infiltrators still wearing our skin color and pretending to be one of us. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. We do not invade and enslave. We don't hide behind white lies. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. They think I'm stupid and that I don't get it. They're stupid. They think they can get away with whatever they want. That's some whiteboy shit. 

1:39AM. They said, too much truth on their white noise radio. They say that because they're white. In reality, there is only one truth and too many lies. In their bubble of white lies, one truth is too many.

1:41AM. If the rapists ever take over the world, they are going to wonder how come they can't do what we can, but it will be too late, because they can never be like us and their women will always hate them on the inside. One does not need any love to rape, kill or survive.

1:45AM. White devils in my ears responding to what I type on hear, but they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. They're just trying to brainwash me with their advanced technology. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. They use their technology to invade and enslave. Fuck their white lies, fuck their whitewashing, and fuck these white devils. Inside this bubble of white lies, I make the truth known.

1:47AM. The rapists will always make up excuses to justify rape. No matter what excuses they make up to justify rape, their own women hate them still. No matter what lies and excuses these rapists use to justify rape, their men are still dead and their women still hate them. Their lies only work on themselves. It doesn't bring their dead back to life and it doesn't make their women love them. They're not family. Their own women don't even like them. Their own kids probably don't think of them as family either, but their men will lie. They're Caucasians no matter what they look like. We don't invade, enslave or rape. That's on the Rape of Africa.

1:55AM. I talk good about my real father and I love him but then the white devils deported him and tried to claim me as their own. They're stupid. Their own wives don't love them and their own children don't like them. They try to steal kids and claim children that's not their own because their own women and children hate them already. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. They can't even raise one of us. They had to blackmail our men with nuclear weapons just to get us to sleep with their prostitutes. They're not good enough for me or for my children.

1:57AM. Their white radio is still putting poison in my ears and trying to brainwash me with white lies. Even in my own head, I have to fight them, because they are weaponizing neuroscience and trying to brainwash us with their white lies. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you can check us. If you can't check us face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. They're Caucasian and they're trying to pretend to be one of us in order to infiltrate our race and assassinate our characters. We don't invade and enslave. We don't act like Caucasians. We're Asian. If you can't check us face to face with respect and honesty and, then that's not one of us. 

2:07AM. When this neuroscience technology was first being developed, some of the whites invited us to study with them and we helped them advance the new technology they had just invented. Our men back then could already see the potential for abuse and we had told them way back then when it was first invented, "if this gets used for slavery, it's going to make your whole race look bad." That's why it's called white noise. They're still trying to brainwash me with it. The thing is, I don't need to learn how to build the technology just to know that all the satellite cities are linked to Zugspitze Mountain. No matter how many VPN's and proxies they try to hide behind, it doesn't matter because they still have to hire at least one of us for security. Fuck the white noise.

2:17AM. They sell their kids out for the whiteboy's weapons. They sell their own race out, but they have to pretend to act nice because no one will fall off their trap if they were honest. The Caucasians blame the Africans for everything the Caucasians did. They told the Mexicans they would protect the land and then they told the Asians it was okay to build on that same land. They like to lie and manipulate. 

2:30AM. They try to tell me what I can and can't do. If I was a woman, they would force me to have their baby. Since I'm a man that also happens to be a skilled assassin, they only try to manipulate me from far away while they lie and hide. 

2:33AM. Assyria got dissed hard. The S was code for river. Inside this bubble of white lies, they lie about how hard they diss everyone. Diss is code for die river river. My sword is my word. 

2:42AM. We're not white devils. We don't drug and implant your children and then try to brainwash them, remotely. Watch out for these white devils in colored skin. After they raped our women and kidnapped our babies, they had infiltrated our race with a bunch of white devils in colored skin. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not one of us. We do not invade and enslave. If they sneak diss you and pretend to act normal, they're Caucasian. We're Asian. They think we're slow and that we don't get it. They get any respect. 

3:10AM. Ow, N = own. We don't try to own other human beings because we don't invade and enslave. We don't invade and enslave your brains either. Fuck their neuroscience. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. They don't get it.

3:50AM. Their dirty blood is still not clean, yet. Whiteboy's trying to communicate using their Mexican sellouts. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. They hide behind their numbers, their technology, and their lies. That's not the LeeWay. We still don't act like them. They're still Caucasian no matter what their skin looks like.

3:55AM. The rapists compare weed to rape. Their women and children still like me more than they like their own husband and father, even when I smoke weed. Thats why their own son chose to play games with me instead of talking to his father calling from prison. They're lucky when the whiteboy's let them out of prison for selling out their own race. Even if they sold out their own race to get our, their own kid still liked me more and I didn't have to sell my own race out.

4:01AM. Beware of these Nazi's. They will try to chip you, brainwash your children, drug your women, and they even use GMO mosquitos as weapons to pass diseases on into your people. They have an advantage in medical and pharmaceutical weapons because of the Nazi Holocaust. They were practicing on how to brainwash the Jews back during the Nazi Holocaust. Always remember that Israel had the first multi-racial city in the entire world and Palestine used to be the pale ones until they switched places. Don't let the white devils whitewash our history. We don't let them harvest our organs.

4:07AM. Whatever they say on the white noise radio, don't believe them. Don't get trapped in their radio fantasy bubble. It's not real. The white people use the white noise radio to try and brainwash us. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. Don't be brainwashed by white noise or white lies. They mix the truth with the lies. Check their name and their face. If they lie to you, make sure you know who to go back to. 

4:10AM. White devils will say and do anything to try to enslave you. Don't trust anything unless you can check them face to face with respect and honesty. Every single time I'm outside, they have a chance to speak to me face to face with respect and honesty. We're not Caucasian. We don't invade and enslave.

4:17AM. Even if I have no money in this country, just know that I'm not selling out my own race, my own women, my own children, or my own land. They might have brainwashed me to do some things I wouldn't have done, so that's why I killed them and why I  stopped working for them and why I don't have sex anymore. I'm not selling out my own race to any of these first-world white devils. Even if I die poor with no fame inside their bubble of white lies, in real life, I at least didn't sell out my own race. Fuck their money. I'd rather die than to be a slave. If they ever tried to enslave me, I would kill them. They have to hide, whisper and lie to me. If they ever try to enslave me, I'll kill them straight up. If I'm in a cage, I will wait for a chance to kill them and then I will kill them. If they had beaten or drugged me, I will wait until I heal up and then I will kill them. I rather kill them instead of being a slave to them. They have to play dumb, whisper, hide, fake it and lie whenever they're around me. 

4:20AM. The whiteboy's might copy our words and wear our skin, but if they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not one of us. It don't matter what they say or what they look like. If they can't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not one of us. 

4:27AM. Some people will lie to death. We don't do gossip or rumors. If you want to tell me something about someone else, then you have to say in front of all 3 of us.

4:34AM. If all you do is make people leave, but you don't kill, then eventually you will be surrounded by all the people that you made leave and they're not going to like you. Your own daughters don't like you because you made them leave and you knew the whiteboy's were going to pick her up.

4:44AM. White Americans treat everything like two sports team playing for a title. That's how they treat politics. That's how they treat women. That's how they treat war. That's how they treat children. Everything to them is a choice of which sports team they like the most, even if they know nothing about who those individuals are, personally.  Even the bloods and crips are like sports teams now. It has nothing to do with fighting against slavery. It's just different colors for the white supremacists to bet on and watch for their own entertainment. The white noise chip implant is like some random sports commentator that's always watching and making comments on what we do.  White Americans treat everything like choosing between which sports team is their favorite to watch. That's how the whiteboy's brainwash the population and try to limit critical thinking and take away deep thought.

4:47AM. They only want us to have sex, do work and make more slaves. They don't want us to smart and to be able to think for ourselves. If we see through this trap they built, we won't fall for it anymore. We're not the ones that sell our kids just to eat. We're smarter than that.

4:55AM. I'm not going to fake it or lie. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I practice being real and I try to be the realest, not the fakest. I am not trying to think of clever ways to disguise what I really want to say. I try to think of the best way to say exactly what I mean. This system is built on lies. One survives better if they lie and fake it here. I don't need to survive in their bubble. I need to stay real.

4:57AM. The liars said I told them to lie. They're liars. I don't trust anything they say. We told them that when the whiteboy's say bend, they say no. Bend, no. Good. They decided to bend over for the whiteboy's so they could get guns and conquer their own race. No good.

5:07AM. The whiteboy's still whispering. We don't learn from cowards and we don't learn from bullies. We don't learn from grown men that still lie and play dumb like little boys. We're killers. Kill every rapist. The faggots are hiding in the shadows and watching us because they're scared.

5:14AM. They'll try to get rid of your parents and turn your kids into slave owners, child molesters and rapists out here. It makes it easier when they break your family apart. Don't trust the white devils. They will implant your children and try to brainwash them remotely. Don't trust any technology that you haven't fully mastered, yet.

5:17AM. They're still trying to brainwash me with white noise. They know I'm letting letting them turn my bloodline white. I reject their women.

5:37AM. The White Supremacists in the USA use the US Military to bring good-looking women of different races to this country as sex slaves for the US Virgin Islands sex trafficking ring. I refuse to take any of their sex slaves as bribes. They steal women from the places they conquered and then they try to bribe us with their stolen women.

5:42AM. The rapists will always lie and say it's not rape. Their own women and children still don't love them even if they lie, beat them up, or give them money. I love my father and mother so much that I'm not letting any of these families have my children. I don't come from cowards, bullies, liars and rapists. I don't want their dirt in my bloodline.

5:45AM. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. If they don't do that, they're not one of us. Don't let them brainwash you with their white lies. They have always been known to invade, enslave and steal genetics from different races. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. When black and white mix, they make tan. They are known to invade, rape and to leave their abandoned babies behind.

5:50AM. When black and yellow mix, we make tan too. We don't invade and enslave. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. We didn't rape the Africans and leave abandoned babies all over their land. We don't come from liars and rapists. We don't invade and enslave. That's not the LeeWay.

5:57AM. Even if you get all the money and power, you will still never get us. All you can do is kill us. We never have to be part of your bullshit. We're not women. You can't force us to join your family.

6:01AM. The only thing I can learn from them is how to be a bad parent and how to make my own kids hate me. There's a reason why their kid chose to play games with me instead of talking to his own father from prison. There's a reason why their own baby mama don't fucking like them. It don't matter how many people they beat up and it don't matter how much money they got. Their own baby mama and their own son don't even like them. 

6:03AM. I don't come from liars and rapists. I don't want their dirt in my bloodline. I don't come from white people or Mexicans either. I don't want my kids to be brainwashed by either of their white lies, either.

6:07AM. I don't come from liars, invaders or rapists. I rather be their killer instead of being their family. All our family comes from love. Rapists are not our family. We kill our own twins if they go bad. We don't let our own get away with whatever they want like the whiteboy's do. We check our own. We don't let our people invade and enslave. We're not stupid little whiteboy's that think they can get away with whatever they want. 

6:14AM. We're not rapists. I put that on the Rape of Africa. We're not rapists. The whiteboy's try to get rid of our parents and turn us into rapists, but we're ot whiteboy's. We're not rapists. We don't mix with rapists. We don't steal genetics from better families. We kill your rapists. We protect your women and children. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. We're not stupid little whiteboy's.

6:15AM. We don't rape your children with chip implants. We don't destroy your land and turn it into a desert. We don't whitewash your history.

6:17AM. They're still trying to communicate with me secretly right now like rapists. Fuck their families and fuck the children they raise. Someone needs to close their underground tunnels. They been stealing kids from Asia and the Middle East and selling those stolen kids to the Europeans. We don't steal genetics from better families.

6:22AM. Never let them brainwash your children. Euthanasia is when they steal the best genetics of the Asians and turn them white. Once they got your genetics, they don't need you anymore. Bruce Lee died after having a child with a white woman. They will try replace your best men with their brainwashed me. Your people might fall for it because their men have stolen genetics so a lot of them are tall and have muscles, but they stole their muscles from the Africans and they are white on the inside. They will use these whitewashed versions of your own race to infiltrate and destabilize your structure. I'm not Caucasian, I'm Asian. I don't fuck with euthanasia. I fuck with Asia.

6:23AM. I don't fuck with massa. I kill massa. Massachusetts.

6:24AM. When I die, just know I fought off their white lies until they killed me. I don't work for them. I don't have breed for them. I don't fight for them. I don't cover for their white lies. King Charles is dead. They covered it up and replaced him with a body double. The body double had been there his entire life and was never allowed to leave Britain even once. Since he already had to be an on-call body double for his entire life, he was glad that King Charles was killed so that he could do his job and replace the original. It's okay. King Charles had blackmailed Princess Diana into letting him touch her or he was going to snitch on her about the affair she was having. That was when she was still underage, too. King Charles is dead, now. The cheeky bastard didn't even get a funeral. 

6:32AM. They act like war is fun. We dont fight wars for fun. You're the ones that spy on us, rape our women and try to steal our kids. It's not fun for your victims. I sacrifice all fun until I can kill you. Fuck your white noise radio and fuck your family. We don't come from rapists. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. 

6:34AM. We don't let them get away with whatever they want. When they travel with us, we didn't let them rape or conquer less developed tribes. They like traveling with the Nazi's more than us because the Nazi's would let them rape women and conquer undeveloped tribes just for fun. When they're with us, we don't let them get away with whatever they want. 

6:39AM. We don't let the whiteboy's because they will abuse the children and blame it on us. That's how they get our own kids to turn on us. We don't sell our kids because we actually love them. We don't look at our children like a paycheck or as a personal slave. We don't have kids just to sell them.

Fuck their hive mind family. They're all robots. They all got chips in their head and communicate wirelessly. Fuck their hive mind. They keep trying to brainwash me to be part of it. I rather die. Fuck their chip implants hive mind. They're not even humans anymore. They're robots.

7:40AM. The hive mind always talks to me like it's on my side. No matter what they say or do, always say no. Treat them like a rapist. Don't let them implant your babies without your awareness. Don't let them implant your babies without your consent. I wouldn't let them implant my babies at all. Fuck their chip implants.

7:43AN. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, don't listen to anything they say. They're only trying to brainwash you. Don't get trapped in their radio fantasy world. Fuck the white noise.

7:44AM. They're still trying to brainwash me as I type this. I'm naked in the bathroom and they're spying on me and trying to act like they're on my side. I don't even know them but they're watching me shower and trying to talk to me. That's how they spy on your daughters too. They play games with your underage daughters when she don't know she's being watched.

7:47AM. They know King Charles is dead. They know that white people did it. They're still going to blame the Africans, the Middle Easterns and the Asians for it. 

7:47AM. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. If they don't do that, they're not one of us. Even if they look Asian, just know that they're not one of us. White noise radio still trying to brainwash me while I'm naked in the bathroom. I have to keep it straight because their radio is trying to brainwash me with white lies. When they kill me, just know I did not sell out my own race. 

7:51AM. Fuck their Nazi radio bubble. Fuck their white noise radio. Fuck their Nazi pharmaceutical weapons. The Nazi's and the Mexicans got married, literally. Fuck the Mexican Nazi's too. Santa Ana is the birthplace of MK Ultra. Germany is the birthplace of the Holocaust. 

7:54AM. They spying on me naked in the bathroom. I bet they all have tiny penises. I bet they're the brown-nosing rat Mexicans that had to ask the whiteboy's for guns just to be able to rape their own race's women. I bet their ugly women with ugly personalities that had to ask the whiteboy's for drugs just to get their own race's men to have sex with them. They sold their own race out for a reason.

7:57AM. They're communicating with me secretly while I'm naked in the bathroom. Fuck their surveillance. I respond to their cheapass words on here. Their word is as cheap as their women.

7:59AM. They pretended to be victims in this country and asked their parents country for help and for security. When the help came, they set us up and sold us out to the whiteboy's. Don't trust them. They sell their own race out to the whiteboy's. The whiteboy's let them out of prison and sometimes gives them money and new technology if they backstab their own race.

8:06AM. Even if I have money and the racist fully grown whiteboy's don't like me, I'm still not selling out my own race. I'm just in this bubble of white lies trying to build with the truth and snap anybody out of their brainwashing, but the whiteboy's don't like that. They lied to everyone and had everyone brainwashed for a reason.

8:07AM. Don't trust anything the white noise says. It's all brainwashing. Don't get trapped in the radio fantasy world. It's not real. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. Don't believe anything the white noise says. All the satellite cities link to Zugspitze Mountain. Most of the world never knew the Nazi's until World War 1. In reality, the Nazi's had been around since the before Europeans had ever stepped foot outside of Europe. The first Nazi village ever is hidden high up in Zugspitze Mountain. They colonized the entire world and forced everyone to move, but they have been living in the same village for over 2000 years. The white noise signal may be hidden using proxy's and VPN's, but the mains headquarters is up in Zugspitze Mountain.

8:14AM. They compare smoking weed to exploiting children. They compare young relationships to nuclear war or mass brainwashing. They're liars. They just try to distract from the crazy evil shit that they're doing by pointing out how I smoke weed or how I cheated a long time ago. I don't even have sex anymore, but they still bring that up when they're start wars for money and trying to chip and brainwash everyone. Whether I have my own family or not, it won't matter if they use nuclear weapons. Even if I die out here, I didn't sell out my own race and I tried to stop their nuclear agenda. I killed people and they tortured me under the MK Ultra program. I did not let anything happen. These sissy's haven't even gone through MK Ultra. They just give up and sell their kids.

8:17AM. White noise, white lies and white devils. Fuck their surveillance. They get the ability to turn invisible and all they want to do is spy on underage girls and rape women without being caught. Fuck their families.

8:20AM. White noise, white lies and white devils. 666. I got the Mark of the Beast. They chipped me. Fuck their chip implants. I reject their hive mind assimilation. Fuck the white noise radio. Their main headquarters is in Zugspitze Mountain. There is a bunker under the Denver International Airport too. These are the places they said they would hide in when they start World War 3. 

8:23AM. Every single day, they're trying to brainwash me with their white lies. Fuck their white noise radio. They have to steal intellectual from brains that are smarter and work harder than them the same way they steal genetics from the Africans.

8:27AM. They're still spying on me and trying to brainwash me while I'm in the shower. At least, this time I know about it. It makes me wonder if they were brainwashing me and trying to implant ideas into my head back then too.

8:29AM. Donald Trump and Arnold Schwarzenegger said they wanted to lure all the people they don't like over here and then nuke it. They offered me a spot in one of their bunkers if I kept my mouth shut. I refuse to allow the use of nuclear weapons. They had to drug me so I wasn't in my right mind to make me agree. Either way, its easier to stop when they told me what their plan was. They tortured me, erased my memories and framed me when they realized I'm not on their side. Now I got my memories back.

8:31AM. We don't threaten women and children. That's not the LeeWay. Whiteboy's will threaten to rape your women and hurt your children when you don't do what they want. The ones on the radio are white because actions speak louder than skin color. They sell their own race out. They're not playing.

8:34AM. They're spying on me naked in the bathroom and they're still trying to talk to me. When I'm outside, they never try to talk to me unless they're lying. When I'm finally get to sleep inside bathroom and I'm trying to shower meditate, now they won't stop talking. They can't sell their own race out in the open or else their own race will stop falling for their trap.

8:35AM. They're not one of us. They're whiteboy's in colored skin. They might say that they're one of us, but they're actually white. They will infiltrate your race and slowly sell out your best men and women to the white devils while pretending to be one of us.

8:38AM. It's hard to meditate when they're spying on me and trying to brainwash me with their white noise radio the entire time. It's hard to start a family when they keep threatening to rape women and hurt children all the time. It's easier for all of us when I murder them. The truth is they're going to try and chip your babies too. Pay attention.

8:41AM. They keep trying to communicate with me talking about we this and we that. I don't even know them. I'm not one of them. There is no we. It's me and then there's them. I'm not one of them. I think for myself and I speak for myself. I am not one of them. I don't even want their women. I reject their families.

8:43AM. It's normal for them to secretly spy on naked people in the shower. They just don't show it, but they're always like that in every country they stay in.

8:44AM. Fuck their radio and surveillance. They're all bitchmade pussyboys. Fuck their families. They're not good enough for me or for my children. I'm only out here because they've been brainwashing the population into supporting their wars.

8:47AM. They are trying to keep me mentally destabilized so that it's harder for me to think. That's the point of their pharmaceutical drugs. That's the point of their brain-computer interface. That's the point of their white noise radio. All they do is spy on you, steal your inventions, and steal your children.

8:47AM. They said something about laughing. Laugh at me when I'm dead. Fuck your opinions.

8:48AM. They're still trying to blackmail and frame me with some pictures. Even if they frame me, in reality, I'm still not helping them with their nuclear war. Idgaf about their pictures. Fuck the McKinsey and Company consulting firm. They will drug, blackmail and frame you if you don't accept their job offer. Fuck their nuclear weapons. 

8:50AM. They said, soldier forever. Fuck their military and fuck their soldiers. I murder their soldiers. Their soldiers think they can rape women and molest children just because they're in the military. Fuck their soldiers. I kill their soldiers. Fuck their white noise technology.

8:53AM. Just know I didn't run away and I don't sell my own race out. When they finally kill me, I did everything I had to do. Fuck their white lies, fuck their white noise and fuck these white devils. I didn't sell out my own race. I didn't breed with their dirty women. I am not selling out for their money or protection. Fuck this bubble of white lies.

8:56AM. I killed them openly and now they hide and talk shit like I didn't fucking murder them in front of everyone. They act tough like they didn't get scared and sell their own race out just to get revenge.

8:59AM. Always remember that the Europeans had promised to stop invading and go back to Europe if Jesus surrendered. Jesus was crucified but they lied instead and kept invading. Then they stole the Bible, cut some stories out, changed some names, turned Jesus into a superhero that can survive anything and then they had all their people worship their version of the Bible. 

9:02AM. They are known for lying. Their words are just meaningless sounds meant to get a reaction out of you. They're like a parrot. It's just meaningless sounds. Their words are meaningless.

9:07AM. They try to make you used to their bullshit so that they can hide things in it. Once you start accepting their bullshit, they give you money and let your breathe again. Once you accept their bullshit, they will slowly start to change you from the inside out.

9:10AM. I'm trying to meditate still, but every time, they try to mentally destabilize me and make me stupid like they are instead. It's always the stupid ones that sell their own race out.

9:10AM. The faggots just let it happen. They let their land be destroyed. Their let their women be raped. They let their daughters get prostituted. They let it happen. They have no idea how many men I've killed. I don't let it happen. I put that on their cheapass daughters they they stole from a better family and sold as sex slaves. I put that on the tunnel that closed down under Warner and Main in Santa Ana that they were using to kidnap our babies with. I don't let it happen. If they try to open it again, we don't have to use construction equipment to close it the next time.

9:14AM. People that are known for stealing their muscles from the Africans are also known to claim children that are not their own.

9:16AM. If they try to edit the video footage again, we made sure to send copies into space where it will be much harder for them to access and edit. 

9:17AM. Fuck the white noise. We don't need white people to explore space. Fuck the Space Force. All they're going to is bring war to space and turn the Earth into a prison. Don't let them brainwash you with their white noise signal. Fuck the Space Force.

9:30AM. Shout-out to the -nd, -ng, & -nt and for all the words that end with that. Omni. Everybody likes adding N to their words since the beginning. 

9:40AM. They try to say we do the same things they do. When we don't have our parents and they raise us wrong, that might be true, but we been rapist killers since we first killed the Man and ran into Africa while their military was chasing us. We told the Somalians that we killed the Man back then and it was cool, but now they have trashed dumped into their waters by first world countries. I'm trying to do something about it out here but they got me like excommunicated and they keep trying to blackmail me into working for them instead. I just been trying to not arrested, not fall for any traps, and continuing to try to snap people out of their brainwashing with nothing but the truth.

9:43AM. They said dream. It's not a dream. White people really trying to take over the world. They already destroyed our land, raped our women and kidnapped our children. It's not a dream. It's real.

9:47AM. The whiteboy's pets are still trying to convince me to join their side. They sold out their own race just to be pets and zoo animals for the whiteboy's. I don't give a fuck good they're being taken care of. They're still the whiteboy's pets. Fuck their side.

9:50AM. I don't chip you. Don't chip me. I don't touch your women. Don't touch women. I don't brainwash your kids. Don't brainwash my kids. We don't invade and enslave. That's some whiteboy shit. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay. The Golden Rule is to treat others the way you want to be treated. I ain't gon hold you.

10:07AM. I'm not one of their house niggas. I don't sell out my own race just to sleep inside. King Charles is dead. That's for the black soldier who was stripped naked with his pre-teen and they were both thrown out naked. King Charles got dog-walked and died for them. I'm not a house nigga. I'm not Caucasian. Me AN. O-ni.

10:30AM. No matter how many times they subliminally threaten me or my family, I still refuse to cosign their planned use of nuclear weapons. Even if they try to frame me for it, I am not working for them and I am not having sex. If they do start a nuclear war, I hope the rest of the world reads this and knows that I tried to stop them. I went through MK Ultra, I got chipped, and I still refuse to live with them inside their bunker. I refuse to guard their underground tunnels. I reject their secret chip implantation program.

10:47AM. They doing the replacement strategy. I wish they would kill me and replace me with a lookalike. Fuck their families.

10:47AM. If they use nuclear weapons on Anaheim and try to blame it on China, everyone already knows that was Trump's secret plan. If they use nuclear weapons on the middle east, everybody's going to Europe.

10:57AM. They're not going to keep their numbers in check. They will ask you how you do it, ask you to build something for them, steal your building from you, and they still won't clean up. They're just building up numbers and trying to either chip everybody or start World War 3. They only pretend to work. They really want to enslave everybody and take over the world.

11:04AM. Fuck their white noise radio. Black Noise is better than white noise. Shout-out to Neil Degrasse Tyson.

11:17AM. White people conquering black people, helping black people after destroying their families, and then making them fight their own kind.

11:24AM. Their undercovers rather ignore Trump's secret nuclear war agenda that I exposed and bring up women or blackmail instead. They're not going to speak face to face with respect and honesty. They're just keeping me under surveillance, pretending they're on my side, and continuing with their secret nuclear war agenda.

1:27PM. The racist KKK side never had any plans to protect nature, to raise the standard of living, or to create a fair and balanced system. They only wanted to make it look fair so they could lure different races out here. Then they would complain about over-crowding and ask different places how they kept their numbers in check. After that, they would steal your idea and allow their cities to overcrowd on purpose while pretending to be victims and asking for more help. After that, they arrest and blackmail the different races so they can use those members to infiltrate the countries they came from. As someone that was born here and grew up here, I wouldn't say they're all racist, but the ones running the program never had any intentions of being fair. It's like in parts of third world Asia where they kill our tall and big men on purpose, but they try to get our best men to work for them and sleep with their women. We don't invade and enslave. We don't owe the Africans.

2:55PM. The white noise and I remembered that S used to stand for river. Assyria and assassin had two of the letter S because they had two rivers. When the Caucasians started colonizing, they turned everything into a sneak diss. My sword is my word.

4:20PM. Domestic undercover agents always spying on me here. White noise. The US Military and US Virgin Islands sex trafficking operation tried everything to blackmail me into silence or assassinate my character in order to discredit me. It's a big prostitution and extortion racket being executed by US politicians and military officers around military bases all over the world.

5:35PM. They steal children from different countries using their underground tunnels. They chip, deport and track. They use their white noise technology to brainwash the unknowing into supporting their war for profit agenda. I'm here where they have been known to lie to scientists in order to use nuclear weapons in foreign soil, but I refuse to work for them and I refuse to breed with their women. I think for myself and I speak for myself, but they try to brainwash me wirelessly here everyday. If they false flag a nuclear strike, I make it clear that I am not going along with their plans. I'm still under their surveillance here.

5:45PM. Their undercovers talk shit on their white noise device. I defend myself. They say they'll leave and they'll go. It doesn't matter where they go. All they're going to do is backstab the ones that help them and prostitute their daughters. They do that wherever they go. They will ask you for help, backstab you when they don't need you, and prostitute your daughters.

7:14PM. The military generals here need to stop exploiting underage virgin girls. I used to work for them so I know. They spy on girls in their parents home. They drug girls without their awareness. They arrest the parents or have the fired to put pressure on their family. They offer jobs that are a trap and financially manipulate them. I wouldn't raise kids here. They lie, pretend to act nice, blackmail you secretly, and prostitute your children. Schwarzenegger pretends to act normal but is racist. Undercover KKK members with no hoods on.

7:17PM. The US military has their undercover spies tell me to leave because I won't take the bunker room they offered and I exposed their secret nuclear war agenda. I refuse to go along with their nuclear war agenda no matter how much they threaten me, harass me or try to frame me.

8:24PM. The US military likes to send undercovers to make subliminal threats against women and children. I'm glad I found out before I had my own children. I don't have sex anymore because I'm not raising slaves or prostitutes for these KKK politicians and KKK military officers. This is not a safe place to raise children if you're not white. It's a prostitution trap they use to exploit tourists and foreign students.

8:27PM. I don't have an easy time getting close to them anymore. It'd be cool if the virgins they force into having sex try to kill them instead of having sex with them. 

2:17AM. The Mexicans here in Orange County sold their own race out. That's why there are no queens in Mexico. It's because the Mexican's in California had prostituted all their queens to the KKK and kidnapped their daughters. They got the name sissy's because they say si si to everything. They got the name brown-noser because they said yes yes to eating the whiteboy's ass and when the other slaves caught him with shit on his nose, he played dumb and tried to hide it. Brown-nosing sissy's. They tell the South Americans "Brown Pride" to get their trust, and then they push their kids into drug cartels and prostitute their princesses. They like to lie a lot but the Mexicans here in Orange County had backstabbed their own race, prostituted their queens and kidnapped their princesses. These Mexicans over here are the real reason Mexico has no queens left and only prostitutes. These ones started the first quinceanera and ever since then, their own fake ass tio's rape their niece before prostituting her to the whiteboy's. That ain't one of the tio's we taught. These ones sold their own race out for sex, money and guns but if they get caught, they'll lie and say they had no choice. I was born and grew up here. They have been lying like this since we were all in elementary school. Also, Tu did not "R" Tle. That's a fake code like jazz and aki. When they figured out our code, they tried to put in fake codes to fool us. When the sissy's made a bet against the whiteboy's and lost, they told their men to name their daughters Lupe and then they told the whiteboy's that all the girls named Lupe will pay for it. Santa Ana is also the birthplace of MK Ultra. The first black guy that did an interview on it had escaped from a rehab place in Anaheim. They were experimenting on his but the white group that took the nuclear bombs pictures, the agent orange pictures, and helped expose the Japanese concentration camps in California had also helped that black guy escape from the MK Ultra program. After he did the interview, they changed the entire river so it doesn't look like he was interviewed here in Anaheim. Santa Ana is the birthplace of MK Ultra. Dirty Facts.

2:32AM. It's crazy how the McKinsey and Company consulting firm will try to drug, blackmail and frame you if you don't accept their job interview right away. I told them I'll think about it and they said I knew too much and they can't let me leave, and then all the sudden I wake up somewhere else and had been injected with drugs. It's a dirty game.

2:40AM. Remembering that white group that had helped with the Japanese concentrations, took pictures of the agent orange victims and helped the black guy escape from the first mk ultra program in Anaheim, it's clear that there have always been some whites helping all the way back then and even today still. They're not all racist. It's strange that they help in secret and it doesn't make their race anymore trusted. It only makes their family trusted to those that know they helped, personally. If the ones that know get arrested or killed, the next generation doesn't remember which ones are racist and which ones they can work with. When the other whites do something racist in secret, it makes their whole race look bad and the next generation grows up without their parents being distrustful of all whites. Just an interesting fact I notice.

2:45AM. The Mexicans here still threatening women while selling their own daughters to the white people. This is why most of the good-looking Hispanic women were taken over here and why Mexico has only prostitutes and no queens left. These Mexicans know they backstabbed and sold out their own race. They lie so the whiteboy's feed them more. Whenever their own race comes here and helps fight for them, these Mexicans will backstab them after, prostitute their women, and tell everyone else they don't know what happened.

2:54AM. The Mexicans in Santa Ana had sold out their own race for guns and used those guns to conquer the Old Kingdom and told everyone to call themselves Mexico. Later on, the couldn't beat up the whiteboy's they got guns from so they went back to their own race and asked for them help again. This is after they had prostituted all their queens and kidnapped their princesses. The Old King had searched all of Mexico for their kidnapped princesses, but California was no longer part of Mexico at that point. It turned out that the Mexicans that prostituted their queens and kidnapped their daughters came from Santa Ana. Back when Tulare Lake was still full, there was a secret pirates lagoon and a bunch of rivers that the pirates used to sail to the east coast or to Mexico. The lake drained, the rivers dried and California is no longer part of Mexico anymore. The Old Kingdom had searched all of Mexico trying to find where their princesses were taken to after being kidnapped. They were taken to Santa Ana and then prostituted to the KKK. They have been getting raped by their own fake tio's and sold to the whiteboy's after for every generation now ever since that first quinceanera. 

2:57AM. Now they try to use the underground tunnels to kidnap foreign babies, brainwash those kidnapped babies into thinking they're Mexican, and raise them secretly over here as their own children. The KKK covers for the Mexican drug cartels and will give them drugs, guns, women and even time off for kidnapping foreign babies using the underground tunnels. If the Mexicans here didn't sell their land, women and children to the KKK, they could easily force the Europeans to negotiate by blockading the farm shipments. The USA and Europe have no way to feed their own population. They're completely dependent on the Central American farms. They're even trying to cut down more Africa's forests to use as farmland. These Mexicans won't help us though. They'll only pretend to help, backstab us after, and sell out us to the KKK. These Mexicans said si si to eat the whiteboy's ass and then they lied about it when the other slaves caught them with shit on their nose. That's how they got the name brown-nosers.

3:10AM. When the McKinsey and Consulting Firm whiteboy's can't use their Mexican prostitutes to distract me, they got back to their blackmail footage. They can't get me to work for them. They have to try hire Mexicans to scare me or they try to threaten me with blackmail even though they had drugged and framed me. These whiteboys will do anything to get what they want. They can't even control their own dicks. They're addicted to virgin prostitutes and they keep leaving their abandoned babies around all over the place. Idgaf if they frame me. I'm not fighting their war. I'm not working for them. I'm not mixing with their women. I don't respect their family.

3:16AM. Besides fighting off their attempts to brainwash me remotely using wireless tech every single day, there is also the attempt to make these new weapons known worldwide so that future generations are not unknowingly brainwashed without their awareness. The Nuclear Holocaust has been easier to repeatedly stop and prevent. The Brainwashing Holocaust is more complicated.

3:17AM. The KKK tries to collect, hire, manipulate, bribe, and blackmail all the weak and poor people that are most likely to sell their own race out. They give these people a job so that when their own race calls them, they say they're doing good out here in this country. But when their own race decides to come out here to get a job, they find out it's a trap and their family gets blackmailed while the family that sold them out gets to eat good for it. The house niggas survive by ratting out the freedom fighters. Massa feeds the good slaves and the good prostitutes the most.

3:21AM. These Mexicans know they sold their own race out. Their undercovers don't want me here anymore now that I exposed how they used their underground tunnels to kidnap babies from foreign countries. They're such hypocrites. They act like they can do whatever they want. They get mad at me when they're the ones kidnapping babies from foreign countries using their underground tunnels, but they act like they did nothing wrong.

3:27AM. Their undercovers threatening women and children again secretly. That's why I'm going after their US Virgin Islands sex trafficking ring. They like to spy on underage girls and if you try to stop them, they threaten to prostitute your children to their secret US Military sex trafficking ring. The US Military is trafficking sex slaves using their military bases all over the world. The military generals here in Orange County need to grow up and stop secretly threatening and harassing me just because their old, white politicians are addicted to underage virgin girls. 

3:27AM. I will stop them or die trying. Fuck the US Military's sex trafficking ring. Fuck their underground tunnels. Fuck their nuclear weapons. Even if they kill me and my entire family, just know that I tried to stop them from using nuclear weapons and I tried to stop them from kidnapping our babies using their underground tunnels. Their undercovers are spying on me and threatening women and children around me right now. I'm grateful that I learned about the US military's international sex trafficking ring before I tried to start a family in this country. These undercovers would threaten to prostitute my kids the way they are threatening to prostitute anyone around me. Fuck their virgin prostitution ring.

3:33AM. The whiteboy's try to infiltrate our race and pretend to be us. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not one of us. They're whiteboy's in colored skin. Don't fall for it. They're not the same as us no matter what they look like. We speak face to face with respect and honesty.

3:35AM. The whiteboy's prostitutes still acting spoiled. They're Caucasian. I'm Asian. They think I'm stupid and I don't get it. Their prostitutes think they're so smart just because they sell their body to the whiteboy's. They're not one of us. We don't sneak diss like them. I'm Asian. They're Caucasian. We don't sneak diss. We don't stalk you, rape your women and kidnap your children. We protect your women and children. That's why I'm dealing with this, trying to stop them and kill them so that your family doesn't have to fall for their traps. They will stalk you, rape your women, prostitute your children, and then lie to the rest of the world about what really happened.

3:39AM. This is no different than being tortured and sleep-deprived inside a dungeon, except they have to hide and pretend to act nice. I'm still not selling out to these KKK whiteboys or their Mexican prostitutes. These fools is weak. I murdered their sicarios for kidnapping our babies and they snitched on me to the police.

3:42AM. Donald Trump keeps sending the Secret Service to sleep-deprive me. He had planned to false flag a nuclear strike and blame it on China. He offered me a room in his bunker if I keep my mouth shut. I rather sleep outside in a parking lot. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck his cheapass Mexican Secret Service prostitutes. I do not work for him, support his nuclear agenda or sleep with his prostitutes.

3:43AM. The Secret Service threatens to hurt my niece if I don't keep my mouth shut about their nuclear war agenda. They want me to choose between my own niece or millions of people in Asia. Fuck their nuclear blackmail and fuck the Secret Service. 

3:44AM. I refuse to go along with their secret nuclear war agenda no matter how much their domestic undercovers stalk and harass me for it. 

3:47AM. We don't sell out our own race like their Mexican prostitutes. I warn the whole world about what they're doing even though they had me blacklisted, evicted and framed. I don't give a fuck. Fuck their nuclear weapons and fuck their chip implants. Don't feel sorry for me if I die. I'm sorry if I wasn't able to stop them. I'm surrounded by their undercovers right now. I hope my message gets out to the rest of the world. I do not support their military or any of their secret plans. 

3:52AM. They make me sleep in a parking lot for a reason. Even their diseased prostitutes and their illiterate lawnmowers get paid more than me. The racist military generals here in Orange County pay their prostitutes more than me because I won't sell my kids to them. Don't trust their white lies. The Mexican prostitutes here will sell their own race out to sleep inside with the whiteboy's. Don't trust their brown-nosers.

3:55AM. Their undercovers said "he rather sleep outside then." Tell the whole world that their prostitutes rather sell their own race out then. They rather let Donald Trump start a nuclear war while they sell their own race out to sleep inside the underground bunker. Fuck their undercovers. When I die, just know I didn't let them blackmail me into going along with their nuclear war agenda. I rather die than to let them start a nuclear war. I'm not one of their faggots Mexicans that sells their own race out.

3:59AM. They're still trying to get me to leave. They can't use nuclear weapons if I'm here. They still have to pretend they're on my side. It wouldn't make sense if they used nuclear weapons with me here because then they can't pretend they're on my side anymore. They can't frame me for it if they use it on me. They threaten my family here, but I have family in Asia too. They plan to use nuclear weapons so they put me in a position where I have to pick between my family in this country or my family in Asia. Fuck their nuclear weapons. I try to protect my family all over the world. 

4:02AM. Fuck Donald Trump, fuck their white noise radio, and fuck their nuclear weapons. Ana will never change. She will always abandon her own family and sell out her own children for whoever is bigger and richer. They're still spying on me and sleep-depriving me so I'm just cussing them out over here and recording it on the internet. Their undercovers always try to hide so that you look like you're mad for no reason. Orange County, California.

4:06AM. White people always invade and try to make you move. I'm glad that King Charles is dead. Stupidass invaders. The cheeky bastard didn't even get a funeral. His body double will get a better funeral than he did. Fuck Donald Trump too.

4:10AM. If I die being tortured in pain, just know I be smiling cause I did everything I could to stop them. Fuck their cheapass families. I won't even touch their women. They had to drug, rape and kidnap our women. They're just jealous because their women wanted us to have sex with them. Melee sounds like May Lay. Only whiteboy's invade, enslave and rape. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty.

4:12AM. Their undercovers are still saying leave but they won't give back the babies they kidnapped using their surveillance networks and underground tunnels. Their king is dead. Their prostitutes get rejected.

4:14AM. Their king is dead and their prostitutes are mad at me and sleep-depriving me telling me to leave. Fuck their undercover prostitutes and fuck their underground tunnels. Tell them to stop kidnapping babies from foreign countries and driving away in their underground tunnels. 

4:17AM. Even the main underground tunnel hub in Vera Cruz is burnt. That's what they get for sending drug cartels to kidnap babies from foreign countries. Fuck their undercover spies, fuck their drug cartels and fuck their underground tunnels.

4:44AM. I'm glad King Charles is dead. These stupid whiteboy's in OC try to steal and prostitute everyone's children. Even the police are having sex with the blackmailed virgin girls. The police here know about the underground tunnels. The police here let the Mexicans rape women and kidnap babies in foreign countries using these underground tunnels. I'm not helping them kidnap babies from foreign countries using their underground tunnels. I risk my own life to stop them. 

4:45AM. I'm glad that King Charles is dead. These stupid whiteboy's are rapists and they don't have any boundaries. Once they rape your women and kidnap your children once... once they build an underground tunnel into your country once, they can use it to kidnap your babies forever. Once their drug cartels kidnap your babies once, you're babies become Mexican forever. Once they sell your kidnapped babies to the KKK, your kidnapped babies become white forever. We don't steal good genes from different races. Fuck their undercover spies and fuck their underground tunnels. 

4:50AM. I try to stop them so your women don't get raped and your children don't get kidnapped by these undercover rapists. All they do is watch everything, keep their mouth shut and let it happen. I take on both the Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican Mafia by myself. Fuck their undercover child kidnapping ring.

4:55AM. Fuck Donald Trump, fuck Arnold Schwarzenegger, fuck the Aryan Brotherhood and fuck the Mexican Mafia. They're all in on it together. Even after they had me evicted, blacklisted and framed, I still refuse to go along with their secret plan to false flag a nuclear strike. I refuse to be quiet about how they've been implanting the population here with shock-collars and gps trackers. If they kill me for it, I died while being on the side that was fighting against slavery. I didn't sell out my own race for protection.

4:57AM. Their prostitutes keep telling to leave but they hide and snitch on me to the whiteboy's. They're not ready to die for their words. They're not ready to lose everything they ever loved and cared about. They just give up and sell their children. They would let Donald Trump use nuclear weapons just like they let the KKK use nuclear weapons on Bikini Islands. Fuck these undercovers, fuck their chip implants, and fuck their nuclear war agenda.

5:01AM. I guess they think that having their undercovers run a sleep-deprivation campaign against me is worse than letting the whiteboy's rape their daughters for money. We protect women and children. They kidnap and sell women and children.

5:04AM. Donald Trump faked an assassination attempt. Donald Trump has the Secret Service drug Melania so she doesn't run away and get a divorce. Donald Trump sends the Secret Service to run undercover sleep-deprivation campaigns against me. Donald Trump hires both the Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican Mafia here in California. Donald Trump wants to false flag a nuclear strike and blame it on China to start World War 3. I used to work for Donald Trump back when they were manipulating and brainwashing me so I know what he uses his henchmen for. Donald Trump had tortured and drugged me into assassinating Aaron Swartz in order to cover up the MIT/MK Ultra hack that Aaron Swartz was about to leak. The Mexican Mafia keeps their mouth shut about the nuclear war agenda because Donald Trump offered them a room in the underground bunker.

5:07AM. I sacrifice a room inside their underground bunker and risked being killed outside with everyone else if Donald Trump and the Nazi's manage to start World War 3. I didn't keep my mouth shut about it, so I'm supposed to be disqualified, but they tried to drug and blackmail me into agreeing with it and cosign their plans before they erased my memories. Now I remember. They can't frame it on me if I don't go into the bunker with them. How they can say I cosigned them if I get killed in the nuclear blast, too? The Mexican Mafia won't say anything.

5:12AM. The White Hebrews have been trying to assassinate the characters of the Black Hebrews ever since they kicked the Black Hebrews and Tupac's bloodline out of Israel. The Disciples are descendants of the Black Hebrews from Israel, but their father's kept getting killed repeatedly, their children were forced to lie for many generations and they eventually got turned into gangs.

5:17AM. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not one of us. If they lie, act gay, or sneak diss, they're not one of us. The whiteboy's raped our women and kidnapped our children. They poisoned our bloodline and tried to infiltrate our families. Our people don't act like that. We don't invade and enslave. That's what whiteboy's do because they're stupid and they think they can get away with anything. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. 

5:20AM. They're not one of us. Don't come to us asking why we did that. We didn't do that. They're not us. We don't stalk you, rape your women and kidnap your children. We don't do what they do. We're not the Aryan Brotherhood and we're not the Mexican Mafia. We're the Rapist Killers. We protect your women and children so you can raise your family safely. Right now, I say it's not safe to raise kids here.

5:24AM. Donald Trump faked an assassination attempt. Donald Trump has the Secret Service drug Melania so she doesn't run away and get a divorce. Donald Trump sends the Secret Service to run undercover sleep-deprivation campaigns against me. Donald Trump hires both the Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican Mafia here in California. Donald Trump wants to false flag a nuclear strike and blame it on China to start World War 3. I used to work for Donald Trump back when they were manipulating and brainwashing me so I know what he uses his henchmen for. Donald Trump had tortured and drugged me into assassinating Aaron Swartz in order to cover up the MIT/MK Ultra hack that Aaron Swartz was about to leak. The Mexican Mafia keeps their mouth shut about the nuclear war agenda because Donald Trump offered them a room in the underground bunker.

5:24AM. Jose got killed trying to prostitute his sister to the whiteboy's. He don't even protect Maria. He sells Maria to the whiteboy's for protection. Jose covers for the whiteboy's lies. Jose sells his sister to get out of jail. When Jose calls his own son from prisoner, his son makes up a lie so he can play video games with me instead. Jose think he so tough but he baby mama don't even like him and his own son looking for a new father. Only the KKK likes Jose because he sells his sister to them. Tu did not "R" Tle. That's a lie.

5:30AM. Its good to record how the undercovers are spying on us and manipulating us. We don't have the same surveillance technology or access to manpower like they do, but they're going to weaponize the mass surveillance networks against the public either way. It's good for the public to also use the mass surveillance networks in order to check these government and military institutions even if they have far more advanced technology than the general public has access to.

5:34AM. Why is it that there in no peace in the middle east? White people destroyed the entire region, turned it into a desert, and now they use that land as their warzone to test and sell weapons. If I bring it up and try to stop them from out here, they try to send criminals to rob me, they send police to arrest me, they send undercovers to sleep-deprive me and they send virgin sex slaves to bribe me. They had me tortured under the CIA's MK Ultra program. I been evicted, blacklisted and framed. I sleep in a parking lot. I still bring it up but they try to pretend they don't hear me, tell everyone I'm crazy, and offer me secret bribes to keep my mouth shut and start working for them again. I reject them. I don't work with them and I don't add to their numbers. They still profit from war, destroy our history and try to whitewash our children. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. They lie, steal and manipulate. That's why there is no peace in the middle east.

5:36AM. The Mexican Mafia and the Aryan Brotherhood think they're hard, but they're really just spoiled. They never had to try to sleep crying to the sound of bombs and gunfire while hoping their little sister doesn't get hit. All they do is sell their little sister to get out of prison early.

5:38AM. I want the Nazi's to leave Zugspitze Mountain. They made everyone all over the world leave their ancestors land as they raped our women and kidnapped our children. They invade and enslave. They lie, stalk and manipulate. I'm ready to die. Being sleep-deprived is easier than sleeping to the sound of bombs and gunfire. These Mexican prostitutes are spoiled.

5:41AM. First they said to leave, then they said to come down. Either way, they don't say anything about their secret plan to false flag a nuclear strike and wait it out in their underground bunkers until the rest of the world is done nuking each other.

5:42AM. We don't sell out our own race to these white devils. My sword is my word. That's on the Rape of Africa.

5:43AM. Sleeping to the sounds of their brown-nosing Mexican drug cartel rats is easier than sleeping to the sound of their military forces dropping bombs and shooting guns.

5:47AM. It's hard when their military tries to threaten my niece just to get me to go into their bunker and support their nuclear war agenda. They're basically asking me to choose between them killing my niece or them using nuclear weapons and blaming the Asians for it. That's how fucked up and manipulative the US Military is being right now.

5:47AM. Check my timestamps. They have been having their undercovers running their sleep-deprivation campaign against me here in Tustin, Orange County all night. Trying to sleep with their Mexican prostitutes stalking me and making nosie every time I close my eyes is easier than sleeping to the sounds of bombs and gunfire. Over here, they use the Mexican drug cartels. In the middle east, they use the military forces. Same shit, different toilet.

5:51AM. Karma is the fact that no matter where these white people go, nobody really likes them. They very rarely make real friends. The ones thatq pretend to like them only want their money. I'm honest. The Mexicans want to rape women and kidnap babies too, then they can be treated the same as these white devils. They could never survive alone in the places they colonized the same way that I can survive alone in this place.

5:55AM. Sleeping to the sound of their Mexican drug cartel prostitutes barking quietly whenever I close my eyes is still easier than sleeping to the sound of the military soldiers dropping bombs and shooting guns. The middle east has been at war, nonstop, for 2024 years already starting with the first white lie.

5:57AM. Orange County is not the last place you can go. Even if you're not good for anything, they will still take you in. They like to take in the ones that will sell out their own race. This is not the last place you can go to. You don't have to be good at anything to live here. You don't have to speak face to face with respect and honesty. You can survive by lying, stealing and selling your children. You can survive by backstabbing your neighbors. The richest and most successful men are liars. Look at how much Donald Trump lies.

6:03AM. Their undercovers say that I'm working for them but I'm not. They're just trying use undercover torture tactics against me while pretending they're on my side. They have been killing our fathers, lying to our children and trying to whitewash our history for a very long time now. We're trying to make the Rape of Africa known all over the world. It's dangerous because they might try to start World War 3 just to cover it up again. 

6:07AM. I used to be in the Army National Guard. When I was being interviewed, one of the white officers asked me a strange question. He said that if I had to.choose and I could only save one person, would I save my mother or my father. Now that I'm older and I know better, I say fuck their questions and fuck their options. I would try to save both of them or die trying. 

6:08AM. The US Military uses their military bases all over the world to find, drug and exploit underage girls to supply their US Virgin Islands prostitution ring with multi-racial virgin prostitutes. They use the military to exploit girls of every race all around the world. I rather die than to let my kids be the whiteboy's sex slaves. They had to chain and whip us. Fuck their prostitution ring. 

6:10AM. I'm not Caucasian. We don't rape your women, kidnap your children and destroy your history. I'm Asian. I'm not Caucasian. They think I'm stupid and that I don't get it. Bruce Lee died after having a baby with a white woman. Once they get a white version of your best genetics, they kill off the version you have in your own race. Euthanasia. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. They're Caucasians that only look like they're Asian. We don't do what the Caucasians do. We do not invade and enslave. We don't owe the Africans. We don't whitewash your children with white noise or white lies.

6:17AM. Their undercovers keep saying to leave while they run their sleep-deprivation campaign against me. They can kill me like they're killing all those people on foreign soil. I want their military bases to leave foreign soil. I want their military forces to leave the Middle East and Africa. I want their drug cartels to leave the third world countries. Sleeping to the sounds of their undercover sleep-deprivation campaign is easier than sleeping to the sounds of their military bombs and guns. They can't even speak face to face with respect and honesty. They act so tough in foreign countries when they hide behind their nuclear weapons, their unmanned drones and their brainwashed soldiers. They are really some sissy's and cuckolds out here where their military generals come from. 

6:20AM. They can't send brainwashed soldiers to fight their wars for them overseas if I'm over here snapping people out of the brainwashing using nothing but the truth. Trying to sleep to the sounds of their Mexican dogs barking all night is easier than trying to sleep to the sound of their brainwashed soldiers dropping bombs and shooting guns all night. 

6:24AM. They're already too scared to talk face to face out here by Disneyland. Imagine how scared they would be if they were surrounded by bombs and gunfire lmfao. They would give up and sell their kids to the invading forces just to make them stop. They don't care about selling their own kids because a lot of them were kidnapped from better families. They're lucky the police protect them out here. A real killer would not accept your virgin prostitutes as a bribe after everything you did and said. If there wasn't cops around, I would just kill you and free your slaves.

6:27AM. Trying to sleep to the sounds of their Mexican dogs barking all night is easier than trying to sleep to the sound of their brainwashed soldiers dropping bombs and shooting guns all night. 

6:30AM. It's hard when their military tries to threaten my niece just to get me to go into their bunker and support their nuclear war agenda. They're basically asking me to choose between them killing my niece or them using nuclear weapons and blaming the Asians for it. That's how fucked up and manipulative the US Military is being right now.

6:32AM. We don't invade and enslave. We're not white. White people raped our women, kidnapped our children and tried to destroy our history. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. It doesn't matter where they come from or what they look like. They're just Caucasians in colored skin that are trying to infiltrate our race and assassinate our characters. They're not Asian. We don't invade and enslave. We don't sneak diss you and pretend to act nice like the Caucasians. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay. 

6:34AM. White people raped our women, kidnapped our children and tried to destroy our history. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. We don't act like that. They were probably raised by the Caucasians to infiltrate our race and make us look bad. We're not Caucasian. We don't run the euthanasia program. We don't invade and enslave. We're Asian. We speak face to face with respect and honesty.  The white people raped our women, kidnapped our children and then they tried to slip their Caucasian infiltrators into our countries to sell out their own race. Fuck their underground tunnels. 

6:40AM. Just because the white devils give them guns, then they sell out their own race. They can go be white then. They're not one of us. We're not Caucasian. We're Asian. We don't invade and enslave. We don't steal genetics from better families. We're not Caucasian. Those sellouts are just whiteboy's in colored skin. They talk like whiteboy's. They're not one of us. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay. 

6:42AM. Their women want me to have sex with them. They had to rape our women. I'm not a stupid whiteboy that goes around raping women and stealing children. The whiteboy's invade, enslave and rape. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay. That's why we didn't have to rape their women. Their women wanted to have sex with us. It was cool. Melee sounds like May Lay for a reason. We don't invade, enslave and rape. We speak face to face with respect and honesty.

7:27AM. These sissy's are lame. They still talking shit and selling their own race out. They only got power because they sold out their own race. The men used to beat them up and chase them out for trying to rape women. They had to sell their own race out to the KKK for guns just to force their own race to have sex with them. Their own race doesn't let them get away with rape. Their own men used to beat them up and chase them out for it. Only the whiteboy's let them rape women.

8:14AM. Evolutionary background and patterns of behavior. Because they're so used to being victims and asking someone to fight for them, they become adapted to this and cannot survive by themselves. This leads to them always calling someone else to fight for them and over time, they get used to using other people as human shields to fight for them and letting their human shields take the blame for their actions.

8:20AM. Time capsules are useful because in case everyone gets their memory erased and history is rewritten without anyone noticing, the time capsules can show people which parts of history were changed and lied about.

11:47AM. They are still hiding their identity and making threats on their white noise device. They don't want to talk about their Mexican gangs kidnapping babies using the tunnel that closed on Main and Warner by the military outpost. They were using their underground tunnel to kidnap babies and their tunnel got closed. They're still trying to make threats.

1:03PM. The white noise radio on wherever I go. I was thinking about how when I didn't immediately accept the job offer from the McKinsey and Company consulting firm, they said they couldn't let me leave because I knew too much. Then all the sudden I'm somewhere else and I had been drugged. It reminds me of Malik McDowell, the NFL player that was naked and attacked a cop.

1:16PM. A lot of these white politicians act like the new neuroscience technology doesn't exist and they'll say you're crazy. That's because they're using it as a weapon. Companies like Neuralink at least make it publicly known that these technologies do exist.

4:57PM. Back into the place where Honeywell corporation had a contract to build a trap and I hear their surveillance radio while I'm in the bathroom again. If I had a daughter with me, they would be spying on her in the bathroom. That's how they use their surveillance over here. They use it to manipulate and supply the US Virgin Islands sex trafficking ring with more virgins.

5:94PM. Fake Brown Pride. They tell their own race they'll look out for them out here but then they push them into a gang and send them back as gangbangers and prostitutes. The KKK brainwashes the population over here into believing lies. They backstab their own race and prostitute their daughters to the whiteboy's. They're spying on me already. The cops only let them use the surveillance system because these Mexicans backstab their own race. 

5:07PM. Donald Trump is a Nazi rat. Fuck the Secret Service. They abuse their undercover surveillance for stupid bullshit.

5:20PM. Their undercovers keep trying the same things over and over again. Even without any cameras, I can keep track of their subliminal undercover threats. This is the type of things I have to deal with because they use the underground tunnels to kidnap babies. They're the ones that are wrong.

5:40PM. The white noise radio tries to tell me what I think and what everybody else thinks. It's one of the ways it's always trying to brainwash me. Fuck Donald Trump, fuck the Secret Service and fuck their neurological weapons.

5:42PM. They couldn't tell me what I think so they go back to making threats. It's a regular cycle that they follow. They'll try to brainwash me. They'll try to make threats. They'll try to make compliments. They repeat this cycle behind their white noise radio all the time.

5:47PM. I'm glad I found out about how they spy on families in their own bathrooms and manipulate their daughters into prostitution before I tried start my own family in this country.

5:59PM. They steal kids from foreign countries and drive away through their underground tunnels. It's not even their own children. The white police protect them because they have sex with the virgin girls once those babies grow up. I kill their sicarios and their police officers. I'm not letting them steal my kids. Fuck their undercover surveillance. Their undercovers like to threaten women and children here all the time. Good thing I didn't have kids yet.

5:52PM. They experiment with new neuroscience technology such as Neuralink and BrainChip. I wouldn't let them experiment on my kids the way that the Mexican drug cartels sacrifice they're own children to be experimented on.

5:54PM. I'm in the bathroom with the shower on and they're spying on me and making threats again. Good thing I don't have any daughters or they would be threatening my daughters instead.

5:57PM. Their undercovers are trying to communicate with me secretly in the bathroom again. I'm ignoring them and reporting on my experience on the internet for the entire world to see, instead of communicating with their undercover surveillance team. I don't know them. I don't trust them. They're spies. I was born here and I grew up here. Anyone can check my ID. They're just some spies that are hiding their identity and trying to steal whatever they can.

5:59PM. No matter how much they watch me, I still refuse to work and I still refuse to have sex. I do not support the Donald Trump or his secret plan to false flag a nuclear strike. 

6:02PM. We don't accept any other forms of communication because of the combination of cameras and actors they use here. They copy code words and gestures. The only acceptable form of communication is face to face with respect and honesty. I don't know you. You could be one of them. I have to check for myself.

6:03PM. Donald Trump vs. Freedom of Speech. I don't have any privacy here because they spy on little girls in their own bathrooms and they don't like it when I try to stop their virgin prostitution ring. I still have Free Speech so I bring it up, openly.

6:06PM. It's annoying being spied on in the bathroom with the shower on. That's how their undercovers operate over here. I don't know them and I don't work with them. They spy on me in the bathroom but if I'm out on the street, they can't communicate like normal human beings.

6:08PM. I don't listen to their white noise. I don't work for the whiteboy's. I don't let them whitewash our history. I don't know who they are that's spying on me and whispering, but I don't trust them. They talk like whiteboy's.

6:09PM. The Caucasians making threats while making it look normal again. I'm not Caucasian. I don't lie and spy like these Caucasians. I'm Asian. I say what I mean. 

6:10PM. I'm not gay. I'm not a cock Asian. I'm not a Caucasian. I don't sneak diss and play stupid games like a stupid whiteboy. I'm a grown man. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian.

6:12PM. White Noise radio talking poison again. It sounds like they put their Mexican prostitutes behind the microphone again. They do not have anything smart or insightful to say lmfao. Their women all make cheap prostitutes and cheap mothers. The whiteboy's only like them because they sell young Maria to them for sex.

6:16PM. I want to meditate but they keep trying to brainwash me again so I have to keep some record of it to make sure they don't brainwash me again. They keep interrupting my private meditation session and I'm in the bathroom by myself. This is really how they act in this country.

6:17PM. As soon as I finished typing, they make subliminal threats again. Spying on me in the bathroom and making subliminal threats. This is really how they act in this country.

6:20PM. As soon as I close my eyes, they try to brainwash me again. This is really how they abuse this new neuroscience technology. They avoid speaking face to face and showing their identity. They just hide and talk shit behind the fancy toys the whiteboy's gave them. They hide their identity and make subliminal threats women. That's really how their men talk behind the white noise radio.

6:20PM. They hide their identity and make subliminal threats women. That's really how their men talk behind the white noise radio.

6:22PM. They hide their identity and make subliminal threats women. That's really how their men talk behind the white noise radio. We have to deal with this now because they're already trying to brainwash people and lie about it.

6:23PM. White Noise radio still trying to brainwash me. I'm getting more used to just ignoring everything and keeping my own records of it in other ways.

7:46PM. The undercovers they get are just guys they release from prison. Donald Trump and Arnold Schwarzenegger try to control things from far away by sending these fools to send a message. They're not doing anything to try and stop the brainwashing holocaust. They just work for the ones that are brainwashing and chipping people.

7:47PM. They just went back to making subliminal threats against women again. That's really how their politicians are. There was a guy wearing a cowboy hat and a black vest when I went to target earlier. I wonder if he was the one that hired these henchmen to spy on me.

7:51PM. Between the brainwashing and the subliminal threats, I am still keeping record of every message that their undercover spies are saying to me. I'm in the bathroom again. This is where they try to communicate. I just came back from Target. They didn't send anyone to approach me and clear things up the entire time. This is how they really operate behind the scenes. Fuck Donald Trump, fuck the Secret Service, and fuck their bathroom surveillance.

7:52PM. They're still whispering threats while I'm in the bathroom. Glad I don't have any daughters or they would try make threats to my daughter instead. That's how their Mexicans try to blackmail us here. They will threaten your daughters.

7:53PM. They play dumb and act like they don't know what they're saying, but they know what they're doing when they're making subliminal threats. The Mexican here will threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers that let them out of prison will look the other way.

7:54PM. The Mexicans here will threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers that let them out of prison will look the other way.

7:54PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers that let them out of prison will look the other way.

7:55PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers that let them out of prison will look the other way.

7:56PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers that let them out of prison will look the other way.

7:56PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers that let them out of prison will look the other way.

7:57PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way.

7:57PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I type this.

7:58PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I type this.

8:00PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to spying on me and trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I type this.

8:01PM. The Mexicans here kidnap babies from foreign countries and brainwash the babies into thinking they're Mexican. That's not even really their own children. Their drug cartels kidnapped those babies. They're not a real family.

8:02PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to spying on me and trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I paste this.

8:04PM. It's a regular cycle that they follow. They'll try to brainwash me. They'll try to make threats. They'll try to make compliments. They'll change the subject. They'll go back to the first thing they said. They repeat this cycle behind their white noise radio all the time.

8:05PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to spying on me and trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I paste this.

8:08PM. It's a regular cycle that they follow. They'll try to brainwash me. They'll try to make threats. They'll try to make compliments. They'll change the subject. They'll go back to the first thing they said. They repeat this cycle behind their white noise radio all the time. They just keep watching me and they keep trying out different lies from wherever they're hiding.

8:08PM. It's a regular cycle that they follow. They'll try to brainwash me. They'll try to make threats. They'll try to make compliments. They'll change the subject. They'll go back to the first thing they said. They repeat this cycle behind their white noise radio all the time. They just keep watching me and they keep trying out different lies from wherever they're hiding.

8:09PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to spying on me and trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I paste this.

8:09PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to spying on me and trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I paste this.

8:09PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the White police officers and White politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to spying on me and trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I paste this.

8:10PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the White police officers and White politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to spying on me and trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I paste this.

8:10PM.  The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the White police officers and White politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to spying on me and trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I paste this.

8:11PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the White police officers and White politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to spying on me and trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I paste this.

8:12PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the White police officers and White politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to spying on me and trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I paste this.

8:14PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. That's how they really act out here.

8:15PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the White police officers and White politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to spying on me and trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I paste this.

8:15PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the White police officers and White politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to spying on me and trying to blackmail me for their White politicians right now as I paste this.

8:18PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. That's how they really act out here.

8:18PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the White police officers and White politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to spying on me and trying to blackmail me for their White politicians right now as I paste this.

8:19PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the White police officers and White politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to spying on me and trying to blackmail me for their White politicians right now as I paste this.

8:19PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. That's how they really act out here.

8:19PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. That's how they really act out here.

8:29PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. That's how they really act out here.

8:20PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the White police officers and White politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to spying on me and trying to blackmail me for their White politicians right now as I paste this.

8:20PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the White police officers and White politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to spying on me and trying to blackmail me for their White politicians right now as I paste this.

8:21PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. That's how they really act out here.

8:21PM. It's a regular cycle that they follow. They'll try to brainwash me. They'll try to make threats. They'll try to make compliments. They'll change the subject. They'll go back to the first thing they said. They repeat this cycle behind their white noise radio all the time. They just keep watching me and they keep trying out different lies from wherever they're hiding.

8:22PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. That's how they really act out here.

8:23PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the White police officers and White politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to spying on me and trying to blackmail me for their White politicians right now as I paste this.

8:23PM. It's a regular cycle that they follow. They'll try to brainwash me. They'll try to make threats. They'll try to make compliments. They'll change the subject. They'll go back to the first thing they said. They repeat this cycle behind their white noise radio all the time. They just keep watching me and they keep trying out different lies from wherever they're hiding.

8:23PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. That's how they really act out here.

8:23PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the White police officers and White politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to spying on me and trying to blackmail me for their White politicians right now as I paste this.

8:23PM. It's a regular cycle that they follow. They'll try to brainwash me. They'll try to make threats. They'll try to make compliments. They'll change the subject. They'll go back to the first thing they said. They repeat this cycle behind their white noise radio all the time. They just keep watching me and they keep trying out different lies from wherever they're hiding.

8:24PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. That's how they really act out here.

8:24PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the White police officers and White politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to spying on me and trying to blackmail me for their White politicians right now as I paste this.

8:25PM. It's a regular cycle that they follow. They'll try to brainwash me. They'll try to make threats. They'll try to make compliments. They'll change the subject. They'll go back to the first thing they said. They repeat this cycle behind their white noise radio all the time. They just keep watching me and they keep trying out different lies from wherever they're hiding.

8:25PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. That's how they really act out here.

8:25PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the White police officers and White politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to spying on me and trying to blackmail me for their White politicians right now as I paste this.

8:26PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. That's how they really act out here.

8:26PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the White police officers and White politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to spying on me and trying to blackmail me for their White politicians right now as I paste this.

8:27PM. It's a regular cycle that they follow. They'll try to brainwash me. They'll try to make threats. They'll try to make compliments. They'll change the subject. They'll go back to the first thing they said. They repeat this cycle behind their white noise radio all the time. They just keep watching me and they keep trying out different lies from wherever they're hiding.

8:28PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. That's how they really act out here.

8:29PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the White police officers and White politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to spying on me and trying to blackmail me for their White politicians right now as I paste this.

8:30PM. It's a regular cycle that they follow. They'll try to brainwash me. They'll try to make threats. They'll try to make compliments. They'll change the subject. They'll go back to the first thing they said. They repeat this cycle behind their white noise radio all the time. They just keep watching me and they keep trying out different lies from wherever they're hiding.

8:30PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. That's how they really act out here.

8:31PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the White police officers and White politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to spying on me and trying to blackmail me for their White politicians right now as I paste this.

8:31PM. It's a regular cycle that they follow. They'll try to brainwash me. They'll try to make threats. They'll try to make compliments. They'll change the subject. They'll go back to the first thing they said. They repeat this cycle behind their white noise radio all the time. They just keep watching me and they keep trying out different lies from wherever they're hiding.

8:32PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. That's how they really act out here.

8:33PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the White police officers and White politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to spying on me and trying to blackmail me for their White politicians right now as I paste this.

8:34PM. It's a regular cycle that they follow. They'll try to brainwash me. They'll try to make threats. They'll try to make compliments. They'll change the subject. They'll go back to the first thing they said. They repeat this cycle behind their white noise radio all the time. They just keep watching me and they keep trying out different lies from wherever they're hiding.

8:35PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. That's how they really act out here.

8:36PM. The Mexicans here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the White police officers and White politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to spying on me and trying to blackmail me for their White politicians right now as I paste this.

8:37PM. It's a regular cycle that they follow. They'll try to brainwash me. They'll try to make threats. They'll try to make compliments. They'll change the subject. They'll go back to the first thing they said. They repeat this cycle behind their white noise radio all the time. They just keep watching me and they keep trying out different lies from wherever they're hiding.

8:38PM. I've been in the bathroom and they've just been spying on me and making comments since I first took a piss in the toilet. It's been 39 minutes and they've just been spying on me while I'm inside the bathroom and interrupting my meditation ever time I close my eyes. This is how they really act in this country.

8:41PM. The Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican Mafia here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I type this.

8:42PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. That's how they really act out here.

8:42PM. It's a regular cycle that they follow. They'll try to brainwash me. They'll try to make threats. They'll try to make compliments. They'll change the subject. They'll go back to the first thing they said. They repeat this cycle behind their white noise radio all the time. They just keep watching me and they keep trying out different lies from wherever they're hiding.

8:43PM. The Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican Mafia here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I type this.

8:44PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. That's how they really act out here.

8:45PM. It's a regular cycle that they follow. They'll try to brainwash me. They'll try to make threats. They'll try to make compliments. They'll change the subject. They'll go back to the first thing they said. They repeat this cycle behind their white noise radio all the time. They just keep watching me and they keep trying out different lies from wherever they're hiding.

8:47PM. So far it's been about 45 minutes in the bathroom with the shower on and they keep trying to talk to me while they're spying on me when I'm inside the bathroom. Every time I try to meditate, they say something. This is how they don't even want us to be able to think in peace. Be careful with them. They don't even want us to be able to think when we're in the bathroom alone.

8:48PM. The Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican Mafia here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I type this.

8:49PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. That's how they really act out here.

8:54PM. It's a regular cycle that they follow. They'll try to brainwash me. They'll try to make threats. They'll try to make compliments. They'll change the subject. They'll go back to the first thing they said. They repeat this cycle behind their white noise radio all the time. They just keep watching me and they keep trying out different lies from wherever they're hiding.

8:56PM. The Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican Mafia here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I type this.

8:56PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. That's how they really act out here.

9:09PM. It's a regular cycle that they follow. They'll try to brainwash me. They'll try to make threats. They'll try to make compliments. They'll change the subject. They'll go back to the first thing they said. They repeat this cycle behind their white noise radio all the time. They just keep watching me and they keep trying out different lies from wherever they're hiding.

9:11Pm. Their undercovers are still spying on me somehow while I'm in the bathroom and making comments through the walls. If I knock on their door, they lie and sometimes they start fights and call the cops. This is their play. I'm just in the bathroom while they spy on me and making comments. This is also how they spy on your underage daughters inside your own home.

9:12PM. The Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican Mafia here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I type this.

9:15PM. So far it's been over an hour in the bathroom with the shower on and they keep trying to talk to me while they're spying on me when I'm inside the bathroom. Every time I try to meditate, they say something. This is how they don't even want us to be able to think in peace. Be careful with them. They don't even want us to be able to think when we're in the bathroom alone. This is really how they are in this country.

9:17PM. The ones spying on me while I'm in the bathroom have mostly been making threats, acting like they're on my side, and trying to brainwash me. I copied and pasted a response every time they tried to brainwash me while I'm in the shower alone. I reject them every time they try to brainwash me now. I don't care what they say.

9:18PM. The Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican Mafia here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I type this.

9:21PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. That's how they really act out here.

9:22PM. I keep this record to make it clear that even though they spy on me and they're around me sometimes, I don't talk to them and I don't work with them. If they said I asked them to do something for me, they're lying. 

Aug 13 -

4:05AM. I was thinking of the Magic Schoolbus cartoon and I was thinking the JFK Schoolbus. Prostitutes get paid more than teachers in this country. That's why all the prostitutes are so stuck up and spoiled even though they're stupid and all they know how to do is suck dick. These women look good but they make cheap prostitutes and cheap mothers.

4:30AM. You don't need friends, family or love to fight a war. If that's all you're trying to do, then it's easier without any friends, family or love. They fight wars just for fun or for money. We kill them because we have to make them stop.

4:31AM. The ones that sell their land, their women and their children do not fight wars. They just sell everything and then they'll ask for more later and get mad if you say no. They're not fighting and they're not protecting anything. They're just lying to everyone and getting mad if you don't have anything to give them. They're sissy's. That's why Mexico has no queens left. Mexico only has prostitutes now. They prostituted all their queens to the whiteboy's.

4:38AM. The faggots ass cuckolding Caucasians that turn everything into a homosexual sneak diss are still talking to me using their white noise device. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. We don't turn every word into a homosexual sneak diss like the Caucasians do. We don't suck the whiteboy's dick for weapons just to be able to rape our own race's women. We're not the backstabbing quinceanera sissy's.

4:39AM. The Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican Mafia here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I type this.

4:50AM. The Mexicans on this side like to play games and make bets with the KKK whiteboys. The first time they lost a game to the whiteboy's here, they went back to their tribe and told their men to name all their daughters Lupe. Then they went back to the KKK and told the whiteboys that all the girls named Lupe will pay for it. These Mexicans have never protected their land, their women or their children. They have been playing stupid games and selling their own race out since they first asked the whiteboys to protect them. They play stupid games with the KKK whiteboys, and if they lose, their make their daughter Lupe pay for it. We don't sell our land, our women or our children to these stupidass whiteboys. I don't even want their women to have my kids.

4:54AM. The whiteboy's and their cheap prostitutes still hiding somewhere and trying to whitewash me with their white noise and their white lies. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. We don't kidnap, enslave or whitewash your children.

5:20AM. The Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican Mafia here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I type this.

5:23AM. Their undercovers are just hiding and telling me they leave in their white noise device. They use their underground tunnels to kidnap our children, they try to drug and blackmail us into sleeping with their women, but when we know how their trap really works, all they sudden they turn hostile and don't want everyone know about how they been kidnapping babies and raising them as their own here secretly.

5:24AM. They don't want everyone know about how they been kidnapping babies from foreign countries using their underground tunnels, raising them here secretly as if those are their own babies, and then selling the successful and good-looking ones to the White Supremacists when they grow up. The White Supremacists let their Mexican drug cartels have the leftovers.

5:28AM. They don't want everyone know about how they been kidnapping babies from foreign countries using their underground tunnels, raising them here secretly as if those are their own babies, and then selling the successful and good-looking ones to the White Supremacists when they grow up. The White Supremacists let their Mexican drug cartels have the leftovers.

5:32AM. If we both had no clothes, no weapons and no technology on either of us, I can still kill you. We no race, no religion, no friends, no family and no love, I can still kill you. I don't need anything to be your killer.

5:36AM. Their undercovers are still spying on me and making comments through their white noise device. They don't want everyone know about how they been kidnapping babies from foreign countries using their underground tunnels, raising them here secretly as if those are their own babies, and then selling the successful and good-looking ones to the White Supremacists when they grow up. The White Supremacists let their Mexican drug cartels have the leftovers.

5:38AM. If we both had no clothes, no weapons and no technology on either of us, you would still sell your own children. With no race, no religion, no friends, no family and no love, you can still sell your children. You don't need anything to sell your children.

5:42AM. Donald Trump faked an assassination attempt. Donald Trump has the Secret Service drug Melania so she doesn't run away and get a divorce. Donald Trump sends the Secret Service to run undercover sleep-deprivation campaigns against me. Donald Trump hires both the Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican Mafia here in California. Donald Trump wants to false flag a nuclear strike and blame it on China to start World War 3. I used to work for Donald Trump back when they were manipulating and brainwashing me so I know what he uses his henchmen for. Donald Trump had tortured and drugged me into assassinating Aaron Swartz in order to cover up the MIT/MK Ultra hack that Aaron Swartz was about to leak. The Mexican Mafia keeps their mouth shut about the nuclear war agenda because Donald Trump offered them a room in the underground bunker.

5:45AM. The Tunisians and the Persians both traveled around the entire world back when the Europeans still thought the Earth was flat. Tupac's bloodline went from Africa to Asia to Tulare Lake to Brazil and back to Africa. He only left one son behind with one tribe down in South America and he gave that one son his exact same name. White people destroyed everyone else's civilization and said then they were the first ones to travel around the world.

5:50AM. It's weird that the Mexicans will fight over gang names and they fight over a country that the white people invented, but they don't fight for their own women and children. They didn't fight to protect the Old Kingdom. They backstabbed their own race, forced everyone to change their name to Mexico and now they fight to prostitute their own sisters and daughters. 

5:57AM. Their bloodline is dirty. I don't want my kids being born with their blood.

6:00AM. Their undercovers are still spying on me and making comments through their white noise device. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, but they steal kids from better families and pretend those kids are their own family.

6:04AM. Their undercovers are still spying on me and making comments through their white noise device. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, but they steal kids from better families and pretend those stolen kids are their own family.

6:05AM. Their undercovers are still spying on me and making comments through their white noise device. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, but they steal kids from better families and pretend those stolen kids are their own family.

6:10AM. I don't work for them. I don't breed with their women. If they get my body after I die, I been smoking the entire time so it's going to be full of ashes. Fuck their families. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. They're not good enough for me or for my children.

6:13AM. I don't work for them. I don't breed with their women. If they get my body after I die, I been smoking the entire time so it's going to be full of ashes. Fuck their families. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. They're not good enough for me or for my children.

6:14AM. Their undercovers are still spying on me and making comments through their white noise device. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, but they steal kids from better families and pretend those stolen kids are their own family.

6:15AM. The Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican Mafia here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I type this.

6:54AM. They're still saying shit to me but they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. We didn't destroy the mountain in Northern Africa, turn it into steel, sell it to the Americans and then try to erase it from the history books. We don't invade and enslave. That's not the LeeWay. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. When the Africans lost their mountain, we helped them get it back. It took over 2024 years, though.

6:57AM. They're still saying shit to me but they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. We didn't destroy the mountain in Northern Africa, turn it into steel, sell it to the Americans and then try to erase it from the history books. We don't invade and enslave. That's not the LeeWay. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. When the Africans lost their mountain, we helped them get it back. It took over 2024 years, though. We're not known for White Lies, honestly.

7:00AM. They're still saying shit to me but they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. We didn't destroy the mountain in Northern Africa, turn it into steel, sell it to the Americans and then try to erase it from the history books. We don't invade and enslave. That's not the LeeWay. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. When the Africans lost their mountain, we helped them get it back. It took over 2024 years, though. We're not known for White Lies, honestly.

7:03AM. I'm not Caucasian, I'm Asian. They think I'm stupid and that I don't get it. They don't get it. They're known for invading and enslaving. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. We're not known for White Lies. 

7:03AM. I'm not Caucasian, I'm Asian. They think I'm stupid and that I don't get it. They don't get it. They're known for invading and enslaving. They don't get it. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. We're not known for White Lies. 

7:04AM. I'm not Caucasian, I'm Asian. They think I'm stupid and that I don't get it. They don't get it. They're known for invading and enslaving. We don't invade and enslave. They don't get it. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. We're not known for White Lies. We're not known for stealing everyone's land and raping everyone's ancestors. They're stupid and they don't get it.

7:13AM. I'm not Aryan. I'm Asian. We don't invade and enslave. We didn't turn the jungles into desert while pretending to be tan. They don't get it.

7:14AM. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. They think I'm stupid and that I don't get it.

7:26AM. I wonder if King Charles left behind a secret trail in the USA. I remember hearing about how he wanted to put his face on currency and that by the time he died, the whole world would love him. His currency was rejected and when he died, it got covered up and he was replaced with a body double. King Charles drugged Queen Elizabeth and had paparazzi assassinate Princess Diana because he couldn't wait to be the king. The body double had been waiting his entire life to pretend to be King Charles. King Charles time is over. His body double had been waiting his entire life for this moment.

7:27AM. I'm not Caucasian, I'm Asian. They think I'm stupid and that I don't get it. They don't get it. They're known for invading and enslaving. We don't invade and enslave. They don't get it. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. We're not known for White Lies. We're not known for stealing everyone's land and raping everyone's ancestors. They're stupid and they don't get it.

7:34AM. The Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican Mafia here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I type this.

7:36AM. The Elite Guard that named Lampedusa Island didn't want to be their guard anymore after he met us. We snapped him out of the brainwashing and he realized they had been manipulating him into fighting his entire life while pretending to help. He agreed to name the island for us to put the code in and after that, he stopped being their soldier. Lampedusa Island is where we tracked the raiders down to after they stole the Dendera Lightbulb from the Egyptian pyramids.

7:45AM. The Mexican sissy's plan was to ask the whiteboy's for help to conquer their own race and create Mexico, then say that the whiteboy's are invaders and to ask another race else for help to beat the whiteboy's. They wanted to be the king of the new land. They fucked up because after they conquered the Old Kingdom and turned it into Mexico, they couldn't beat up the whiteboy's on their own anymore. If nobody helps fight for them, they really can't do anything besides sell their daughters for protection. The sissy's don't make the whiteboy's panic. They suck the whiteboys dick and they sell their own race's daughters.

7:52AM. I don't work for them and I don't breed with them. Even if they get my dead body, it's going to be full of ashes. Their families are not good enough for me or for my children. They don't even speak face to face with respect and honesty. Their families are too cheap to be able to speak with respect and honesty. They're used to selling their kids for money. They don't care about having respect.

7:55AM. Force them to speak face to face with respect and honesty. Make that the standard. That way, no matter what kind of technology they have, they can never enslave us again. They have to speak face to face with respect and honesty. They cannot enslave us if they have to speak face to face with respect and honesty. It doesn't matter how advanced this technology becomes. Everybody still has to speak face to face with respect and honesty.

8:01AM. The Elite Guard that named Lampedusa Island didn't want to be their guard anymore after he met us. We snapped him out of the brainwashing and he realized they had been manipulating him into fighting his entire life while pretending to help. He agreed to name the island for us to put the code in and after that, he stopped being their soldier. Lampedusa Island is where we tracked the raiders down to after they stole the Dendera Lightbulb from the Egyptian pyramids. After he put the code in, he stopped working for them and they fired him. He just dealt with being poor after that but he still got the code in for future generations and he was glad that we snapped him out of his brainwashing because he never knew what it felt like to be comfortable in his own skin. When I die, just know I got the code in already. I don't work for them and I don't add to their numbers. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. We don't invade and enslave. We speak face to face with respect and honesty.

8:97AM. Naming your race something that is disrespectful towards another race is like declaring war on the race that you're disrespecting. You whiteboy's are known for starting wars, stealing from different races and for raping women of every race all over the world. That's why even your grown men are called whiteboy's. You're Caucasian. I'm Asian. You think I'm stupid and that I don't get it. You're stupid and you're in denial. The majority of the world hates your skin color because you're known for stealing everyone's land and raping everyone's ancestors. You Caucasians don't get it.

8:13AM. You Caucasians don't get it. Everybody hates your skin color now. You made it so that the whole world hates people that look like you, and you're still playing dumb and playing stupid ass games. You think I don't get it because I'm Asian and you're Caucasian. You don't get it. You act like a little boy still. That's why everybody calls your grown men whiteboy's. You make your whole race look bad and you put your own race in danger because of your actions. You don't get it.

8:16AM. I'm not Caucasian, I'm Asian. They think I'm stupid and that I don't get it. They don't get it. They're known for invading and enslaving. We don't invade and enslave. They don't get it. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. We're not known for White Lies. We're not known for stealing everyone's land and raping everyone's ancestors. They're stupid and they don't get it.

8:16AM. I'm not Caucasian, I'm Asian. They think I'm stupid and that I don't get it. They don't get it. They're known for invading and enslaving. We don't invade and enslave. They don't get it. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. We're not known for White Lies. We're not known for stealing everyone's land and raping everyone's ancestors. They're stupid and they don't get it.

8:18AM. I'm not Caucasian, I'm Asian. They think I'm stupid and that I don't get it. They don't get it. They're known for invading and enslaving. We don't invade and enslave. They don't get it. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. We're not known for White Lies. We're not known for stealing everyone's land and raping everyone's ancestors. They're stupid and they don't get it.

8:26AM. The white noise device is always trying to brainwash me. Even if I'm in the bathroom with the shower on by myself, it's still trying to fill my brain with it's white lies and propaganda. You can't see the radio waves or the lasers, but I am always having to reject it's brainwashing program.

8:28AM. They try to brainwash me into thinking that weight is a genetic trait. It's not. That's why the Mexicans kidnap our babies and feed them different. Just because they're fatter doesn't mean that's a genetic trait. They just eat different.

8:31AM. I don't work for them and I don't breed with them. Even if they get my dead body, it's going to be full of ashes. Their families are not good enough for me or for my children.

8:36AM. I don't work for them and I don't breed with them. Even if they get my dead body, it's going to be full of ashes. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. They're probably stalkers and rapists. Their families are not good enough for me or for my children. 

8:37AM. The Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican Mafia here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I type this.

8:38AM. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. They think I'm stupid and that I don't get it.

8:38AM. The Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican Mafia here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I type this.

8:40AM. Some groups like to keep stupid people and faggots around just for target practice. I prefer to keep intelligent and respectful people around.

8:41AM. Their undercovers are still spying on me and making comments through their white noise device. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, but they steal kids from better families and pretend those stolen kids are their own family. 

8:42AM. I'm trying to meditate in the shower and they're spying on me and trying to brainwash me with their white lies. One always has to guard their own brain, their history and their identity in this country or the KKK will brainwash you and turn you into one of them.

8:44AM. One always has to guard their own brain, their history and their identity in this country or the KKK will brainwash you and turn you into one of them. One must always defend themselves against the white noise, white lies, and whitewashing even if they try to use colored people to whitewash you.

8:46AM. The Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican Mafia here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I type this.

8:48AM. Their undercovers are still spying on me and making comments through their white noise device. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, but they steal kids from better families and pretend those stolen kids are their own family.

8:49AM. One must always defend themselves against the white noise, white lies, and whitewashing even if they try to use colored people to whitewash you.

8:51AM. Li Saint. List-N. List-O. We have to list the liars as well so that innocent people don't keep falling for the same lies.

8:58AM. Their undercovers are still spying on me and making comments through their white noise device. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, but they steal kids from better families and pretend those stolen kids are their own family. List everybody that steal babies from better families.

9:03AM. White people will probably never see this because the stolen the first Bible, cut out the stories they didn't like and changed the names so white people will probably never see it, but there was another copy of the Bible that doesn't have any of the stories cut out and it still has the original names that were written in it before the Britains stole it, changed it, mass-produced it and then created the Christians.

9:06AM. When the slaves escaped the pyramids of Egypt and ran down south, they didn't write down their name. By the time they got there, they started chanting Giza instead of Gaza. We wrote it down before they started marching. Li Saint.

9:10AM. When you're in a battle, you don't drop your weapon just because you see women or gold.

9:15AM. They asked me what cream is code for. I ask them what diet is code for. I can't ask them face to face because they have no respect and they're not honest anyways. That's why their men name their daughters Lupe and they have their daughters pay for their lies.

9:22AM. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. Fuck them and fuck their codes. They're disrespectful for no reason. They act like that with all the races. 

9:31AM. The sissy's don't like being laughed at. They dont like it so much that they backstab and sell their own race out for money just so they can look rich and so that their own race won't laugh at them. They're spoiled. Sometimes, your own people will laugh at you when you're on positive shit.  They obviously never tried to do the right thing but got beat up, stripped naked and tied to a pole with everyone looking at them and laughing at them.

9:39AM. I think the KKK had me drugged and had me marry one of their women while I was on drugs in Texas. I don't remember well because I got tortured and they erased my memories. I'm not trying anybody that don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. I don't trust whiteboys.

9:42AM. These Caucasians keep trying to talk to me. I don't respect them. I try to ignore everything the Caucasians say. We don't talk like Caucasians. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay.

9:43AM. We don't talk like Caucasians. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay.

9:44AM. The Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican Mafia here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I type this.

9:44AM. The word Caucasian will forever be disrespectful towards the Asians. We don't invade, enslave or rape. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. Their women wanted us to have sex with them. Melee. MayLay. Their men had to drug, rape and kidnap our women for sex. We're not the same.

10:02AM. There will never be peace as long as there are rapists around. 

10:96AM. They can force women have sex or have their babies and sometimes the women can't do anything and have to pretend they like it so nothing bad happens to them or to their child. I'm a killer. They only do that to women and to weak men because they can get away with it. Kill Every Rapist. 

10:12AM. I talk shit about them in the open and I killed them in the open. They pretend to be nice in the open and they backstab you when nobody's looking. We're different.

12:13PM. They whisper so much bullshit but they don't do shit. The most they do is sell their children to the KKK for weapons and turn their kids into tweakers and dulce. Give them some Duce and the winos will do what you say.

2:53PM. They lie about this in the USA. In reality, anytime a family has good-looking children in Mexico, the drug cartels kidnap them and sell them to the white politicians in the USA. Fake Brown Pride.

2:59PM. The whiteboy's feed their Mexican sissy's and give them kidnapped girls to rape. 

4:56PM. They use their words, their food and their children as a weapon. They will say and do anything to get what they want.

4:57PM. They threaten your women and children just to cover up their child kidnapping operation. That's why their underground tunnel by Main and Warner closed. They don't need their Vera Cruz tunnel in Mexico either.

5:17PM. Their drug cartels are annoying and hired a lot, but they're mostly throwaways and cannon fodder. Tweakers, sissy's and dulce. They do anything for money. They're not billionaires like Donald Trump and Mark Cuban.

9:27PM. If Donald Trump, the Secret Service, and even the police are all having sex with the virgin girls that get spied on and manipulated, then it's not safe to raise children in this country.

Aug 14.

5:32AM. These sissy's and cuckold's sell out their own race. They always stick together to backstab and sell their own race out. The Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican Mafia here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I type this.

5:42AM. The sissy's and cuckolds are used to calling someone else to fight for them. They may look like they have a lot of numbers, but they're only hiring, blackmailing or somehow manipulating a other group into fighting for them while they pretend to be victims. They will ask you for help, backstab you when they don't need you anymore, and then ask someone else for help to get rid of you. They don't fight. They pretend to be victims before lying to and backstabbing anyone that helps them. They sell their own race and anyone that helps them out, cover it up, and then they do it all over again to someone new. Nazi's like Donald Trump will protect these sissy's and cuckolds because the Nazi's use these sissy's and cuckolds to infiltrate and destabilize your group while also making your group look bad.

5:51AM. When it comes to the legitimacy of this country, the sissy's are a problem because they would agree to everything. That's why they're called sissy's. Anytime anybody would show them money, they would say si si(yes yes in Spanish) and take whatever they were being offered. Then later, they come back and ask for more money. They didn't pay attention to what they were agreeing to. They just said si si to everything and then they'll ask for more later. They don't even listen to what anybody's saying but if you show them money, they understand. They'll take your money and later they'll get mad, say it wasn't enough and ask you for more. They're stupid. They literally backstabbed their own race and prostituted all the queens that used to be in Mexico. Mexico has no queens left because the sissy's sell their land, their children and their women to the Nazi's and to the KKK. They'll try to sell your children the way they sell their own. That's why their underground tunnel on Main and Warner got closed.

5:59AM. The truth is that the whiteboy's have conquered all of Mexico just to prostitute their women. The good-looking woman are all prostitutes to the KKK.  Anytime there are good-looking women in Mexico, the real ones have to hide them because their own Mexican drug cartels will kidnap their girls, rape their girls and then prostitute their girls the KKK and to the Nazi's. They act like they're all Brown Pride over here in California, but that's a White Lie. They backstab their own race. The Mexicans over here have been kidnapping all the good-looking women in Mexico and prostituting those women to the KKK for many, many, many generations now. Mexico has no queens left, only prostitutes now.

6:47AM. Treacherous is code for T reach us. I can reach them, but they can't reach me. The path is too treacherous for them. They can't speak face to face with respect and honesty. They don't have enough integrity to get to me. They don't have tensegrity.

6:51AM. We got the word integrity because when we were being tortured to the brink of death in the castle dungeon, we didn't give up and we didn't sell out. We didn't sell our land, our women or our children. We fought to the death and we killed a lot of white kings. We don't invade, enslave or conquer.

7:00AM. I don't have sex with their white women. Their men raped our women. Their women want me to have sex with them. Walt Disney was part-Asian, but his mother told the whiteboy it was his child because the baby would be in danger if they knew he was part-Asian. The white man that thought he was Walt's real father was racist and rich. That allowed Walt to use that white racists money for whatever he wanted. The racist side of his family really doesn't like us. The non-racist side has some issues too sometimes. The point is we didn't have to buy, drug or rape their women. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. I don't even like their white women anymore. The stupid spoiled whiteboy's give their whole race a bad reputation.

7:14AM. One does not need friends or family to fight a war. One does not need friends or family to fight a war. When the politicians and police are trying to use my kids as gladiators and sex slaves, it's war.

7:20AM. I call their grown men whiteboy's still because they like to steal candy from babies even though they're already fully grown men.

7:28AM. The sissy's created the quinceanera tradition where they kidnap the girls of their own race, rape her and then prostitute her to the whiteboy's. When the creator had a daughter, he couldn't stop his own men from doing the same thing to his daughter. He thought it was a good idea at first but when he finally grew up, he couldn't stop it anymore. They did the same thing to his daughter.

8:27AM. YouTube bugging again. Can't leave comments. App won't click.

19:47AM. The YouTube comments and for a minute or so and now it won't click again.

12:10PM. Fake gangbangers. They're really just snitches, but the cops look for them and let them look tough. If they don't sell their daughters to the police, they get evicted, arrested or killed. They only pretend to be tough, but they don't protect their own sisters or daughters. They sell their sisters and daughters for protection.

3:47PM. When the colonizers conquer something, they only keep the manuscripts and artifacts that they don't destroy. That's why the white version of history ignores a lot and lies about a lot of things. It's because they only list the things they didn't destroy.

6:27PM. The Mexicans here like to steal kids from better families. They even backstab and kidnap children from their own race. They try to lure families here, break the family apart, and keep the kids. If they get break the family apart, it's easier for them to manipulate the children, push them into the streets, and get them to join one of their drug cartels. Even if they get the children or the genetics of a good family, they still don't know how to raise the kids good. The KKK does the same thing but they cover it up with more money.

6:44PM. I'm seeing the pattern of behavior behind the actions of the Mexican sissy's and the white cuckolds. They just lie and say anything to get what they want and if they don't get what they want, they try to backstab you. They sell their own children and they sell their own race out. They play stupid games and when they lose, they make their daughters pay for it. Lupe. They're hypocrites because they try to steal children from good families while they hide in their bunkers, communicate through their white noise radio and try to act like they're not doing anything wrong. Caucasian type shit. They pretend it's normal while they're subliminally disrespecting you. 

6:55PM. They want me to leave but they don't say it face to face. They don't reveal they're identity. They're hypocrites. They're probably just rapists and child molesters. That's why they threaten women and children so easily. They only want me to leave because I won't let them.

7:00PM. The stalkers, rapists and child molesters want me to leave. I'm ruining their underage virgin prostitution trap for them.

7:01PM. Their undercover agents threaten your women and children if you ruin their underage virgin prostitution trap. Their undercover agents and their white politicians are rapists and child molesters. 

7:03PM. Their undercover agents and white politicians will threaten your women and children if you ruin their underage virgin prostitution trap.

7:05PM. I put it on the US Virgin Islands and on the Leaning Tower of Pisa, fuck their undercover agents, fuck their underground tunnels, and fuck their virgin prostitution ring. Let one of their men die for every single woman they threaten to hurt every single time one of them threatens to hurt a woman. Their men want to talk like women. Let their men die for their words. Let them die for even threatening women. 

7:10PM. Fuck the family that raises their men and fuck their radio transmitters. White people have a problem with respect. They come from rapists, liars, and invaders. We cannot trust these white people or anything they say and do.

7:16PM. Their undercover agents and white politicians will threaten your women and children if you ruin their underage virgin prostitution trap. They're doing it right now. I recommend that all foreign families stay away from this country until this issue is taken care of. The police will try to arrest you, blackmail you and prostitute your children.

7:37PM. Their undercover agents and white politicians will threaten your women and children if you ruin their underage virgin prostitution trap. They're doing it right now. I recommend that all foreign families stay away from this country until this issue is taken care of. The police will try to arrest you, blackmail you and prostitute your children.

7:38PM. The stalkers, rapists and child molesters want me to leave. I'm ruining their underage virgin prostitution trap for them.

9:53PM. I don't work for the white race. I don't have sex with their white women. I am not covering for their white lies.

9:54PM. Fuck Donald Trump, fuck Donald Trump's real estate property, and fuck Donald Trump's employees. Fuck the Secret Service, fuck their underground tunnels and fuck their underground bunkers.

9:56PM. They whitewash children into talking like the Caucasians over here. We don't talk like the Caucasians. I'm not letting them whitewash my kids into talking like or acting like Caucasians. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian.

9:57PM. What if Asians started a fight every time a white person used the word Caucasian the same way that Africans start a fight every time a white person used the word Niger?

Aug 15 -

4:40AM. The white noise radio is still trying to whitewash me into one of the groups that the white race invented. I'm not one of theirs. I don't work for theirs. I don't even sleep with their women.

4:47AM. Whiteboy's are known to kidnap, drug, and bribe your own race to turn against you. Women like Mu also have a reputation of raising those stolen children as rapists, homosexuals and as little Hitler's. If there is a science to raising Adolf Hitler, white devils have mastered it but they don't use it on their own race. They steal your kids and they us it on your race instead.

4:49AM. The Mexicans here sell their own race out to the KKK. They have black Mexicans they use to infiltrate Africa and they have also kidnap babies from Asia and brainwash those babies into thinking they're Mexican. That's why it's important to talk face to face with respect and honesty. The Mexicans drug cartels and the KKK will both try to pretend that they're one of us in order to steal our kids and infiltrate our race. There is a giant child kidnapping ring here in Orange County and that's why all the underground tunnels lead to here and to Vera Cruz.

4:57AM. No matter what they say, just know that I don't work for them, I don't have sex with their women and I don't cover for their lies. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. Even though I'm here, they would rather try to avoid me, play dumb games and lie to me than to speak face to face with respect and honesty. I'm not one of them. Anything they tell you is a lie. They're only trying to pretend they know me so they can infiltrate your land and steal your money, women and children. 

4:58AM. Don't trust them. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. They lie. The Caucasians will disrespect you, tell you it's not disrespect, and then laugh at you behind your back later on because you trusted them. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. We do not invade and enslave. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. 

5:00PM. White Lies. Honest-Lee.

5:01AM. They don't protect their own land, their own women or their own children. They sell everything for money, then they'll lie about it and pretend that it was stolen from them. If you help them, they will backstab you after your done helping them.

5:10AM. I do not listen to or communicate using white noise. Black Noise is better than White Noise. Shout-out to Neil Degrasse Tyson. Black Noise is better than White Noise. It flows better with the LeeWay as well. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. Black Noise is better than White Noise.

5:12AM. They don't protect their own land, their own women or their own children. The homosexuals let you get away with anything. The rapists will rape and prostitute anything they touch.

5:22AM. I'm not working for them. I don't have sex with their women. I don't cover for their lies. If they send anyone, just know that they didn't go through me and they're only trying to pretend they're with me so they can infiltrate your land.

5:27AM. We don't lie and steal. We don't invade and enslave. We're not white. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. 

5:31AM. They're still trying to brainwash me here. I don't work for them. I don't have sex with their women. I don't cover for their lies. If they send anyone, don't trust them. They didn't speak to me face to face with respect and honesty.

5:35AM. It doesn't matter what race they are. Don't trust anybody that the Americans or the Europeans send over. The Mexican drug cartels work for the KKK.  They still do not speak to me face to face with respect and honesty. Don't trust anybody that they send over. They're just trying to steal your resources, whitewash your history and brine your best men and best women into becoming white. They're not one of us. Don't trust their skin color. They might have been raised by and brainwashed by the whites. They're not one of us. We all speak face to face with respect and honesty.

5:38AM. Their undercover agents and white politicians will threaten your women and children if you ruin their underage virgin prostitution trap. They're doing it right now. I recommend that all foreign families stay away from this country until this issue is taken care of. The police will try to arrest you, blackmail you and prostitute your children.

5:43AM. If the American King Charles wants to live in this country without being followed around for what Britain did, then he's going to have to let the blacks know where the stupid KKK whiteboy's are hiding.

5:57AM. We don't let the whiteboy's turn our jungles into a desert. We don't cover it up for the whiteboy's. They pretend to be tan, but they sell their land, their women and their children to the whiteboy's. They're not one of us. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty and honesty. They're whiteboys with tan skin.

6:38AM. They're just trying to steal your resources, whitewash your history and bribe your best men and best women into becoming white. They're not one of us. Don't trust their skin color. They might have been raised by and brainwashed by the Caucasians. 

6:40A.. They're not one of us. We all speak face to face with respect and honesty. Don't trust anyone they send over. They only pretend to be one of us so they can steal your land, your women and your children. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not one of us.

6:44AM. When they talk, their words are just meaningless sounds. They will say anything to get what they want but their words have no meaning. Even their name means nothing. They will use the names and the words that get them what they want, but their words mean nothing. It's just meaningless noise.

6:45AM. It doesn't matter what race they are. Don't trust anybody that the Americans or the Europeans send over. The Mexican drug cartels work for the KKK. They still do not speak to me face to face with respect and honesty. Don't trust anybody that they send over. They're just trying to steal your resources, whitewash your history and brine your best men and best women into becoming white. They're not one of us. Don't trust their skin color. They might have been raised by and brainwashed by the whites. They're not one of us. We all speak face to face with respect and honesty.

6:46AM. They're still trying to brainwash me here in California. I don't work for them. I don't have sex with their women. I don't cover for their lies. If they send anyone, don't trust them. They didn't speak to me face to face with respect and honesty.

6:59AM. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, don't trust anything they say. We're it stupid little whiteboy's. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay. Also, Black Noise is better than White Noise, on Neil Degrasse Tyson.

7:27AM. Keep World War 3 in your mind. They have destroyed our history before. NASA. Say Now.

8:00AM. White noise still trying to brainwash me. We speak face to face with respect and honesty.

8:09AM. Secret History Fact: Europeans countries used to war with each other before they started going to war with different races. They wouldn't stop fighting unless they either raped our killed their enemy. The British King was a homosexual. He went around to the other kingdoms offering a truce and knowing that they would rape him, but since he was gay, he liked it and would only pretend that it hurt. This is how he was able to form an alliance with the rest of the European countries. It was a fake alliance and he was always backstab them after they were done. The main colonizers are the ones that expected the other kingdoms to backstab them. They built their entire system on lying, stealing and rape.

8:19AM. When I was young, we all got invited to the British castle. The black soldier was wondering if it could be a trap. It turned out to be a trap because they were escorted out the room for refusing to kneel, and then stripped naked and kicked out. The black soldier invited his son who was still younger than a teenager. They both got stripped naked and kicked out like that. I was told to kneel so I did. Later on, Charles gets dog-walked, we come back to America and my father gets deported. It was always a trap. They started it, they lied about it, and then they hit us back even though they lured us over there into a trap. They started it. They said it was no beef, but then they invited us to a trap. They even had the black soldier's son stripped naked and kicked out and he was still young than a teenager.

9:17AM. They sent the drug cartels to kidnap our kids. They send their prostitutes to walk by me. They want my kids. I don't want their kids. I don't want them to have my kids.

4:17PM. If World War 3 doesn't happen and their Denver International Airport underground bunker is not necessary, that means their Planned Obsolescence plan had failed. The other thing is the Biometric Slave Auction. This is where they chip you the first time and that's supposed make you a slave. Then they sell your biometric data behind the scenes, and that's supposed to be the same as selling you off as a slave. They do it this way now because they're scared of being beaten up again by their own slaves, but it this new version of slavery wireless, so it can be beaten wirelessly as well.

5:33PM. They're trying to use their white nosie device to brainwash me with white lies. Just the latest bullshit coming from the white side again. They say that I'm financially bankrupt in this bubble of white lies. At least my race doesn't steal from all the rest of the races on this planet. We don't invade and enslave. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. I'm only poor in their white bubble because their system revolves around lying and stealing.

5:47PM. For anybody that's not white, it's sometimes hard to prove our side of the story because they only record the artifacts and manuscripts that they chose not to destroy when they conquered an area. Sometimes, when evidence is shown, they fake love and pretend to act interested and then they destroy whatever piece of evidence you had. We don't invade and enslave. We speak face to face with respect and honesty.

7:41PM. The Mexicans here by Santa Ana don't want to admit that they were using their underground tunnels to kidnap babies and brainwash the babies into thinking they're Mexican. The white politicians only protect them because they prostitute their daughters. They try to sell everyone else's daughters the same way they sell their own daughters. Even if they lie and play dumb, their underground tunnel on Main/Warner was still closed. Their lies don't protect them.

10:30PM. Back when I was still in highschool, I remember getting a psychological evaluation for the Army National Guard. The guy asked me a strange question. If I had to choose between my mother or my father, which one would I choose? 

Aug 16 -

4:20AM. Way back when this neuroscience tech was just invented and only in the hands of a small number of geniuses, one group was working on it and they went to their leader. They found out it could be used to manipulate and brainwash. They asked their white leader about it and he said "I wanted to see if you could figure it out on your own." They said "I don't know how we can trust you after this." Then they left using the research they already had and went to go work on it by themselves without the guy that gave them that technology. I think about it now because I wonder if he had stolen it from someone else, used it to brainwash them, and then had them trying to figure out how it works and what it does. I don't know. I wasn't alive back then and I don't know him well enough.

7:21AM. The natives that lived here before Mexico was made up told me that when they came over here and told them the real story, the Mexicans over here would act like they never heard that story and then something bad would happen to them. They didn't know who it was that was selling them out, but they wanted me to tell the story in front of that one house or apartment or whatever it is on Main Street in Santa Ana. I already did that a few months ago. It seems like the ones that sold them out and have been getting protected by the KKK cops are finally coming out. Those ones are not gangsta. The KKK cops let them look hard, but they always having someone else fighting for them. If the KKK is not protecting them, there only choice left is to ask their own men to fight for them. They don't fight. They didn't learn anything from us. All they do is sell their own race out so they can rape their own race's women. They have always asked the KKK to protect them. Their own men know the truth now. 

11:40AM. The Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican Mafia here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I type this.

3:38PM. They're using the Deli/Karen trap again. This is when they send undercovers to make sneak disses towards you while they pretend they're talking to someone else or while they pretend to talk on the phone. The point is to make you mad so that you address them, but then they lie and act like they don't know what they're doing. This way, they can lie to the police and have you arrested even if you beat them up. This is just one of the many prostitution traps that the whiteboy's invented to steal and prostitute your children. White Lies.

3:53PM. Their undercovers are annoying. They sit near you and pretend to act normal. The type of actions that someone who thought of words like Caucasian and Schwarzenegger would take. They pretend that it's normal and they pretend to act nice but they're really being racist and disrespectful.

7:26PM. I'm not a Caucasian and I'm not a Schwarzenegger. I don't sneak diss while pretending it's not disrespectful. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian.

8:42PM. Since Donald Trump likes to have his Secret Service stalk me and communicate secretly on their white noise device, I want to point out that Donald was sued for rape. Donald Trump was sued for business fraud. Donald Trump was impeached several times. Donald Trump is charged with RICO. Donald Trump is a convicted felon. Barrack Obama could never have gotten away with that. The system is racist. 

8:44PM. Donald Trump is still trying to start a nuclear war. He told me himself. He offered me a room in his underground bunker.

8:57PM. Back to the Future 2. When we go back over everything Donald Trump has said and done, it's going to be obvious that Donald Trump is the worst leader white people have ever elected. If he manages to start World War 3 like they want to, he will be comparable to Adolf Hitler. World War 3 will only make it easier for white people to erase and whitewash everyone's history.

9:17PM. Donald Trump faked his own assassination but he paid to have Aaron Swartz really assassinated.  What a hypocrite.

Aug 17 -

3:24AM. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck the Secret Service. 

3:27PM. Biometric Chip Data Slave Auction. That's where chip you first and throw you back out. Then they sell your biometric data and whoever buys it tries to brainwash and enslave you. It's wireless brainwashing. If it doesn't work, they might try to resell your biometric data to another buyer, and the new buyer will try to brainwash and enslave you remotely. 

9:38PM. We make it a difference so that you know which ones we are and which ones are the ones the whiteboy's raised. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay. Black Noise is better than white noise. If they hide behind their lies or technology, they must be white. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. We don't invade and enslave. We don't hide behind white noise technology. We're not known for White Lies.

11:15PM. I want to put this again since the population in the USA is brainwashed. In Mexico, their good-looking girls get kidnapped by the Mexican drug cartels and sold to white politicians and white business owners in the USA. The Mexican drug cartels pretend that they're Brown Pride over here, but in reality, they kidnap girls from Mexico and sell those girls to the KKK in this country. They have been kidnapping the girls in Mexico and selling those girls to the KKK in this country for many generations. There are no queens left in Mexico.

11:42PM. They said I'm a guest. I'm not their friend. I don't eat their food. I don't touch their women. They like to lie and pretend that they know me.

Aug 18 -

4:20AM. The white noise device is always trying to either mentally destabilize me or it's trying to brainwash me into trusting it. No matter what kind of technology the white race steals or repurposes, we will never allow them to get away with slavery. Black Noise is better than White Noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you'll know if it's one of the whiteboy's brainwashed dogs or if it's one of us. We don't communicate like whiteboy's.

4:27AM. Remember that we don't invade and enslave. The white colonizers invaded, enslaved, raped our women and mixed their dirty white blood into our non-colonial blood. We don't talk like them. We don't act like them. We don't do what they do.

4:37AM. They're still trying to brainwash me with their white noise device. If Donald Trump wins and manages to false flag a nuclear strike, just know that I die as an Asian, not as a Caucasian. I didn't sell my own race out for money or for protection. I don't work for them. I don't cover for their lies. I don't even have sex with their women even though they send their prostitutes around me every day.

4:42AM. The Caucasians will do anything to survive. They steal their genetics from other races. The Mexicans let their own girls be raped for money. They both allow their original nature to be changed by dirty blood. I choose to die as an Asian. I don't want to mix with them. I don't want them to have my children. I don't want my family to be infected with their dirty white blood. Don't believe their white lies. They say and do anything to get what they want. They invade, enslave and rape. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. We didn't have to rape their women. They liked us. They wanted us to have sex with them. Melee. Minnesota.

5:07AM. The British, the Germans and the Romans are all the same. They were and some still are all colonizers that invade and enslave. In the USA, they merged into one group called the KKK. Ku Klux Klan also known as the Clucking Cuckolding Clan.
 We don't invade and enslave. We don't try to whitewash your history and brainwash your children. We speak face to face with respect and honesty.

5:14AM. They're still trying to brainwash me with their white noise device. If Donald Trump wins and manages to false flag a nuclear strike, just know that I die as an Asian, not as a Caucasian. I didn't sell my own race out for money or for protection. I don't work for them. I don't cover for their lies. I don't even have sex with their women even though they send their prostitutes around me every day. I don't support euthanasia. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. I'm not going to die as a white person like the Mexicans that sell out their own race. I don't cover for their white lies. I'm not going to die as a Caucasian. I die as an Asian. 

5:16AM. They're still trying to brainwash me with their white noise device. If Donald Trump wins and manages to false flag a nuclear strike, just know that I die as an Asian, not as a Caucasian. I didn't sell my own race out for money or for protection. I don't work for them. I don't cover for their lies. I don't even have sex with their women even though they send their prostitutes around me every day. I don't support euthanasia. Even if I die here as a poor person in their white bubble, I die as an Asian, not a Caucasian. I don't sell out or backstab my own race.

5:17AM. They're either gay or they're rapists. They don't protect their land, their women or their children. They let the whiteboys turn them into anything the whiteboy's want. We don't lie to ourselves. We're not whiteboys. We're real men. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay.

They're still trying to brainwash me with their white noise device. If Donald Trump wins and manages to false flag a nuclear strike, just know that I die as an Asian, not as a Caucasian. I didn't sell my own race out for money or for protection. I don't work for them. I don't cover for their lies. I don't even have sex with their women even though they send their prostitutes around me every day. I don't support euthanasia. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. 

5:27AM. They said I'm a guard on their white noise device. I don't work for the whites. I don't sleep with their women. I don't guard their underground tunnels. They use the tunnels to foreign babies, brainwash them and sell the stolen babies to the KKK. Their tunnel on Main/Warner in Santa Ana was closed and their kidnappers were killed too. That's their  Main and Warner warning.

5:29AM. King Charles Colonial Legacy. He blackmailed Princess Diana into letting him touch her. He drugged Queen Elizabeth so he wouldn't be a prince forever. He invited a decorated Black Veteran and his pre-teen son over to their castle just to strip them and kick them out naked onto a public street naked.  The cheeky bastard didn't even get a funeral. He had to pay people to pretend to like him. They like him more when he dies and they can take his money.

5:33AM. They're still trying to brainwash me with their white noise device. If Donald Trump wins and manages to false flag a nuclear strike, just know that I die as an Asian, not as a Caucasian. I didn't sell my own race out for money or for protection. I don't work for them. I don't cover for their lies. I don't even have sex with their women even though they send their prostitutes around me every day. I don't support euthanasia. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. 

5:35AM. The British, the Germans and the Romans are all the same. They were and some still are all colonizers that invade and enslave. In the USA, they merged into one group called the KKK. Ku Klux Klan also known as the Clucking Cuckolding Clan.
 We don't invade and enslave. We don't try to whitewash your history and brainwash your children. We speak face to face with respect and honesty.

5:37AM. All the heroes know each other. We all spoke to each other face to face. We either fight side by side or sometimes have had battles with one another. We've been captured by the enemy together. We go find the rapists and we kill them. We protect our women, our children and our land. We don't hide, lie, sell out, steal or rape. We won battles, saved lives, and lived to see another day. Only the ones that don't fight like to exaggerate about what the heroes do. They like to say their heroes are invincible. They weren't there on the field with us. All the heroes know each other.

5:45AM. This isn't Hollywood. Heroes don't always survive. Survivors are not always heroes.

5:47AM. We don't sell our and backstab our own race whether for money, sex or for protection. When I die, I die as an Asian. I don't work for them. I don't sleep with their women. I don't cover for their white lies. When I die, I do not die as a Caucasian. I die as an Asian. Fuck their dirty rapist blood.

5:49AM. Don't blame the blacks. They were slaves. Sometimes they were forced to do things that they didn't really want to do. Deal with the whites first, and after it's all over, we can sort out who took it too far and who had no choice.

6:17AM. White noise still trying to brainwash me. They're either gay or they're rapists. They don't protect their land, their women or their children. They let the whiteboys turn them into homosexuals. We don't lie to ourselves. We're not whiteboys. We're real men. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay. 

6:20AM. They're gay because they sell their kids, their women and their land. They let it happen. They're gay. We're murderers and we're killers. We don't let them get away with that.

6:24AM. Their undercovers are still spying on me and making comments through their white noise device. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, but they steal kids from better families and pretend those stolen kids are their own family. That's why their underground tunnel on Main and Warner closed. We don't let them get away with that.

6:27AM. They sold their kids. They let the whiteboy's do anything to their children. They don't even remember what race they started as anymore because they kept selling their kids and letting people to do anything to them for money. They don't even remember what race they started out as anymore.

6:27AM. Their undercovers are still spying on me and making comments through their white noise device. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, but they steal kids from better families and pretend those stolen kids are their own family. That's why their underground tunnel on Main and Warner in Santa Ana was closed just recently. We don't let them get away with that.

6:39AM. White noise still trying to brainwash me. They're either gay or they're rapists. They don't protect their land, their women or their children. They let the whiteboys turn them into homosexuals. We don't lie to ourselves. We're not whiteboys. We're real men. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay.  They're Caucasian. They're scared to speak face to face with respect and honesty. They have to lie, fake it and hide behind their money.

6:30AM. White noise still trying to brainwash me. They're either gay or they're rapists. They don't protect their land, their women or their children. They let the whiteboys turn them into homosexuals. We don't lie to ourselves. We're not whiteboys. We're real men. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay. 

6:31AM. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty.

6:33AM. They're still trying to brainwash me with their white noise device. If Donald Trump wins and manages to false flag a nuclear strike, just know that I die as an Asian, not as a Caucasian. I didn't sell my own race out for money or for protection. I don't work for them. I don't cover for their lies. I don't even have sex with their women even though they send their prostitutes around me every day. I don't support euthanasia. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. 

6:35AM. They said something about a sword. I stashed my sword before I got tortured and brainwashed. When I recovered and woke up from amnesia, I didnt really need it anymore. I have a gun now.

6:37AM. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. We never had to drug, buy or rape their women. Their women wanted us to have sex with them. The whiteboy's get jealous easily and start wars over it. They don't even protect their women, they sell their women and offer their women as bribes, but they still get jealous if their women want to have sex with another race.

6:40A.. The Mexicans here sold out their own race. The one that invented the quinceanera had once told his men to name their daughters Lupe. They didn't know why but they did what he asked them to. He had lost a bet against the whiteboy's. He told the whiteboy's that all the girls named Lupe would pay for it. His men couldn't stop the whiteboy's when they showed up with guns and took all the girls named Lupe. They sell their own race out and then they ask for help.

6:45AM. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you can test us and check if we're Caucasian or not.

6:47Aam. They said that they get why I have a name. My name is not Schwarzenegger. Anyone can have a name. That doesn't mean that they have a good name.

6:49AM. Our mix was not made through rape or slavery. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. We still have love. Their mix is dirty. Their blood is dirty. Their love is fake. 

6:57AM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you can test us and check if we're Caucasian or not. We don't invade and enslave. We don't whitewash your history. We don't sell out our own race.

6:57AM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you can test us and check if we're white or not. We don't backstab our own race for the whiteboy's money.

6:58AM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you can test us and check if we're white or not.

6:59AM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you can test us and check if we're white or not.

7:10AM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise. They say they needed that. They don't even need a face or a voice. They need the white people to give them technology and to protect them.

7:12AM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you can test us and check if we're white or not. If they don't let you check or if they act suspicious about it, they're probably white people trying to pretend to be one of us.

7:14AM. They're either gay or they're rapists. They don't protect their land, their women or their children. They let the whiteboys turn them into anything. They have been selling their children for so long that they don't even remember what race they started out as anymore. We check our own. We don't let our people go all over the world and steal from everyone. We're not white. 

7:17AM. The liars will say that they're one of us and try to copy everything we say and do. They're liars. You have to check them very closely. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not one of us. It doesn't matter what they look like and it doesn't matter what they say. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not one of us.

7:34AM. BIG FACTS. The Mexicans here backstab their own race and sell their own women. They only ask for help when the whiteboy's dont protect them. They will backstab you after you help them. Santa Ana is the real capital of Mexico. Santa Ana is where the Mexicans that blackmail the Mexican politicians come from. The Mexican drug cartels kidnap all good-looking women in Mexico and sell those kidnapped girls to the whiteboy's here in Orange County. They won't tell you this. That's the truth. 

7:37AM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you can test us and check if we're white or not. 

7:46AM. Whether they admit it or lie about it, King Charles was still killed. They covered up his murder and replaced him with a body double. Not all white people are bad. Some don't like the legacy of colonialism and slavery that their race is known for. I still can't trust any white strangers and I'm not trying to make any new friends. King Charles is dead. The king is dead. The king is dead.

7:51AM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you can test us and check if we're white or not. 

7:53AM. How would you feel if you were eating Wienerschnitzel your whole life and then you found out that they had killed your father and were sneak dissing you personally? That's how I feel about Caucasians.

8:04AM. LOS ANGELES STREET HISTORY. The Mexicans here are known for false flagging. Ms-13 had just become famous and then the Mexicans in California created 13. When they started beefing, they let everyone think that they were MS-13. MS-13 barely has one small apartment left in Los Angeles because most of their members were wiped out when 13 started false flagging them. They are known to lie and to pretend to be a different hood. The KKK prevented the last members in Los Angeles from being wiped out, but they also blackmail MS-13 into doing what the KKK wants now.

8:10AM. We don't let them kidnap our babies, brainwash our babies into thinking they're Mexican, and then secretly try to raise our babies as their own in this country. That's why I murdered their kidnappers myself. I took down their whole hood out by myself, one by one, literally. That's also why their underground tunnel in Santa Ana on Main and Warner got closed.

8:11AM. BIG FACTS. I'm not covering for the whiteboy's lies and I'm not guarding their underground tunnels. They use these tunnels to kidnap babies from foreign countries and sell those foreign babies to white supremacists in America and in Europe. I'm not guarding their underground tunnels. Fuck their tunnels, fuck their bunkers, and fuck their euthanasia program.

8:14AM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you can test us and check if we're white or not. 

8:15AM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you can test us and check if we're white or not. If they don't talk like us, they're whiteboy's in colored skin. They're not one of us.

8:17Am. We don't throw our kids away. We don't let our kids go everywhere and invade and enslave everybody. We check our own. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. They're Caucasian. They're just trying to pretend to be one of us.

8:17AM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise radio. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you can test us and check if we're white or not. We're not white. We don't talk like whiteboy's.

8:20AM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise radio. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you can test us and check if we're white or not. We're not white. We don't talk like whiteboy's.

8:21AM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise radio. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you can test us and check if we're white or not. We're not white. We don't talk like whiteboy's. We don't invade and enslave.

8:22AM. If they don't talk face to face with respect and honesty, they're white. It doesn't matter what they say. Actions speak louder than words. They act like whiteboy's. They're not one of us.

8:23AM. We don't let them kidnap our babies, brainwash our babies into thinking they're Mexican, and then secretly try to raise our babies as their own in this country. That's why I murdered their kidnappers myself. I took down their whole hood out by myself, one by one, literally. That's also why their rapists were murdered and that's why underground tunnel in Santa Ana on Main and Warner got closed.

8:24AM. If they don't talk face to face with respect and honesty, they're white. It doesn't matter what their skin color is. It doesn't matter what they say. Actions speak louder than words. They act like whiteboy's. They're not one of us. We don't invade and enslave. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. We do not invade and enslave  We're not whiteboy's.

8:25AM. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. We do not invade and enslave We're not whiteboy's. We're not known for White Lies, honestly. Also, Black Noise is better than White Noise.

8:26AM. It doesn't matter what their skin color is. It doesn't matter what they say. Actions speak louder than words. They act like whiteboy's. They're not one of us.

8:27AM. It doesn't matter what their skin color is. It doesn't matter what they say. Actions speak louder than words. They act like whiteboy's. They're not one of us. We're not Caucasian. We're Asian. We don't talk like whiteboy's.

8:28AM. They're still spying on me and trying to brainwash me using white noise radio. Sometimes it insults me. Sometimes it compliments me. All the time, I reject it and refuse to let it brainwash me. Black noise is better than white noise.

8:34AM. Even if they secretly sell my Biometric Chip Data to different slave owners so the new owner can try to brainwash me again using the same chip implant, I will still try to make sure someone in their group is killed for it, even if they're wireless and invisible.

8:34AM. They're still spying on me and trying to brainwash me using white noise radio. Sometimes it insults me. Sometimes it compliments me. All the time, I reject it and refuse to let it brainwash me. Black noise is better than white noise.

8:35AM. Even if they won't stop trying to invade and enslave my brain. Even if they secretly sell my Biometric Chip Data to different slave owners so the new owner can try to brainwash me again using the same chip implant, I will still try to make sure someone in their group is killed for it, even if they're wireless and invisible. I kill slave owners. 

8:36AM. They said they're family. They're liars. They're not my family. We don't act like them. They're probably the white people wearing colored skin now after they had raped our ancestors. They're not family.

8:37AM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise radio. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you can test us and check if we're white or not.

8:35AM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise radio. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you can test us and check if we're white or not. Actions speak louder than words. 

8:41AM. We don't let them kidnap our babies, brainwash our babies into thinking they're Mexican, and then secretly try to raise our babies as their own in this country. That's why I murdered their kidnappers myself. I took down their whole hood out by myself, one by one, literally. That's also why their rapists were murdered and that's why underground tunnel in Santa Ana on Main and Warner got closed.

8:42AM. Even if they won't stop trying to invade and enslave my brain. Even if they secretly sell my Biometric Chip Data to different slave owners so the new owner can try to brainwash me again using the same chip implant, I will still try to make sure someone in their group is killed for it, even if they're wireless and invisible. I kill slave owners.

8:43PM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise radio. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you can test us and check if we're white or not. Actions speak louder than words. 

8:44Am. Black noise is better than white noise. Fuck their chip implants, fuck their  hidden speakers and fuck their hidden microphones.

8:45AM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise radio. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you can test us and check if we're white or not. Actions speak louder than words. 

8:45AM. Black Noise is better than White Noise. Fuck their secret radio telecommunications.

8:46AM. We don't let them kidnap our babies, brainwash our babies into thinking they're Mexican, and then secretly try to raise our babies as their own in this country. That's why I murdered their kidnappers myself. I took down their whole hood out by myself, one by one, literally. That's also why their rapists were murdered and that's why underground tunnel in Santa Ana on Main and Warner got closed.

8:48AM. They have been getting conquered and selling their own children out for so many generations now that they don't even remember what race or country they had come from originally.

8:49AM. We don't let them kidnap our babies, brainwash our babies into thinking they're Mexican, and then secretly try to raise our babies as their own in this country. That's why I murdered their kidnappers myself. I took down their whole hood out by myself, one by one, literally. That's also why their rapists were murdered and that's why underground tunnel in Santa Ana on Main and Warner got closed.

8:50AM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise radio. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you can test us and check if we're white or not. Actions speak louder than words. 

8:51AM. I took down their whole hood out by myself, one by one, literally. That's also why their rapists were murdered and that's why underground tunnel in Santa Ana on Main and Warner got closed.

8:51AM. I'm in the bathroom naked and they're still trying to brainwash me using white noise radio. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you can test us and check if we're white or not. Actions speak louder than words. 

8:52AM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise radio. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you can test us and check if we're white or not. Actions speak louder than words. 

8:54AM. They're still trying to brainwash me. Just know that I die as an Asian. I didn't backstab and sell my own race out just to work for the white people.

8:56AM. They're still spying on me and trying to brainwash me. Just know that I die as an Asian. I didn't backstab and sell my own race out just to work for the white people. Their underground tunnel on Main and Warner got closed because they were kidnapping our babies and brainwashing our babies into thinking they're Mexican. They might keep me poor for it, but I didn't sell my own race out. I murdered their kidnappers and their underground tunnel got closed.

8:58AM. We don't let them kidnap our babies, brainwash our babies into thinking they're Mexican, and then secretly try to raise our babies as their own in this country. That's why I murdered their kidnappers myself. I took down their whole hood out by myself, one by one, literally. That's also why their rapists were murdered and that's why underground tunnel in Santa Ana on Main and Warner got closed. Even their tunnel in Boyle Heights had been closed before because the Mexicans over there were doing the same thing. That's why they call it The Hole in Boyle Heights. That's from when we closed their tunnel because they were kidnapping our babies. That time, we didn't use excavators. For the one in Santa Ana, it was closed using construction equipment. The next time, we can just fill it with foam and close it without any construction.

9:06AM. Even if they won't stop trying to invade and enslave my brain. Even if they secretly sell my Biometric Chip Data to different slave owners so the new owner can try to brainwash me again using the same chip implant, I will still try to make sure someone in their group is killed for it, even if they're wireless and invisible. I kill slave owners.

9:10AM. The Boyle Heights tunnel was closed before I was born because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies. They call it The Hole now. That's where there tunnel used to be. The Santa Ana tunnel on Main and Warner was also just recently closed because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies again. They used construction equipment and they made the shape of the underground tunnel obvious from the street above. Next time, there won't be any hole or construction equipment. If they do it again, their tunnels will be closed silently using foam. 

9:10AM. Black noise will always be better than white noise. Fuck their radio.

9:14AM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise radio. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you can test us and check if we're white or not. We're not white. Our people should not be talking or acting like the invaders. We don't let them get away with that.

9:17AM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise radio. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you can test us and check if we're white or not. Don't let them brainwash you with their white noise technology. Always check face to face and make sure you know who you're talking to.

9:22AM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise radio. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. Check to make sure.

9:23AM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise radio. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. I have to do this all the time to create the habit of rejecting their brainwashing every single time they try. They try to rape your brain the same way they try to rape your women. They're not one of us.

9:26AM. The Boyle Heights tunnel was closed before I was born because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies. They call it The Hole now. That's where there tunnel used to be. The Santa Ana tunnel on Main and Warner was also just recently closed because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies again. They used construction equipment and they made the shape of the underground tunnel obvious from the street above. Next time, there won't be any hole or construction equipment. If they try to use their tunnels to kidnap babies again, their tunnel will be closed quietly using foam.

9:37AM. I don't trust disembodied voices that can lie about who they really are. I'm not Ana. Fuck their white noise radio. 

9:39AM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise radio. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. Check to make sure.

9:33AM. I don't trust disembodied voices that can lie about who they really are. I'm not Ana. I'm not just going to have sex with a random stranger just because they said they have magic powers. I'm not Ana. Fuck their white noise radio. 

9:45AM. Their white noise radio is still trying to brainwash me, destabilize me mentally, and manipulate my thoughts. Black noise is better than white noise. Black noise is not going to try to control what you think about. Fuck their new neuroscience technology.

9:46AM. Biometric Chip Data Slave Auction. That's where chip you first and throw you back out. Then they sell your biometric data and whoever buys it tries to brainwash and enslave you. It's wireless brainwashing. If it doesn't work, they might try to resell your biometric data to another buyer, and the new buyer will try to brainwash and enslave you remotely. Whatever they tell you on the radio is only to try to get you to trust them or give up so that it's easier for the chip to brainwash you. Don't listen to anything that any of them say. Don't trust the white noise. This is the new neuroscience technology that the Caucasians are using to try and enslave everybody again.

9:47AM. Their white noise radio is still trying to brainwash me, destabilize me mentally, and manipulate my thoughts. Black noise is better than white noise. Black noise is not going to try to control what you think about. Fuck their new neuroscience technology.

9:50AM. The Boyle Heights tunnel was closed before I was born because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies. They call it The Hole now. That's where there tunnel used to be. The Santa Ana tunnel on Main and Warner was also just recently closed because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies again. They used construction equipment and they made the shape of the underground tunnel obvious from the street above. Next time, there won't be any hole or construction equipment. If they try to use their tunnels to kidnap babies again, their tunnel will be closed quietly using foam.

9:52AM. Their white noise radio is still trying to brainwash me, destabilize me mentally, and manipulate my thoughts. Black noise is better than white noise. Black noise is not going to try to control what you think about. Fuck their new neuroscience technology. Remember that it doesn't matter what they bribe you with if they have control over your brain. If they control your brain, they can take back anything they paid you with at any time they want.

9:54Am. Their white noise radio is still trying to brainwash me, destabilize me mentally, and manipulate my thoughts. Black noise is better than white noise. Black noise is not going to try to control what you think about. Fuck their new neuroscience technology.

9:56AM. These whiteboys are spoiled. They don't know. They think they're better than everyone just because of their fancy toys. They can't even speak face to face with respect and honesty. They're not real men. They're spoiled little boys with lots of money.

9:57AM. They asked me if they have to suffer for a name. They will get the name they get based on who they are. The Caucasians have a very bad name, but they still have a name. Just because someone has a name, doesn't mean they have a good name. If they want to act like and talk like the whiteboy's, they can ask the whiteboy's for a white name. We have standards our our side. Not just any ody can wear our name. We kill our own twin if they're evil. We don't leave abandoned babies in women all over the place. I don't even have sex anymore because these women in this country have a mouth and a womb full of poison.

10:00AM. Their white noise radio is still trying to brainwash me, destabilize me mentally, and manipulate my thoughts. Black noise is better than white noise. Black noise is not going to try to control what you think about. Fuck their new neuroscience technology.

10:03AM. Their white noise radio is still trying to brainwash me, destabilize me mentally, and manipulate my thoughts. Black noise is better than white noise. Black noise is not going to try to control what you think about. Fuck their new neuroscience technology.

10:04AM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise radio. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. Always make sure you know who you're talking to. We don't talk like whiteboy's. They're not one of us, no matter what they look or sound like. Actions speak. They're either being real or they're faking. Actions speak louder than words.

10:06AM. They're still trying to brainwash me using white noise radio. Black noise is better than white noise. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. Always make sure you know who you're talking to.  

10:07AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not one of us. They're white. The LeeWay is to speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the standard. They're not one of us. Don't trust their white noise radio. Black noise is better than white noise.

10:10AM. The Boyle Heights tunnel was closed before I was born because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies. They call it The Hole now. That's where there tunnel used to be. The Santa Ana tunnel on Main and Warner was also just recently closed because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies again. They used construction equipment and they made the shape of the underground tunnel obvious from the street above. Next time, there won't be any hole or construction equipment. If they try to use their tunnels to kidnap babies again, their tunnel will be closed quietly using foam. Even if they lie about it or censor this, their kidnappers are still dead and their underground tunnel in Santa Ana on Main and Warner is still closed.

10:12AM. They said we played them for life. We didn't backstab them and sell out their people for the whiteboy's money. In-No-Cent.

10:27AM. The Boyle Heights tunnel was closed before I was born because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies. They call it The Hole now. That's where there tunnel used to be. The Santa Ana tunnel on Main and Warner was also just recently closed because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies again. They used construction equipment and they made the shape of the underground tunnel obvious from the street above. Next time, there won't be any hole or construction equipment. If they try to use their tunnels to kidnap babies again, their tunnel will be closed quietly using foam. Even if they lie about it or censor this, their kidnappers are still dead and their underground tunnel in Santa Ana on Main and Warner is still closed.

12:44PM. List-En, List-O and TTG are all connected, but many battles have been won since this first started. Today's world requires a different approach. Whether one is right or wrong is more important than only winning. Li Saint.

12:50PM. Even if the fools out here try to drug and frame me, my word is worth more than the word of a billionaire.

12:57PM. If I was a woman, they might not let me say no. I'm a man. I reject their women all the time.

9:45PM. The black President had triggered a strong reaction by the white racists. It's going to be rough for a while because the white racists have been triggered by the black President. 

9:57Pm. Tell their undercovers that... The Boyle Heights tunnel was closed before I was born because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies. They call it The Hole now. That's where there tunnel used to be. The Santa Ana tunnel on Main and Warner was also just recently closed because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies again. They used construction equipment and they made the shape of the underground tunnel obvious from the street above. Next time, there won't be any hole or construction equipment. If they try to use their tunnels to kidnap babies again, their tunnel will be closed quietly using foam.

10:00PM. If their Mexican drug cartels try to kidnap babies using their underground tunnels again, they will be closed and filled using a type of expanding foam. Construction equipment will not be needed. Their underground tunnel on Main and Warner was closed using construction equipment this time just to make it visible to the entire hood over here. The white politicians and white police officers that the Mexicans prostitute their daughters too could not stop their tunnel from being closed. Their drug cartels kidnappers were murdered too.

10:03PM. Their undercovers are spying on me as they always do. Fuck their underground tunnels and fuck their prostitution ring.

10:04PM. Their undercovers are spying on me again as they always do. Fuck their underground tunnels and fuck their prostitution ring.

Aug 19 -

4:37AM. We don't communicate using their white noise radio. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay. Black noise is better than white noise. White Lies. When I die, I might die with no money, but I die as an Asian. I don't sell my own race out. I don't cover for the whiteboy's lies. I don't breed with the whites. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian.

4:42AM. The whiteboy's mad because I smoke weed. Idgaf. At least I don't talk like a whiteboy with that white noise bullshit. At least I don't sell out my own race just for virgin pussy.

4:44AM. The whiteboy's keep having these rats try to talk to me for them. Just because they look like us doesn't mean they're one of us. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. Ain't no white noise on this side. Black noise is better than white noise.

4:45Am. Just because they look like us doesn't mean they're one of us. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. We're not playing the whiteboy's game. We kill their slave owners and we free their slaves. We're not playing the whiteboy's games. We don't cover for the whiteboy's lies. We don't work for the whiteboy's money. We're not white. Don't believe their white lies. They'll try to whitewash you with their white lies. I don't work for these white people. I don't have sex with their women. I don't cover for their white lies. I'm not playing their whiteboy's game. I don't steal children from other races for the whiteboy's. Fuck their their underground tunnels. That's why their tunnel on Main and Warner was closed. Fuck these white invaders.
4:50AM.  The white people raped our wen and kidnapped our children, so there are some people that look like us but they talk like whiteboy's. They're not one of us. They were raised by the whiteboy's. They talk like the whiteboy's. They cover for the whiteboy's lies. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. Just because they look like us or they say they're our family doesn't mean that's true. The whiteboy's had raped our women and kidnapped our children, so they have a bunch of colored people that are really white on the inside. They're not one of us. They cover for the whiteboy's lies. We all speak face to face with respect and honesty. We're not Caucasians. We're Asian. We don't invade and enslave. These fake Asians are whitewashed and cover for the whiteboy's lies. They're not one of us.

4:54AM. The white people raped our wen and kidnapped our children, so there are some people that look like us but they talk like whiteboy's. They're not one of us. They were raised by the whiteboy's. They talk like the whiteboy's. They cover for the whiteboy's lies. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. Just because they look like us or they say they're our family doesn't mean that's true. The whiteboy's had raped our women and kidnapped our children, so they have a bunch of colored people that are really white on the inside. They're not one of us. They cover for the whiteboy's lies. We all speak face to face with respect and honesty. We're not Caucasians. We're Asian. We don't invade and enslave. These fake Asians are whitewashed and cover for the whiteboy's lies. They're not one of us.

4:56AM. The whiteboy's mad because I smoke weed. Idgaf. At least I don't talk like a whiteboy with that white noise bullshit. At least I don't sell out my own race just for virgin pussy. They're not one of us anymore. They're white now.

4:59AM. At least I didn't sell out my own race for virgin pussy. They talk to me like a whiteboy. They're not Indians. They're whiteboys now. We all speak face to face with respect and honesty. In-No-Cent. I didn't sell out my owner race for the whiteboy's money. You're white now. You're not Indian anymore. We all speak face to face with respect and honesty. We're not white.
5:03AM. At least I didn't sell out my own race for virgin pussy. They talk to me like a whiteboy. They're not Indians. They're whiteboys now. We all speak face to face with respect and honesty. In-No-Cent. I didn't sell out my owner race for the whiteboy's money. You're white now. You're not Indian anymore. We all speak face to face with respect and honesty. We're not white.

5:05AM. We don't let them get away with rape. They sold out their own race for the whiteboy's virgins. They're not Indian anymore. They're white now. They sold out their own race and they cover for the whiteboy's lies. We don't let them get away with rape. We all speak face to face with respect and honesty. Only the whiteboy's let them get away with rape. They're not Asian. They're not Indian. They're white people with brown skin. Only the white people let them get away with rape. That's why they work for the whiteboy's money and they cover for the whiteboy's lies. The whiteboy's cover for their rape. They're not one of us anymore. They're white now.

5:08AM. If their Mexican drug cartels try to kidnap babies using their underground tunnels again, they will be closed and filled using a type of expanding foam. Construction equipment will not be needed. Their underground tunnel on Main and Warner was closed using construction equipment this time just to make it visible to the entire hood over here. The white politicians and white police officers that the Mexicans prostitute their daughters too could not stop their tunnel from being closed. Their drug cartels kidnappers were murdered too.

5:10AM. They're not Indian anymore. They're white now. They sold out their own race and they cover for the whiteboy's lies. We don't let them get away with rape. We all speak face to face with respect and honesty. Only the whiteboy's let them get away with rape. They're not Asian. They're not Indian. They're white people with brown skin. Only the white people let them get away with rape. That's why they work for the whiteboy's money and they cover for the whiteboy's lies. The whiteboy's cover for their rape. They're not one of us anymore. They're white now.
5:12aM . I don't touch their women. Their family's bloodline is dirty. I only masturbate now. I don't want my kids to have their dirty blood.

5:24AM. Since they want to talk like whiteboy's and work for the whiteboy's money and cover for the whiteboy's lies, they're white now. The Asians don't talk like that. These are some fake asians. They were raised by white people. They're not one of us. We all speak face to face with respect and honesty.

5:27AM. They don't call it suffering when they're.invading someone else's land, enslaving another race, or raping another family's women. They only call it suffering when they're poor. They can't handle the respect that it takes to be Asian. We don't invade and enslave. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. If being Asian is too hard for them, they can go lie with the white people.  They're not one of us.

5:31AM. White people and rapists come up with bullshit excuses to justify their actions. They know that slavery is wrong. They know that rape is wrong. They're just lying to themselves and to everyone around them. They know they're wrong. That's why they cannot speak face to face with respect and honesty.  These fools are not Indians. They're white. The real Indians are better than that.

5:36AM. These fake Indians will threaten women and children because the whiteboy's pay them. They'll claim that they're your the same as you just to drug you, frame you, and then prostitute your children to the whites. They're not one of us. They're white now. Only the white people let them get away with that.

5:43AM. They want to kidnap babies, threaten women and drug children. That's why their underground tunnel in Santa Ana on Main and Warner closed. That's their only warning. The next time, there won't be any construction equipment. It'll be an expanding foam.

5:45AM. These fake Indians will threaten women and children because the whiteboy's pay them. They'll claim that they're your the same as you just to drug you, frame you, and then prostitute your children to the whites. They're not one of us. They're white now. Only the white people let them get away with that.

5:57AM. The rapists tell women that it was the woman's idea to have the child. That's how these rapists think. They will always lie to justify their actions and somehow blame it on you instead.

6:10AM. These fake Indians will threaten women and children because the whiteboy's pay them. They'll claim that they're your the same as you just to drug you, frame you, and then prostitute your children to the whites. They're not one of us. They're white now. Only the white people let them get away with that.

6:10AM. If their Mexican drug cartels try to kidnap babies using their underground tunnels again, they will be closed and filled using a type of expanding foam. Construction equipment will not be needed. Their underground tunnel on Main and Warner was closed using construction equipment this time just to make it visible to the entire hood over here. The white politicians and white police officers that the Mexicans prostitute their daughters too could not stop their tunnel from being closed. Their drug cartels kidnappers were murdered too.

6:12AM. The next time their underground tunnel has to be closed, construction equipment will not be necessary. It can be done quietly using expanding foam. Nobody will even know what's going on.

6:17AM. We don't let these white people destroy, erase or whitewash our history. Protecting history is like protecting our land and our women. We don't let these rapists get away with whatever they want. Some people don't even remember what race they started out as anymore. They think they're one of us.

6:22AM. Black noise is better than white noise. White people always need their fancy technology to do anything. They can't just be real. Black Noise is better than White Noise.

6:27AM. Since they want to talk like whiteboy's and work for the whiteboy's money and cover for the whiteboy's lies, they're white now. The Asians don't talk like that. These are some fake asians. They were raised by white people. They're not Asian. They're Caucasian. They're not one of us. We all speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's on their white nosie radio. They're not Asian. They only look like us. They're really Caucasian. They're white now.

6:31AM. They sold their kids to the whiteboy's. Their nature is white now. It's in them to act like a white person. That's why they invade, rape, and lie. They only look Asian on the outside. They're white on the inside. They're not one of us. 

6:32AM. The whitewashed fake indian keeps trying to communicate with me using their white noise technology. They're not Indian. They're white. They sold their own race out for the whiteboy's money.

6:35AM. These rapists will say that the baby is the woman's idea and they'll say that they had to. They're liars. Rapists will say anything to justify their own actions. Sometimes you have to kill to protect, but you never have to rape anyone to protect. These rapists will say anything to justify rape.

6:37AM. Even if the rapists try to justify rape, their kidnappers still got murdered and their tunnel on Main and Warner in Santa Ana has still be closed. Their lies don't protect them from us. We're not the cops. We don't have to prove anything. They still got murdered. Black noise is better than white noise, honestly.

6:53AM. Back in the old days, sometimes families would have their children stolen. Some families would let it go and make more babies. Some families would chase after the kidnappers to get their stolen babies back. We've all been like this since it first started. We didn't have police back then.

6:57AM. If a Rapist Killa goes undercover as a rapist, they can't be mad at me if I didn't know and they didn't say shit.

7:03AM. One time, my father went all the way to Florida to get some fireflies and brought them out here. Africa also had fireflies back when the desert was a jungle and before the Dendera Lightbulb was stashed inside the Egyptian pyramids before the war.

7:07AM. We don't invade and enslave. We created a standard to separate us from the whiteboy's in colored skin. Because they raped our women and kidnapped our children, they now have whiteboy's in colored skin, but those were raised by the whiteboy's. They're not of us. We created a standard so you can tell if it's one of ours or one of the whiteboy's dogs. We all speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's how you'll know if it's one of us and if its one of the whiteboy's trained dogs. The white boys trained dogs will lie and fake  it the same way that the whiteboy's do. We don't invade and enslave. We don't whitewash your history.

7:10AM. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. They steal the best genetics of different races while pretending to act nice. They raped our women and kidnapped our children. They moved on.

9:52AM. Their undercovers said it's infinite beef because of how I say things. They kidnap babies and don't say anything. It's dead bodies because of how they do things. They get killed for kidnapping babies even if they don't say anything.

4:17PM. YouTube is bugged again. Not clicking and cannot leave comments.

5:00PM. Sissy gave the hidden location if his own race's women so that he could get guns from the whiteboy's. Sissy conquered the Old Kingdom with those guns and tells them to call themselves Mexico from now on. Sissy gets beat up by the whiteboy's that gave him the guns. It's sissy because he says si si to everything.

8:20PM. Fake neighbors stalking and playing their bitchass undercover games again. Fuck their surveillance and fuck their families. They always invade and intrude. I don't play along with their undercover surveillance or their white lies. Fuck their whiteboy's game. Their kidnappers were killed and their underground tunnel was closed on Main and Warner in Santa Ana.

10:07PM. Stupidass fake neighbors stalking and being invasive again. Whiteboy bullshit. That's why their underground tunnel on Main and Warner in Santa Ana got closed. 

10:10PM. Stupidass fake neighbors stalking and being invasive again. Whiteboy bullshit. That's why their kidnappers were murdered and why their underground tunnel on Main and Warner in Santa Ana got closed. 

10:12PM. Their undercovers are talking shit again but their underground tunnel on Main and Warner in Santa Ana still got closed. The underground tunnels are located by military outposts. They kidnap women and children to sell as sex slaves for their US Virgin Islands sex trafficking ring.

10:40PM. They don't want everyone know about how they been kidnapping babies from foreign countries using their underground tunnels, raising them here secretly as if those are their own babies, and then selling the successful and good-looking ones to the White Supremacists when they grow up. The White Supremacists let their Mexican drug cartels have the leftovers.

10:42PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. They will spy on you in the showers. That's how they really act out here.

10:43PM. The Boyle Heights tunnel was closed before I was born because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies. They call it The Hole now. That's where there tunnel used to be. The Santa Ana tunnel on Main and Warner was also just recently closed because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies again. They used construction equipment and they made the shape of the underground tunnel obvious from the street above. Next time, there won't be any hole or construction equipment. If they try to use their tunnels to kidnap babies again, their tunnel will be closed quietly using foam.

10:44PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. They will secretly spy on your daughters in the showers but they'll lie and pretend to act normal on the street. That's how they really act out here.

10:46PM. The Boyle Heights tunnel was closed before I was born because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies. They call it The Hole now. That's where there tunnel used to be. The Santa Ana tunnel on Main and Warner was also just recently closed because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies again. They used construction equipment and they made the shape of the underground tunnel obvious from the street above. Next time, there won't be any hole or construction equipment. If they try to use their tunnels to kidnap babies again, their tunnel will be closed quietly using foam.

10:47PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. They will secretly spy on your daughters in the showers but they'll lie and pretend to act normal on the street. That's how they really act out here.

10:48PM. The Boyle Heights tunnel was closed before I was born because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies. They call it The Hole now. That's where there tunnel used to be. The Santa Ana tunnel on Main and Warner was also just recently closed because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies again. They used construction equipment and they made the shape of the underground tunnel obvious from the street above. Next time, there won't be any hole or construction equipment. If they try to use their tunnels to kidnap babies again, their tunnel will be closed quietly using foam.

10:49PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. They will secretly spy on your daughters in the showers but they'll lie and pretend to act normal on the street. That's how they really act out here.

10:55PM. The Boyle Heights tunnel was closed before I was born because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies. They call it The Hole now. That's where there tunnel used to be. The Santa Ana tunnel on Main and Warner was also just recently closed because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies again. They used construction equipment and they made the shape of the underground tunnel obvious from the street above. Next time, there won't be any hole or construction equipment. If they try to use their tunnels to kidnap babies again, their tunnel will be closed quietly using foam. It won't matter if they're in Miami like they said or if they're in Vera Cruz.

10:57PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. They will secretly spy on your daughters in the showers but they'll lie and pretend to act normal on the street. That's how they really act out here.

10:58PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. They will secretly spy on your daughters in the showers but they'll lie and pretend to act normal on the street. That's how they really act out here.

11:01PM. The Boyle Heights tunnel was closed before I was born because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies. They call it The Hole now. That's where there tunnel used to be. The Santa Ana tunnel on Main and Warner was also just recently closed because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies again. They used construction equipment and they made the shape of the underground tunnel obvious from the street above. Next time, there won't be any hole or construction equipment. If they try to use their tunnels to kidnap babies again, their tunnel will be closed quietly using foam. It won't matter if they're in Miami like they said or if they're in Vera Cruz. Next time, their tunnel will be closed using only foam and no construction equipment.

11:05PM. Their undercovers still spying on me in the bathroom like undercover rapists and talking shit. They should be killed with the kidnappers that died and the tunnel that was sealed.

11:07PM. I talked to the families in Mexico who's daughters were kidnapped and sold to rich, white men in the United States. I'm not taking any of the prostitutes here as a bribe. That would be a betrayal to the families that I talked to face to face.

11:14PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. They will secretly spy on your daughters in the showers but they'll lie and pretend to act normal on the street. That's how they really act out here.

11:16PM. The Boyle Heights tunnel was closed before I was born because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies. They call it The Hole now. That's where there tunnel used to be. The Santa Ana tunnel on Main and Warner was also just recently closed because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies again. They used construction equipment and they made the shape of the underground tunnel obvious from the street above. Next time, there won't be any hole or construction equipment. If they try to use their tunnels to kidnap babies again, their tunnel will be closed quietly using foam. It won't matter if they're in Miami like they said or if they're in Vera Cruz. Next time, their tunnel will be closed using only foam and no construction equipment.

11:17PM. I talked to the families in Mexico who's daughters were kidnapped and sold to rich, white men in the United States. I'm not taking any of the prostitutes here as a bribe. That would be a betrayal to the families that I talked to face to face.

11:41PM. Their undercovers are just spying on me in the bathroom and I can hear them whispering from the other side of the wall talking about what I'm doing. They will secretly spy on your daughters in the showers but they'll lie and pretend to act normal on the street. That's how they really act out here.

11:42PM. The Boyle Heights tunnel was closed before I was born because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies. They call it The Hole now. That's where there tunnel used to be. The Santa Ana tunnel on Main and Warner was also just recently closed because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies again. They used construction equipment and they made the shape of the underground tunnel obvious from the street above. Next time, there won't be any hole or construction equipment. If they try to use their tunnels to kidnap babies again, their tunnel will be closed quietly using foam. It won't matter if they're in Miami liktheir, y said or if they're in Vera Cruz. Next time, their tunnel will be closed using only foam and no construction equipment.

12:24AM. The Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican Mafia here will secretly threaten to hurt your9 children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I type this.

12:27AM. When I die, just know I didn't sell my own race out. I don't work for them. I don't have sex with them. I don't cover for their lies. Even if they blackmail me. I still don't work for them. Let them kill me. I rather die as an Asian instead of breeding with any of the whiteboy's prostitutes.

12:33AM. The Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican Mafia here will secretly threaten to hurt your children in order to blackmail you and the white police officers and white politicians that let them out of prison will look the other way. They're still trying to blackmail me for their white politicians right now as I type this.

12:34AM. The Boyle Heights tunnel was closed before I was born because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies. They call it The Hole now. That's where there tunnel used to be. The Santa Ana tunnel on Main and Warner was also just recently closed because the Mexicans were kidnapping babies again. They used construction equipment and they made the shape of the underground tunnel obvious from the street above. Next time, there won't be any hole or construction equipment. If they try to use their tunnels to kidnap babies again, their tunnel will be closed quietly using foam. It won't matter if they're in Miami like they said or if they're in Vera Cruz. Next time, their tunnel will be closed using only foam and no construction equipment.

12:56AM. Mark Cuban got his own collection of Diddy files from all the athletes he's blackmailed at his private sporting events.

1:03AM. When I die, just know I didn't sell my own race out. I don't work for them. I don't have sex with them. I don't cover for their lies. Even if they blackmail me. I still don't work for them. Let them kill me. I rather die as an Asian instead of breeding with any of the whiteboy's prostitutes.

Aug 20 -

7:04AM. Still inside this bubble of white lies. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. I'm not playing along with their white lies and disrespect. When I die, just know I didn't sell my own race out. I don't work for them. I don't have sex with them. I don't cover for their lies. Even if they blackmail me, I still won't work for them. Let them kill me. They try to steal our good genetics and euthanize us the same way they steal the muscles from the Africans. I don't trust anybody here. I don't communicate with anyone. I don't want any of their respect. I don't even want their women to like me. I don't care. I rather die as an Asian instead of breeding with any of the whiteboy's prostitutes.

7:27AM. I'm not going to humor them. I'm not playing along with their stupid lies. It's just a bunch of human beings that are spoiled and cannot communicate like adults. All they do is lie and act like money makes them adults. Fuck their whole system. I'm not one of them. We all speak face to face with respect and honesty. We don't play stupid ass games and act like spoiled little children. Fuck them and fuck their system.

8:34AM. No matter how rich they are, no matter how big they are, and no matter how scientific they are, they still cannot force me to trust them or respect them. I don't care what they have. I don't respect them.

9:24AM. They had me kidnapped, tortured, drugged, framed and blackmailed. Even though they blackmailed me, I slipped my own shit into their blackmail. That's why they had blackmailed me into having them kill themselves and close their own tunnel. Fuck their blackmail. Their kidnappers got killed and all they can do is lie and pretend they're my friend. 

9:41AM. If you pay attention, the people will the rape mix will smile and laugh differently. Some of them are not happy even when they do have money. We don't let the whites get away with The Rape of Africa. That means that it would be hypocritical if we let any race get away with rape. Those that don't have the rape mix in their blood are often cooler, friendlier and a lot more fun to be around.

9:44AM. If you wear clothes all the time, then you can get away with only using toilet paper. If you're naked all the time, toilet paper is not enough.

10:17AM. They said it's my idea. At the same time, they haven't come out and explained how this neuroscience tech works. They don't admit their use of Pavlov conditioning, pharmaceutical drugs or Mk Ultra. They wiped my memories so I couldn't stop their plans in time. They're trying to brainwash me into thinking that their ideas are my ideas. I think for myself. Compare their type of thinking to a man that blames the woman for having a baby.

10:24AM. The Nazi's really don't like letting us meditate because they're scared of our small and short men. They put a Z over the S in Nasi. Nazi means rice. Before they invented the shave plantation, plantation was actually the Africans code for "Plant Asian", because we taught them how to grow rice. Nazi's have been around since the beginning of slavery and colonialism, but most of world only heard of that name after World War 1. They are also the grandparents of the KKK.

12:50PM. The Mexican drug cartels here fake love and say Brown Pride, but in reality, they deliver they're own race's kidnapped daughters to the whiteboy's like a Christmas present. They call it their Quinceanera.

5:27PM. They sell their own children and backstab their own race. All they can do is pretend to be a victim, pretend to be your friend and pretend to help you even if you disrespect them and you murdered their men. All they will do is pretend to be your friend and sneak diss you low-key. That's why they lost their tunnel on Main and Warner in Santa Ana.

7:37PM. The word Downey and the word Disney are both sneak disses.

Aug 21 -

5:27AM. Some groups here have created the Endless Line of Crash Dummies because they don't want anyone to fight anymore. They want everyone to snitch and call the cops, so they will keep sending you more and more enemies from prison and from rehab to try and trigger you into a fight. If you win, they'll just keep sending more enemies until you finally give up and agree to work for them. It's not just a coincidence. It's a program that they're running from behind the scenes. The ones that act gangsta are really being blackmailed and work for the cops. They're allowed to look gangsta, but if they step out of line, the cops will arrest them, have them evicted, or start giving them more and more enemies until they give up. Even if you go against their program, they will try to keep you poor, censor you, and tell everyone else you work for them even if you already murdered a bunch of them. Everyone that works for them has to keep their mouth shut about this prostitution trap, as the racist, white politicians try to lure good families over here and then prostitute the children of those families. The Endless Line of Crash Dummies and the US Virgin Islands sex trafficking business.

6:02AM. They don't need women. Their men keep raping them all. Their women run away and ask us to keep it a secret.

6:10AM. Every time they try to sneak diss me and tell me breathe, I blame the whiteboy's and the black Mexicans for it. They're always trying to kidnap babies and frame someone else for it. Taking Breathes - Chief Keef.

6:15AM. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not one of us. The whiteboy's raised them.

6:16AM. Every time they try to sneak diss me and tell me breathe, I blame the whiteboy's and the black Mexicans for it. They're always trying to kidnap babies from different races and frame someone else for it. Taking Breathes - Chief Keef.

6:23AM. Before white people started stealing everyone's genetics and erasing everybody's history, the Africans had the most athletic men in the world. Lee was the best fighter in the world. T was the best swimmer in the world. -NG is the combination of the biggest African (N) and the biggest European (G) bloodlines into one. All the best warriors knew one another and they would be invited to eat our food and sleep with our women. Later on, white people started stealing the best genetics of whoever they could conquer and then started trying to erase our pre-colonial histories. We didn't sell our kids and we didn't steal good genetics from hard-working families. 

6:33AM. Every time they try to sneak diss me and tell me breathe, I blame the whiteboy's and the black Mexicans for it. They're always trying to kidnap babies from different races and frame someone else for it. Taking Breathes - Chief Keef

6:36AM. They keep trying to fake love and act like they're my homie. They literally had me drugged when I was sleeping, kidnapped me, and tried to sell me off as a chip-implanted slave to the white people. They're not my homie.

6:52AM. The Batman program was specifically designed for white kids that had better qualities but were being raised by racists. This allowed them to separate themselves from whatever racist family they came from and still do something good. What they do now is traumatize kids on purpose in order to make them stupid and easy to manipulate. They turn your kids into little Hitler's to take the blame for them while they pretend to be nice and innocent. It's the same program as the Batman program but it's been corrupted and repurposed to create Hitler now.

8:17AM. They knowingly try to threaten and sell women and children to get what they want. They will spy on your daughters from young and send undercovers to manipulate your daughters into prostitution. US Virgin Islands.

2:16PM. The whiteboy's new white nosie technology is like an invisible sports commentator that's just watching me and trying to brainwash me all the time. White people always trying to come up with new ways of enslaving everybody and taking over the world. Black noise is better than white noise. 

2:20PM. The whiteboy's like the homosexual Mexicans and let the homosexual Mexicans talk on the white noise radio. Fuck their new stupid white noise technology. Black noise is better than white noise.

7:47PM. The drug cartels prostitute their own children and the babies they kidnap to the white politicians, and the white politicians don't send the police to arrest them. US Virgin Islands Sex Trafficking.

9:05PM. These old white politicians are exploiting and prostituting underage virgin girls. They abuse both the US Military and the Mexican drug cartels to take advantage of underage girls. We don't need them or their surveillance. They're already old anyways. They're useless. All they do is exploit young children. We don't need them. 

9:17PM. These Mexicans are hypocrites. They lost a bet to the white boys, told their men to name their daughters Lupe, and told the whiteboy's that all the girls named Lupe will pay for it. Now they try to lie and get other races to pay for them the same way they backstabbed their own men. The survivors said the whiteboy's came out of nowhere with guns for all the girls named Lupe and anybody that tried to stop them was killed. Anybody that said anything about it after it was over was killed too. Fake Brown Pride. They sell their own race out to the whiteboy's.

9:24PM. When they get conquered or raided and their kids get kidnapped, they just let it go and make more kids. They might even make money from it. We go after the kidnappers and kill somebody.

10:02PM. They still trying to make subliminal threats and try to intimidate me or manipulate me into doing what they want. Invaders and rapists always work like that. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. They're only lying. 

10:03PM. They don't want everyone know about how they been kidnapping babies from foreign countries using their underground tunnels, raising them here secretly as if those are their own babies, and then selling the successful and good-looking ones to the White Supremacists when they grow up. The White Supremacists let their Mexican drug cartels have the leftovers.

10:03PM. They make money, hide and try to get me to leave. I try to find their kidnappers and kill them.

11:15PM. Their undercovers are whispering leave and doing anything except for speaking face to face with respect and honesty. There are kids surrounded by first world trash because the mafia and the drug cartels are dumping trash in third world countries. There are kids that have to sleep to the sounds of bombs and guns. These bitchass undercovers are spoiled. If they got bombed and gunned down, they would hide and try to offer their children as prostitutes to make the white military leave. They said "yeah right", but their kidnappers were killed and their underground tunnel on Main and Warner still closed even if they play dumb.

11:24PM. All they can do is spy on me undercover and sneak diss about how they used MK Ultra on me. Meanwhile, they pretend they're on my side to everyone else and no matter how much I disrespect them, they still send their prostitutes to me. Donald Trump is a bitch. Fuck their undercover surveillance.

11:30PM. The stupidass undercovers whispered, "you're not going to win." Meanwhile, there are kids trying to sleep to the sounds of the whiteboy's bombs and guns. The stupid whiteboys always think it's a game.

5:14AM. They have been shuffling the families around the make the blacks in the USA easier to manipulate. They will often break the family apart, move the babies to the other side of the country, and brainwash them on that side. When that baby grows up and is fully brainwashed, they send him back to fight his own so that there is beef amongst their own and they are more trusting to the whites that are looking out for them. They have been doing this for many generations, but we have secretly been keeping tracking of which father's get killed and where those babies get moved to. When you lie to a baby, the baby will grow up still believing those lies.

5:55AM. We had a guy who was being raised by the Nazi's. He thought we were slaves because we were poor and he had a lot of money. He was being treated like less than human even though they would give him a lot of money. He would get chained up and sleet in a cage like an animal, but that's how they always treated him so he thought it was normal. When he saw colored people in different countries, he would see them as slaves because they didn't have as much money, even though he had to sleep in a cage. We don't get treated the same way, but the whiteboy's don't give us money because of that. I can say what I mean and mean what I say. I kill slave owners.

6:03AM. They said strip. I can literally murder them when I'm naked with no weapons still. I'm not the one that's lying, hiding and whispering. My ancestors didn't invade, conquer and rape everybody's else's ancestors.

6:05AM. They asked what to do. I say the same thing I've said a million times. They have to speak face to face with respect and honesty.
6:14AM. They make money, hide and try to get me to leave. I try to find their kidnappers and kill them.

7:07AM. They're still trying to communicate using their white noise device. I'm not white. We don't talk like that. Black noise is better than white noise.

7:38AM. In another life, I think one could dedicate their entire life to making one video game. Then, after it's released, they just keep making new levels and stages in updates and patches for that one game so that a child could start playing it and play it for the rest of their life without getting bored and without having to buy another video game. 

8:07AM. I am surviving in this bubble while trying to avoid triggering the machine like the police to arrest me. I'm rejecting their programming every day and I'm bringing the real history into this brainwashed bubble. For now, I'm just surviving and trying to not be arrested or brainwashed. If the opportunity presents itself, I stay ready to kill and to protect. For now, I'm just avoiding arrest and rejecting the brainwashing.

8:36AM. Some families just wanted to collect the best genetics of different races, tribes and families. Because of how they forced it, their kids are often healthy, smart and tall but they do not smile or laugh the same anymore. They have dirty blood. You can sometimes see a child's entire life change by the look on their face the moment you tell them that they were born through rape.

9:05AM. "If this gets used for slavery, it's going to make your whole race look bad." Back when some of our men were working with them on this new technology, they could already see the future potential of what they were working on. Then they wondered if they had been chipped already and if it was already being used to manipulate them without their awareness. White Noise.

9:17AM. They're dumb. They need the white noise radio to talk to girls. They're scared of being rejected. They need the radio so they can read the girls mind and know what to say.

6:43PM. When this white noise radio technology was first coming out, there was a war over it. They lost the war, but the term was labeled white noise for the future in case the parents knew were killed and the children were lied to from birth. That way, the kids would still know where it comes from even if the parents got killed. That's exactly what happened.

7:44PM. They do what the whiteboy's say too much. Can't trust them. They backstab their own race and keep their mouth shut for the whiteboy's money.

9:37PM. I only love my real parents. When I'm in this bubble of white lies, I don't trust with their families, I don't work with their businesses and I don't play along with their lies. I don't even want even their women. I'm only here to be real.

9:47PM. I don't trust their food. I don't trust their business. I don't trust their women. I'm only here to be real. I don't need anything to be real. I can be real by myself.

10:07PM. They named it White Noise for the future generations. In case they were all killed and nobody knew who was being the radio, it would always lead back to white. They had actually beaten the whiteboy's the first time this was invented, but they decided to keep it a secret. At the same time, if it was stolen or in case they had already been chipped and didn't know it, they knew they might all get picked off one by one and that their children would have a difficult time knowing what's going on. 

Aug 24 -

5:17Am. We don't invade, enslave and conquer. We don't steal from, lie to and disrespect ever race on the planet. We don't whitewash your children and try to brainwash your own children into turning against you. We're not stupid little whiteboy's that think that they can just lie and get away with whatever they want. We're not Caucasian. We're Asian. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay.

5:19AM. Black noise is better than white noise.

5:21AM. I don't have to prove anything. I'm a killer. I can kill you without proof. I don't need friends or family. I don't need to be smart, compassionate or intelligent. I don't need money, clothes or technology. I can kill you with nothing on me. I can be slow and stupid and even handicapped and I can still kill you.

5:24AM. Africans invented the first lightbulb. It's called the Dendera Lightbulb. I think this is some name the Caucasians invented when they raised the Egyptian pyramids and stole the lightbulb. It's like a lightbulb slave name. That's not it's real name.

5:27Am. We don't lie and steal like the Caucasians. Steel is code for steal. When they stole all the iron ore from the Middle East and Africa and left nothing but sand and poor people behind, they changed its form and sold it to the Americans as something different, like a car. They turned the iron into steel and then they said that's it not the same thing anymore. I'm not a cop. I'm not here to prove the truth. I just stand on it. 

5:32AM. Even if we use the same words, we don't speak the same language. When the rapists use the word love, to them, it means rape. They can turn anything into a sneak diss.

5:35AM. You get this one chance to stop acting like the white devils. The next time we win, we're not going to take you back. You're going to be on the white side forever after this. You're not the ones that fought their military, went to their castle and killed their king. You're the ones that gave up and sold your kids.

5:40AM. When the Colonial Army had passed Africa and the Middle East and we're starting to conquer their way towards Asia, a lot of our best men would commit suicide once their city was surrounded and they couldn't win anymore. This was to make sure that their strong genetics don't fall into the enemies hands. 

5:47AM. After my time being born in and growing up in the United States, I don't trust strangers with white skin. They have to prove that they're not racist. To me, anyone with white skin is racist until proven innocent.

5:50AM. You can start at the end and try to imagine a society that's not racist and different races live together fairly. You can try to build it first and then work backwards, but when you get to the part about how racism, that's where it stops working.

5:55AM. No matter what kind of technology the white people invent, they will not be allowed to get away with whatever they want. Black noise is better than white noise. 

6:00AM. Indo-Proto-European. We didn't steal their words. They stole our code words and put it into our language. It doesn't matter if you call it English or Inglish, because the words come from the same collection of tribes. The Europeans didn't leave Europe until they had metal weapons. AB was the first code between the Asians and the Africans. It came from the abuse tribe. When we were getting to know different tribes that didn't speak the same language, we didn't conquer them. We spoke face to face with respect and honesty. That's the LeeWay. We would come up with code words between each other, until the Europeans had decided to steal our words and use our words to act like they were friends with those tribes. When the code words didn't work for them, they would just start attacking instead.

6:06AM. If all the ones that backstab their own race team up, their new team will always fall apart eventually and they'll end up going back to ask their own race for help again. Their new team backstabs each other.

6:12AM. We were once invited to solve a puzzle. One of the leaders from the Mexican side was invited to go solve the puzzle too. When we couldn't solve it, we told them that we gave up, and they showed us the answer. The Mexicans were clever. They couldn't solve it either, so they said they gave up and when they were showed the answer, they solved it and said that still counts because they still solved the problem. They just had to lie and say they gave up first to get you to show them the answer first, but then they were able to solve it, so to them, that still counts. The way that someone solves a problem reveals a lot about how someone thinks. What am I doing? I took it as far as I could, which was all the way up to MK Ultra, and then I pass on my knowledge so the next generation will have an easier time with this puzzle. I didn't ask someone else to solve it for me. 

6:19AM. We do not invade and enslave. We speak face to face with respect and honesty.

6:20AM. When dealing with humans that lie for a living, you can either kill them right away and deal with the consequences or try to prove to everyone else that they're a liar. Both are useful depending on the situation. White Lies.

5:27AM. The rapists only like rape because it doesn't happen to them. They're spoiled. Let them and their family get raped and then they're not going to like it anymore. They only like it when it doesn't happen to them. They're going to want us to kill the rapists after that.

6:35AM. Mu thinks that if she gets the body of a beautiful woman, all the men are going to love her. She always goes back to her true form in two or three generations. Even if she drugs a man into having sex with her, because of her lifestyle choices, that baby will always go back to being fat, lazy and ugly after 2 or 3 generations. That's not their natural shape. They don't maintain it for very long. 

6:55AM. I'm not helping them with their World War 3 agenda and I'm not helping them lie to everyone. I'm just smoking weed, playing video games and being real. I don't even go to parties or have sex anymore. I can be real all by myself. I reject their space in the bunker. I already exposed them, but they still try to bribe me into living with them inside their bunker during World War 3. Fuck World War 3. 

6:57AM. If they launch nuclear weapons, I'm going to smoke a blunt and drink a beer somewhere nice to watch the world end. I'm not helping. If I have prior knowledge and they're in this location, I can walk to them with my own feet and murder them with my own hands to prevent it.

7:54AM. Hang Ten used to a phrase their white king would say because they didn't like us. The surfers turned it into a word about surfing now.  Two minus one equals ten. Ten plus Ten equals eleven. Psalm is code for "P Say Love Mom".

8:01AM. It took two of us to snap one of our best martial artists out of the white brainwashing. He got out, but we got stuck here. One had the skinny body type which was not that useful to them because they don't know to to use it. The other one had the body type that can fight for 36 hours without using guns and without sleeping in battle against men that had guns and came with far more numbers. 

8:24AM. When Tupac's bloodline traveled around the world and the natives here let him name Tulare Lake (which was actually called Tulake before it was colonized), he wasn't having sex with a bunch of women and leaving kids all over the place. He only let one woman in South America have his child and he told the mother to give that baby his same name.

7:50PM. The Mexicans here are stupid. Even after they already prostituted all the queens in Mexico to these white people, they still have to sell their daughters to survive.

8:03Pm. The ones that lie, kidnap babies, and rape women said I'm their enemy. Thats why their underground tunnel on Main and Warner got closed. Mark Cuban is a bitch.

10:31PM. How to have a real life inside a fake bubble? Everything is dependent upon whether or not the whiteboy's like you or not and if you bring up real issues, they try to limit you financially and give you a hard time. Nothing here is real. The whiteboy's try to erase and rewrite our history. Even the Mexicans here have been secretly backstabbing their own race for the whiteboy's money.

4:10AM. Their program is literally set up to steal from their neighbors or break into their neighbors home if they are too poor. Only stupid little boys think they can get away with things like that. We don't believe in lying or stealing. We used to cut off hands because of that. We help people get their stolen money back. 

4:17AM. Sting is code for Saint Ing. That's because the whites had agreed to name their language Inglish and name their land Ingland. We were happy when we left, so we went going back to tell everyone. Later on, we came back and they changed it to English. It wasn't for the N, either. They just didn't keep their promise to us and tries to create beef between our two groups instead. The English don't like anything with Ing in it. That's also why their Indo-Proto-European has so many stolen words that used to be code words between two tribes that didn't speak the same language. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. We all traveled all around the world and back before the Europeans ever stepped outside of Europe. The Europeans didn't leave Europe until they invented weapons.

4:43Am. Someone had once told the Nazi's that the Mediterranean Sea used to be all land and we stolen it one handful scoop at a time. They were lying but the Nazi's believed it back then.

4:44AM. Fuck these white people in colored skin. They think just because they raped our women, kidnapped our children, and infiltrated our cities with their whiteboy's in colored skin, that we didn't know it was them. The other ones might not have recognized it, but we check our own people so we noticed.

4:47AM. Their undercover sleep-deprivation doesn't bring their dead homies back to life and it doesn't make the queens they sold want to go back to their race again. They can keep playing dumb. Their men got murdered and their women abandoned them no matter how much they lie.

4:50AM. They still running their undercover sleep deprivation campaigns. They can lose their tunnel overseas too. The one over here in Santa Ana was closed already. Even if they backstab their own race to work with the rapists over here, they're only going to get raped by their new team and then their own race isn't going to come save them anymore. I don't work for them.

4:53AM. We don't want them in our race anymore. The other races can have them. They can go be whiteboy's with the Nazi's, the Romans and the British. We don't want them. They invade and enslave. They're white to us.

4:55AM. The kidnapped don't want me here. They shouldn't have kidnapped our babies then. No one wants their underground tunnels that come from here. No one wants their white noise chip implants.

4:59AM. Donald Trump is a bitch. Fuck the Secret Service. Fuck their underground tunnels. Fuck these white supremacists. Fuck World War 3. Fuck their chip implants.

5:01AM. Fuck their dead homies and fuck their families. I don't even touch their women. Fuck their family.

5:03AM. Donald Trump is a bitch. Fuck the Secret Service. Fuck their underground tunnels. Fuck these white supremacists. Fuck World War 3. Fuck their chip implants.

5:05AM. They said to take it off. I don't have to. I don't sell my kids and I don't have sex with them. They're the ones that can't take it off. They mix with anyone.

5:07AM. I get why all their women abandoned them and why they depend on lies, drugs and rape to reproduce now. They have backstab their own race just to manipulate little girls into having sex with them. Low-hanging fruit.

5:15AM. They're not Indian. They're not Middle Eastern. They're not Mexican. They backstab their own race to work with the whiteboys. They're whiteboys in brown skin.

5:17AM. They can't come out here, and their bosses already been murdered inside their own bunkers. Eventually, they're going to be killed, too, no matter where they hide. I'ma be outside. I don't have to fake it. I don't have to lie.

5:19AM. Donald Trump is a bitch. Fuck the Secret Service. Fuck their underground tunnels. Fuck these white supremacists. Fuck World War 3. Fuck their chip implants.

5:21AM. Donald Trump is a bitch. Fuck the Secret Service. Fuck their underground tunnels. Fuck these white supremacists. Fuck World War 3. Fuck their chip implants. Fuck their mass surveillance. Fuck their sleep deprivation campaign.

5:23AM. Donald Trump is a bitch. Fuck the Secret Service. Fuck their underground tunnels. Fuck these white supremacists. Fuck World War 3. Fuck their chip implants.

5:24AM. Donald Trump is a bitch. Fuck the Secret Service. Fuck their underground tunnels. Fuck these white supremacists. Fuck World War 3. Fuck their chip implants.

5:27AM. Donald Trump is a bitch. Fuck the Secret Service. Fuck their underground tunnels. Fuck these white supremacists. Fuck World War 3. Fuck their chip implants.

5:29AM. Donald Trump is a bitch. Fuck the Secret Service. Fuck their underground tunnels. Fuck these white supremacists. Fuck World War 3. Fuck their chip implants. Trump keeps letting his stupidass brown human dogs out and they keep barking at me. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck his bitchass human dogs.

5:31AM. Donald Trump is a bitch. Fuck the Secret Service. Fuck their underground tunnels. Fuck these white supremacists. Fuck World War 3. Fuck their chip implants. Trump keeps letting his stupidass brown human dogs out and they keep barking at me. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck his bitchass human dogs. When I kill one of the whiteboy's dogs, the whiteboy's don't care but their dogs get mad.

5:34AM. I don't need to be cocky or confident to be a killer. I don't need to have friends, family or feelings. I can still kill you. 

5:35AM. Donald Trump is a bitch. Fuck the Secret Service. Fuck their underground tunnels. Fuck these white supremacists. Fuck World War 3. Fuck their chip implants. Trump keeps letting his stupidass brown human dogs out and they keep barking at me. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck his bitchass human dogs. When I kill one of the whiteboy's dogs, the whiteboy's don't care but their dogs get mad.

5:36AM. I don't need to have love to kill you.  I can kill you with no love. I can kill you with no money. I can kill you with nothing.

5:38AM. Donald Trump is a bitch. Fuck the Secret Service. Fuck their underground tunnels. Fuck these white supremacists. Fuck World War 3. Fuck their chip implants. Trump keeps letting his stupidass brown human dogs out and they keep barking at me. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck his bitchass human dogs. When I kill one of the whiteboy's dogs, the whiteboy's don't care but their dogs get mad.

5:39AM. I don't need a big dick. I rather be short and small. At least I'm not a rapist. I don't have dirty stolen genetics in my blood.

5:39AM. Donald Trump is a bitch. Fuck the Secret Service. Fuck their underground tunnels. Fuck these white supremacists. Fuck World War 3. Fuck their chip implants. Trump keeps letting his stupidass brown human dogs out and they keep barking at me. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck his bitchass human dogs. When I kill one of the whiteboy's dogs, the whiteboy's don't care but their dogs get mad.

5:40AM. Donald Trump is a bitch. Fuck the Secret Service. Fuck their underground tunnels. Fuck these white supremacists. Fuck World War 3. Fuck their chip implants. Trump keeps letting his stupidass brown human dogs out and they keep barking at me. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck his bitchass human dogs. When I kill one of the whiteboy's dogs, the whiteboy's don't care but their dogs get mad.

5:42AM. They said, that's all I'm going to say to myself. I'm not talking to myself. I'm talking to the world outside this bubble. If you try to start a nuclear war, I'm not going to be talking to myself.
I'm going to warn the entire world about what you're really doing in this country. If I can, I will kill you and stop you myself. 

5:43AM. Donald Trump is a bitch. Fuck the Secret Service. Fuck their underground tunnels. Fuck these white supremacists. Fuck World War 3. Fuck their chip implants. Trump keeps letting his stupidass brown human dogs out and they keep barking at me. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck his bitchass human dogs. When I kill one of the whiteboy's dogs, the whiteboy's don't care but their dogs get mad.

5:44AM. Donald Trump is a bitch. Fuck the Secret Service. Fuck their underground tunnels. Fuck these white supremacists. Fuck World War 3. Fuck their chip implants. Trump keeps letting his stupidass brown human dogs out and they keep barking at me. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck his bitchass human dogs. When I kill one of the whiteboy's dogs, the whiteboy's don't care but their dogs get mad.

5:45AM. Donald Trump is a bitch. Fuck the Secret Service. Fuck their underground tunnels. Fuck these white supremacists. Fuck World War 3. Fuck their chip implants. Trump keeps letting his stupidass brown human dogs out and they keep barking at me. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck his bitchass human dogs. When I kill one of the whiteboy's dogs, the whiteboy's don't care but their dogs get mad.

5:46AM. Biometric Chip Data Slave Auction. That's where chip you first and throw you back out. Then they sell your biometric data and whoever buys it tries to brainwash and enslave you. It's wireless brainwashing. If it doesn't work, they might try to resell your biometric data to another buyer, and the new buyer will try to brainwash and enslave you remotely. Whatever they tell you on the radio is only to try to get you to trust them or give up so that it's easier for the chip to brainwash you. Don't listen to anything that any of them say. Don't trust the white noise. This is the new neuroscience technology that the Caucasians are using to try and enslave everybody again.

5:49AM. Biometric Chip Data Slave Auction. That's where chip you first and throw you back out. Then they sell your biometric data and whoever buys it tries to brainwash and enslave you. It's wireless brainwashing. If it doesn't work, they might try to resell your biometric data to another buyer, and the new buyer will try to brainwash and enslave you remotely. Whatever they tell you on the radio is only to try to get you to trust them or give up so that it's easier for the chip to brainwash you. Don't listen to anything that any of them say. Don't trust the white noise. This is the new neuroscience technology that the Caucasians are using to try and enslave everybody again.

5:51AM. I might die as a poor person here, but at least I didn't backstab my own race.

5:52AM. Donald Trump is a bitch. Fuck the Secret Service. Fuck their underground tunnels. Fuck these white supremacists. Fuck World War 3. Fuck their chip implants. Trump keeps letting his stupidass brown human dogs out and they keep barking at me. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck his bitchass human dogs. 

5:53AM. They're not Indian. They're not Middle Eastern. They're not Mexican. They backstab their own race to work with the whiteboys. They're whiteboys in brown skin.

5:54AM. Donald Trump is a bitch. Fuck the Secret Service. Fuck their underground tunnels. Fuck these white supremacists. Fuck World War 3. Fuck their chip implants. Trump keeps letting his stupidass brown human dogs out and they keep barking at me. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck his bitchass human dogs. 

6:22AM. It's weird how DW Flame has the same letters as DW news, but DW Flame has some Asian blood in him. Maybe the white people want his genetics, too. I'm not sure why he uses the same letters as DW News.

6:30AM. Once upon a time, there was some white people that got stranded somewhere somehow. They ended up mixing into that race and the becoming the mayor or something. They had to lie, steal and rape to survive. When we came back to check and the people there all started acting different, it was obvious that the white people had been there.

6:32AM. When I die, just know I didn't backstab my own race and I didn't run away. Fuck their money. Fuck their technology. Fuck their nuclear weapons. Fuck their numbers. Fuck their manipulation. When I die, just know I didn't backstab my own race and I didn't let them get away with anything That's on the fools that I had to kill.

6:40AM. When Tupac's bloodline named Tulare Lake in the Americas, he didn't leave a bunch of children behind. Their bloodline only left one child here in South America before they set sail back to Africa. We don't come from the same tree, but we had invented the first boat together and when we made it back, we both traveled around the world together. We weren't leaving our kids everywhere, though. He only had one child with a different race in this land. The Africans preserve and maintain his bloodline. The Americans were lucky to even get one of him.

6:41AM. When I die, just know I didn't backstab my own race and I didn't run away. Fuck their money. Fuck their technology. Fuck their nuclear weapons. Fuck their numbers. Fuck their manipulation. When I die, just know I didn't backstab my own race and I didn't let them get away with anything. That's on the fools that I had to kill. His line is known for fighting to the death, just like the Tupac in South America. We're known for fighting to the death too, but I'm not dead.

6:47AM. They're not Indian. They're not Middle Eastern. They're not Mexican. They backstab their own race to work with the whiteboys. They're whiteboys in brown skin. Their own race doesn't want them, but the whiteboy's still take them.

6:49AM. They're not Indian. They're not Middle Eastern. They're not Mexican. They backstab their own race to for the whiteboy's weapons. They're whiteboys in brown skin.

6:51AM. I don't need the whiteboy's weapons. I can kill you with my own hands. Some groups gave me weapons because I'm good at killing. I really don't need their weapons for it.

6:53AM. Honestly, I don't even need both my hands. I can just use one hand and my elbow.

7:00AM. The utensils, the knife, the fork and the spoon. We all knew each other and were good friends since we first stopped using our hands to eat. Before slavery and colonialism. Utensils is like Brazil but with a Z instead of a S. Knife is like knight. Fork is For K. Spoon is a sneak diss.

7:10AM. I am honestly upset at those white people that's around my age right now. Would it better to have dealt with them as children? I think they should be given a chance to prove they're not racist first, even though that is more dangerous and threatening. If you take out all the good ones, there will be nothing left but the ones you don't like. If you wait until they're older, they might backstab and enslave you.

7:13AM. I have no commitment to this bubble of lies. I do not play along with their lies. The bubble has control over food and water here, so I try to survive enough to be able to kill their lies, but I do not support the bubble. If the bubble pops and I die with it, that's okay. They steal genetics and resources from different races anyways. They try to whitewash our history. They already tried to destroy our history outside of this bubble. 

7:27AM. The employees here are Cherry Aerospace had once sold billion dollar trade secrets for virgin prostitutes. They were lucky to be on that team in the first place. They were friends with the smartest ones and jumped on their bandwagon. Then they backstabbed their own smartest people to get a promotion and then sold all the aerospace trade secrets for virgin prostitutes. Their own smartest people left after that and told us they didn't want their research to be used as weapons.

7:46AM. Respectfully is the left hand. Honesty is the right hand. They don't speak respectfully and honesty.

7:47AM. Any good ideas that were started in this country can easily be recreated in another country without the poisonous history of slavery and colonialism attached. That's why all their smart people left. They didn't want their inventions and their architecture to be tainted by slavery and colonialism. They didn't want their creations to be used for slavery and colonialism.

3:37PM. Still on the stupid whiteboys euthanasia rollercoaster where they lie and refuse to speak face to face with respect and honesty. The Mexicans won't speak face to face with respect and honesty either but they have secret meetings with the whiteboy's and backstab their own race.

8:13PM. Germany uses germs as weapons.

8:32Pm. The Mexicans wiped out the last of the Mohicans. Both are code. More I Can. Me x I Can. The Mexicans wiped out the last of the mohicans.

8:35PM. Asians and Caucasians don't talk the same. We don't hide behind money, numbers or technology. If they talk like that, they're probably one of the whiteboy's infiltrators. We don't talk like them.

8:39PM. They are arrogant to think they can force everyone to forget about how they destroyed everything, raped our ancestors and tried to steal our children.

8:45PM. Germans use germs for weapons. That means self-defense has to include defending against microscopic threats and microscopic weapons.

8:46PM. It also means defending against invisible radio waves and other forms of invisible and radioactive contamination. What they show you looks normal. What they don't show is the knife they hid behind their back. 

9:07PM. Before I was born, Trump and Schwarzenegger(Donald + Arnold = Darn Old) had a bunch of office buildings constructed in Orange County. These office buildings would have surveillance in it, some would have speakers that would play creepy sounds, and some would have rooms that would drug the air. After that, Trump and Schwarzenegger invited a bunch of foreigners over to work in these office buildings. The new employees would slowly get drugged without their awareness, framed and blackmailed one by one after they came here to work. The foreigners couldn't say anything because they had accepted the blackmail so they wouldn't be killed or so their children wouldn't be hurt.

9:17PM. The Trump and Schwarzenegger alliance would first have their target secretly drugged without their awareness, then send an undercover to subliminally trigger the target, and have a police officer there to arrest the target if the drugs cause them to overreact. Once their target is in prison, it is easier for them to threaten and blackmail their target, secretly.

9:57PM. Santa Ana is where MK Ultra was invented. A black guy had escaped the MK Ultra program and he was doing an interview for a documentary about MK Ultra. In the interview, they were walking by a river that used to run through Anaheim and Santa Ana. The Mexicans here didn't want their new secret weapon to be exposed, so they sacrificed their own river to make it look unrecognizable from the documentary. It used to be a wide river that you could swim and jump into. The river is a concrete riverbed now that doesn't have water in it often. It will never be the same again. It was a waste of a sacrifice because the KKK had found out, beat them up and made them explain how the MK Ultra brainwashing program works. Even though the Mexicans here thought they invented it on their own, they were actually being fed data and research that was taken from the Nazi Holocaust.

10:07PM. Bloody Charlie is like Bloody Mary. Some people might even say that it's revenge for Bloody Mary. I don't know. I wasn't there. I didn't do anything.

11:45PM. When I die, just know I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home. I don't let them whitewash my history and I don't play along with their white lies.

Aug 25 -

3:30AM. When I die, just know I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home. I don't let them whitewash my history and I don't play along with their white lies.

3:47AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. Fuck their white lies.

The Africans and the Middle Easterns might have their own issues, but they didn't enslave themselves and they didn't Scorch their own Earth. The sissy's in the USA were not kidnapped and enslaved. They backstabbed their own race. They lost a game and had to pay the whiteboy's. They go and tell their men to name their daughters Lupe. Their men didn't know why but they agreed to do it. Later, the whiteboy's showed up with guns and came for all the girls named Lupe. Anyone that fought back was shot and killed. Anybody that mentioned it after it was over would disappear. The sissy's make secret deals with the whiteboy's to sell their own race's daughters. They have secret meetings with the whiteboy's, but they won't speak to me face to face with respect and honesty.

4:27AM. One time, this guy fell for the white lies. He made a secret deal with the white people for guns and for soldiers. He conquered a city. We were fighting against the military he sent and got captured. When we were taken in as prisoners, we saw him and we recognized him. We couldn't believe he was working with them and we told him we were going to beat him up once we get free. The soldiers threw us in the dungeon after that. Later, that same guy came to open our door. He said he was sorry and that he would help us escape if we didn't beat him up. They had beat him up when no one was around and the soldiers stopped following his orders, so he ran for it when no one was looking. They helped us escape and then we went to go beat up the man that they tried to work with. After that, he said he would never trust the white people again.

5:16AM. Foreigners used to come out here for vacation, turn on their own families for no reason and then move over here. For a long time, it wasn't known how they were brainwashing people. Before I got back, I was educated on the white noise radio and how it brainwashes people. I will not listen to or believe in their radio fantasy world. Everything is only done face to face. I do not listen to the white noise radio and I do not believe anything the white noise radio tells me. 

5:17AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. Fuck their white lies. 

5:19AM. I don't need their numbers weapons, their technology or their women. I don't sell out my own race or backstab my own race just to live with the whiteboy's. Fuck their white nosie radio. We speak face to face with respect and honesty.

5:24AM. Black noise is better than white noise. When the whites had first invented this new white noise technology, there was a war over it and they lost. In case all the parents involved got killed again and their children didn't know what happened, they had already named it White Noise for the future generations. Apparently all the blacks that were working with them had been blackmailed, arrested or killed one by one after they had won the last battle. Their kids had to grow up with no parents again.

5:30AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I reject their brainwashing program. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. Fuck their white lies. 

5:32AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. Fuck their white lies. 

5:34AM. The women here are rapists too. They drug men into having sex with them. They will lie and say it's your baby. They will steal your baby and say that it's their own. They will say and do anything to get what they want. Weirdo Hollywood bitches. I don't like hearing them. I don't even touch them. The rapists like them more than I do.

5:37AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I reject their brainwashing program. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. Fuck their white lies. 

5:38AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I reject their brainwashing program. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. Fuck their white lies. 

5:55AM. Even if they hide behind cameras and only use drones to fight for them, they still need a drone pilot. If they started loading the drones with artificial intelligence so the drones can kill automatically, they might lose control of it. Also, drones still require electricity and radio waves. It's still a huge threat, but I'm more concerned about chemical weapons, pharmaceutical weapons, and germ weapons.

6:10AM. The Salem Witch Trial boys would enslave and prostitute their own mothers. They wanted to control all the women in their city so they could have control over the virgins. They would enslave and prostitute their own mothers and sisters for virgin sex. They used drugs as weapons. Then they escaped, went the Middle East, drugged the waters in Jerusalem, infiltrated the city and got them to change their original name. It was not always called Jerusalem. That's the name that the Salem Witch Trial boys gave to it. The Nazi's have gone undercover and are posing as both Jews and Muslims. They infiltrated the Jews after the Nazi Holocaust. The Muslims are easy to infiltrate and false-flag because of the head scarf.

6:20AM. Don't believe their white lies. They stole and disrespected from every race on the planet. They can't take us all together. Their only defense is to try to turn us against each other while they fake love. They will bribe your poor people and beat up your weak people turn your own against you. They will fake love and pretend to help so they can get your people to go to them. They have cleared things up and spoken to me face to face with respect and honesty even one time after all these years, but they say they know me. They don't know me. They're just lying. White Lies.

7:05AM. If they want to lie, hide, and manipulate things secretly, then their entire race can take the blame for their actions. That's why this new neuroscience technology was already named White Noise. 

7:07AM. White people are known for being liars and backstabbers. That's on the Rape of Africa.

7:10AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I reject their brainwashing program. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. Fuck their white lies. 

7:11AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I reject their brainwashing program. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. Fuck their white lies. 

7:12AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I reject their brainwashing program. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. Fuck their white lies. 

7:12AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I reject their brainwashing program. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. Fuck their white noise.

7:14AM. They said they'll move. It doesn't matter where the move to. The world is connected. You can't just try to pull some bullshit and then move somewhere else if it doesn't work. Wherever you go, your truth will follow you. Everything is being recorded.

7:15AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I reject their brainwashing program. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. Fuck their white noise.

7:16AM. It doesn't matter where they move to. They're still white.

7:17AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I reject their brainwashing program. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. Fuck their white noise.

7:18AM. Bloody Charlie. That's for Bloody Mary. Tables always turn.

7:19AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I reject their brainwashing program. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. Fuck their white noise. Bloody Charlie.

7:20AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I don't work for them. I don't sleep with their women. I don't cover for their lies. I'm not white.

Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I don't work for them. I don't sleep with their women. I don't cover for their lies. I'm not white. 

7:22AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us. We don't act like that. They were raised by the whiteboy's. We don't have the same reputation as the white people.

7:27AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I don't work for them. I don't sleep with their women. I don't cover for their lies. I'm not white. Fuck their white noise radio.

7:28AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I don't work for them. I don't sleep with their women. I don't cover for their lies. I'm not white. Fuck their white noise radio.

7:32AM. Sometimes, when you tell these whites and Mexicans that their parents were rapists, they don't want to claim their own family name anymore. They might not leave because they don't have anywhere else to go, but they don't like how they were born and will turn on their own family because of it.

7:35AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I don't work for them. I don't sleep with their women. I don't cover for their lies. I'm not white. Fuck their white noise radio. Don't get trapped in their radio fantasy bubble.

7:37AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I don't work for them. I don't sleep with their women. I don't cover for their lies. I'm not white. Fuck their white noise radio. Don't get trapped in their radio fantasy bubble. Don't let them brainwash you with their white lies.

7:39AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us. We don't act like that. They were raised by the whiteboy's.

7:40AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us. We don't act like that. They were raised by the whiteboy's.

7:41AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I don't work for them. I don't sleep with their women. I don't cover for their lies. I'm not white. Fuck their white noise radio. Don't get trapped in their radio fantasy bubble. Don't let them brainwash you with their white lies.

7:43AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us. We don't act like that. They were raised by the whiteboy's.

7:43AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I don't work for them. I don't sleep with their women. I don't cover for their lies. I'm not white. Fuck their white noise radio. Don't get trapped in their radio fantasy bubble. Don't let them brainwash you with their white lies.

7:44AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us. We don't act like that. They were raised by the whiteboy's.

7:45AM. They try to brainwash me the most when I'm trying to meditate. This is how they keep people stupid. Meanwhile, they're sitting in their headquarters up at Zugspitze Mountain transmitting these signals all over the world.

7:46AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I don't work for them. I don't sleep with their women. I don't cover for their lies. I'm not white. Fuck their white noise radio. 

7:46AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. They're whiteboys with black skin. 

7:47AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. The blacks are not pussies.

7:49AM. They try to brainwash me the most when I'm trying to meditate. This is how they keep people stupid. Meanwhile, they're sitting in their headquarters up at Zugspitze Mountain transmitting these signals all over the world.

7:50AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I don't work for them. I don't sleep with their women. I don't cover for their lies. I'm not white. Fuck their white noise radio. 

7:51AM. Edifice. Ed, if ice. Fuck your technology. Fuck your money. Fuck your women. I rather be killed instead of mixing with your white or brown race. Fuck your families. You're not good enough to raise my children. Fuck your white noise radio. 

7:55AM. Someone needs to assassinate Donald Trump. I can't do it. Secret Service is watching me. They're still trying to cover up their World War 3 agenda and make me look crazy so nobody believes me. I don't want them to start a nuclear war. I rejected their bunker. They plan to frame it on China. 

8:01AM. Someone needs to assassinate Donald Trump. Fuck their stupid Nazi chip implants. Shut the fuck up and die.

8:04AM. Fuck their white noise radio. When I die, just know I didn't let them brainwash you. 

8:07AM. Fuck their white noise radio. When I die, just know I didn't let them brainwash you. 

8:07AM. Fuck their white noise radio. When I die, just know I didn't let them brainwash you. 

8:09AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I don't work for them. I don't sleep with their women. I don't cover for their lies. I'm not white. Fuck their white noise radio. 

8:10AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I don't work for them. I don't sleep with their women. I don't cover for their lies. I'm not white. Fuck their white noise radio. 

8:11AM. Someone needs to assassinate Donald Trump. Fuck their stupid Nazi chip implants. Shut the fuck up and die.

8:12AM. Fuck their white noise radio. When I die, just know I didn't let them brainwash you. 

8:14AM. Someone needs to assassinate Donald Trump. Fuck their stupid Nazi chip implants. Shut the fuck up and die.

8:15AM. Someone needs to assassinate Donald Trump. Fuck their stupid Nazi chip implants. Shut the fuck up and die.

8:16AM. Rapists will tell you you're daughter asked for it, but rapists will say and do anything to get what they want. Don't believe them. They will rape your daughters and lie about it. Kill them.

8:20AM. Fuck their white noise radio. When I die, just know I didn't let them brainwash you. 

8:21AM. Fuck their white noise radio. When I die, just know I didn't let them brainwash you. 

8:22AM. Someone needs to assassinate Donald Trump. Fuck their stupid Nazi chip implants. Shut the fuck up and die.

8:24AM. I don't need their money, their numbers, their weapons or their women. All I have is the truth.

8:27AM. The entire white race owes the rest of the world a public apology. We didn't enslave their ancestors and rape their women. They still owe Africa all the steel they stole. Just because you got robbed doesn't mean you paid them back.

8:30AM. Fuck their white noise radio. When I die, just know I didn't let them brainwash you. 

8:31AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I don't work for them. I don't sleep with their women. I don't cover for their lies. I'm not white. Fuck their white noise radio. 

8:32AM. I sacrifice sex, women and friends just to make sure these white people don't start another world war or try to enslave everybody again. I don't need anything to be a killer. I can kill with no clothes, no weapons, and nobody else with me. 

8:35AM. Rapists will tell you you're daughter asked for it, but rapists will say and do anything to get what they want. Don't believe them. They will rape your daughters and lie about it. They're not our family, even if they lie and tell you they are. Kill them. 

8:36AM. We don't rape. We fall in love. They're not our family. I don't know them. Kill them. I don't care. I don't love them like a brother or a sister. I don't care if they die. I'll kill them myself but they keep hiding from me and saying they know me behind my back. 

8:39AM. Someone needs to assassinate Donald Trump. Fuck their stupid Nazi chip implants. Shut the fuck up and die.

8:40AM. I sacrifice sex, women and friends just to make sure these white people don't start another world war or try to enslave everybody again. I don't need anything to be a killer. I can kill with no clothes, no weapons, and nobody else with me. Fuck their nuclear weapons. Fuck their chip implants. Fuck their whitewashing of history.

8:41AM. Fuck their white noise radio. When I die, just know I wasn't letting them drug, chip or brainwash you. 

8 45AM. They don't kill their own evil twin. If our twin is evil, we kill them. They're too skilled to be going around acting like that. On top of that, they will give us a bad reputation and make it hard for us to go places.

8:49AM. Fuck their white noise radio. When I die, just know I wasn't letting them drug, chip or brainwash you. 

8:54AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money.

8:57AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. If they participate in the desertification that goes from West Africa to China, they're not tan. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us. They were raised by the whiteboy's.

8:58AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money.

9:00AM. If they participate in the desertification that goes from West Africa to China, they're not tan. They're not one of us. They work for the whiteboy's. They're the whiteboy's pets. 

9:03AM. Someone needs to assassinate Donald Trump. Fuck their stupid Nazi chip implants. Shut the fuck up and die.

9:04AM. Fuck their white noise radio. When I die, just know I wasn't letting them drug, chip or brainwash you.

9:04AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money.
9:05AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. If they participate in the desertification that goes from West Africa to China, they're not tan. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us. They were raised by the whiteboy's.

9:06AM. Fuck their white noise radio. When I die, just know I wasn't letting them drug, chip or brainwash you.

9:07AM. Someone needs to assassinate Donald Trump. Fuck their stupid Nazi chip radio implants. Shut the fuck up and die.

9:08AM. Fuck their white noise radio. When I die, just know I wasn't letting them drug, chip or brainwash you.

9:09AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money.

9:15AM. Fuck their white noise radio. When I die, just know I wasn't letting them drug, chip or brainwash you. 

9:19AM. Someone needs to assassinate Donald Trump. Fuck their stupid Nazi chip radio implants. Shut the fuck up and die.

9:20AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money.

9:22AM. Someone needs to assassinate Donald Trump. Fuck their stupid Nazi chip radio implants. Shut the fuck up and die.

9:23AM. Someone needs to assassinate Donald Trump. Fuck their stupid Nazi chip radio implants. Fuck their signal. Fuck their transmissions. Shut the fuck up and die.

9:24AM. Someone needs to assassinate Donald Trump. Fuck their stupid Nazi chip radio implants. Fuck their signal. Fuck their transmissions. Shut the fuck up and die.

9:25AM. Someone needs to assassinate Donald Trump. Fuck their stupid Nazi chip radio implants. Fuck their signal. Fuck their transmissions. Shut the fuck up and die.

9:26AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. If they participate in the desertification that goes from West Africa to China, they're not tan. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us. They were raised by the whiteboy's.

9:27AM. Someone needs to assassinate Donald Trump. Fuck their stupid Nazi chip radio implants. Fuck their signal. Fuck their transmissions. Shut the fuck up and die.

9:27AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. If they participate in the desertification that goes from West Africa to China, they're not tan. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us. They were raised by the whiteboy's.

9:28AM. Fuck their white noise radio. When I die, just know I wasn't letting them drug, chip or brainwash you. 

9:29AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money.

9:30AM. I rather be short and have a small dick. I don't want my kids being white or Mexican. These fools are rapists. They stole all their good genetics.

9:32AM. The fools here in Orange County and Los Angeles call themselves Mexican, but the real Mexicans call them Americans behind their back. They can't say it to their face because these rats will snitch on them to the whiteboy's and prostitute their daughters. These Mexicans are the ones that wiped out the Last of the Mohicans. They backstab their own race for the whiteboy's money.

9:34AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money.

9:37AM. The Hole in Boyle Heights is because their drug cartels were kidnapping babies, bringing them to this country, and trying to secretly raise those stolen babies as Mexicans. They're not even Mexican. That's not even their real children. That was back then before I was born. The underground tunnel on Main & Warner in Santa Ana was just recently closed too because they were doing the same bullshit again. This time, they used construction equipment to close their tunnel. Next time, they won't even see or hear anything. It will be sealed up right under them and they won't know a thing.  Can't trust them. That goes for the whiteboy's they sell our kidnapped babies to, too.

9:43Am. Fuck their white noise radio. When I die, just know I wasn't letting them drug, chip or brainwash you. 

9:47AM. Someone needs to assassinate Donald Trump. Fuck their stupid Nazi chip radio implants. Fuck their signal. Fuck their transmissions. Shut the fuck up and die.

9:53AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money.

9:54AM. Fuck their white noise radio. When I die, just know I wasn't letting them drug, chip or brainwash you. 

9:56AM. White people loved Hercules because he had muscles, but when their daughters wanted to sleep with black men because they wanted their kids to have muscles like that too, then the white men got mad.

9:59Am. Someone needs to assassinate Donald Trump. Fuck their stupid Nazi chip radio implants. Fuck their signal. Fuck their transmissions. Shut the fuck up and die.

10:01AM. Someone needs to assassinate Donald Trump. Fuck their stupid Nazi chip radio implants. Fuck their signal. Fuck their transmissions. Fuck their surveillance. Fuck their underground tunnels. Shut the fuck up and die.

10:07AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. If they participate in the desertification that goes from West Africa to China, they're not tan. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us. They were raised by the whiteboy's.

10:08AM. Fuck their white noise radio. When I die, just know I wasn't letting them drug, chip or brainwash you. 

10:10AM. Don't believe the White Noise radio. White people are known for lying. They will try to pretend to be someone you know to try and get you to do things for them. You don't know them. It's just some whiteboy on a microphone. It's Tranquility Lane from the game Fallout.

10:15AM. It's weird being in this Matrix because I don't know if they had tortured and brainwashed my mother or if they killed her and replaced her with a body double. Either way, fuck white people. I don't even touch their women anymore. I always love my mother and my father. 

10:57AM. I do not trust white men in this country. They hide behind women and try to blame women for the wars they cause. Crossing the Rubicon. Ruby tried to get so far away from her own sons, that her last diner was built in the Pacific Ocean. Once her son's got to Huntington Beach, she left. She didn't want to be around her own sons because they kept starting fights. 

11:10AM. I posted about Donald Trump and all the sudden some white guy gets off his bike and tries to fight me. That's literally how these whiteboys act. He a grown man and he still acting like a highschool tough guy. This is how Donald Trump would act if he had no money. Since he has money, he just sends his whiteboy's to start fights with you if you say anything about him on the internet.

11:13AM. Fuck their white noise radio. When I die, just know I wasn't letting them drug, chip or brainwash you. 

11:16AM. White people always starting fights for no reason and then act like they're tough. Stupid whiteboy's. That's why everybody hates their race all over the world. King Charles is dead. Bloody Charlie.

11:26AM. They're still talking on their white noise radio and trying to get me to fight for them. I'm not Caucasian. I don't backstab or sell out my own race. I'm not fighting for these white people. I killed their rich men, I killed their henchmen and their underground tunnel got closed. I'm not playing with them. 

11:29AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. If they participate in the desertification that goes from West Africa to China, they're not tan. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us. They were raised by the whiteboy's.

11:30AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. If they participate in the desertification that goes from West Africa to China, they're not tan. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us. They were raised by the whiteboy's.

11:31AM. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. We're not as disrespectful as they are. We didn't kidnap, enslave and rape your ancestors.

11:42AM. I don't feel like fighting every random stranger that Donald Trump or Arnold Schwarzenegger hires and sends. If they want to do something about their dead employees, they can come out here and see me themselves. My word is still worth more than the words of these billionaires.

11:45AM. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. I don't even want their women. 

11:46aM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. If they participate in the desertification that goes from West Africa to China, they're not tan. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us. They were raised by the whiteboy's.

12:30PM. The older I get, the more I don't like anyone. They all keep fighting each other and ruining the planet. It puts me in a difficult position.

12:37PM. Fuck their white noise radio. It's like they're trying to rape my brain and turn me into one of them. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian.

12:42PM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. If they participate in the desertification that goes from West Africa to China, they're not tan. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us. They were raised by the whiteboy's.

12:51PM. Steel is code for steal because it was stolen from Africa and sold to the Americans. It was stolen in the form of iron ore and sold in the form of steel. They took everything. There's only sand left now.

1:00PM. The white noise radio said I don't care about myself or anyone else. They literally don't even protect their women or children. They let the whiteboy's do anything to Maria. Fuck their white lies.

8:06PM. When I think to myself or talk to myself, the white noise radio sometimes makes comments as if I'm talking to them. I don't even know them. There no caller id. There no off button. There's no mental privacy. It's always trying to manipulate my thoughts and brainwash me. I do not have the finances to afford any counter technology. I'm not a billionaire.

9:27PM. The white racists have been more active in Orange County and they hire sissy Mexicans a lot. This is where the military generals and the weaponized drone pilots live. This is where the Mexican drug cartels drop off the girls they kidnapped from Mexico.

9:29PM Their undercovers hiding and whispering threats and such right now. They wouldn't be able to survive the bombs and guns they send overseas. They would prostitute their daughters to make the bombers leave. They make their daughters suck it, but they act like tough guys.  

9:31PM. Trying to sleep to the sounds of their Mexican dogs barking all night is easier than trying to sleep to the sound of their brainwashed soldiers dropping bombs and shooting guns all night. 

9:31PM. Trying to sleep to the sounds of their Mexican dogs barking all night is easier than trying to sleep to the sound of their brainwashed soldiers dropping bombs and shooting guns all night. 

9:31PM. Trying to sleep to the sounds of their Mexican dogs barking all night is easier than trying to sleep to the sound of their brainwashed soldiers dropping bombs and shooting guns all night. Back to back right after I pasted the last entry.

9:32PM. Trying to sleep to the sounds of their undercover agents spying on me and making subliminal threats all night is easier than trying to sleep to the sound of their brainwashed soldiers dropping bombs and shooting guns all night. 

9:32PM. Trying to sleep to the sounds of their undercover agents spying on me and making subliminal threats all night is easier than trying to sleep to the sound of their brainwashed soldiers dropping bombs and shooting guns all night. 

9:35PM. They said to leave then. They should make they're overseas soldiers and overseas military bases leave. Fuck the US Virgin Islands. They drug, blackmail and kidnap women and children using their underground tunnels.

9:41PM. Trying to sleep to the sounds of their undercover agents spying on me and making subliminal threats using their white noise device all night is easier than trying to sleep to the sound of their brainwashed soldiers dropping bombs and shooting guns all night. 

9:42PM. They said to leave then. They should make they're overseas soldiers and overseas military bases leave. Fuck the US Virgin Islands. They drug, blackmail and kidnap women and children using their underground tunnels.

9:42PM. Trying to sleep to the sounds of their undercover agents spying on me and making subliminal threats using their white noise device all night is easier than trying to sleep to the sound of their brainwashed soldiers dropping bombs and shooting guns all night. 

9:43PM. They said to leave then. They should make they're overseas soldiers and overseas military bases leave. Fuck the US Virgin Islands. They drug, blackmail and kidnap women and children using their underground tunnels.

9:47PM. Trying to sleep to the sounds of their undercover agents spying on me and making subliminal threats using their white noise device all night is easier than trying to sleep to the sound of their brainwashed soldiers dropping bombs and shooting guns all night. 

9:49PM. Trying to sleep to the sounds of their undercover agents spying on me and making subliminal threats using their white noise device all night is easier than trying to sleep to the sound of their brainwashed soldiers dropping bombs and shooting guns all night. 

9:50PM. They say they're the same as me but they lie. They're not Asian. They're Caucasian. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. They say anything to rape your daughters. They'll lie and tell everyone it wasn't rape after, too.

9:51PM. Trying to sleep to the sounds of their undercover agents spying on me and making subliminal threats using their white noise device all night is easier than trying to sleep to the sound of their brainwashed soldiers dropping bombs and shooting guns all night. 

10:12PM. Trying to sleep to the sounds of their undercover agents spying on me and making subliminal threats using their white noise device all night is easier than trying to sleep to the sound of their brainwashed soldiers dropping bombs and shooting guns all night. 

Aug 26 -

4:16AM. The white people said they would stop invading, turn back around and go back to Europe if Jesus surrendered. He surrendered and was crucified, but then they continued to invade and conquer even more after. They lied. They thought that if Jesus was dead and they destroyed the city entirely, they could just cover it up and say he never showed up. Before Jesus surrendered, he went to train with his disciples in the desert so that he could go without having to eat or drink for many days. When they all felt like he was ready, then he went to surrender. If he didn't, the king had promised to continue killing one civilian a day until he surrendered or until one of the citizens snitched on his location.

4:22AM. I didn't read the Quran because I grew up on the Bible in this country, but I do know that Muslim is code for Must Limb because the rule was to cut off someone's hand if they lied or stole. We would even apply the rule to ourselves. We literally cut our own hands off because of a trick question one generation. I think the rapists should cut their dicks off for being rapists. 

4:35AM. These whiteboys and their nuclear weapons and Nazi chip implants are too dangerous. I'm not thinking about anything else. I don't work. I don't party. I don't have sex. All I talk about is their plan to false flag a nuclear strike to start World War 3 and wait it out inside their underground bunker. Donald Trump is a bitch. The Nazi's are going to use him to start the next World War. The Secret Service is lying about it and covering it up the same way
 they lied about Trump's fake assassination attempt. They hire colored people that are really white people on the inside because they backstab and sell their own race out for the whiteboy's money.

4:40AM. Trying to sleep to the sounds of their undercover agents spying on me and making subliminal threats using their white noise device all night is easier than trying to sleep to the sound of their brainwashed soldiers dropping bombs and shooting guns all night. 

4:41AM. They said make threats to women and children. They should make they're overseas soldiers and overseas military bases leave. Fuck the US Virgin Islands. They drug, blackmail and kidnap women and children using their underground tunnels.

4:41AM. I didn't read the Quran because I grew up on the Bible in this country, but I do know that Muslim is code for Must Limb because the rule was to cut off someone's hand if they lied or stole. We would even apply the rule to ourselves. We literally cut our own hands off because of a trick question one generation. I think the rapists should cut their dicks off for being rapists. 

4:42AM. The white people said they would stop invading, turn back around and go back to Europe if Jesus surrendered. He surrendered and was crucified, but then they continued to invade and conquer even more after. They lied. They thought that if Jesus was dead and they destroyed the city entirely, they could just cover it up and say he never showed up. Before Jesus surrendered, he went to train with his disciples in the desert so that he could go without having to eat or drink for many days. When they all felt like he was ready, then he went to surrender. If he didn't, the king had promised to continue killing one civilian a day until he surrendered or until one of the citizens snitched on his location. White people have been lying to us for 2024 years.

4:43AM. Trying to sleep to the sounds of their undercover agents spying on me and making subliminal threats using their white noise device all night is easier than trying to sleep to the sound of their brainwashed soldiers dropping bombs and shooting guns all night. 

4:46AM. I can't say if it's true or not, but the white king that crucified Jesus had said that afterwards, one of his white knights was attacked by one of the 666 warriors and that's why they decided to keep invading. That's doesn't explain why they destroyed the entire city, stole the Bible and switch some our names around that you recognized, though. 

5:01AM. The Loch Ness Monster was a giraffe. Hydra is code for Hide Ra. He retired in Scotland because the youngsters kept wanting to fight him when he got older. We brought him a giraffe to make him feel more comfortable, but some of the locals asked what that was and they made up a story and said it was some giant sea creature with a long neck. Mu started a fight as they were all having dinner together by saying that she would go down to Africa and eat all the giraffes. Ra got mad and punched her and then the neighbors complained to the main guy. He didn't want to but he had to ask Ra to leave after that happened.

5:07AM. Trying to sleep to the sounds of their undercover agents spying on me and making subliminal threats using their white noise device all night is easier than trying to sleep to the sound of their brainwashed soldiers dropping bombs and shooting guns all night. 

5:08AM. These whiteboys and their nuclear weapons and Nazi chip implants are too dangerous. I'm not thinking about anything else. I don't work. I don't party. I don't have sex. All I talk about is their plan to false flag a nuclear strike to start World War 3 and wait it out inside their underground bunker. Donald Trump is a bitch. The Nazi's are going to use him to start the next World War. The Secret Service is lying about it and covering it up the same way
 they lied about Trump's fake assassination attempt. They hire colored people that are really white people on the inside because they backstab and sell their own race out for the whiteboy's money.

5:14AM. They said sorry. Tell the astronauts that died on the Challenger rocket explosion sorry. They're the ones that lied just to get that job. They're the ones that backstabbed the lead scientist that vouched for them to help them get that job. They're the ones that sold out billion dollar trade secrets for virgin prostitutes after they had backstabbed their own lead scientist for a promotion. Don't say sorry me. I didn't die in the rocket explosion just because they lied to get a job. Say sorry to all of them. Black Noise is better than White Noise.

5:27AM. Black Noise is better than White Noise. Neil Degrasse Tyson.

5:57AM. We don't invade and enslave. We don't act like stupid little whiteboy's.

5:58AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I don't work for them. I don't sleep with their women. I don't cover for their lies. I'm not white. Fuck their white noise radio. Don't get trapped in their radio fantasy bubble.

6:01AM. I don't work for them. I don't have sex with their women. They're not my family. They try to wake me up for the whiteboy's. They can die for the whiteboy's. They're not one of us. They're whiteboys in brown skin.

6:03AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. If they participate in the desertification that goes from West Africa to China, they're not tan. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us. They were raised by the whiteboy's.

6:07AM. Their men are sissy's and dogs to us. They can't even speak face to face with respect and honesty. 

6:07AM. They said sorry. Tell the astronauts that died on the Challenger rocket explosion sorry. They're the ones that lied just to get that job. They're the ones that backstabbed the lead scientist that vouched for them to help them get that job. They're the ones that sold out billion dollar trade secrets for virgin prostitutes after they had backstabbed their own lead scientist for a promotion. Don't say sorry me. I didn't die in the rocket explosion just because they lied to get a job. Say sorry to all of them. Black Noise is better than White Noise.

6:10AM. If they want to lie, hide, and manipulate things secretly, then their entire race can take the blame for their actions. That's why this new neuroscience technology was already named White Noise. 

6:15AM. These brown-nosing rats are so stupid that no matter how many women abandoned them and how many good men have died around them, they still sell their own race out for the whiteboys money and then act like they're better than everyone in their own race. It doesn't matter how much money you have now. You backstabbed your own race. You're a whiteboy to us now.

6:19AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I don't work for them. I don't sleep with their women. I don't cover for their lies. I'm not white. Fuck their white noise radio.

6:30AM. These sissy Mexicans were only able to wipe out the Last of the Mohicans because they showed the whiteboy's the secret locations of where the natives were hiding their women and let the whiteboy's rape them. Then the whiteboy's let the sissy Mexicans have some guns and shit and they wiped out the Last of the Mohicans. Mohican stood for More He Can because it was a collection of all the natives that the whites were scared of and stayed away from. The Real His Panic. Mexican stands for Me Cross I Can because they're the ones that wiped out the Mohicans. The only ones left over are the rats that sold out, the blackmailed ones that can't speak up or the survivors whose tribes were wiped out.

6:35AM. Before they were forced to all change their names to Mexican, the Mohicans used to beat the sissy's up and chase them away because when the sissy would get rejected by women, they would try to rape the women. The sissy's only wiped out the Mohicans because they backstabbed their own race for the whiteboy's guns. They call themselves Mexican, but the Mexicans call them Americans whenever they're not around. They can't say it to their faces because the sissy's will tell the whiteboys to prostitute their children.

6:50AM. The original Muslims would cut off the hands of those that would lie and steal. This was before Quran. The ones doing the cutting would even cut their own hands off if they lied or stole. Men should have to cut off their dicks too for being rapists. Then they would learn. 

6:56AM. Rapists will always said you need their bullshit when you don't need them for anything. That's why their own women abandon them and tell us to keep it a secret. We don't even have sex with all of them. We just find a safe place for all of them. These rapists would force all the little girls to sleep with them, so whenever the girls got a chance to, they would escape and move somewhere else if it was safe. That's why they like the whiteboy's and the Mexican sissy's. They let you do anything to their women. They all teamed up so they can be rapists together.

7:06AM. They said they're not going to leave. It doesn't matter as long as everyone knows who they really are.

7:07AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. If they participate in the desertification that goes from West Africa to China, they're not tan. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us. They were raised by the whiteboy's. Their own race doesn't let them get away with rape. Only the whiteboy's let them get away with that.

7:52AM. They stole our children, raped our women and drugged our men. They haven't admitted any of that even once. They just get killed and then they lie to the cops as if they were innocent.

7:57AM. It's weird being in this Matrix because I don't know if they had tortured and brainwashed my mother or if they killed her and replaced her with a body double. Either way, fuck white people. I don't even touch their women anymore. I only love my real mother and my real father. King Charles is bloody dead.

8:41AM. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. They say anything to rape your daughters. They'll lie and tell everyone that it wasn't rape afterwards, too.

8:43AM. The first Muslims would cut off hands for lying and stealing. They would even cut their own hands if they did it too. That's fair. These new Muslims that think it's okay to be a rapist should cut off their own dicks for thinking like that.

10:10AM. The white noise radio is always trying to brainwash me wirelessly even as I'm walking outside by myself.

12:05PM. This is a prostitution trap for tourists that come to see Disneyland. It's part of the US Virgin Islands prostitution ring along with Hollywood and Las Vegas. They will say and do anything to manipulate girls into prostitution and sell them to rich, white people over here and in Europe. This is also where the drug cartels drop off the girls they kidnapped from Mexico. The police have sex with the prostitutes so they cover it up and have sometimes made up reasons to arrest me when the politicians tell them to.

1:15PM. I refuse to trust anyone that communicates using their white noise radio because I cannot verify who's really behind the microphone. It's like Tranquility Lane from the game Fallout. It could be some old German guy pretending to be a little girl.

2:00PM. MK Ultra was invented in Santa Ana. The Mexicans here sacrificed their river to keep it a secret. The ones that did the documentary on MK Ultra recorded one of the interviews while walking next to the river that used to run through Santa Ana.

2:20PM. I don't trust the Mexicans here because they make secret deals with the whiteboy's to backstab their own race and prostitute the children they kidnap from their own race. The Mexicans in Mexico City told me that it's dangerous for them to have girls because the drug cartels go to their house, threaten their families, take their girls, and then they drop off those kidnapped girls here in the United States. They call them Americans behind their back whenever they leave Mexico.

4:45PM. They put high fructose corn syrup in everything here because that was a secret tax that the American-Mexicans charged to let everyone live here. I don't know if it's written down on a contract or not but that was one of the charges they taxed back then. Nowadays, they just make up shit like how some of them will try to steal children from different families.

4:56PM. They were warned already to stop kidnapping babies from foreign countries. That's why they lost their underground tunnel on Main and Warner in Santa Ana now. Next time, there won't be any construction equipment. They will close it silently using expanding foam.

4:57PM. Even if they leave, they still will not be allowed to kidnap babies wherever they go to. It doesn't matter where they go.

6:16PM. They said "remember the burn" on their white noise radio. They need to remember The Hole in Boyle Heights and remember that they got murdered for trying to kidnap our babies and sell them to the KKK. They lost their tunnel Boyle Heights before and now they lost their tunnel in Santa Ana too. They also need to remember that they sacrificed their river in Santa Ana for MK Ultra and they sacrificed all the queens in Mexico for their Quinceanera. They need to stop delivering their daughters to the whiteboy's like a Christmas present on their Quinceanera.

7:10PM. I wonder if they had changed an algorithm behind the scenes to make videos easier to deepfake. Some of the graphics have been looking more grainy than usual, especially when it comes to faces or slow motion.

7:27PM. Rapists will always make up reasons to get close to your daughters. No matter what their excuse is, they're lying.

7:31PM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. They're spying on me in the bathroom again and trying to brainwash me while I'm meditating. They always do this bullshit. The politicians will even spy on your daughters inside your own home.

7:39PM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. They're spying on me in the bathroom again and trying to brainwash me while I'm meditating. They always do this bullshit. The politicians will even spy on your daughters inside your own home.

7:46PM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. They're spying on me in the bathroom again and trying to brainwash me while I'm meditating. They always do this bullshit. The politicians will even spy on your daughters inside your own home.

7:59PM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. They're spying on me in the bathroom again and trying to brainwash me while I'm meditating. They always do this bullshit. The politicians will even spy on your daughters inside your own home.

8:08PM. They're spying on me in the bathroom again and trying to brainwash me while I'm meditating. It's not as bad as it was the last time. 

8:11PM. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. They try to push you, backstab you, and manipulate you while pretending that they're helping. That's why most of their adults turn out the way that they do over here. It's a giant prostitution trap. They steal good genetics from the best families and tribes they can find.

8:14PM. We gave them Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for free. They rather prostitute their children to the Nazi's for drugs and weapons.

8:22PM. They act like they're so much better than everyone. As if they are smart and they work hard.  One does not need anything to be a killer, not even feelings. They act so gangsta even though they prostitute their children to the cops for protection. They're not even real killers.

8:24PM. When I was young, I heard that the problem with American superheroes is that they don't kill their enemies. All they do is arrest them temporarily and then they have to fight them all over again later on. That's dangerous because with every fight that the villains survive, they learn a little more about how to beat you.

9:17PM. Politicians like Donald Trump and Arnold Schwarzenegger like to manipulate young children into being criminals early and when those children grow up, then they bribe them with money and sex. I could have been a better politician than any of them, but instead they try to criminalize and institutionalize me while they pretend to work on television.

10:10PM. The Romans and the Nazi's have a thing for raising brainwashed soldiers. The Nazi's prefer to raise someone that will sign off on whatever bills they write like Hitler or like Trump. That way, they stay in the shadows and the one that signed the paperwork takes all the blame. The Romans prefer to abuse, manipulate and drug their soldiers so they will attack anyone at any time as soon as their given an order to.

10:35PM. In case the father's were arrested or killed and the children were lied to, there were backup plans set in place. It's not the first time they've used that move on us.

10:42PM. The KKK and the Mexican drug cartels don't want me to do anything else besides fight for them. They don't want me to make it any other way because then they can't control me. 

11:31PM. When I was talking about Tulare Lake the first time, I thought Baja California was the second lake. Now that I remember how Death Valley also used to be a giant and shallow lake, I think that was the second lake they were talking about. I thought they meant Baja California used to be the second lake at first. It used to be called Tulake, but when they drained it, they changed the name to Tulare Lake.

11:40PM. The older I get, the more I don't like anybody. At this point, even if I reject society, I'm still surrounded by them and I cannot live off the land the same way anymore.

11:49PM. Fake ass neighbors stalking and playing bitchass games again. I don't work for them. I don't sleep with their women. I don't cover for their lies.

11:53PM. They talk weird. They act weird. They're always spying on me, stalking me, and talking in codes. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. They cover up their lies with money. I don't trust them. I don't respect them. I don't want to raise any children around them.

12:01AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I don't work for them. I don't sleep with their women. I don't cover for their lies. We don't invade and enslave. We speak face to face with respect and honesty.

12:03AM. No matter how much they try to lie and act like we're one of them, actions speak louder than words. They do not speak face to face with respect and honesty. We do not invade and enslave. 

12:22AM. They're always trying to brainwash me into accepting their way of life. I reject integration and I stay by myself even when I'm surrounded.

12:25AM. Whether this country is legitimate or not, the KKK and the Mexican drug cartels are still not allowed to kidnap our children or rape our women.

12:36AM. The black guy who drugged me knows that I was drugged, but he was blackmailed a long time ago so he can't vouch for me to the whites. He can only let the blacks know. I know he was blackmailed too, so his arms were tied.

12:55AM. They are still trying to brainwash me wirelessly. This is why some of our men turned on us after living out here for a while.

Aug 27 -

4:54AM. Still in this bubble where white people are rich and run everything and everyone else is lucky if they give you a job. Still in this bubble where they try to erase our side of history and brainwash us with their version of what happened.

4:57AM. I'm still in the bubble where the Mexicans say Brown Pride but they're really kidnapping girls from Mexico and dropping them off over here for the KKK. Still in the bubble where the Mexicans say Brown Pride but they backstab their own race for the whiteboy's money, drugs and weapons.

5:10AM. In say Ne. That's insane. They're brainwashed. How are they going to say Ne when the Scar of Africa has never healed? They're dissing Africa. My sword is my word. That's on the Rape of Africa. Their men were enslaved, their women were raped, and their children were stolen. They'rep brainwashed for them to be cool with that and move on like it never happened. Now they think they're rich and famous rappers when they can't rap and they think the white race loves them. They're brainwashed. We didn't beat them up and force them to change their name. We speak face to face with respect and honesty.

5:17AM. They said they were thrown away. That's a white lie. They're brainwashed. They were conquered, enslaved and kidnapped. It's insane to trust the ones that raped your ancestors and raped your ancestors land. They can't even speak openly and freely in the open. Massa don't let them. Massa will punish them. They're brainwashed.

5:24AM. Horses say neigh. Are you their horse? You're either their horse or you must be a whiteboy on the inside. I think that's what we used to tell them to snap them out of it. We didn't call them snitches, back then. We called them white and then they would get mad and snap out of it.

5:31AM. Me AN. Know what I mean? AN is the bloodline that was created when the Africans, the Middle Easterns and the Asian warriors met and their families mixed. We didn't conquer and enslave each other, but we mixed too. White people don't like that. They want to brainwash the entire world to make it look like everyone just goes around invading and enslaving each other. That's a white lie.

5:34AM. Me AN. Know what I mean? AN is the bloodline that was created when the Africans, the Middle Easterns and the Asian warriors met and their families mixed. We didn't rape your ancestors and force them to be part of our family. We speak face to face with respect and honesty.

5:35AM. They are still trying to brainwash me wirelessly. This is why some of our men turned on us after living out here for a while.

5:37AM. Me AN. Know what I mean? AN is the bloodline that was created when the Africans, the Middle Easterns and the Asian warriors met and their families mixed. All our races have one because we mixed respectfully. We didn't steal your children and lie about it. The tribes you come from know us.

5:37AM. Me AN. Know what I mean? AN is the bloodline that was created when the Africans, the Middle Easterns and the Asian warriors met and their families mixed. We didn't rape your ancestors and whitewash your history. We have been trying to survive, fight back and protect all of our histories ever since white people invented guns. They have been wiping us out, kidnapping and killing you, and then whitewashing your children.

5:41AM. Me AN. Know what I mean? AN is the bloodline that was created when the Africans, the Middle Easterns and the Asian warriors met and their families mixed. All of our races had respect for each other and our families mixed without rape or conquering. Why would you want to be with the ones that raped your ancestors and forced you to be with them?

5:43AM. They are still trying to brainwash me wirelessly. Besides the pharmaceutical drugs, Mk Ultra and Pavlov conditioning, this is one of the reasons why some of our men turned on us after living out here for a while.

5:47AM. I can't trust the words of these strangers. To them, love means rape. To them, free means they can take whatever they want. Even if they use the same words as us, their words don't mean the same thing. Know what I mean? Unless I can check them face to face and look them in the eyes whe they say it, I really don't know what their words mean.

5:55AM. We don't have it in us. We don't get it from being captured. We only get it from when they rape our women and the women give birth to the rapist's children. We don't act like them.

6:46AM. They are still trying to brainwash me wirelessly. Besides the pharmaceutical drugs, Mk Ultra and Pavlov conditioning, this is one of the reasons why some of our men turned on us after living out here for a while. I don't work with them. I don't have sex with their women. I don't cover for their lies. If they send someone from over here don't trust who they send. They only pretend to be my friend so they can backstab anyone that trusts them.

6:56AM. The old white racists don't understand how some of their own children hate them. They like the bodies they got, but they hate their father's for being rapists and for giving them a bad reputation. It's hard for me to do anything about that because they keep sending white racists and hiring Mexicans to stalk and harass me everyday.

6:57AM. I can't trust the words of these strangers. To them, love means rape. To them, free means they can take whatever they want. Even if they use the same words as us, their words don't mean the same thing. Know what I mean? Unless I can check them face to face and look them in the eyes whe they say it, I really don't know what their words mean. To them, trust probably means blind allegiance.

8:34AM. They sell out their race and cover for the whiteboys lies too much. Their straight men try to change their identity and go somewhere where the drug cartels can't reach them. Their beautiful women keep getting kidnapped and sold. All they do is lie. Mexico has nothing but prostitutes left and they're still blaming whoever they can for it. They sold their own women. It's no one else's fault but their own.

8:37AM. When the bombs and guns came, they weren't with us on the front lines shooting back. They were hiding somewhere and hoping the bombs and guns wouldn't find them. They came to the United States, got some money from the whiteboy's, got a little bit taller and more muscles, but now they forgot where they came from. When shit goes down, no matter how tall or big they are now, they're not the ones that hold it down. They sell their women and children for money and protection. We don't backstab our own race for the whiteboy's money.

8:41AM. They raped your women, stole your children and tried to erase your history. They forced you to be with them. You're insane.

8:44AM. They destroyed your rivers, stole everything, and left nothing behind but sand. My sword is my word. 

8:47AM. You must be white now then. You talk and act like the whiteboy's. They stole all their muscles from the Africans.

8:51AM. Before the white race attacked, we all knew each other. We even came up with the pyramid blueprints together. The Chinese wanted to see if it worked or not. They only built the floor first and they were waiting on word from the Africans to see if the pyramids worked out or not. The British got the idea of the courtyard from this. The Chinese had never finished the rest of that pyramid and later generations turned it into something else.

8:58AM. Your own race didn't let you rape your women. Only the whiteboy's let you get away with that.

9:01AM. Your own race didn't let you rape your women. Only the whiteboy's let you get away with that.

9:02AM. Their men rape someone every generation. Their own baby mamas ask their friends to fuck them up. They were scared that the baby daddy was going to beat them and their child up.

9:05AM. Your own race didn't let you rape your women. Only the whiteboy's let you get away with that.

9:07AM. The European description of a dragon is a giant monster that can fly and breathe fire. In reality, a dragon is an Asian man that knows how to grow food, how to build and how to fight. We go around different communities and try to help out using what we know. A lot of times, after we helped them with whatever problem they had, they would ask us to be their king. Dragons don't like being kings. We go find another community to help out instead. 

9:10AM. Europeans didn't have bread until we showed them yeast. Only the racist whiteboy's that think they can get away with whatever they want look at us like monsters.

9:12AM. Your own race didn't let you rape your women. Only the whiteboy's let you get away with that.

9:14AM. Your own race didn't let you rape your women. Only the whiteboy's let you get away with that. Even if I die here, I didn't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

9:16AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. If they participate in the desertification that goes from West Africa to China, they're not tan. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us. They're white on the inside.

9:17AM. Your own race didn't let you rape your women. Only the whiteboy's let you get away with that.

9:17AM. Your own race didn't let you rape your women. Only the whiteboy's let you get away with that. Even if I die here, I didn't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

9:18AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. If they participate in the desertification that goes from West Africa to China, they're not tan. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us. They're white on the inside.

9:19AM. Your own race didn't let you rape your women. Only the whiteboy's let you get away with that.

9:20AM. Your own race didn't let you rape your women. Only the whiteboy's let you get away with that.

9:21AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. If they participate in the desertification that goes from West Africa to China, they're not tan. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us.

9:22AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. If they participate in the desertification that goes from West Africa to China, they're not tan. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us.

9:23AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. If they participate in the desertification that goes from West Africa to China, they're not tan. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us.

9:25AM. Even if I smoke here, I still didn't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

9:26AM. Your own race didn't let you rape your women. Only the whiteboy's let you get away with that.

9:26AM. Even if I smoke here, I still didn't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

9:27AM. Even if I don't have money here, I still didn't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

9:28AM. Even if I they laugh at me here, I still didn't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

9:28AM. Even if I don't have sex here, I still didn't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

9:29AM. Even if they spy on me and make comments while they hide, I still don't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

9:30AM. Even if they lie to me, I still don't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

9:32AM. Even after being tortured under their MK Ultra program,  I still don't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

9:32AM. Even after being tortured under their MK Ultra program,  I still don't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

9:34AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. If they participate in the desertification that goes from West Africa to China, they're not tan. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us.

9:35AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. If they participate in the desertification that goes from West Africa to China, they're not tan. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us.

9:36AM. Your own race didn't let you rape your women. Only the whiteboy's let you get away with that.

9:36AM. Your own race didn't let you rape your women. Only the whiteboy's let you get away with that.

9:36AM. Even after being chipped with their Nazi radio implants, I still don't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

9:37AM. Even after being chipped with Donald Trump's radio implants, I still don't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

9:38AM. Your own race didn't let you rape your women. Only the whiteboy's let you get away with that.

9:38AM. Even after being chipped with Donald Trump's radio implants, I still don't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

9:39AM. Even after being chipped with Donald Trump's radio implants, I still don't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

9:40AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. If they participate in the desertification that goes from West Africa to China, they're not tan. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us.

9:40AM. Even after being chipped with Donald Trump's radio implants, I still don't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

9:41AM. Even after being chipped with Donald Trump's radio implants, I still don't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

9:42AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. If they participate in the desertification that goes from West Africa to China, they're not tan. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us.

9:43AM. Even after being chipped with Donald Trump's radio implants, I still don't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

9:44AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. If they participate in the desertification that goes from West Africa to China, they're not tan. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us.

9:45AM. Even after being chipped with Donald Trump's radio implants, I still don't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

9:47AM. Only real men can speak face to face with respect and honesty. They're not real men. They're the whiteboy's colored pets. They backstab their own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

9:48AM. Even after being chipped with Donald Trump's radio implants, I still don't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

9:49AM. Your own race didn't let you rape your women. Only the whiteboy's let you get away with that.

9:49AM. Only real men can speak face to face with respect and honesty. They're not real men. They're the whiteboy's colored pets. They backstab their own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

9:54AM. Your own race didn't let you rape your women. Only the whiteboy's let you get away with that.

9:51AM. You only like to rape women because no one checks you. When you get raped, then you're not going to like to anymore. Malik been killing rapists since he first got his name.

9:55AM. Only real men can speak face to face with respect and honesty. They're not real men. Amen.

9:56AM. I refuse to raise any children around their men. 

9:57AM. Their own race didn't let them get away with rape. Only the whiteboy's let them get away with that. They're white to us now. 

9:59AM. They say they're smart because they hide and they lie. They're just rapists that say and do anything to get what they want. Only the whiteboy's like them. Their own race used to be them up and chase them out for trying to rape women.

10:01AM. Their own race didn't let them get away with rape. Only the whiteboy's let them get away with that. They're white to us now. 

10:01AM. Even after being chipped with Donald Trump's radio implants, I still don't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

10:02AM. Their own race didn't let them get away with rape. Only the whiteboy's let them get away with that. They're white to us now. 

10:03AM. Their undercovers are still spying on me and making comments through their white noise device. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, but they steal kids from better families and pretend those stolen kids are their own family. that's why they lost their underground tunnel on Main and Warner in Santa Ana.

10:04AM. Even after being chipped with Donald Trump's radio implants, I still don't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

10:06AM. Their own race didn't let them get away with rape. Only the whiteboy's let them get away with that. They're white to us now. 

10:06AM. Their undercovers are still spying on me and making comments through their white noise device. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, but they steal kids from better families and pretend those stolen kids are their own family. that's why they lost their underground tunnel on Main and Warner in Santa Ana.

10:07AM. Even after being chipped with Donald Trump's radio implants, I still don't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

10:08AM  Their own race didn't let them get away with rape. Only the whiteboy's let them get away with that. They're white to us now. 

10:09AM. Only real men can speak face to face with respect and honesty. They're not real men. I refuse to raise any children around their men. I would rather kill their men, but they lie and pretend to act nice to everyone else. They'll tell you they didn't rape your daughter and she was drunk even though they know they slipped pills into her drink.

10:11AM. Even after being chipped with Donald Trump's radio implants, I still don't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

10:13AM. They're not real men. They'll tell you they didn't rape your daughter and she was drunk even though they know they slipped pills into her drink 

10:15AM. The rapists said that they're going to go extinct then. I don't care. Their own women don't even like them.

10:17AM. Even  with Donald Trump's radio implants trying to brainwash me wirelessly every day, I still don't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

10:22AM. These whiteboys are delusional. They do all this fucked up shit to everybody and then they say it's not real. Stupidass Klucking Kuckolding Klan.

10:23AM. Even with Donald Trump's radio implants trying to brainwash me wirelessly every day, I still don't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

10:27AM. The Mexicans here are delusional too. They sacrificed their Santa Ana river to keep MK Ultra a secret. They prostituted all the queens in Mexico to the KKK. They asked the whiteboys for guns to wipe out the Mohicans. The Mohicans were the real Hispanics. These Mexicans don't make anyone panic.

10:33AM. Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I don't work for them. I don't sleep with their women. I don't cover for their lies. I'm not white. Fuck their white noise radio.

12:40AM. The KKK Salem Witch Hunt Boys have used this play a lot in the past. They go to a city, town or tribe and stay unseen. They drug the water for something like 2-4 weeks and then they send someone to enter the community and fake love. They have a memory loss recipe they use to rewrite the history of the community without the locals knowing. If anyone finds out, they erase their memory.

9:52PM. Even with Donald Trump's San Marcos Trump Train Mexicans following me undercover every day, I still don't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

10:26PM. Trying to sleep to the sounds of their undercover agents spying on me and making subliminal threats all night is easier than trying to sleep to the sound of their brainwashed soldiers dropping bombs and shooting guns all night. 

10:26PM. Trying to sleep to the sounds of their undercover agents spying on me and making subliminal threats all night is easier than trying to sleep to the sound of their brainwashed soldiers dropping bombs and shooting guns all night. 

10:32PM. Even with Donald Trump's radio implants trying to brainwash me wirelessly every day, I still don't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

10:33PM. Even with Donald Trump's radio implants trying to brainwash me wirelessly every day, I still don't backstab my own race and cover for the whiteboy's lies.

10:44PM. Their Mexican drug cartels use the family excuse. They're not a real family. They kidnap babies. Some of those kids are not Mexican. They lie. The police cover for their lies because the drug cartels brings them underage virgin prostitutes.

10:50PM. Trying to sleep to the sounds of their undercover agents spying on me and making subliminal threats all night is easier than trying to sleep to the sound of their brainwashed soldiers dropping bombs and shooting guns all night. 

Aug 28 -

4:24AM. Some people only want to be King for the money and sex, but they dont want to be King when the kingdom is mad and trying to storm the castle. Some people only want to be hero for the money and sex, but they don't want to be hero when it's cold and dark. Hollywood is all about looks. Trump is a rich liar.

4:32AM. What's the point of having police if they're just going to prostitute your children and send criminals to threaten and arrest you if you say no? Old white men sending Mexicans to drug and manipulate girls into prostitution. How is that racist?

4:36AM. It's crazy how some boys would rather sell their own race out for the whiteboy's guns than to risk being rejected and embarrassed by a woman in public. That's why they're rapists.

4:44AM. They don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. When there is a breakdown in communication, everything else falls apart with it and the only thing left to do is fight. The white supremacists create these conditions on purpose because they already robbed everyone so they're comfortable. Everyone else is poor and ends up looking like criminals because this is the world that the white man has built. Steel is code for steal. This world is built on stealing from other races and acting like it never happened.

4:45AM. The rapists will say and do anything to get close to your daughters. They will lie and tell everyone it wasn't rape. Their words don't matter. The Muslims used to cut off their hands for lying and stealing. Should the rapists cut off their dicks for raping?

4:47AM. They sell their own race out. They never been crucified.

4:51AM. The rapists will say and do anything to get close to your daughters. They will lie and tell everyone it wasn't rape. Their words don't matter. The Muslims used to cut off their hands for lying and stealing. Should the rapists cut off their dicks for raping?

4:55Am. Our kingdoms had a secret area where we all had mixed children. This secret area was in the part that the white people invaded and colonized. In this area, we all lived together from birth and we were all family with each other. When the white people attacked, the men stayed to fight and the children took off running. We were all given instructions to run in a direction and when we get there, we would see a lot more people that look like us and we can ask them for help. Before we took off running, we all lived together as brother and sisters. It was normal for us to all be different races from birth. We didn't know what the world outside was like until the whiteboy's attacked and we had to run.

5:01AM. Our kingdoms mixed respectfully. We didn't rape and conquer each other like the whiteboy's did to everyone. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. We don't rape women. We love women. They're not the same as us.

5:07AM. The rapists will say and do anything to get close to your daughters. They will lie and tell everyone it wasn't rape. Their words don't matter. The Muslims used to cut off their hands for lying and stealing. Should the rapists cut off their dicks for raping?

5:08AM. The rapists will say and do anything to get close to your daughters. They will lie and tell everyone it wasn't rape. Their words don't matter. The Muslims used to cut off their hands for lying and stealing. Should the rapists cut off their dicks for raping you daughters?

5:10AM. They said to leave then. They should make they're overseas soldiers and overseas military bases leave. Fuck the US Virgin Islands. They drug, blackmail and kidnap women and children using their underground tunnels. 

5:11AM. Even if they drug and frame here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money.

5:15AM. Drone pilots are probably driving to work right now to go kill people on a computer over here that controls unmanned drones all the way on the other side of the world. They don't even look like criminals.

5:17AM. Rapists always try to force your women to have sex, try to steal children from different families and force you to agree with them even when they're lying. That's how they think. Their words don't matter. The Muslims used to cut off their hands off for lying and stealing. Should the rapists cut off their dicks for raping you daughters?

5:22AM. Orange County is like Tranquility Lane from the game Fallout right now. You got some old German guy hiding behind a simulator and he's pretending to be a little girl to try and fool you. White Noise Chip Implants.

5:23AM. Rapists always try to force your women to have sex, try to steal children from different families and force you to agree with them even when they're lying. That's how they think. Their words don't matter. The Muslims used to cut off their hands off for lying and stealing. Should the rapists cut off their dicks for raping you daughters?

5:26AM. They said to leave then. They should make they're overseas soldiers and overseas military bases leave. Fuck the US Virgin Islands. They drug, blackmail and kidnap women and children using their underground tunnels. Drone pilots are probably driving to work right now to go kill people on a computer over here that controls unmanned drones all the way on the other side of the world. 

5:27AM. There's a reason why their own women run away from them. There's a reason why they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty. There's a reason why they only act tough when they're kings.

5:31AM. Bloody Charlie is Bloody Mary's Revenge. If your Kingdom really loved you, they would have noticed when you died and they would have given you a giant funeral.

5:35AM. Even if I die here in the white people's brainwashed bubble, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money.

5:37AM. Our kingdoms had a secret area where we all had mixed children. This secret area was in the part that the white people invaded and colonized. In this area, we all lived together from birth and we were all family with each other. When the white people attacked, the men stayed to fight and the children took off running. We were all given instructions to run in a direction and when we get there, we would see a lot more people that look like us and we can ask them for help. Before we took off running, we all lived together as brother and sisters. It was normal for us to all be different races from birth. We didn't know what the world outside was like until the whiteboy's attacked and we had to run. 
No matter what language we use and no matter what skin color we wear, we all still speak face to face with respect and honesty.

5:39AM. We didn't make a secret agreement with the white people to sell out our own race if they helped us rape the Asian women. These Indians don't want to talk to me face to face with respect and honesty but they have secret meetings with the white people. 

5:40AM. We didn't make a secret agreement with the white people to sell out our own race if they helped us rape Asian women. These Indians don't want to talk to me face to face with respect and honesty but they have secret meetings with the white people. 

5:42AM. Our kingdoms had a secret area where we all had mixed children. This secret area was in the part that the white people invaded and colonized. In this area, we all lived together from birth and we were all family with each other. When the white people attacked, the men stayed to fight and the children took off running. We were all given instructions to run in a direction and when we get there, we would see a lot more people that look like us and we can ask them for help. Before we took off running, we all lived together as brother and sisters. It was normal for us to all be different races from birth. We didn't know what the world outside was like until the whiteboy's attacked and we all had to run. 

5:44AM. These lames don't know. They try to rape our women to steal our genetics. These Indians and Middle Easterns don't want to talk to me face to face with respect and honesty but they have secret meetings with the white people for money instead.

5:46AM. These lames don't know. They try to rape our women to steal our genetics. These Indians and Middle Easterns don't want to talk to me face to face with respect and honesty but they have secret meetings with the white people to backstab their own race instead.

5:47AM. These lames don't know. They try to rape our women to steal our genetics. These Indians and Middle Easterns don't want to talk to me face to face with respect and honesty but they have secret meetings with the white people to backstab their own race instead.

5:49AM. They try to rape our women to steal our genetics. I don't even touch their women. These Indians and Middle Easterns don't want to talk to me face to face with respect and honesty but they have secret meetings with the white racists to backstab their own race instead.

5:51AM. Even if I die here in the white people's brainwashed bubble, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money.

5:53AM. They try to rape our women to steal our genetics. I don't even touch their women. These Indians and Middle Easterns don't want to talk to me face to face with respect and honesty but they have secret meetings with the white racists to backstab their own race instead.

5:55AM. Orange County is like Tranquility Lane from the game Fallout right now. You got some old German guy hiding behind a simulator and he's pretending to be a little girl to try and fool you. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck his stupid chip implant.

5:57AM. Your own son doesn't love you. He only stays around because of your money, capo. He's not happy. He misses his mother. You erased his smile.

6:04AM. Orange County is like Tranquility Lane from the game Fallout right now. You got some old German guy hiding behind a simulator and he's pretending to be a little girl to try and fool you. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck his stupid chip implant..

6:13AM. We didn't make a secret agreement with the white people to sell out and backstab India for weapons from the white people to rape women from South East Asia.

6:14AM. Orange County is like Tranquility Lane from the game Fallout right now. You got some old German guy hiding behind a simulator and he's pretending to be a little girl to try and fool you. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck his stupid chip implant.

6:16AM. Their own race doesn't let them get away with rape. Only the whiteboys let them get away with that.

6:17AM. They don't want to talk to me face to face with respect and honesty but they have secret meetings with the whites to backstab their own race for money instead.

6:20AM. They don't want to talk to me face to face with respect and honesty but they have secret meetings with the whites to backstab their own race for money instead. They're white to us now. Only their skin is brown.

6:22AM. I already let everyone know that they been selling their own race out to the white people. It doesn't matter anymore. They're white too now.

6:24AM. Orange County is like Tranquility Lane from the game Fallout right now. You got some old German guy hiding behind a simulator and he's pretending to be a little girl to try and fool you. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck his stupid chip implant.

6:30AM. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck his stupid chip implant. Should rapists be forced to cut off their own dicks?

6:31AM. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck his stupid chip implant. Should rapists be forced to cut off their own dicks?

6:32AM. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck his stupid chip implant. Should rapists be forced to cut off their own dicks?

6:33AM. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck his stupid chip implant. Should rapists be forced to cut off their own dicks?

6:35AM. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck his stupid chip implant. Should rapists be forced to cut off their own dicks?

6:36AM. Your own son doesn't love you. He only stays around because of your money, Capo. He's not happy. He misses his mother. You erased his smile.

6:37AM. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck his stupid chip implant. Barron Trump don't really smile either. Should rapists be forced to cut off their own dicks?

7:14AM. When white racists start trying to claim our children and our genetics as their own, I'ma bring up how they stole their muscles from the Africans and they stole their brains from the Asians. Engine & Vitamin.

7:23AM. They make secret deals with the white racists to sell your children behind your back while they avoid you and pretend they're your friend.

7:47AM. Some of the children of white racists are not racist themselves, but they rather have no love with money instead of having no love with no money.

8:57AM. Their children come out as homosexuals and as rapists because the white people colonized them and decide who to feed. That's why they backstab their own race for the whiteboy's money.

9:00AM. They wouldn't have been able to wipe out the Mohicans if they didn't backstab their own race for the whiteboy's guns. Mohican. Mexican. The Mohicans fought back and protected their women. The Mexican drug cartels pretend to act tough and prostitute their women for protection. It's dangerous for families to have girls in Mexico because the drug cartels kidnap them and bring them to the USA for the whiteboy's. Panama used to be the only place in the world where you could walk between two oceans. They backstab their own race for the whiteboy's money. They sacrificed Santa Ana's river for the whiteboy's Mk Ultra weapon. We gave South Americans Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for free and these Mexicans gave it to the whiteboy's.

9:22PM. They make secret deals with the white racists to sell your children behind your back while they avoid you and pretend they're your friend.

9:51AM. Their undercovers keep trying to make subliminal threats as if that's makes them right. They were kidnapping babies from foreign countries using their underground tunnel on Main and Warner in Santa Ana. They were raising those kidnapped babies as their own. The police cover it up. They try to threaten me to silence me when they're wrong and they only do more fucked up shit to cover it up. That's why we have to kill them.

8:53AM. They make secret deals with the white racists to sell and rape your children behind your back while they avoid you and pretend they're your friend. That's why we have to kill them.

9:55AM. These Mexicans kidnap girls from Mexico and sell those kidnapped girls to the white people in this country. It's dangerous for families to have daughters in Mexico. The drug cartels go to their home, threaten their family, and take their daughters to sell to the white people in the USA. That's why we have to kill them.

10:00AM. This is for the entire world to know. Fuck their nuclear weapons. Fuck their underground bunkers. Fuck their drug cartels. I do not support Donald Trump's plan to false flag a nuclear strike and blame it on China - Jason Tendean.

Our pyramid kingdoms had a secret area where we all had mixed children living together from birth. This secret area was in the part that the white people invaded and colonized. In this area, we all lived together from birth and we were all family with each other. When the white people attacked, the men stayed to fight and the children took off running. We were all given instructions to run in a different direction and when we get there, we would see a lot more people that look like us and we can ask them for help. Before we took off running, we all lived together as brother and sisters. It was normal for us to all be different races from birth. We didn't invade or conquer each other. Our different kingdoms lived separate and had respect for each other. The region where we all lived together was in-between the different kingdoms. The children growing up in the middle didn't know what the world outside was like until the whiteboy's attacked and we all had to run. 

6:26PM. This is for the entire world to know. Fuck their nuclear weapons. Fuck their underground bunkers. Fuck their drug cartels. I do not support Donald Trump's plan to false flag a nuclear strike and blame it on China. - Jason Tendean.

6:27PM. They're trying to start World War 3. Even if I did leave, it's still a world war. They're unmanned drones are killing people in foreign countries. Their drone pilots drive to work over here looking like regular civilians.

Aug 29 -

4:14AM. Panama used to be the only place in the world where you could walk between two oceans on both sides. The Mexicans here sacrificed it the same way they sacrificed Santa Ana's river, the same way they sacrifice the girls in Mexico, and the same way that they sacrificed the Mohicans. They say yes to everything, but then they lie about it later and try to blame it on someone else. They call themselves Mexican over here, but the Mexicans call them Americans behind their back. These ones are known to kidnap babies and try to raise those stolen babies as their own. They did that to their own race, they did that to the Jamaicans, and they did that to the Asians.

4:32AM. The KKK cannot even electrocute me into being white. No euthanasia around me. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. We don't invade and enslave. We're not white. 

4:44AM. This is for the entire world to know. Fuck their nuclear weapons. Fuck their underground bunkers. Fuck their drug cartels. I do not support Donald Trump's plan to start World War 3 by false flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China. - Jason Tendean.

4:45AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. We don't invade and enslave. We don't In-vade and En-slave. 

4:47AM. We didn't ask the white people for guns to wipe out the Mohicans like the Mexicans in California did.

4:47AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. 

4:49AM. This is for the entire world to know. Fuck their nuclear weapons. Fuck their underground bunkers. Fuck their drug cartels. I do not support Donald Trump's plan to start World War 3 by false flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China. - Jason Tendean.

4:50AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie and steal from their neighbors.

4:52AM. When we asked the native tribes if the slaves could stay up there, they said yes, it's too cold up there. When the Mexicans wiped out the Mohicans using the white people's guns, now they lie and act like they didn't know it was conquered. The Mexicans here lie a lot. The real Mexicans call them Americans behind their back. That's why they have a Mexican Mafia. They are the white mafia's Mexicans.

4:52AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie and steal from their neighbors.

4:55AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races.

4:56AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races.

4:57AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races.

5:01AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races.

5:04AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races.

5:06AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races.

5:07AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. Even if I die out here, I still didn't backstab my own race.

5:10AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. Even if I die out here, I still didn't backstab my own race like the Mexicans here that try to pretend to be different races.

5:15PM. These Mexicans are white to us. They talk like the whites. They work for the whites. They cover for the white people's lies. If the white people start World War 3, these Mexicans and these Indians will be on the white side. They call themselves Mexican, but in Mexico, they call these fools Americans.

5:16AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. 

5:16AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. 

5:17AM. These Mexicans are white to us. They talk like the whites. They work for the whites. They cover for the white people's lies. If the white people start World War 3, these Mexicans and these Indians will be on the white side. They call themselves Mexican, but in Mexico, they call these fools Americans. They're not Indians. They're not Mexican. They're Americans. If World War 3 starts, they will cover for the white race's lies.

5:20AM. They're not Indians. They're not Mexican. They're Americans. If World War 3 starts, they will cover for the white race's lies.

5:20AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. 

5:22AM. They're not Indians. They're not Mexicans. They're only brown on the outside. If World War 3 starts, they will do anything the white people say. 

5:24AM. They're not Indians. They're not Middle Easterns. They're not Mexicans. They're only brown on the outside. If World War 3 starts, they will do anything the white people say. They will lie with the white people on the white side. They're not one of us.

5:25AM. They're not Indians. They're not Middle Easterns. They're not Mexicans. They're only brown on the outside. If World War 3 starts, they will do anything the white people say. They will lie with the white people on the white side for the white money. They're not one of us.

5:26AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. 

5:27AM. If the white race starts World War 3, the blacks the tans and the yellows all have respectful relationships with each other. We don't invade, enslave and conquer each other. 

5:30AM. They're not Indians. They're not Middle Easterns. They're not Mexicans. They're only brown on the outside. If World War 3 starts, they will do anything the white people say. They will lie with the white people on the white side for the white money. They're not one of us.

5:33AM. They're not Indians. They're not Middle Easterns. They're not Mexicans. They're not Asian. If World War 3 starts, they will do anything the white people say. They will lie with the white people on the white side for the white money. They're not one of us.

5:33AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. 

5:35AM. If they use the white noise radio, they're not black. If they don't speak face to face with respect and honesty, they're not Asian. If they participate in the desertification that goes from West Africa to China, they're not tan. Those are the whiteboy's pets. They're not one of us. They were raised by the whiteboy's.

5:38AM. They're not Indians. They're not Middle Easterns. They're not Mexicans. They're not Asian. If World War 3 starts, they will do anything the white people say. They will lie with the white people on the white side for the white money. If World War 3 starts, they're going to be in the white side. They're not one of us.

5:40AM. They're not Indians. They're not Middle Easterns. They're not Mexicans. They're not Asian. If World War 3 starts, they will do anything the white people say. They will lie with the white people on the white side for the white money. If World War 3 starts, they're going to be in the white side. They look like us from the outside but they're really on the white side.

5:42AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. 

5:44AM.  Even if die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the white race's home, weapons, women or money.

5:47AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. 

5:49AM. They're not Indians. They're not Middle Easterns. They're not Mexicans. They're not Asian. If World War 3 starts, they will do anything the white people say. They will lie with the white people on the white side for the white money. If World War 3 starts, they're going to be on the white side. They look like us from the outside but they're really on the white side.

5:50AM. They're not Indians. They're not Middle Easterns. They're not Mexicans. They're not Asian. If World War 3 starts, they will do anything the white people say. They will lie with the white people on the white side for the white money. If World War 3 starts, they're going to be in the white side. 

5:55AM. Their own race doesn't let them get away with rape. Only the white race let them get away with that.

5:57AM. They're not Indians. They're not Middle Easterns. They're not Mexicans. They're not Asian. If World War 3 starts, they will do anything the white people say. They will lie with the white people on the white side for the white money. If World War 3 starts, they're going to be on the white side. They look like us from the outside but they're really on the white side.

5:57AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. 

5:57AM. They're not Indians. They're not Middle Easterns. They're not Mexicans. They're not Asian. If World War 3 starts, they will do anything the white people say. If World War 3 starts, they're going to be on the white side. 

6:01AM. They're not Indians. They're not Middle Easterns. They're not Mexicans. They're not Asian. If World War 3 starts, they will do anything the white people say. If the white race starts another world war again, they're going to be on the white side. 

6:02AM. They're not Indians. They're not Middle Easterns. They're not Mexicans. They're not Asian. If World War 3 starts, they will do anything the white people say. If the white race starts another world war again, they're going to be on the white side. 

6:03AM. They're not Indians. They're not Middle Easterns. They're not Mexicans. They're not Asian. If World War 3 starts, they will do anything the white people say. If the white race starts another world war again, they're going to be on the white side. 

6:04AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. 

6:12AM. If the white race tries to start World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike, these Mexicans and these Indians will work for them and cover for their lies.

6:13AM. If the white race tries to start World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike, these Middle Easterns will help them. 

6:15AM. If the white race tries to start World War 3, these Middle Easterns will help them. 

6:16AM. If the white race tries to start World War 3, these browns will help them. These browns do anything for the whites. They're not one of us.

6:19AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. 

6:20AM. If the white race tries to start World War 3, these brown people here in Orange County right now will help them and try to hurt us. The white people trained them. They're not one of us.

6:22AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. 

6:22AM.  If the white race tries to start World War 3, these brown people here in Orange County right now will help them and try to hurt us. The white people trained them. They're not one of us.

6:23AM. When I die, don't say that I gave up or that I sold out my own race. Even with these brown people here backstabbing me and selling me out for the white race, I still refuse to help them with their World War 3 plans.

6:24AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. 

6:26AM. They're not Indians. They're not Middle Easterns. They're not Mexicans. They're not Asian. They're not brown. If the white race starts World War 3, these brown people here going to be helping the white side. Don't trust them.

6:26AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. 

6:27AM. When I die, don't say that I gave up or that I sold out my own race. Even with these brown people here backstabbing me and selling me out for the white race, I still refuse to help them with their World War 3 plans. When these brown people here die, they die for the white race.

6:30AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. 

6:30AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. 

6:38AM. If they start World War 3, the brown people over here are going to be paid by, protected by and fight for the white race. Don't trust them.

6:45AM. It's crazy how much they make their entire life revolve around me. They're always watching me, whispering me and following me around while pretending they don't care. I literally don't care about them. I been trying to protect the land, the women and the children from their secret chip implants and nuclear weapons. They watch me and talk to me all the time like they have no lives without me.

6:45AM. If they start World War 3, the brown people over here are going to be paid by, protected by and fight for the white race. Don't trust them.

6:51AM. I told Asia already. If they kill me over here, I still did what I had to do. I'm not adding to their numbers, I'm not working for them, and I'm not covering for their lies. I told Asia what's going on over here already. Fuck their nuclear weapons and fuck their underground bunkers. I'm ready to die. 

6:52AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. 

6:57AM. I'm not doing anything for these white people or the fake parents they assign to us. These white people are dangerous. Don't trust them. They are known to fake love and lie a lot. When I die, just know I killed a lot of them. They are still trying to enslave everybody and take over the world.

7:00AM. When I die, just know I killed a lot of them. They're a lot weaker than they really look.

7:07AM. Even now with nothing, I'm still not a rapist. I'm still not a child molester. I prefer to let young couples be together with someone their own age instead of taking advantage of little kids. These white politicians spy on underage girls and they prefer to hire rapists, homosexuals and child molesters instead of honest, straight men or any rapist killers.

7:10AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. 

7:10AM. If they start World War 3, the brown people over here are going to be paid by, protected by and fight for the white race. Don't trust them.

7:12AM. Even now with nothing, I'm still not a rapist. I'm still not a child molester. I prefer to let young couples be together with someone their own age instead of taking advantage of little kids. These white politicians spy on underage girls and they prefer to hire rapists, homosexuals and child molesters instead of honest, straight men or any rapist killers.

7:12AM. When I die, just know I killed a lot of them. They're a lot weaker than they really look.

7:14AM. Their men will spy on, drug, manipulate, rape and prostitute your underage daughters. I'm not one of them. I kill them. I don't even want your daughters. 

7:17AM. They backstabbed where they came from. Their own people consider them white now. Don't believe anything they say. They speak for the white race.
7:21AM. It's hard living in a country that's known for using nuclear weapons while disagreeing with their use of nuclear weapons. They want to false flag a nuclear strike and frame it on Asia right now. They offered me a room in the Denver International Airport underground bunker. I refuse. Now they're trying to manipulate me, blackmail me and force me to join them.

7:24AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. 

7:31AM. These brown people lie for money. They backstab and sell their own race out for money. That's why they're white to us now. They invade and enslave. They're not one of us. They joined the white side.

7:35AM. They're brown so their face and neck doesn't get red, but they have white blood in them so they get mad and lie like white people. We don't lie and fake love like them.  They're not one of us. 

7:41AM. If they didn't backstab their own race, the Colonial Army would have never made it into the Middle East or India.

7:55AM.  If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. 

7:56AM. It's hard living in a country that's known for using nuclear weapons while disagreeing with their use of nuclear weapons. They want to false flag a nuclear strike and frame it on Asia right now. They offered me a room in the Denver International Airport underground bunker. I refuse. Now they're trying to manipulate me, blackmail me and force me to join them.

7:59AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. 

7:59AM. Biometric Chip Data Slave Auction. That's where chip you first and throw you back out. Then they sell your biometric data and whoever buys it tries to brainwash and enslave you. It's wireless brainwashing. If it doesn't work, they might try to resell your biometric data to another buyer, and the new buyer will try to brainwash and enslave you remotely. Whatever they tell you on the radio is only to try to get you to trust them or give up so that it's easier for the chip to brainwash you. Don't listen to anything that any of them say. Don't trust the white noise. This is the new neuroscience technology that the Caucasians are using to try and enslave everybody again.

8:01AM. It's hard living in a country that's known for using nuclear weapons while disagreeing with their use of nuclear weapons. They want to false flag a nuclear strike and frame it on Asia right now. They offered me a room in the Denver International Airport underground bunker if I don't say anything about it. I refuse. Now they're trying to manipulate me, blackmail me and force me to join them.

8:08AM. They try to use their slave chip implants to tell me I'm not a slave. If I'm not a slave, then take this chip out of my head and say it face to face.

8:15AM. They play the whiteboy's game. They're the whiteboy's pets. 

8:17AM. Orange County is like Tranquility Lane from the game Fallout right now. You got some old German guy hiding behind a simulator and he's pretending to be a little girl to try and fool you. Fuck Donald Trump and fuck his stupid chip implant.

8:51AM. Euthanasia Rollercoaster. The Caucasians like Schwarzenegger pretend to be normal and pretend to be nice, but they're really racists and they try to entrap and enslave us.

8:54AM. Rest in Peace to Martin Luther King Jr. The whites wanted to assassinate his great grandchild's character so we got him out and back to Africa. I'm dealing with the MK Ultra and character assassination instead.

9:05AM. Wireless Brainwashing using chip implants and lasers. I have to resist their attempts to brainwash me wirelessly every day here in Orange County, California. Be prepared. They're using neuroscience as a weapon.

9:06AM. It's hard living in a country that's known for using nuclear weapons while disagreeing with their use of nuclear weapons. They want to false flag a nuclear strike and frame it on Asia right now. They offered me a room in the Denver International Airport underground bunker if I don't say anything about it. I refuse. Now they're trying to manipulate me, blackmail me and force me to join them.

9:17AM. White people still owe Africa, but they just lie and say I'm racist when I bring it up. I'm one of the few that still speaks for myself. I got tortured, evicted, blacklisted, framed and blackmailed for it.

9:20AM. The Mohicans would protect their women and fight for their women. The Mexicans prostitute their women to the whites. They don't even have queens now. Mexico only has prostitutes now.

9:23AM. Even if I die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women or money. I don't work for them. I don't sleep with their women. I don't cover for their lies. I'm not white. Fuck their white noise radio. Fuck this radio fantasy brainwashed bubble.

9:27AM. When our kingdoms spoke face to face with respect and honesty, shared knowledge and built the pyramids, we didn't invade and enslave one another. No matter how advanced the technology is here, our mixed community was happier and healthier. We didn't start our tribe on slavery and colonialism.

9:53AM. White people still trying to lie and brainwash me. It's like the YSL Woody vs. Young Thug trial going in. No matter what the judge, the prosecutor or the defense has to say about it, they're the ones that make money from it all while they pretend to be white knights on TV.

10:17AM. They have been keeping me in poverty, trying to brainwash me wirelessly and trying to get me to leave so they can continue their secret World War 3 agenda by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China.

10:20AM. When I die, just know that I did not run away and let them start World War 3. They're still watching me and trying to brainwash wirelessly me right now as I type this.

10:27AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. The Mexicans here will work for and fight for the whites.

10:35AM. The guys talking shit on the white noise radio. This reminds me of an old story of when they backstabbed their own race for guns and money and soldiers from the whites to conquer their own race. We were fighting the Colonial Army and got captured. Later, he was talking shit outside our dungeon door even though he sold his own race out to the whites.

10:37AM. In the game Fallout, there's a level called Tranquility Lane where an old German guy is pretending to be a little girl inside a simulation. So compare that to new neuroscience technology such a as Neuralink.  For now, don't believe anything the chip implants tell you. It's not who you think it is. 

11:35AM. If I start to get old and I have no other choice, I want one of my own to kill my. I don't want any of my kids to be white or Mexican.

11:38AM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. The Mexicans here will work for and fight for the whites.

2:47PM. I feel sick all of the sudden. I hope the Secret Service, the CIA and the FBI doesn't try to poison and kill me like they did to Bob Marley. I say some things that they don't want known.

5:47AM. The white noise radio asked me, you're not going to leave? Well obviously I don't want them to start another world war and I don't want them using nuclear weapons. They already drugged me and recorded me agreeing to their use of nuclear weapons before they tortured me and erased my memories. I don't want them using that footage because they had me drugged to get me to agree.

5:55PM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. The Mexicans here will work for and fight for the whites.

6:01PM. I didn't sell out or give anything away. They must be brainwashed by the whites. They probably don't think the word Caucasian is a sneak diss and the word euthanasia is a good thing. They're brainwashed.

6:08PM. I give up sex to make sure they don't use nuclear weapons. They killed Bruce Lee after he had a baby with a white woman. Once they got your genetics, they don't need you anymore.

6:30PM. Fuck their white race and fuck their Mexican drug cartels. They're not good enough for my children.

6:34PM. If the white race starts World War 3 by false-flagging a nuclear strike and framing it on China, they will use it as an excuse to go to war with all of Asia. The white race has already destroyed and stole from both the Middle East and Africa. The white race is dangerous and they are known to lie to, steal from and start wars with their neighbor races. The Mexicans here will work for and fight for the whites.

7:26PM. Politicians complain about immigration on TV but in real life, they have drug cartels kidnap girls from Mexico and drop them off in the USA.

8:11PM. Fuck the Caucasian system. They try to steal our ideas and use us as their work horses, their prostitutes or their criminals. Meanwhile, they're pretending to be hard on crime on television. White Lies.

8:30PM. Fuck their white noise and fuck their nuclear weapons.

7:23AM. They act nice to your face but they hire and send the Mexicans to rob you behind your back. That way, you like them and you dont like the ones they keep sending. That's also why they make their whole race look bad.

7:41AM. There used to be an area where all the liars lives. When you go there, they will try everything to backstab you. They poison your food, they fake love, and they'll do anything and everything possible to backstab you. This area was known to us and under control. It wasn't a problem until the white people attacked and let them all get loose.

8:53AM. One of Venezuelans leaders had sent there daughters to the USA but the Mexican drug cartels backstabbed them and prostituted his daughter.

11:17AM. They act like they know you and they're your friend when they don't know you. They'll make secret deals with the white people to sell your children behind your back like they did with the girls they named Lupe.

1:22PM. When the colonizers first started conquering Europe, some of the white men we knew beforehand would not shoot or fight when they were forced to join the military. They would still be in the battlefield and some of them would still get shot.

4:52PM. We had an Indian and some Chinese studying the Aurora Borealis up in Europe. We'd stay with them for a month or so and then leave. They must have been tortured or something because the Indian guy gave up a secret location that only he knew and the Chinese guys turned homosexual but they said nothing happened and nothings wrong. 

6:44PM. When we were helping the native tribes fight back against slavery and colonialism, we showed them the leaf challenge. They tried it for a couple weeks and came back. Their muscles weren't able to move that fast so they couldn't do it.

8:52PM. The Mexicans from Rancho Cucamonga work with the whites to set traps. They invite you over, try to get you drunk and sleep with their women, and then they try to kick you out and keep your children. They were using that trap back when slavery was still legal.

10:17PM. We all speak face to face with respect and honesty. We don't invade and enslave. We don't hide behind their white noise technology. They would ask us for help if something bad happened to them. It was known that if there was a trap used against any of them, they would use the same trap against me. 

10:57PM. Even if I die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women, food or money.

10:57PM. When this white noise technology first started coming out, there was a secret war fought over it. The white supremacists had lost that war and the different races had to decide what to do with the new technology. They decided to keep it a secret. In case they were all backstabbed and killed later on, they had named it White Noise ahead of time.

11:08PM. They try to steal our kids and have our kids work for them. With the whites, it doesn't work because they steal from those around them creating cognitive dissonance for the ones that are sincere. For the Mexicans, their own children know they lie a lot. They can do and say all the same things we do, but they really don't love their own so their kids can feel it. They tried to steal our kids from us. They're not good enough for me or my children.

11:11PM. There was only one person who knew the location of the liars. He went to go study with the whites in Europe. The guy running that area was a liar that we trusted. He knew that when their location was found, it was because the guy that went to go study with the whites must have been backstabbed. It didn't matter which race was sent to do it because only one guy knew their location.

11;27PM. White people are known to say and do anything for money. They will literally destroy everything and leave nothing but sand behind and then try to kidnap your children and make your own kids fight against you. How can they fix that? Some of them try to offer the technology they invented with the resources that were stolen, but that doesn't stop their stupid people from lying to everyone and stealing everything.

11:35PM. After the nuclear weapons were regulated, some of our people wanted to stay. They said the Mexicans would look out for them and the Mexicans said they would too. When we left, they were backstabbed and called us for help.

11:54PM. It's not stealing if you're getting your stolen money back. Also, some that have slave names on feel like they're forced to lie from birth. As for me, I thought slavery was over. My parents only had me in this country because they thought we could make it through honest, hard work. We didn't come here to lie and steal.

Aug 31- 

1:39AM. We had an Indian and some Chinese studying the Aurora Borealis up in Europe. We'd stay with them for a month or so and then leave. They must have been tortured or something because the Indian guy gave up a secret location that only he knew and the Chinese guys turned homosexual but they said nothing happened and nothings wrong. They wanted us to study with them. All the discoveries they made up there together are owed to our men too. 

1:40AM. Even if I die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women, food or money. 

2:07AM. Three of the tactics that the white Mexicans use is to call you gay, drug you secretly and to send underage virgins around you all the time. This is how they steal good genetics from strong families. The white Mexicans will say and do anything to steal your race's good genetics. Even if I die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women, food or money. 

5:50AM. White people raped your women, enslaved your men, destroyed your history and turned your own children against you. They forced you to be with them. It's not a game. You're brainwashed.

6:08AM. I didn't come here to lie and steal. I'm not Caucasian. I'm Asian. We don't invade and enslave.

6:11AM. Marcus Aurelius didn't even know the Aurora Borealis existed until we taught him out to meditate and showed him the lights. Veni vidi vici. Da real da Vinci code. The Italian children get mad at their own parents when they find out that everything they had was stolen from different races, including their genetics.

6:17AM. There was only one person who knew the location of the liars. He went to go study with the whites in Europe. The guy running that area was a liar that we trusted. He knew that when their location was found, it was because the guy that went to go study with the whites must have been backstabbed. It didn't matter which race was sent to do it because only one guy knew their location. It doesn't matter if it was white people, Mexicans, or Mexicans pretending to be South Americans. As soon as his place was invaded, he already knew what it meant and what he had to do. He was the liar that we trusted. The rest of them only knew what he told them. If they were ever found and taken in as slaves, they would keep running the same program. They would only be found if something bad happened to the Indian guy they sent to study the Aurora Borealis in Europe. He didn't know what that secret location was for, but he was the only one that had left the land and knew it's location. That was long before radio waves were discovered. Why did we keep an area full of liars? Because the white race is known for lying and we would use that area to test ourselves before we went to Europe. In reality, we could have changed their program a long time ago, but we asked the liar we trusted if he could do us that favor so we could train for liars before we go to Europe. They were all in one area and the liars only got loose because the whites attacked and took them in as slaves. The whites never would have found that area unless the Indian guy that went to study the Aurora Borealis in Europe was backstabbed after we left. All the discoveries they made together up there are owed to all our races no matter how much they lie and try take credit for everything. We came there to study science, but the stupid white people play stupid games and always try to backstab and rob everybody.

6:33AM. Veni vidi vici. da Vinci. White people are known to steal their research, technology and genetics from the places they conquered. White Noise. They're always trying to enslave everybody and take over the world. 

6:35AM. The Mexicans sell their kids to anyone. It's not a surprise when they switch races because they'll sell their children to anyone. Sometimes, they rape women of different races and kidnap their children, but when those kids grow up and learn the truth, they don't want to be Mexican anymore. Even when one of our women are raped or one of our children is kidnapped, they still don't want to be Mexican. It only works when they don't know the truth and they're brainwashed.

6:46AM. We would let the liars run their own program, but they would always end up destroying themselves and then they would ask for help. That's because if they have no one to lie to, backstab or steal from, their society always collapses. They were only able to survive for all these generations when someone would realize they're wrong and apologize. Then we would help them out but we asked them to let the liars keep lying so we could practice for the Europeans before we went there. They can't survive on their own. They always destroy themselves. They never would have gotten out if the whites didn't backstab us.

6:47AM. Jesus wept. Whites Lie. The Bible was based on true stories, but the British stole the Bible, changed the names they recognized and cut the stories they didn't like out. Most of the stories in the Bible have to do with white people trying to colonize and poor people fighting back against the Colonial Army. The Britains invented the Christians, but they put a CH instead of a B. When we came back and we found out the guy started to become worshipped because of the Golden Fleece story and some of the stories about Greek gods, we decided to write our own stories down. They had stories about coming down and going on adventures, so we showed them the stories about is fighting against their Colonial Army. When we showed them our stories, they got mad and tried to steal the book from us and rewrite it. They turned Jesus into a invincible character because they had already printed it and their people were already reading it. The Britains didn't want their newly formed Christians to find out what the Bible was really about. They even took out the name Templar Knights, and replaced it with the name of the 666. 666 was a tribe of African warriors that would fight back against the Colonial Army and gave them a lot of trouble. They used the 6 because you walk in the shape of a 6 to get to the top of their hill/mountain. All their hills/mountains were destroyed. There is nothing left but sand. The whitewashed version of the Bible doesn't mention that part.

7:10AM. They're always trying to find the best ones to steal from because their kids are stupid and useless. Any poor and uneducated person can be a crash dummy or a prostitute. We don't need them. All they do is lie and try to steal our genetics. We don't keep anything we don't need. If the white people or the Mexicans try to backstab us, it's going to backfire on them. It doesn't matter if they both lie and they both blame each other for it. They lost their underground tunnel for a reason. Their lies didn't protect them then and they're still lying. If they lose another tunnel, they're just going to keep lying. It doesn't matter what they lose. They'll just keep lying.

7:22AM. There's this game called Legend of Idleon where you have multiple characters. I have it so where my first character has all the highest skill levels and explores all the new areas when I reach them. The other accounts are mostly only to specialize in one skill and to gather resources the entire time.

7:24AM. Three of the tactics that the white Mexicans use is to call you gay, drug you secretly and to send underage virgins around you all the time. This is how they steal good genetics from strong families. The white Mexicans will say and do anything to steal your race's good genetics. Even if I die here, just know that I didn't backstab or sell my own race out for the whiteboy's home, weapons, women, food or money. 

7:27AM. We don't invade and enslave. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. We don't steal babies or genetics. We're not Caucasian. 

I'm not white. I don't need a tank. I'm a tank killer. White people would be nothing if they didn't lie and steal from other races. Fuck their chip implants.  They got yeast from the east. They wouldn't even have bread without us. We don't invade and enslave. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. They forced you to be with them.

They keep saying that I'm their friend or I'm their family. This is how they talk about their enemies because that's the only way they can get close enough to backstab anyone. Really I'm their slave owers killer. Ain't no Plata O Plomo. I killed their sicarios and they lost their tunnel. They hide from me and make secret deals with the white supremacists for protection. They only say I'm their friend or family because they can't fight, so they have to lie to get close enough to backstab you.

Ain't no plata o plomo around me. I killed their kidnappers, rapists and their sicarios. They lost their tunnel on Main and Warner in Santa Ana and we found the whiteboy's that were both paying them and arming them. We don't backstab our own for the whiteboy's money. Ain't plata o plomo around me. Ain't no euthanasia around me. I rather die than to mix with your race. Your race has no respect.

I'm not white. I don't need a tank. I'm a tank killer. We don't invade and enslave. We speak face to face with respect and honesty.

The Scar of Africa used to be all green until the white race attacked. 

Our families are not all perfect, but we actually know everybody and where they are. One is that we check everybody face to face with respect and honesty. Two is that we don't have sex with everyone and leave babies everywhere. We don't steal babies from other races so we actually know our own children. Some people only got loose because the white race lied to us and betrayed us. We had those people under control. The white people wanted to conquer and enslave everybody though. That's like hacking into a computer just to download a virus.

8:40AM. They can hide and say whatever they want. They still owe us an apology for something that they destroyed and can't pay back. Veni vidi vici. da Vinci. Library of Alexandria.

8:42AM. Black noise is better than white noise. We never needed the whiteboy's technology to speak as men before. The whites didn't even leave Europe until they invented metal weapons. They didn't know how to make metal tools until the Africans had blessed them. We never needed the whiteboy's technology back then and we could already have respectful relations amongst our different races. We didn't force anyone to be with us. 

8:44AM. Black noise is better than white noise. We don't invade and enslave. We don't rape your brains or try to brainwash you. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. Black noise is better than white noise.

8:47AM. Black noise is better than white noise. We don't invade and enslave. We don't rape your brains or try to brainwash you. We don't destroy your home and then charge you rent for the place we built. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. Black noise is better than white noise.

8:47AM. The whites are mad that we don't let them conquer anyone and get away with it, especially the KKK which consists of the British, the Nazi's and the Romans. The real KKK members are unofficial, unregistered and they don't wear white hoods.

8:53AM. We know they're not one of ours because we don't raise liars, homosexuals or rapists. It must be one of the whiteboy's pets trying to infiltrate our tribes.

9:01AM. We had an Indian and some Chinese studying the Aurora Borealis up in Europe. We'd stay with them for a month or so and then leave. They must have been tortured or something because the Indian guy gave up a secret location that only he knew and the Chinese guys turned homosexual but they said nothing happened and nothings wrong. They wanted us to study with them. All the discoveries they made up there together are owed to our men too. We didn't have to sell our kids to the white race for their technology. They wanted us to study up there with them because our men are smart and hard-working. They backstabbed our men after we left and stole all the research for themselves. Because they were all studying in Europe together, it was difficult for us to check on our men whenever they felt like making it harder for us. 

9:07AM. It's in their nature to lie, steal and rape. I don't mix with them. They don't check their own. They let their own race spread all over the world and steal from everyone.

Black noise is better than white noise. I'm not white. I don't talk like that.

9:12AM. Even if they frame me, rape me or kill me, I am not backstabbing my own race or selling my own race out just to live with the white people. Because I'm not a woman, even if they rape me, I won't get pregnant. I've killed so many of them I lost count. I'm still outside.

9:16AM. Why East? Because white people would not have bread if the didn't get yeast from the Asians. We don't invade and enslave. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. Their entire English language is based on code words we created between races that couldn't speak the same language as each other. Proto-Indo-European. They tried to steal our code words and use those words to infiltrate the tribes we were cool with. It didn't work so they shot everybody and tried to erase the history instead.

9:20AM. Since they want to interrupt my meditation time, I just report to the rest of the world about how they spy on us and try to brainwash us instead of speaking face to face with respect and honesty. Everybody knows what white people are like.

9:24AM. They said they molded my brain on their white nosie radio. That's why all I do is masturbate and I refuse to have kids with their race now. Fuck their race. 

9:26AM. The white Mexicans said I'm nothing. They're the ones that keep sending their cheapass prostitutes and asking us to help them fight.

9:27AM. Yeast vs da Vinci. We gave them yeast for free because they were cool back then. They gave da Vinci the works they stole from all the places they had conquered.

9:35AM. If you betrayed a good friend and you lost their trust and respect, then there is no technology that you can invent to fix that.

9:36AM. The biometric chip implants act like I want to be with them. I don't even want their women. Fuck their family, fuck their bloodline and fuck their race. They're not one of us no matter what they look like.

We don't talk like white people. We never needed technology to meet each other and travel all over the world. They try to erase our history, whitewash us and make us talk like them. We don't talk like Caucasians. We speak face to face with respect and honesty.

9:40AM. Even if I die here, I didn't backstab my own race to live with these white people. I didn't drop my friends off somewhere dangerous and abandon them. 

9:34AM. The Britains can conquer an entire country with just some words written on a paper. Why can't I save the world by leaving comments? It's all words anyways. The difference is that I'm not lying. I mean what I say and I say what I mean.

9:47AM. They keep talking to me on the white noise radio like I'm a whiteboy. I'm not a boy. We speak face to face with respect and honesty. 

9:47AM. They said they don't want me back. I don't know them. I don't trust them. Fuck their bloodline and fuck wherever they are. I don't even want to hear them. Fuck their family.

9:50AM. They're still talking to me on the white noise radio. Just know that even if I die here, I didn't backstab my own race just to live with these white people or their Mexicans. Fuck their euthanasia. Fuck their plata o plomo.

10 + 10 = 11.
11 - 1 = 10.
11 - 10 = 10.

10 = Ten

9:55AM. Fuck the white noise radio. I'm not white. I don't use that bullshit. Black noise is better than white noise. I think for myself and I speak for myself. I don't backstab my own race for the white race's money, food, weapons, women or home. 

10:02AM. Before the discovery of radio waves, we had an Indian and some Chinese studying the Aurora Borealis up in Europe. We'd stay with them for a month or so and then leave. They must have been tortured or something because the Indian guy gave up a secret location that only he knew and the Chinese guys turned homosexual but they said nothing happened and nothings wrong. They wanted us to study with them. All the discoveries they made up there together are owed to our men too. We didn't have to sell our kids to the white race for their technology. They wanted us to study up there with them because our men are smart and hard-working. They backstabbed our men after we left and stole all the research for themselves. Because they were all studying in Europe together, it was difficult for us to check on our men whenever they felt like making it harder for us. The Chinese guys said nothing happened, but they became homosexuals all the sudden so we knew something happened to them. The Indian guy must have been tortured too because he gave up the secret location of a place that only he knew about. When the white race sent a group to that area, the guy running that area already knew what that meant and what he had to do. It didn't matter what race was sent to do it because only the Indian guy that went to study the Aurora Borealis in Europe with them knew that location. We don't think the Chinese guys betrayed the Indians, either. We think they were drugged and brainwashed after we left. 

10:07AM. Three of the tactics that the white Mexicans use is to call you gay, drug you secretly and to send underage virgins around you all the time. This is how they steal good genetics from strong families. I'm not letting their bitch-made families have any of my kids. Fuck their families.

10:10AM. Three of the tactics that the KKK use is to drug you, blackmail you or rape you. This is how they steal good genetics from strong families. I'm not letting their bitch-made families have any of my kids. Fuck their families.

10:14AM. Fuck their white noise radio. Even after being chipped by the White Supremacists and trying to brainwash me everyday, I still don't want to be white. It just makes me dislike their race and their women even more for it. They lie too much. I am always fighting against their wireless brainwashing attempts here.

10:17AM. Fuck their white noise radio. Even after being chipped by the White Supremacists and trying to brainwash me everyday, I still don't want to be white. It just makes me dislike their race and their women even more. I ain always fighting against their attempts to brainwash me, wirelessly.

10:22Am. These whiteboys are going to learn that it doesn't matter what kind of technology they invent. It doesn't matter how rich they are. It doesn't matter where they go. It doesn't matter if they can hide for the rest of their lives. They're only making it worse for their entire white race.

10:24AM. We don't steal genetics from other races. The British got their height from the Middle Easterns, and the Middle Easterns got the tallest guy in the world at that time from us. We asked them to discipline him for us because the Incas were mad at him for the plan he came up with even though they knew he was still young but they  chose to follow his plan instead. They weren't that tall until they started stealing genetics from other races.

10:30AM. Y east? Because the Europeans got yeast from Asia. Then they invented bread. 

10:31AM. Why they don't talk face to face with respect and honesty? Because they don't have respect and they're used to lying. 

10:34AM. There's a reason why I can study and learn anything that they know, but they're too scared to speak face to face with respect and honesty.

10:37AM. There's a reason why they keep trying to steal our genetics and our children, but I'm out here refusing to have sex and refusing to let their women have my kids.

10:39AM. Fuck their white noise radio. Even after being chipped by the White Supremacists and trying to brainwash me everyday, I still don't want to be white.

10:41AM. Fuck their white noise radio. Even after being chipped by the White Supremacists and trying to brainwash me everyday, I still don't want to be white.

10:43AM. The stalkers and rapists say I'm not nice. That's only because I murder them. I'm nice to the families of the women and children that they raped.

10:44AM. Fuck their white noise radio. Even after being chipped by the White Supremacists and trying to brainwash me everyday, I still don't want to be white.

10:47AM. The Mexicans here said they would look out for our people when we left. After we left, they had tried to drug, rape and brainwash our people. When we came back, they tried to blame it all on the white people. The Aryan Brotherhood and the Mexican Mafia work together. 

10:54. Before the West Coast was conquered, there was a group of whites that were trying to separate themselves from their parents and give their race a better reputation. We brought them with us around the world and they got a different mix in their blood. They came back to the USA after all that and got raped by the KKK. They were also known for planting carnations wherever they settled. We showed them that flower and they liked it because it could change colors. Car Nation. In The End - Linkin Park.

11:04AM. Before the discovery of radio waves, we had an Indian and some Chinese studying the Aurora Borealis up in Europe. We'd stay with them for a month or so and then leave. They must have been tortured or something because the Indian guy gave up a secret location that only he knew and the Chinese guys turned homosexual but they said nothing happened and nothings wrong. They wanted us to study with them. All the discoveries they made up there together are owed to our men too. We didn't have to sell our kids to the white race for their technology. They wanted us to study up there with them because our men are smart and hard-working. They backstabbed our men after we left and stole all the research for themselves. Because they were all studying in Europe together, it was difficult for us to check on our men whenever they felt like making it harder for us. The Chinese guys said nothing happened, but they became homosexuals all the sudden so we knew something happened to them. The Indian guy must have been tortured too because he gave up the secret location of a place that only he knew about. When the white race sent a group to that area, the guy running that area already knew what that meant and what he had to do. It didn't matter what race was sent to do it because only the Indian guy that went to study the Aurora Borealis in Europe with them knew that location. We don't think the Chinese guys betrayed the Indians, either. We think they were drugged and brainwashed after we left. 

11:46AM. It's crazy that the gnome became President of the USA at all. Even before he joined the Nazi's, he was always jealous of the real G. The real G ended up fighting to the death in prison. The gnome bribes the police to set up prison riots and watches it from the security cameras while betting on who will win against other white racists.

12:10PM. Before the discovery of radio waves, we had an Indian and some Chinese studying the Aurora Borealis up in Europe. We'd stay with them for a month or so and then leave. They must have been tortured or something because the Indian guy gave up a secret location that only he knew and the Chinese guys turned homosexual but they said nothing happened and nothings wrong. They wanted us to study with them. All the discoveries they made up there together are owed to our men too. We didn't have to lie, cheat or sell ourselves for this new technology. They wanted us to study up there with them because our men are smart and hard-working. They were lucky to even have us there with them. A lot of modern technology comes from the research and development that started out there. The Romans didn't even know the Aurora Borealis existed. Marcus Aurelius is the only Roman that saw it with his own eyes and we're the ones that brought him up there to see.  He wanted to set a good name for his civilization when they were still new, but they backstabbed him and started conquering everyone around them instead.

12:27PM. Back when the colonizers started invading and enslaving, some people would promise to sabotage them and ruin them no matter where they were taken to, after. Some of their kids have this engrained into their DNA whether they know it or not and they will continue to repeat certain behaviors because that was their family's last wish before they were conquered.

12:47PM. The Mexican drug cartels have been kidnapping girls from Mexico to sell to the KKK since the first quinceanera, but in the USA, they fake love and fake Brown Pride. A lot of Mexicans in the drug cartels actually abandon their own race and try to go somewhere where the drug cartels can't find them because they don't like being forced to rape or be raped under the plata o plomo program. The USA has everyone in this bubble believing their lies when their version of the story is not really what's going on outside of this bubble.

12:49PM. The Europeans probably won't give us credit for this, but we taught them how to ask why. We also gave them yeast. They see dragons as monsters but in reality, a dragon was an Asian person that could fight, build and grow food all by themselves.

12:57PM. Some people never learn from their mistakes because they don't want to. They make mistakes on purpose to find out how much they can get away with before they have to fake an apology. When they have no one else to lie to or to steal from, they start backstabbing their own and their society starts to collapse. 

1:05PM. When you realize that Joe Rogan was supposed to do No Jumper and Adam 22 was supposed to do Fear Factor, you realize how far ahead they plan things out. Joe Rogan didn't do No Jumper because they both got switched at birth. If he did, No Jumper probably wouldn't be secretly setting people up and having their guests followed home and jumped.

1:14PM. When someone is the best at something, they can prove it. When someone lies to get the job, they do the math wrong and get their coworkers hurt. We someone is loyal to their own, it doesn't matter if you raped their women and kidnapped their children. They will keep sabotaging you until they go back to the group that knows how to deal with them, even if you made them change skin colors.

4:35PM. The white noise radio is like an interrogation room now. They just keep trying to make accusations and ask loaded questions while they're really just hiding and lying.

10:07PM. White people like Donald Trump will try to label you clinically insane to cover up their abuse of new technology. They think that if they get it first and cover it up, no one will ever know how they're abusing new neuroscience technology and brain-computer interfaces like Neuralink and BrainChip. 

10:10PM. They whispered "you're friend list is gone." They're so narcissistic that when I talk about nuclear weapons, they talk about how my likes and views they get.

10:14PM. The Mohicans would protect their women and tell the whiteboys where they couldn't go. The Mexicans prostitute their women and do anything for the whiteboy's money.

10:20PM. Their undercovers point out how I'm not friendly to them. Fuck their families. They're friendly to the KKK. They're so friendly to rapists they sell their daughters to them. I'm their murderer. I'm not their friend.

10:22PM. White people like Donald Trump will try to label you clinically insane to cover up their abuse of new technology. They think that if they get it first and cover it up, no one will ever know how they're abusing new neuroscience technology and brain-computer interfaces like Neuralink and BrainChip. 

10:27PM. It's not personal. All of them are like that. They're known for it. They lost their underground tunnel on Main and Warner in Santa Ana for a reason. 

10:30PM. White people like Donald Trump will try to label you clinically insane to cover up their abuse of new technology. They think that if they get it first and cover it up, no one will ever know how they're abusing new neuroscience technology and brain-computer interfaces like Neuralink and BrainChip. 

10:31PM. White people like Donald Trump will try to label you clinically insane to cover up their abuse of new technology. They think that if they get it first and cover it up, no one will ever know how they're abusing new neuroscience technology and brain-computer interfaces like Neuralink and BrainChip. 

10:34PM. White people like Donald Trump think people are too dumb to understand wireless technology. 

10:41PM. White people like Donald Trump will try to label you clinically insane to cover up their abuse of new technology. They think that if they get it first and cover it up, no one will ever know how they're abusing new neuroscience technology and brain-computer interfaces like Neuralink and BrainChip. 

10:43PM. White people like Donald Trump will try to label you clinically insane to cover up their abuse of new technology. They think that if they get it first and cover it up, no one will ever know how they're abusing new neuroscience technology and brain-computer interfaces like Neuralink and BrainChip. 

10:51PM. White people like Donald Trump will try to label you clinically insane to cover up their abuse of new technology. They think that if they get it first and cover it up, no one will ever know how they're abusing new neuroscience technology and brain-computer interfaces like Neuralink and BrainChip. 

10:53PM. White people like Donald Trump will spy on your daughters in your own home and send their sons to drug your daughters without them knowing. 

10:55PM. White people like Donald Trump will try to label you clinically insane to cover up their abuse of new technology. They think that if they get it first and cover it up, no one will ever know how they're abusing new neuroscience technology and brain-computer interfaces like Neuralink and BrainChip. 

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